is If ii mi tgns is 25 FEE if 0703 ii lit if if in NE if are ii Ear all IEE it itIE 5e tr FhgE are ion In emftheyil be not little tona or no Am hare Iolid lava crating duh and ern he Ipee iaeuirr It timer upmatlnr tamed deilncl Inehried D1 It MWVWWV at 252 rem Hole oi Anmg the women Kmu Cartier oi Ste Iuthe 01 it Mo ttopoinl lead over rea Deon oi Tremtc with emu with their oi Vamer women tints won PIrIonr Janet tiuon gr Iltia Thunder BIT on ad line Jorrph elm hetnd CLIIION WINS SHUTTLEBORRD HONORS Iain Ken Duhoil IIt Jim Pm and ink Civitan Bantams Defeat Opponent he IIIle GITn MumI Ia mm therap tnthethIorrIirnct pyqu um not mind mrhlurlil anti not 11 victory our Richard on Saturday It the Barrie arena Shana anII not our call ehlh mer 0r Robbie Garner Ii Peter Treat Dara liming Inn Iron in thy Deaupre Bob taproot added 115114 and to Richmond IIIL And Ieanalt again In Imoni It um II he mad ed twp Ourhon ciao rear and mules gain to Ruth Angus Ind IIIy In the win RWRRD OF EXCELLENCE WINNERS Nn rtrrdentr tram Eartvlew Icrorrdury animal were prcrcnl won the award to tilt Inr Icar ed with Award oi EIcIiIencI In hellcrrhrnoaper cent at listing the preaentalton to or lollI and Don linoih rlrhl run ni tired Irnr hang Ind rum to yard and too yards Irum tho Dcpartmept nl NI their pcerr In Iix evonlr Toe Dunc Ilillr phyrteal educIllmr Iiorral Health and Wciirrer ctrrite inclutlot Ipeod Itupr Fitness and Amateur Sport Itandrnr hrnad lump rhulilo llirarn department head It Earlvlaw Incr Photo Item Carlton and Glen day It the Amran From tell FA KN blur play Jim nun Joe Nob um Irma treated cap Dung Keane III in the Gritan nets Ipr both am the Banie Bantam ere Ihoui to enter Ontario Elinor Nuclei Anatolian remiiinal play Itari ot the rain our whuhr LI rel tor this Ieehend but Iehedule arrangementa hath not yet been completed Optimist Novices Deieat Barrie Tim Arm and 1pm lily arm the oalgrilcrrlorthasuoo Optimal Novleer In pale erhihllion copies played tut leek tyre reared late goal and lily two or the Strand club war edged by the Kerwich Nodch In Calvin liner and title Iiournua Iddod rurglrr tor the Slrpud club In or win pm the Barrie Illnor Novicer Bl rcored three Ind Ayrea two to then add ed airlrie David Duncan and shrwn Saun drrI were thI DarrII rnrrhrmeo In Iacther exhibition game the strand lrain Ruliderr Titer edted Thornton an goalr rear ed by Ken WrathcrIli Glen ttapham and Scott Campbell Amalgamation In Topic Rt Meeting Paorlhlr amalgamation ot the Barrie and Dhtrlci renter and Intermediate Iulhrit leatuer will be on the agenda at meeting It the Intermediate chrue er ecutlra meeting III tor Wad nerdoy pint It will begin It pm It the board room oi harllondcott Ito ion on itradlvrd st Unrest Cancels Rugby Games IDNilnN iCI in Filth In International rurhy rile trlv pin Crown rnIy p0 tnlo rnothv hIIlI lor lhlr IeIrnn II the rev Iult oi Scotland Water rn luring in plIy Irhrduled corner Irrinrt the Alilrelnrui lulu In Till DAME MmVii mar EED re rm SIIEAS LADIES STAN 2d DIiIles IInairs it Pn ooIeI Illgh single Ilarg Reynoldr IOI 111 221W Gertie Dickey tilms 169 Hill Roberta nee lean Wilson 2552 lorralne Actcr room Liadte lIIrtln rat Dina ticlntyra Kay its Amelia Serrile arm LII llan IIeDonald 20 Ilarlha Pri trrwn cor lindeo Squires poo Deanna Dickey zoo Orrtitrv Led Glast Ln the Photo routine art Scam Ilru llrynolda ill germ Dieter has aerator New Hill Robertr on tiihon no Annelia Seralta GOO DOM llntyre IIIrthI PIilerIon rsr Itlgh Search Sinxle Deanna Dickey arr llipr Season Triple Deanna Dickey IOI High Season Arerrgc Deanna Dickey 200 Lorraine Acter tot Noreo or Orchid to Ltirca lllph Triple Ilarg Reynold Itldden Ieore tl loot Illgh Singlet liar Reynolds TELL OI BUSINESS There are are hurlnerr publi cItionI Including annualr at total circulation at to million Arhulhnot at turi IV nial hla rat in It In Em nteree had anIud In lather the not lnzdavqtirltl mood urn rarr rrho murml Iterated out In It Edit Peter lictleoik am room yemulmrr plun rrtheruitdtee wean mien never Iran the rluil hr the corner he retired irom mulled bode butho lIyI In hardhl tlngghhp league horn and too In hm KIWI tom think earn priart or min later ahwtd do hia thins rather ltclleo rm ii am eertIIn lihtn lor rpoeta then ronatder ecler to ha out at my minIIIrY WONT TIGHT BACK That ministry has Included Iurh lncidentI II renlor Ime roverIi your are hm tween lIlher liclteer None ton Ilaer and the Saint John ltooreherdr llo crpeclr no Ipeclrl treIlrncnt but he do CIIICAGO IAN Rnsehail tool great heart and treat voice hiondry with the death Paul Dirty Trout rotor ncrrhorre pitching Ilrr tor Da lroII Tigerl In the Second War War era Trout so holilnr nIn wllh booming rolea who war It grrne rrlnner In tilt and led the 11pm to the tilt AmerleIn league pennant died at cancer In hospital to run Trout hurled 51x Irma In nlno dayr Sept are winning tour to pace the title drive The latter at to children Trout rencd Ia Chlcr White Sex goodwill Imharca or tram rate when he wII hired by IRIII Veech then Sax owner to term lh In unhertahle atlcrdinner hate lery with Veech In Canada In malor trrgua career tutti htmto pleaaa name he thIheId mlddolutrrto II Father lieo deem to In rnnyo nyr to don NI othon IK Islam In In eraea Nu dont the Prim sol thou IhI coded tert do III hoctey play eru mile at Elem Iporta odlv mar 11 ticlleo In hockey Iciian in lrrn dillerent rantan II rpurtrwrtter and II Ietiorr player In the Item lea In excellent Inten drop IlIter St Plum ra ttro not playyer hut hoa not rural play rough It In necuurr trny pIaKIIrI will rule It to Father ctiee during the pnuma vrrmup and mut Remember lather youre hut whee hockey player here Irther Itcltee who henna hII hockey on panda and III In near ltlehlhucto Nli layed hII Int renlor hockey mo II member at the llonctoo Alpinea winner tho IIIrIthI title that reason Pitching Star or Treat lea Tigers To Ferment In 1945 Irorrl rota through lIiit Twat ported wontorn record at lot with In earnednu IrorrgI oi are Twice he won to morogamcr In ml with toll Id and In mt with role But his main claim to tame developed In the rats September Irrelch run which carried Tigcrr to the pennant and eventual World Series triumph orr urlcaro who in retro Olliel Trout also appeared In lilo World Serleo between troit and CincinnaU lacing Iotrih rune to Paul ringer who IIln won the and gIroI clincher toe er trout we named to the and mi allrlae Iquada mined third ruro rhot when the III IItaIIr grrnr rrrr celled Directorate The two Druid Toronto Sailors Nialring Rid iiiiieiiiihiyf For 1975 Olympic Sail Events Dublin The triple rhomplonrhlp In part II In InternIttenIl ieIgua that tnrluder Irrnco England IlcoiIInd Water and the ram hlnott northvrpuih Ireland team Winning threa annual rhImplnnv Supreme Court delryed hiandlr hearinr on Curt FIoodI lull Illiltll proierrionai hnIcDaii The rat pmtrnbly wlil bl TORONTO ICFl group at Toronto Iailurr relinr that Nlngaton hid to play host to tho rm Summer UIyMpic Gamer rrrling evenlr Ir inrlnl Irvor have launched hid oi their own to bring the program to Toronto Noter WIIson Iormer retro irry ot the Canadian Srlting Ito notation Ind head at th To ronta Olympic Sailing ellort made the Initial rpproach lut tall in hlrynr Iean Draperu at Montreal centre ol the tlrt Summer Gamer Ila raid the action In prompted by two devenpmenlr apparent to more memherr oi the knadirn Yachting Aarrrcila lions arranitiag committee the tha Olympicli lltngsionr chancer llrrlnal ccriain six month ago hrvo dwindled considerany heoruse oI Iinanrin and political consid cruttunsr It presentation to hold the utility has been made by Itlrna One communll on the dr ruemy Iilvrr loo Int Into Lac St icon no miiea northeart oi Itonlreul Nikon and III rupporierr III Inllirily rlaunch Iupportcrr for tha Nlnrrlorr Illa Ieel the choice Ihouid not tail to him try deIIuil and thl Toronto Iran better chance ol tinanctng the urn reached liitl atudy war pol It all million an expense the city Ipprrenily can not iurtlly hlontrerl uranirinl nIIiclalr are thinking In termI oI token airl PRIORITY MW rain the Illngrlon wrirrtrunl particularly Initirrl iaclllttcr low on priority Ior ill million be room on bridge to Walla lrlrnd near Kingston DNA the coal tar llinprion lit learn the provincial government The money tr more likely to nlllcial IIId hinndry our IliIludI II that It the riia choice lr up tor grain then Toronto wInlI chance IIId Wllrorr There are only three or love places in Canada ttrrt IIra auitahla or In Olympic can eat Toranln II one at them Technically Alma Ir rrnt Ideal II Kingston II not automatically relented wo want II Kingston Italor IIV Swain raid hlondry ght he had heIrri nothing at Klnrrtvna chancel II the Olympic ralllnr Illa dim trrlshlng either hr political or tinanclal rerronI heard It hiarrh Norman war Ihlpc itl Illa ypau river term given tor the porlponement My IIrlIIIIIllItdlnl um there It Ihanlutely no question that Illusion will ha the rite IIIyor awrln rrio Premier wu IiInr Darla hld natured the city there would he puhilc rupport Im tor the ttlutrlno Olympia oYorL healr may he rererred ltor Olllee rpcn tonlpht it part to Irtt pm the crown WED MARCH III out SEMIFINAL Game Time 830 pm BARRIESEIYERS rruosrou rcrs AT THE BARRIE rnrur Iar enlIra pllynli tor nominal tee lrtdIy am to game time NDTRI Rrarnn tlellet beinro Till wrdarodry halderr murt plelr up their iteratI or they IILI on general IIII ELAN itiltR EASIER WAIIIINDTIIN90 RAIES IiiOlliDE ROUND IP Hill It ROS NIIIIROOMEIIIIIIIAEIE ANDEIGINSIIIAO iiiiiiOIIOIIl muruumrorrr rrrrrour NEWIIIIIIII75oo IIIIIIliItPIlItIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilIl lltEtE AIID Oitil mu RIASIIRIRIPS httttllit hill rIINlIINAlI lIqu III llnrceo ItrIIII Telephara iilttli RAT COACH LINES