ll IAnll Mn ZEDAT FEB 21 In ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATESI Dull Notion humour Birth $130 tmmhwlmmkwm Mdnanhtbtrdal llMdUAilULkP do Woo EventI Ina per mono lath JII Iiernorlarn too venei Vaulptrrooutuucxuat BIRTHS oAumlou Iml on till UI Wm FM 11 vaI out In ion In In in luI Ml Dom cudI It co tum onto ram or than no Iva nv muv AM Wt III Intle It OI low SW Iolvll who to In mm him It In amt In vinoy howdy II Im II no amt vIuII mum or on mm Irarut rumor IImvameIIN mn or mom me an ill Md I1 tumn Ma Ina cm In mus void all Ml Irv do Im mi our on In sumI on it In no no hl on usmn va Irv run Im um on The Ind MIDI um In mm mo mum my no ma at rvuvItmannw om am IIITII IlarmInl or an mu primlmv mold Iurr my room III III Im II iv in nhxivmn 31 who In on no moo norm DEATHS tttu tunoi loor Mm Ian on my mum 11 Im mi mum promo wl on me Itov Mn Mm IN III mt Umy anonw rt um Met Vtellon avnvvaudmotmi mm and mm Iuw II In 1mm iwll tit mom to Ink to mica on many In women Emil Union MIIIII An In HI tho wmt Tm may It Mm Maputo In Mun humid EIIIIotm WI ml lotIInq It It Mel Fromd III Imuld ht limo Sondra Md tottimiltal In no wool loamy It pm Won rrt Ink Union Mann Ell ttlvtu AJIII vitiqu In In limitl Ollwl VI sway quly rt Im Iiun William mun In In living AM at David IM nod Nevill Murmur our wanton um erila Ina min am but not It liken Mung It on mum in now cow aim tor unlet on mommy Moon or Inn tumor at room Anglican cmtory Commit In too at um molt mu to the cm Cum wry Im Aunt Anatomyroom to Olilllo II no mm my away vIovuIvv MW Mlitiwl Mi no Started in Iron ma mu urn RIM Iv hm armorv ot hook they wt of on mm ot mu Irothvv oi In IIII Mom mo mm III II in mic chm MI Jam It Lynn Imll mm vmlu no mo am my oot kal to IN mm oil wro nm Much II Inicmum in Unied tummy In no main mm to mt he hummer would loom CARDS OF THANKS ItAIll not in mm mm nounnome vim whlil turn In onII vwiI mIIII will mm to or no numl Ind my on In no Ith lim Dan lIIa Im our moment All our hum mom II on mm mm In Ill my tollowi our Irriwl All to un uy II mm to lhitloy MrilI MlLLllm unity or IM Into My Mum will II um their Io Ion to IM norm DI our and or trauma oi the loyll wall Ntllil lorriIi mm to not It Irwin or lliiilmll Ihmwn I44 mlv mummt VIIIII to out moth mu hotalill Atoo hum nip how inIan In my rm um ti Iymhatiy Md mm vwmmo It In it Ito you or our new IM ruin rmliv WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ITHURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Ilievtxcrt lrtnucntly ntk thII qumlnn Ioriunnlciy thcro it III ll tidy to udlcrihc Hoot day now naniI IIlIlii hvinpinl now reorim nI old one untidy Ihtr unit We rotommcnd that ytu hdil your IIII tomorrow and cancel Il uhIn your pot reyullI Alloy nvny IE nl txnirienco will milhont ul ItliI Illil we know lnmvnvnw In the hctt day to hIdil your DiI onil every day It lin hurt 1in to oilvrrllne In In iinrvie Examiner Claullicd new corona EVENTS ngo Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West Special Game Shire the Wealth ADMISSION 50c In rapport ot the Banlo Brant Nlt1 we oi Canada 14 BINGO WEDNESDAYS AT lhl SATURDAYS AT PJL hood Ward Community III Gill Ind Bond Sit DIIIIII TF PATTERNS CHICK cloth Am MIMI EIIyIItImmInl lIneI ugh II ualxt by optional hell arch the lprltl Ilahlon Ilory It It Imartelli Chum knit or crisp hienda now Printed PItlerI on NEW lllltm Stun in II it It ll Silo ll thuIt III drcII tailor Iii yards Islnch ENEMYFIVE CENT 75 crntIl In coInI inn Ilampa ploavot ior nth letcrn add Ii rcnlI ior ouch pattern tor illll till molllny Ind IpecIIl hondiinx Ontario mldeItI Idr tcrItI ulea III Irint plalnly hill7 NAAIIT ADDRESS BTYLE NUIIEIHII Srnd ortcr Io ANNE ADAMS rare nl Tho lIorIIr Examiner lnttcm Dept to Front Slrcct IIrIt Toronto Onlorlo FRRlii Chum onel new pattern Irony 150 alllrl in new Illl Wlnley Poilrln Cotuloy AII IIIIII CntIon so crnlr INSTANT SEWING HOOK col ill Icv moricrn iva lino INSTANT EASIIllIN IIDOK vhai lo our antitrr 1100 Oulll Hook Ito paiicrnv rllll ilIuIeonI ilollt Ilook or Hot ItooIt Ll llnlllt tor Todaya Liv ill IIIayerwiih hovviot Nowort Cov Woth OPEN DAILY Inn IS pattern to min In Fill mm to II pm rIm Include plant to he IanIIlcd In Could tutor Iupply hy rnnurlny IIIII oaIto II Ictumrd to the city trratvncnt plant will vlthln city and provinclIl Iimh ole odor and Impurity torm Ilr Rania IItIr mad about theiroedlnuemldnaa roalot rector lo Formosa SWIM Brrwcryd Wish to bald mt modern hmin plant In NEAT run It on not he actually peed ttr only mum Im horn hello to EN Ind MUM III early February In the III mooo plaal 0mm hrlrrior donntlrn In hel an new plant arable Im on room It ctr In roar mom program alrmd It In IvrIIlnr the worm rhIro oi tho large Ontario hrcr mare ht Uhimatrly Form Iolmdo to expand Ira operalima Icrou Canada tmuumer demand tor our prodtrta haI been IteIdIIy Lo muiop hot ma limllrd hr the rtpxity oi our old pIIot and could not expand it direltvrly Our Barrie plIot open up many pportrnoitla tor III Iatd hor mao Wrichl president Ilr Wright 37 II ooc oi tho vunlut man ever to head Dnhdiih orrvlor rumour Ila Iolnrd lomiou Srploy hm cry in April int no moqu ml at multtinp and III Ip nr can at tho cardinal IItIr tound than Iald Itr hind Formosa Sprint been Iain thin tradition at excellent nit IIIieh Ilin in the main IpnIu It Formosa Ontario muumouvNW Inlm mm waIiouodod hr Bavarian timer Aodm Raul built mail In Formal lama Rois II hmer oi Ravarlll oddl WI rhnod the mm In In ITDSZ FAMILY to Rain mii Du hm Ale radatrd ldh the company It on And lht Rein usury It lino orelat lo molar trr dillou Today or memhm at tho lanatlyI Ir min at tho plant and 1le In Barrie Wile item it the mmpuyl mater prover PM your brothel in plant admlololnlioo manager Oscar In older brother retired Dorenher ItIuIIcI WIon Ind Battle IleiIx constitute tho filth gem Itlon tiIrrIe hiemaster LI animal to Walter Brainy capacity oi iho coon panyI old plant In Forum war Ipproxlroalely mono harrela you Expansion not Do uhlo motor to populItion iaclorv nonco Formosa Decision Booed Mainly On Barrie Water lion Ind remtin Iru which the company piano to develop on tho plant Iiio will lnrludo IIth trails lam ilah Md Flak tIhlrI model Inn and I9 the dirtaoco mm transportation led ruldent Ill Dccemhcr WVIIhiLo Emil II prima ohlec tile Formosa does not Inlend T7 In rhed Ila tradition at Ooaillov ImIlleIl hrrllox company and company oriented to omit vaI Mr Writh no lo room Weve horn media lot at Iimr lhlcnlnt and talking to non people ermloon their changing vIIuI Iyrtrma Iod their worm with IoclIl Issue he Bid No ieCI that port at tho community Ihoold lot Iccontlogly Frooi oi tho companyl philo Iophy Ind concern In renoctrd In Formosa SprinyI lnIlIilallIn oi Idvaoced environmeottl con Irola In the Barrie plant Ind ita Inlrmt in convemttoo II II our philosophy that the environment mint ho prolecltd Iod enhtortd uherr possihlc and liohI Bentley dim tor ol corporan IiiIlrv Iormer mayor ol Barrio and mldrot oI Barrio uho commuter daily to the companys herd olllu to Toronto Tho compon vtcenlly Ionoun red comprehensive Iouirttor pollution control rod comm lion prozIIvn which includes in IiIilIilon ol the eontrota In the Barrio plant II can at tooonon to $0000 In addition to tho cost ol conrtrutllon and equipment Featuru oi tho rootrol prot the lirIt primary IveIImenl In hrcucry vhirh nrolocta tho Itork condenser to elimin emiitcd lrnm the hrow Iclllc Iralpint moon to remove Iolldt irom plant watlr III II Iulphuv tree nIturII on thrmhout lhe plant lurlhrr mean oi provrntinc aIr pollution SELFINTEREST must admit or have reli intcmt well II philovophl cIl concern with environmental control uld Mr licniley ol hrcr Io It is In our lntcrertt to prolrcl Ihe water Iupply Enrrlc water oriyimteI In deep underlroond Iprlnra and Il undertnet lotan ycar nat ural purilylny promo holoII hcinp drown or use The rtlhllnmhlp ol iIno hcer to water It undencorcd hy ilevry llIrIIy mannprr oi the plant not rhemlrt and hrowmutcr Icnro In tho hrewlnp Industry In Carindn and US Some ot the worldv molt lorri not hccrr orizInIlod In ultleI ho rmtlon oreI open to tooriru Ind veddeoto Iotth UhInlIo antlI IIIdelha hdet mental Uhmlao IItIaoIII cashing oi Oriana proH and The CIoIIIIIn rotun Senator Rhenlllelltllloohoo rate hrleido External Al martin compiaiototho Unitrd it Photo ilira Itinlvlrr Milchzll Sharp NItlona about Soviet Irrat WJOI FARE huh Ind promaod holla roan than onethlvd oi tho Cindi Ind vexelahlu account he quantity olall iood consumed Water Ind mIIlrd harley Ira tho molt ImportInt Inyveditnta with more thnn 2i yeuro expcv read in the latter where Whether tho news concovm council mlotln church Iuppor or ruon It Tongue The Examiner wrll pnnr IEOIY Throughout Simcoa County The Ex omlnor dollvm or total nova pockooo dolly pIuI wolltvood odvorl ond Ipoclol looluvov WI might III well odmlt RI The Ex ominov II the bloom IroryIollvv In Simeon County With our regular mil uvilm pIuI our district rovmpondontop wo oovry movo new Home about Sim coo County than any othar medium ondm do It Iix doyI trait EXAMINER CORRESPONDENTS COVER THE NEWS IN THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITIES ALLISTON DAMON new FLOS ANGUS IDENVALE NEWTON noomsou ANTEN MILLS ELMVALE one STATION mo GILFOIID PHELPSTON oono HEAD 6mm nuoov onrnrwooo HOLLOWS sr mum CHURCHILL MOLLY srnouo CLOWES TOTIENHAM COOKSTOWN LIFIIOY rnonnrou CRAIGHURST MIDHUIIST UTOPIA If you are gellingmaniod Thin baskot holds InIonnotIon and gilll oopocloliy holplul lor you CIII your Woicomo Wagon hoctotr today Phone mom CROSSLAND MINESING WASAGA BEACH CROWN HILL MT ST LOUIS WAVERLEY Olin Norrie Exominri 307 BoyIIeIII SI BAYFIELD HWY 400 Simeon County Reads The Examiner Houdini ivo Jamwwwonu4w