OWhvdwvvvrovo rrvv 1110 NVVIIIwu inrr walwt Isms smitten rtJLIDAT Continued District Growth Seen By Simcoe Centre MPP AITIUI IVAN We Raemlnsvrssbylhrhosb dIl Connors to Itrrngthen wumywtlleouhtboum tnaeoniinoodmsth immatuan thI attrition expansionary tIrIadupmdltnumaura mllyummcodbytholro mammumnu limit with dIterinloIdeiiortI Impon IINI todoulllnlis eapaulytolmnroureommic andwrlibelngot Wdtlnll llll ECONOMY lo IllssIlItI the mono on tarts Comment has proceed Id with pdmul income tax cuts which will lIII stint in two hndhmtbohulbandlrnot Worhhpevgruingwrlinl eovrrodnnitr this plan thewidenlngsttltgbwayabt Aromhlnrdhelllhlnsmacl IwernlbrmendBInhfaI prmalumgtombnbeenpol wtdeaialvmmhllbeenm Inlombllmlnphclnllbluw pieiodtotIIIIlIwa pointbo Its OllStPIadOlISC martinis tween Barrie and Thrusts tin IIItuIsledprIvtoodthlsatw lllghway IllIiIiwwHIpns program has roads It possible milymtinulngonurtmrtast iorthuorunnunruradmlo rhesIlnnglIIrenialndIottII lIlpmnliun insets temper wsy month tor single person1 Ind Ther III been matterhi per BIth tor couples Ind work done during III winter tbeiriainlllulnlidtlloo iowln months nonhul BIrrlItotrowa eooio milled Ind Individth itilwhirhhubelpedtocau will min premium assistance wlrler unemployment to our necessary area succession DUTIES WASIRA PAH lrn rennin that many at our Wt Wilma Sirocco Cen people Iill be pleased to ilnd in hitch II mousing well Is that number It isrsuhi the WIIIII Part Cornmuniiy ranges lure been may in guo Fromm lilo lint phase or is rush duties These new ellIil WI to dcver mitt II will IllinlIItI in levels on riodli rremtion complex In IhI estates under Iiooloonl hymn Ilium IreI wu rompleled thI Incidents oi this III and bud Oi Idlrduil lIIl year lhI will greatly rndues ux pmsilru mt Illu new woman to Ieli CandlIn lustly twulaeir llI it Milled Importation es and iamtly um um Ind IIer Itudlu end the Specic changes eiiectlll Jan development It tool Ind red on III II toltaws II will system in All rate schedules will be in My Ii Itll III govern chmiasud meat at Ontario agreed to male ill Ali Itntuuwillbrellmln tunds IrIIlIbiI tor the rustic sled Ind inr III madam or certain nemtton iorotdon and had essential to II Iuecsss widowrrs ibstaereased train III the mrrlm Ind Indicated some on ppm thtIuI tor Implementing oth My am 1m er aspects wuuldbs iorthronalng noon will not bl lttbltcitd It the wt too run to duty IrgIrdlesI oi their tilr laud in II titll tributlun ma th vmiim purchaud ham II All run and within is the Wit It Elm Merlin ARTHUR EVAN lion to in increased tram Ira milliooh lIsiLyntrl to unt na ensp en toopera with mainlalylnallties tIlI program is Intiprsted to errata sumo to too temporary pp lor the win ler months ior tho provinces un employed OTIIER 60 To help him other goals tho provincial government III IbolLshId health premiums ior cm at tho greatest ransom our eitixnss who It years at at my governrmt ls Inernploy rs and over and tar their el mentour resent unemplo It Ida oul IltuItlon id lb prdvlma my re 11 hbd years prior to the death oi the in the hurt at Barrio when rotted In number at tom years old and the spins mm in WW I3 up mum Mum Immc ML mu mom new way minhlrItion oi Justice bulhting contribute to your Industrial and My Man mm mummmm if om deItla It cost at ILWM Commercial Prrvlcw mwfmnmx reamwu ldluttl l0 talll IS mm It IgI Ind III has mu mm ml mm resealalionr lrom local author bllchllillia lbw till Till mill in our up our plgugd In have IIppeod Iinco my my surely be III envy ol the rest memm am the church the grocery store Ind tho rector ehsngrs la in nn Wl whim to ill Wm mil till and III sums murmurnmrm VIIICbsimsn oi Ontario llydrn Milli Will but lip ll hiddolsasl mugs the Post Oliles comprised the community where the IelticrI bartertd and traded the people wortrdhardsodthelrwsntl inthlruui round an uedtagIlIalncrediblIratetn inlaid iidmiuglaiil Ptllpvwlygorernnlenlvud lttlimltim iibull Irrdilrlt liliuui wlihthrItIrImrut us As Jim in In um mgzgmu Kunming mmtmetlontatho seat roveraim can ttildtmihThlti or in no mm mammograms ltt mi minimum or as yun oi serv mm1 erstlnn is an airport to service1 werI lew Barrie has come too wa ii mum is lt tspth county real oi moor rout townshlpI and villages II ml In NEW om tlvltirs both stirring summer and II thI sits the nodal IervteeI ROBERT NIXON Barrie The Hub Of Recreation ROBERT NIXON on our diheas greater pur rbulng power which In turn to suits in needs ior production It goods and services consequen mulling II more lobe People Of Barrie Make The Cilia WWW llameot tor Barrie Il Li distinct We In the Opposition irel that Ontario Liberal teIdrr Ev ltrcy tor growth In barrio lies Importation two areas Wanmly nvcd nitration in spite oi the Iengerr on biweekly or weekly basis Agrleullurc the pleasure to write about this city whirh is strategically ritu sled on ltenapenlelt liar have the BarrieOrillII area it is It last evident that the new lit ternaitonsl Airport tor Toronto will not be near Barrio but some inelllty must now be provided to ttnlr Barrio to the rest It 0n tarlo and Canada The liberal Party will continue to work on your bebsli to Its winter watts tasks Simon has Ill total PNViOtllil ll le ll Facilities ior closed drrulltele the It in mum mun on big the summer months the vision being Installed in Il Ilou only alter to years oi rur mumlugbfggbwohgl growing polarity oi Ilillng roost all IohoolI ior iutuvs kl mm pump mm WWW Ill Indl shill on shortly it will be hurls dIvIlemeotJntIlI case it will Emmy mm mum brings winter vacationers to the wagonace delta nmgmlulmfmmm mnh Imminent makes it growth Inddlvetopiuntrothat helmlailimr Tl more It won the mom to um malmam iy Wm watched the city It BIrrlI grow irom less than no to nearly 23M people in the put III ta the history Il Barrie gnu back many yen in its connect ing link with old hluddy York whlahlshnolatodIyIIthIIity when till Sheridan liolel In Lt niI Peril III In lisster An tenna Television system Install Ivsnt which Is enlnyrd by many WW hm OntIrto residents each year diverIllird OTInlLII Ii Penetan IsIeII aelorI Coo III iew dollars were wen ni Tomato and the military tort irderlllun II was the voting rentra ior Simeon ridlnn whla extradtd irons Georgian lssy to Aurora lit that time III rei IlerI walled many miles to poll their vols tor the respective un dldIIeI lbI balloting not as III and Mg thlo tlml cIIrued ior tIvorI rendered or expected Tholglrlrthblslloinl dank area was Constitution Art which inland Upper and wer cInIdI There were no secrIlI Is to whom one voted ior in that day Sir Samuel Steele oi III ltCllIP was con oi the elected memben nl Parliament ior Elm eoo beioro ConiederItlon me morial ItIndI today in his honor at Fatrvslley in tho riding oi North Slmsoe TRANSPORTATION Oscarts wailing and back rldla was dis mode trsnsportat on ll thIl time lioats pl ed the waters between 0r horse Ind dude and carried pas tor the provincial and isdrrIt Prominent well known roll my bus Cill Borden is lit llng but ten miles trons the llicestsllsotabsiomidin the dirqu tII ailnnum Elliot IstrItIon Am III Sim Coim Sulde Imiiii OOH II Applied Irtund Maintain PROUD It it lIthI in at Barrie hol Iver who IrInaIdIltthI idly IiiIt IIsysrulprogees II No lint to apportith and aware ot III needs oi lhI city Is well II III reqritrr meats oi Industry Barrio Is this tadustrlal realm with well ed Industries and erred rot in relations The line parks and lovely beaches more Iuhslsntlal tourist industry Bank has hId tho Idvsnlsga oi ghood munietal overnrneat over years has madam rte in essence miniature oi tht we would like all Canada to be am proud to rear or do to the iodersl Parltnmuil Firm Will Erect Master Antenna industry in bartie continues to grow and lending Ielplny band is Allandata umber Fur and Construction Company Lini lied to company which has rar rled on buslnrss on tho aamu IltI Ilnce Charles Giliin pup chased an old lumber mill on Ears Road It years ago has evolved toto malor construe lion Ind building supply coma any Iln ml the ilrm constructed additions to and Paper Ltd Canadian ter lteirtgerwtlon Limited In WM dormi tory tor the Salvation Army It Glcoutrn to ma thus tar Ito tirm is is the midst oi construth an addition to Tandy leather aoy and is complelbig rcnova era to West head at Canada Ltnltrd which is moving Its hard oilich to Barrio FEST TEA EVER We anticipate this is going to be one oi the blygcst best yearI ever In Robert Lactic manager oi AliIiIdale lumber met and Construction Company Ltd Development is boomln in Barrie Were get ting or daily about proposed buildings even lt one out three or tour develops Itll Itill be busy year lloliI construction ones came to In almost complelo standstill durtnr wlnlrr months It Is oil too er llr Lucile raid he Ila more and more construe tion tatlrig plate to the winter Spend at eonslnlcllolt Is the toy to success in this business now he raid the construction and oi Ilia business uses all Mlandalp Lum bcr supplies whenevrr possible In Iiication might be the use in bulldlr oi sleet basins which would avetobo urchas ed lroeu on outside dea or luluraibulldtog plans ior 1m hicluda In aaooosquara toot addition to tho Radio Shack bull Dnra construction is complet ed the Absolute arm is Ibla to romplcto any interior decor sting chores Donna Cornish the interior decorator otter has the total decision about color schemesbledlehntn dp rovolm Ilwr so eorc aco paoyygors ahead with the lob Besides derorltia ior new roletritnornls Ilso helps hommwnen who may want to Install capretlog walls or renovate recreation room Wilhthlssvrvlrthocom ls Iblo tohdo all this Eons ill in an an thidlrpes lilo the complel building hlr Lackio sold it was essentially service to create happy nutrmer Ono ol the robleens the tour pany runs talc especially with renovating Ire lodeclslvs people who cannot visualise whats going to lugpen look ing It plan Me has laid mi they may ictl they want one thing but once they see It the mango their minds ilo II this was common problem that the company ruin tnto ireoueni lII laid it oiten takes lengthy explIaIllon boler people get the limb is trying to pro post The company does not carry preloInulcd homes liOlVliOObi 5The showroom nl Atlandalo Lumber Fuel and Construction Company limited carries coin pletI stock at most home coa Itructlon reads The company stools Pratt and Lambert Paint ltir Lariin said this brand Is one vi Ilia most popular paint lines in CIiiIda Ills Ilore has the dealership tor the entire county ior tho hiltbe melalogpm three which no co kitchen cupboards ready toe in Ilsllatlon For other areas oi the home the store also Carries ding schedulld ior coin lellon in August floor covering in addition llnllle carpeting and wallpaper In MWTP is to using closed circuit telrvtsion supp III inItrrtIl Ind IIIW strollhn creelton oi the antenna which will In all all cilan nelI to II others the thin Idian government IgIlnIt rainy inns who were beltzr knows Fortimateiy ior us wId done lot sears TV antenna uld lamina htul Iterator tress one at Barrio maximisation We had tooualtir ourselves with what wIva done it wasnt been on low hidden wirelnmiaiii pruideul will be In Peru tor tour to six weeks ior III installment MISTER ANTENNA IIo MA IV systems all toe on large hauler InteonI that will draw in channels and schools ior eduralloml television Ono ol the Idvsolares oi the MA TV system in lliIt III lino is not required to remain within any one area They recently were awarded the contrIct ior Its schools In sault Ste llarie Tho contract involves dro ping line Indoutlelntoallthec sroomv lira iltll raid the wiring Involv ed In tho Mom is just like the trtoat wiring You iced the III III to I11 rooms Iho nld All rooms get In equal IlgaIl This is where the technology comet iii when you Inow how to make up the losses and dtilerences in signal strength The inn also deals tn closed circuit television lllrr llletl raid It Is used quite often now ior surveillance purposes CLOSED CIRCUIT large retIlI tires in Orillis to keep In eye on potential rho tillers slid the lilltm has heed Installed in the OrlliiI and line via islis Is my measure to through lbI CITI mainly will ired marry lirrrot sets It III anion time away In and in Bur thmmunlcattonr Ale Io cats with talereom pub lic IddresI systems WI do pollen and tin depIrt merits bill hirll IIid The in niaill police department and lbs tin depIrImean in Barrie WI II Brash Ind Colllngwood an ambush CommunlrItlons syr ina company also uutahiryi terns In horpltIls it was all awarded eonlraet ior our call and ptiblie address Iyrtaminahor tIllothIIreI ltlrI lileil said III also drawn the mntrIct tor the public Id dresI and television systems II III new llrtn tales SetoodIry School to 0rilliI TIA MLENAN inund in the last doing good many community IuslrieIseI suchIs car dealerships llirs itcll said Now ml the item In Isles mIn on the road it can approach the smaller businesses WI havent been Ibis to get to them bciore Ilia added she said many lumber yards use the intercom system be cause ol the call back iealuro that allows immediate convcrsa tlon between the show room and lilo warehouse areas Many people are taking Id vIntIgc ol the rental system tho in otters as well ilrs ilell ll The company also Installed new sound Iystern tor Central Collegiate in Barrie It is burst on In Iroiutlcnl mirror Image inert Ind can be turned In tht there is absolutely no lied back It In revamped the round IyI tam Ettore entering tho diversliled romnnuitcatlons business the llells no television business Besides ltlr and tin hlelL tho ilrm employs stall at In prisoners COME lN liyounlromhgvpsboot ttUltOCltoonIIlp TONIGHT DONT WORK tour IllIrII ho had to not all but and landlord Hill WANiiiin Iriii time return tor our Midi ml So In DIRKmil be plant In Farm hustlers and individual RetoIaI LTD indittrnututenkahlhhuttttttmuluhlmrln DWWP itiPAtlthl BAltltiE Ill PLEASANT EL ERICK tint mom OPEN MON TO This AM TO PbLi MT TO IntI allowance on tho llml is Is the widow oi rnIlI leIrhIr At III IImI limo it III Ipouss It In teacher Iii bin own Iigb It Li slblo ior Iurviror to con to draw his owns pension Ind It the Issue ltuiI IIVI tbs right to Ipply iors dependIoII II tribute coulderl and ionic are in is good Fashion Stare store is more than place to buy plea of mareliondiso To your custom store is place she gdu to restore liar condence in time store in port of her tits It eon trlbutes to ltll personality and same of well being She goes there not only to shop but to learn to find out whats right and how IhI Ihould look and how the should dms Walrus Srilrnuan Consultant Santa Barbara Colilornlo WE AGREE Thats what Green woods have always believed Thats why Greenwoods is such happy and exciting store for thous onds of women II or There Is no doubt ml the in ct Storm Center will beatilt trons our all policies and programs Then Is also no doubt that our people will con its clean air Ind nuth III IdrantIgI held by IIIrIi All uses which leolouslyy guards resuurres will at cause wel omo tougher provincial legisla likgili deaths Illllll pollution coo rov row controls can to III smut total not only our oi oi the entire prol regard to new industries locatlril capacity as Oittctal Opptsllioia to keep the Government respon Ilve to tho needs oi the people at Ontario wish the people ilarric success to their lulura en deavors The year ahead prom lscs in one at economic well belng and as such will sooth us to reflect record progress iarswnr ire water competitive hIrrio with QIINsxnnIxr