masnrsmmswcmawnnuquIl lil Citizens Group Offers COLIN BROWN In inm tbroosnoot tendon Ont oileb Reward For Information IOhDoN mt CPI mall trm oi massiny anonyn Imam whose laiormatim leads tnthocnovictionoihmn pustcntsthlocitywasuao leads to convictions ot druy once Ixecltlitl mariner tar taut reward to sounymnu pluhl it1 Photo tarlthstwmbldlrtribtttad inlormcra whose lnlocmatiou Harder To See Specialist Study mum at it later twice as tony to see medical specialist Is doctor to usual practice And most pea is can expect to wait tall as asaln tor medical attention in hospitals omerreoey department as they would In doctors oitltv These Ire the notion ot survey oi soon lamilies In the boruyh at North Yorh corn let recently mesrvh ram from the renlty at The roots the researchers iouod that the storm waitlay time ior In appointment with lomlly doe tar lo alsht days and tor spe clsiirl date They Iound that when the pa tient sets to doctors olllce he will mart time lor to minutes compared with is minutes in the corridor at hospital omen teary troutmoot Attar interview one meter bar in aaoh oi the Lion horror holds to the survey the re searchers min report called People book at Doctors and other Relevant hialters lno authors conclude that wontosrurrs Alle BRANDT DONN Renter The West Germ parliamentary opposi tion denounced Chancellor Willy tirsndts treaties with Moscow and Warsaw Wednesday at the openlny oi marathon three day debate on their ratlllcatlon Over ooa deputies crowded the chamber to hear lirandt head at the Socialistliberal coalition Iovernmoot deliver his annual report on the state oi the nation oars 5000 YEARLY NEW YORK ARI Drona bus mechanic won ospoo you tor lilo Wednesday in the New York state lottery and said The first thlnl lil do is rnaaye my phone number James Killsrooy ti who left his native sieerles lrsland in ms and his wile Connie beamed when their Octet was drlawo la the special lottery it It ENDOth NIXON WASHINGTON Router President Nixons reelection campairn received the unani mous endorsement Wednesday at the countrys 11 Republican state governors who raised his uutstandlny leudorrhp in lur elyn attain Nixon announces In letter to tho Inveroora that he would carnpoisn inc all to states and write all none oi waltiny time Is reasonable but they add there are obvious hum oi paddle waltlox the the researchers also least that their sobleets bad whole array ot rtorebouoht remedies tor ortoor lliorsr About to per cent had bead Icho pills in tha hum Nest In order were laxatives smith medicines vitamins old prr scriptiun dntss tranquilizers and sleeping pills Commission Recommends Driver Hours OTTAWA it in the later cats oi ralety tract drivars should not be permitted to drive more than 10 hours day and their time on duty should be no more than to hours day or so in has reconrrncndcd lo emf atlntstar ldartln OConna in report released this not commissioner to It tlurdrlson states that the limits should be embedded in Part lV Solety ot the Canada Labor Code At resenttiretructinylndus try It exempted irom tha hoursalwort provisions ot Part III Standards oi the Code Spa ciai rerulattoas require only that overtime be paid altar to hours at drivins or to hours hours wseta commission ill woo li implemented In rvsulaliona to be esIIbHsAtd later this year Mr lilurcllisanl recommrnda iiqu would ly to all truckers In tho ieder labor iurlsdiction except livestock canton opera tors oortb oi the oath parallel and olllleld service carriers Nollny that olltltld driven now wort up to too hours week and more the connois sioner cornmrots that the driv crs are hardy breed and that overtime no is the only compensation tor ainremois areas httnmmnamna DELICIOUS super huh irons CAPTAIN SUBMARINE rt ponies to no one room them TORONTO lay Busl I2 Trips Every Day new toss are now rsro ro roaouro oxrnass FROM oranroro Lv Barrio Lv Stroud Lv Brodiord Ar Toronto 1025 ml 1038 am 1100 am 1150 am NEW are PrM WEEKDA RETURN TRIP FROM TORONTO TO BARRIE iEaprars to hesdlordl Lv Toronto Ar Bradlord Ar Stroud Ar liorrlo 215 pm 828 pm 350 pm 405 pm Tickets and Intormsllen at nitrous nus tortuous hiapio and Simone Streak Telephone Ttldtll TRY marrm WANT ADO PHONE ltdTilt veiled Wednesday Colin Brawn an insurance es Bernhard In an interview at Ll system pawn can call local telephoao none her pan or the blocsradon thenrmtraarewardu tom ii prune 1s martini on the Inlormationaii tta whiII re mainn nameless ltr Brown is spokesman ior more than too persons who have ledrod their names and sum Ihur ilnsaclal Inlsum in support oi the system Prominent one such as Timer Ontaro premier John Robaru and hioat It an nscit Carter Bishop oi London can lost their urea in ruse put IIr Brown said not the list oi ruppcrlers Io tor which will appear in news paper advertisements and in tars It all local achooJ also relishes students and other can corned ritlsrna he added completely buns title can vlctlen will It axon hdr strewn said There nrlrht he turns Isslstancv pruplI rolpht in that might warrant lower rewards but It theres any doubt the person pets the ruil amormt Vrhrn the inlarmanl sees Our Retail Prices On IRedliuo Deluxe SASHLESS WINDOWS 20x 26r 3th III H1 aim to tilt 1288 to hit llill so sir 2016 taroo that 2508 510x3l1tl 274 torso Owls IAII 8116 oasesmammoth ioisrsMurrviilu iinusl DouIrIerout erilo CEILING TILES 12x12 or 16xl6 Famous inpeiaetlonr edton GlassFrbev INSULATION BAITS to no din it rate or hvanairop TOILET Fltrinoa sire EIATHOVTR am $3M 17IIV wail nasrralon IIIIIMIIItMleLdM armor SHOWER STAIL s3 Enomelledstesl pan Right Corhro Ceniury closure runes rial ohre 93 that his inhamatins has re prilceruanlratloosorasylrrvi suited to emavicthnhy read In the newspaper or call us he phones as and we tall at garment wheresu you want It but It tern updating would be In rah rotors than noun has been up by private runtnhuttms to hack the proprsm Initially None oi the money came irurn soit dnrs prams Saulnier Inquiry Witness Disappears Belore Testimony MONTREAL 1C The in morn witness in Quebec Police Commission to entry tore the eoodtrtt or aioot rsal Police Chiel icsrsdscqucs Saulnler apparently about ooh wret any truth wlodioy up heartuu that began Jars it hit soar Wednesday when scheduled witness Tho Inmriry wu est until Ehlday ivso hiasliort commission lawyer said rho witness who disappeared wu the last he had expected to call llo said step were bolus taken to ind the Ilium who In to remain urti dentitled until the commission yournmcnt requested by the this at real lotionins two stories duct while he headed the NOT OR Fr 15C00T5 Imported Gold Loco On oarrrruo 48 heard him Irantouts Ive his Saul nlrrs lawyer he had about on he became chili Ito aald sdruthsemeata and posters sat ultra Io mirth wali leave it tlhe reward rats In the And to hey the sys thrashingth ski Ania mains mm utmmlnndothtrharddmgmdtay retina adored by pruhuamsrdalllbevll ntlhldmlatichMIIld mainly esmm We be wouldddvap aHK All W3 lnyoithcnshy emdolnrrt llr laser the only leer apart irorn ltr titaaltlon who indicated to has witnesses to be heard sated tor tha ad Iha tawdry called by Justice ttlntrter Jrrnma anemic wu Dovdlr last month The stories concerned Ur Saulalers con lty squad in the issue sod sl leycd dissatistsctlon anions bis rnersl stall since last itay Metro School Bridges Gap For Those Who Cant Read 33s up to ones Hagan social raster comic If Bnt thus are lam Im Mnl whose litaracyls belowthe Ilevel monsoonmumps Itlsths must harshsmith tanGnIiolcesdilcatmm or dont vathose catanay The schools lino tor not its earl ceallyhsrlladuenl Statistics on scrdrnts and ira tetlizmcetzsta arentimpoaat TORONTO our II those who cant read lil lI mat hutrslirn out All out apphcadms cant re street it they not letter tr mm road or then For many being unahio to tend bets them into waiters rut Even the must haste up hoarda oi menu and govern mt syendes require Gnde oration Ono ttetae school Ia kids the rap Inc the itiitenia Run by the mrsnlcipoi social centres department the school to wander the adults slimy all 1de In on It students kin H1 an do not consider tta bull oi burritos tinni In IA Huronio Cleaner morat PM Mao sad Delivery 7235413 Drivell button Tl Mary onovmvsnrnooo PEELand STIOII FLOOR TILES EXTENDED MORE DAYS on not eat Vitdnttdly also rr ls Intel or tarot HIDWIHTER SAVE 31 11 Pariect Erica 510511er Tori EOAHIIAOIIED IllllilllR WIRPEI tooeil thlatsl Omiivt WUuaTo Minn source who StrictlyWhll It Lasts roars vrsrs HIM YARD Ill CARPENTER SSMIALII ChlpbeordCorel rro ialiAIi06Alii srrrrr REWARD DOOR STOCK TOUR Whlo Plastic Laminate ROWE REYNOIDS HORIZONTAL WHIIE ALUMINUM SIDING IIUY NOW TOR SPRING Al OUR SALE PRII Utrl Greua tausrr PREIINISIIED HAHOOAIIT rrrr 32x 267 53493 Rihhhiil II II 12 tact or CARTON Til s895 OARTOHI SelhExtingulsIting Rigid Foam INSULATION V2 99 198 aroaorrrareaa SPRUCE sorsrrsa sisw FartI Outtltly Mon crr to RARDBOARD 4x8 45 YOU SHEET Cascada 40 Electric our 29 ct WATER HEATERS cororrrerrr $6995 $47 Whits Pattern PotHormad ANSI 20 TI tritiittiiith oavrrrrrr roe 1915 worrying V2 PVC $247 each Our Eootl Price Eliiii OAIII WALNUT MORE rm Motoya Wipeycioon VinylFaced Ponols clotted Mic Goods DuITo imparisetional heeled positrla baits PREEINISHED PANELS 4x8 WAS $388 VOUSAVEI Whodhit Iouaat 4x7 rotors OPEN WEEKDAYS 830 is PM SAIURDAYS toS PM THURSDAYS FRIDAYS lol PAL Complai With Hardware Ninott lnalolieii MAHOGANY RIPANIL lEOLD DOORS 301 00 lda Ir laival arena Melatonin Avallstlel my natural 10 $1110 IIRO s1995 Idiili 22AO Iillli iii ROOTS It hit it IS Mr Oih Antelltia Your Cashwa Manager Serving Dorrie Orilllund your area From Our location Junction Hwy ll North Old No II Hwy Highway 93 Barrio Walls Box dil Barrie Ontario Extra Shopping Hours Friday until pm PHONE 7180100 It the school and mo atndnata learn basic stills mtaida nor tca rrral cinsaroom situation Sonn