Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1972, p. 11

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at till or the an thI De thI Den row tho trio Ind ero run III TUESDAY no U7 II Manitoba Boxing Commission Quito WINNIPED rm The lhreernao ltIoitobI Rain and 0mm curd thiii it mac race tictpante Lo hut atehr cant rerstal ilrhi card here The minister rent III real natian to Recreation twister Larry Dutirdinn Ihn lnrt week ordered tuii Ital In into the tourva card It mulled In the death at ldtivhe algal lbgdxerljxtgahrt oroo other IiIhIer that he took In In III boot IIaItCIna III hermetrht Implon deem narrate oI Tomato thuvalo htr manr er Irvin Ilnrerman and II tieWhorterI were men thorn no cd indefinitely by the eommiaotan chh Puma roceoiory trearurer oi the Canadian Pro ioulonai Darla redeerlloo In Saint John ND thorns penetmr cannot IIII cited an ly until the Irderollen re ver written word team the Iailobo rommlrrlon Leals Prosident Surprised arentWenI To Nliami Eagles rename cur It In rirId didnt think he rd l1rrrrnthaorcmeuhal re lot at timid Ballard pruidtlitmhyi ontolhlhirpilewtgdtr towthlo or had he In ImenI with lrmi eanrlog IMII appeared It om tori ounrroaiicndm NItionII liochey league been rumored ior Iaverr II to halal wooedhr the eluh Ior nIhrt perm rout armor hil Ilphta tycrr are an Ratelle Trying To Catch EspoSito IIONIIIIAII ICP No mat ter how hard he tries hire Joan Naiello or Now York NInren IIIII ilnda htnuell No in the NItlonal Iloctry lerguo Ieorln race Stat Ich roleaaed today rhow thII derplte Iteonaeculirn point Itreah durinr which be cured II data and it Ir III trIIII centre Phil porllo Rorton Iinrina by pointIII to In addition Ilrpoallo Ieadr all iIcorerI with to NItoIIII time It war Ieln ct atraltht IImcr In which reeled it coalsthe longert my it that by In plchr ter org ran it boorlod coal total ll tvrld heat in the NHL Net er Exporho oor NoleIle have the opportunity to re me their perIvnrl rcorlng bal tanlphl Detroit lied wlnrr iertIln Vancouver Crouch In tone game Icheduled CLUB RECORD Natollaa poirrlr Iotri earn the New Iorh club cent by 11 No II also mem oi the recondhltheat repr Itnobolh in goIII Iod intoIn NHL hLilory Robby Clarke 01 Philadelphia yerI he been ripen the hall ay point oi the reason the eel DIyirlonr hollcrt polnh tier wrh It aorta and to lnII over in crmer Toe Chicrro goaltendlng com rllon oi Tony Erpvrllo Cary th and Gerry Declarth tlnuer to lead the VerinI 0pr race with combined Igrinrt Iverrgn at 201 The Hawk toIII oi It lituilt Iheroa tarantula Io who could rnoreo the turpen pour EXPLALV ACTION Norm Corlan earnth reeretary raid Na memberr re clued alter Derlardinr utod tho enmrniarion to meind the arupcnriona until the MINI tn quiry II corn Ell Carton ll tha eornrnluion rescinded III lonI were rot in loot beam at dooterr The letter or rulrnalian III bitmap to rear erinr our in airlean that II nrotoour do elalon to hall the Investigation and tilt tho run our and your reliant lot thr rerpon thiIiiy tor Iueh action are leel are no longer hare the eonil snare at yen and your rmern rehurd to comply with the min Irtcrr requeri to It lhrertigItion until It can ernrnenlordered Inquiry romired pact oi rraoooo oree ro yeare Hlltti or whether the new team or guo got all the pound and an an tment at other henetrtt ouch II house car and ruimmlop poo Parent made the trip to Iiilml 50m Iy oil tor thr iereocI but didnt rim anrth and returned In time for To Ivato prIctice htonday morning The Illil next gIme II at St loulr Wednesday rrlrht havent It 000 DII iIrd replied when irrd ii the IAIII would ma rama etlori to mItch the land iner KIM bl Cation rhalrman Don Ruwrnd Ind rieeehairrnan hay The rommirrlcn also had JEAN RATELLE Dryden tiyro Deiordy Vachon Itllt Ill iarent Ptanto Tor It tnylor Gamble Iavell ltcteod Pita Smith Daley Drown Det it Caron hIeLeod Waheley heruiIo Sicuharrron TIEO NE All tit 10 251 it tit 20 tOliOO 3110 iii 20 Elli It Ltd it 170 IMOIII Lit ZOO HO LII It up 019 tit wt 01 ill Im In hit 2100109 311 1020 It Eli 0O iDiOO liiOIOl Ill LOIO it 10 EEO it 300 LSAT 7D 61 20 t0O HO ww noeummvww PAI IIIrlam Itrdl oi the Tabla rink trorn Quebec room to have let on her mind the watches her rlrpr rock Ia coral io the house ltcndry In the opening roundr at the Can adian Women airline Champ lcnrhtp held In anhlacn lie It Photo Saskatchewan Is Upset Early In Championship SASKAIOON CPI Audrey Williamson oi IIInltoba looked chat und game Igalnrt Leo Tobin oi Quebec to the Canadian womena curllnr championahlp But the chip oi the on onde lerird western rinh Ir Icon cerned nhoutrlctendlnz cham pion Vera Peter at SaahIlche wan who tort on In extra end to Quebec In an early upset Monday vi the roundrobin tour Iorward to In tnteresllrrrf lengI today In tilt Dhiiltiii dont know anything about Quebec Ind dont Inow whrl strategy the Itnlr will use Iald TO the Brandon Curling Club The big threat in Itlll Sarhrt chewan Ind rhlp Vera Perer iryed Illimi her and Iher ant in heat The tIanIlIhI Ioursome which Include third hlnhel lliichcil recood Ilo Yea Ind lerd Dru Dickens deterred lIelcn Stllrnan pt Ontario lid and Helen Nowe oi Nova Scotia lid in the Nut dayI action or the Iorirtk competition SHANE LEAD tire lllllnnaon there the lead with hlrr Tobin el hi Berton at Alberta Ire lt wick Sharon Belleaaorth and hire None are IInIerr canny van rurnravoonr ta pleared to armounce the opening at hit new television ernire Cmyr past experience Indudca three yeara II technician or PhiiiDi In Ilollarul then as radio engineer tor Radio CIIOII Welland and more recently It year at CNVNTV the that rir II urialant caret engineer GRAND OPENING iii ERE PORTABLE SVLVANIA RADIO with your purehara new Model Iii392C p7ovrcy hind her Ir Shelia Rowan trrdl Ind IcrI Peter Ihipl oi the Suhrichawrn rial llrr Williamson member at real highlyrated llrrla Toolo oI Prince lzlward Island Sun Ann Bartlett oi Newicund land The rinha have 10 record while Sartntrhewon Ind Iolly shril llcleod ol New Drona Driliah Columbia hire Silirrrrn other thirdrourui garner Ichedulrd tor Mopm CST IiOphr EST have Prince Edward Irland Igrlnst Novn Scolia Saskatchewan meeting Newlounlllarld Ontario agrlnat and AlberlI clashing with Padres II Tilt ASSOCIATED erua horde thwart count on me oi the Palm but about toyornp oil the root at San Diego stadium nrer hide lrlII mm at homesictmr erd lhrourh Sandy lion iIrI retirement Ihen are moral manager at tho Dodg erL In can turn through LU Rrrut IIId Monday alter the Padm ibyearo railing protizy Den home in Decatur In Irorn the ieImr tuma Aria training can alter be coming depreaed and home rich thould ho eonrerntd about ill runs but Im not raid Berni eien though llie an COMM ahut It remalnhl It League West tier hatiing tll Itrni with the Padres It nu had dIy III around Iorlhe Padres Ihn tired up to then larhplaca Ilaiur hy lurittx hueball payrrr ll Iul Ir other team were alan them Vihiie Juan Iirrlchoi rtrned with San Irnnriaco GiIrrir Iilliy Writiarru Ilrlh Chuaro rhr Norm CIIh wlh Dctroll Tigers AI Dinning and Don Sutton with boa Itnreler Dodren Andy ad oi new Whom mMAMW unnerved Indldllllllllllllli CatcherLeaves Because Hes Homesick timennilh with uhlunr An Serum live he BLEIJ eLr Int Dunn Mateo Ilih NY hiladelphta Philliea the Iiartrtat In IIgamo winner Rather IrrI mulled that in in rm Irrecd lo horn Iurr Tnmr than 21 mum on the Giant Ior al $5 Iattmrted llama year Seou teller rut unear lndnl to In cud human Tiln Ioentea aha tallera term agreed to terms Canadian Girl Surprise Winner In Student Games Ski Event downhill Inld medal Itoeo It an airport unheard oI tor the Slate and Boone continued to final rmr on the course in donunrle the World Student wmoinawlnner Game here tlondry hot the Altar Nichantrvn III pro rautllght littan to IlyeaMid reeled down the slopes by three Canadian Ihn rlunrred the Canadian teammaier becruso rtllnp ripper hy winniny the Canada had no Federailon Iorrr rdovnhll lernrlionalo or Sport Unirerr err Ithhrrdnrn thirdcar IILI point Irorn Ihich to Irtr mice It the lnlrerrrly at them RrIlIrh Columbia thundered The liIliIarborn daughter at Richardson down the Idtrmtc msc with chrl president and Lhici erecoil al ttrtirrl drop at Eth tect In Briltrh Columbia Telephony rrerruter Ilt reeemir tler trrne btltcroxt by llwlha was In tired when she hit tho linlsh line rtlr continued rt ht at recond that ol the tarorrle larulrne llcballu or France who lhrourh the anew tence nor in to atop had heen Ill but conceded Lho THE BIGGEST ff TIRE SALE IN YEARS LAKE PLACID NY CF AII Athletes limit the United SPECTACULAR OFFER DURING THIS SPECIAL SALEI EXIiiA TRADEIN ALLOWANCE all our new low low prrclnp Ier the Deluxe Champion SUPRBELT prrrvmn OI OLIE specially priced 4ply Nylon 500 with raised while letters and twin Itripo whilewalis or hiickwaiil DLCIDO Roiroads 20 Panasonic Panacolor IV thin Ir Iar ween rotor portable with clean Imart liner and unmatched anIIonie unlity lrlelde It teattnee automatic wil not color control lilo hated lInancI All control automatic dcnusatng IE ringer noise cancellee circuit automatic color control rirculir art Int Iorgct tuoio rpeodovirton rlldc lever conlmtr Ior volume color and int Illuminated power ta Ieadr the lerguc while Er oaitor individual mark at eight IiIo top hearing Leaderr hit It It Edward Nutherivrd Bintiey Nah lilron itltk Gardner MID 01 till Iii Si 1515 hi All loan Ti OMO IJIOZTI 1331132 did ISO 10 Mt llhi TI 190 CLEARANCE PRICED AT ONLY it Ill llm it It hid it in 109 29 I0 Iporlto Der Ilello NY rr Boa ilhert NY Idlield NY lIuli Chl livlich till IIriln ltul uniield liar Irtr NY ucyh Rot ournoyer llll edrnond Dei errerull Nut ltman Tor lute Ihr lhlia till IIrlln Chi moire lIII lclicnrle Ilor ercnron Del lonne Det nrer SI it it It It 41 ii IO IN tO II it IO it it it it ED 25 it it it it it 19 id 65 IN it III II it It It 20 it IO it It it It 10 Eli It 20 it it it It It II it IO 0t 20 it It It It 30 it It It IO it it 7i IluII cm 22 or rouln htln II it ttorller Nerordr IEmleel goalr hrrcteledi Itit tilt NOAH MOO II 101 LTOO 231 110 ll tOO 01iOiIItl 201 lillt or III 1000 71 iii lit l700 it iii MID it lit Hit It hit hill t0 190 Irporito Smith erJardInr Chi lit orIlIy mine out no an armor In no in an arrow run 2501133 rrr or III or it us carom In two we no Inc or lot or ore to 60m arrow to Ill Ill Crozicr Dryden Ital tl lielochn Carter Kurt till it Edwardr Vorhon DeJurdy Smith LII par month ptur Int 2year iooie iull Moinlononeo BARRIE VOLKSWAGEN mitt It titan Trill It MO EIIo lid nl Gowcn lWlioIi vacation ewitrtrVIII dipole and UIIF bowtie antennae avnl dynamic theater Dieeaat handle ltorewood walnut grain cabinet Solid rtItI enrincerod Conplcia or with $59995 Aiw 0n Dir lay lI ThIa SYLV NIA 26 COLOR TV CONTEMPORARY CONEOLETIZ two lecturing CliliMi In hrndoomo Walnut iihilh OGihrailar at Ihrsrta Oilirh oltaye Triplcr OPIupln tronsbtorr OOolor hrlrhirloo picture Iubr om OIorrnaTlnl Oi oral Ipeater Width WI itclght tilt Depth till EALEI AND SERVICE lIrIdouIrterI tor Quality PanIonic and Maria Televtrlon BARRIE LibI0 male alrerwnr With your mettle vrdeln 756 more for winter treads MOUNTING addsfro ypur Savings ea DUNLOP narrate 7266585 mum uorr run Guaranteed USED TIRES Come in now tor best choice of bargains

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