Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1972, p. 7

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or it ll sIr rue assesses 14 AIRS ANNAEELLE NOBLE sits in her itiotite rooting ehsir wedding gilt glirn to the eetehrset Ind her his bur bend It their weddlnr it years Ito tire Nobles hirth vix dsy sod wedding Innitensry Ire on the time dIte The Irmryltls plent tn the photo wss given to hire Noble as her 59th hrthdsy The huih III pisntcd outside dining tho Newton Robinson to Dy EILEEN DIXON Niehltins her tooth hirihdsy Idtnires grtodrtiothers oi today Eb thinks they no younrer looting tee Ieltie tooxcr Ind my young noting long time It in my dei Irsodmolhere ltd to sit hack in tbeir tor choirs even when lheiwere only so yesrs old the Hi think thIie old ieshicn itrv Nobleis eprrtlyremsrt to women hericli At no yes oi Ito the tt interested to everything It you on Iround her end he tron sense or humor She is looting torvent to set Iii dressed up on Setupi on end hsvteg eomeptsce to go hiss Noble doesnt get out snitch during the winter mitts Asturdtvshewilibo est oi honorst Centennisl trthds estebrett It the lAiroy United hirch list EGAN 0N TED It The cstehrsnt is born on It It It hoist oi her TIMII the IIII Mrs IViiliIm ltmrs Lucts who termed on the ltith line oi lin histii ttrt Noble wss Alto mustled on her his it are In his not her husbth isle NobII It tire Anslbelli Noble who is hsd wentertut neighbors who sew rise through Ind lti never lorgei them When Isirrti ii the nilssed her summers in Let rey Ind being on her WIT her reply Sure lite my own rompsny The history It It Nobles An cestors in tnnliiil township dstcs hsct to the twos llrr rrnnd lsthcr the lots John LucII Ind his wile RnsInnI IrstiId Ii lioltund Lendtn with their rhildrcn end we ted to Church ill Grsndisther tell the insult with iriends in Churchill Ind vetted Ipprotlmsteiy two miles where he cleared tend sod built shelter then returned tor the is hire Nobles tetherva the edest oi live children CENTENNIAL FARM The term which her greed tether settled on is celled Cenv tennist inrin Ind is in the iourth generstlen oi the isrnlly tire Noble lived in lnnisiil township IU hrr lite until the moved to Newton Robinson three yeore tie to reside with his end htrl Chsntter She remember bee esriy not test she could reld tummy and The Crew hclors ehI stIrt ed school It stir yeIrs or In try prsodmother Psss mothers istothsr tItht ms to tend she recsiied usch Ind clsherbocts item the are no remembers the ilrrt tinte Ihe met him Ind wAitcd ill homesslsr It the snewty The nest Sundry her mother sent her ungcst ester lIlons iisht to rep III eye on net oi IO tired And to cor the wily home we vcd bout two miles train the church hits Nobtc Iotlghrd was it yetrs old then tlrs Noble was reared in Ilrlct home himospiicre my letter wee PrrshyicrIIn Anti rn hrr Irt ed churc librsry She reeds Ibout two books weetr enjoys weteh tisg tel vision Ind still writes her own re the ernernbete Iddressee Ind telephone numbers better then do her dsvthlcr rchrI MOVED IX test hits Noble and her hushsnd termed in lnntslil township toi scheol yesre Ind is proud ol the hire Noble stilt enjoys mdlng IiiWM broom indoors iii the And thrill to hioons tew dsye Irv tort in time tor soother hlrthdIy tEIIrisisi er Piniot Woman Marks 100th Birthday Today iowlns their msrrttre Due to tirs Nohtss or hesllh they told the lsrm 192d Ind moved to the village oi Letrvy where the ceichrsnt lived tor Iitnnet hIlt century the credits hcr ionrevit to herd wort Ind top to to good Christian tie She Ilso gives credit to the doctor whom the ieels tntcd hnr liiI when the In to iil hsch in rm euiiered from Ineisits Ind they told me my dsys were num bered thst when my doctor li ln eclloos Ind hrill er now then She is lite member oi Let roy Womens institute Ind iel roy United Church Women TbLi evening ttrs Noble will motor to Toicnto with htr Ind trs Clisntter lot iImtly cele hrrtion She thinks its wonderiui oi the iIniity to recorntse her birth dsy hut tsys one evening to thIt city wit by mouth ier me The innit includes tonnmd And Now oi Toronto Ind dIughter hiss Alsry chsntler tier two oldest eons tillIm Ind tucss Ire decceted She tn it grsodrhildren Ind 20 greetgrsnd children utigeet brother died lset hut in weste stir NOIIINATE NEE FILM MONTREAL tCPi NA ttennl Flint tioerd production entitled Evolution has been nomtneitd tor In Acsdemy Awsrd in the seinistlett short category it wss Innounced Tuesdsy The iomtnule tltm di roctrd hy tlichsel hillls to ceivcd strds It three mt competitions in Ctnrdn Greno ble Ind Anntvy Prnnce Food Poisoning Leaves Children Crippled Blind ALAIIAGORDO NAT AP more itsctlehy one ci three other stricken ey poisoning more the two yeIrI Irs titer they rte port trons homuncbrred hos hss leit htthtIL The toyesrotd rsst trot herrell IIih or see tstd hsr mother hin Ernst iluct Irbi lin hut so tickled shout bsvtng her home Itsn ld this to tell everyone shoot my blessing Ind ihssh God Doctors tnrrd the memrry pnIIonhiI thst Iiilcted Erness tinI Ind tIiI oidrr itucttehy children to seed mus thst hsd been trrsted with mer rtny compound Ind ted to the but they butchered Tbs older childreHesn sm Amos lhhsrs heed home it suits tirriA Iller spending seversl truths in rebebtllttdea mire It its swell All three children sutlered mm brIte dIraIge doctors estd Lite thesitss Amos is blind bottinotby lets his man much oi er Ilsht Dorothy Jessi gets tround with thI het oi crutches Ind II going to gist schooL hiss ttuctiehy wII preg nsnt in tste tors when the tensity wss esiins the port that doctors ny led to their illness The bibs ltlrhsei now is months old Ilsa is blind AIARRLICE FAIL PRENRIA tAPi One oi every use tnsrslues between South Airicsn whites in the trout ended In divorce the de Ihnrldsy Trh it Alia IMAM liAAIU II Now is the time to pin dorm isnt members on domestic Irrtssremeois pilii tor the tie titre Milnttihf home situstlciss Property dru prospects tor rhteges Ire lettered Testes tAerti Miss tli See thst no test It usttnnrd In Nit sesrch tor needed inlormstise Den chem meetings not to provide leeds tor new ureiui ilttt Gemini titty itJIII itilr This the dsy Ltto you own hands Ioit nssy overrun your budget Ind be Id you did Irntumorns pro promise welt Cures tIsne IIJIIY mt Ssh tied Irrsnrcuests escIiIlI to bitter level oi Income sod out imPMiTl WWII Aliew In use to met out so nin Iitrect very interest Wilt ho titty Meg tit Toliow generstly contervItle course coruolidsls Ihst you his recenuy tsten on with your own tested irirnds to try spots Itrgo Aug not It Whilster you here been doing desrrirs reromitionil nobody is tooling your horn toot ll ymrrseit Bring in irirods re pertinent ot tisitstics reported drum soviet levnrs um TIIE IARRIE EXAMINER TIIIISDAT FEBRUARY it Hit THE STARS SAY JUNE DIXON Uhn this 50st it Get to the paint in mm to cut rm Invitstiont piopossls Esrty diligence should slrrich into Ion with wists lr properthsn sensors Dd us rii Civea incentive ncsrly Iii turn out Ind do their but he neither tint not set in the tcrIthI to success todey Beniteriss Nov Dec It Agreements Include inIny treh ntcstities Get the story ttrIitbt belore you to chest Common sense pmttts minis Dec MIL It lists pesos be when when In seeking In iroduo lion or pbetwrers Your work omndm more rcsdtiy it likely proiltshls Inspectsi Iuhtie weys AIIAIIII UAI TI Tehe ill improvements in your stills Ind pment IrI indirsted with lUiiy reIlIhII promises oi more Proceed to mod turn to do your best Pisces Tet ll limb it weerhil moods Ire the norm tutly Remember to do enough ARI thing in good order so the moods ride on bright Ind smooth TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mitli masseuse lIehIrgIeith nieces Home Chairmen 0i Flower Shows By All IODEXT DELL II OroTownshlptimlcniisinlSo dtiyhurhimenililwm hum milieu tor Use our yeer tire um mm BubSloddAitwiiilnwiymem rhAitIIthsnzidrAiin berssithepndeeiecttoaoi cream wthEItrtssIhtI thgfm Iiitrutveiorbiesermbmhxosoothemhdm JUNIOR SUITS Minurmnsncr REG VAL zooo sizes to to to 10W 0N PRIECE FIRST gUALITY CANADIAN MADE itirtii trots SIDE TIIE ITAle CITY HALL AI titliititMit ii Now is the best time to purchase mogniiiccntMagnavox be cause during this ones year event most Mognovox models are substantially ptico reduced with truly significant savings Save on Color Stereo Theatres itne furniture Color TV Stereo consoles and Stereo Component Systems Save on Monochrome TV too Whichever you cttwse youll on the utltziontw iiisiottttyiiihot havolmode Mognno vox leader in the field of finest quality electronics for over 60 yearsl on each of these IOTAI mothers people were tteth It or let She remembers when the wee young sit the housework Ind biting were done on Satur dry in preparation tor the Sib bIth My shoes were cleaned rrty clothes ironed and ready tor sitedsy not tho out more log or Iid TEE IADIIATII in her grendislhers dsy peo pie remembered Ind observed he Itbhsih Is dsy oi rest in her tIihere dry it wu Sundry end now its reterted to es the weetend tire Noble rreilzes tell on went to one extreme in or youth hut Ieye now its ths eIIct op sits Surely there must be levy nirsliurn people on trench the remitted She rpcslls when the wee smelt rovlvnl meeiin were held It hell hurt so whole sleigh load oi people would in vet to the ilittge to stlrnd 0n women she remembers got so excited sod involved the eve it when they posted the lite Irouttd Someone me It stir to her islet to the evening reel tiring it wos probsbty sit tits money the had in the world IIcCIuso oi hot strict upbring ing bits Noble novor turned to pit csrds When MI young women they held eIrd lines In the hotrLi and wris nt showed to go there never lesrnedto dance rllher ho csuso they rclcrrrd to public dsnct Is bill In the hell end my vrcnts wouldnt hesr oi my in the Idded Any memhrr at our church who use trnottn to tote ettentv ed one oi Iiirec detects would but short it trom the pulpit on Sunday morning the com merited MANY IIOTELI There were hotels loreled on Almost every concession corner in their test they used to lteIm wheel to liroiturrl end the hotels were onccculty on long hsvt trips by horse and men ilut you rtrety Aw women in hotel it you did shed be in the minority one in toot Airs Noble eietcd tie until three vrsri Ago hire Noble spent only the winter months with her trinity the would return to her home In Let FRUM ME III III Jewel Ironic Every women now end then lites titty dish to prepsre which nerds no Idvenre prepsrstlea So yeti hsvs esn oi sppir truce on hsnd tow outs Int rslstsu you use mete QUICK AilLilllAIItETCRIBSk rope ems cop er cup him eurrr ti cup introduce Nllt Venn eeedieto rsistiis Itcup the or msrgtrlII tr tsp Clititlmm VI cup chopped wetsuit combine ltrst tour thyrodicoiA pour into IVIinI round hshing dith Omihtno blscut mist In snuistrd sultr cut to better unlit cnutihty Add welnuh sprinkle ever Ipplessure nurture heirs to tie oven tor to to it minutes Serve wsrrn with crsstn or ice cresrn terror WHEN YOU possess one ot the elateenlhsentury LADY INA ICIANS trons STEELES CHINA AND GIFT SilOPS iteysi Dwie ton cetioctlen youll possess mssieiptece This is new series end the Irtutry is so outstending thut they have In immediate Apmi to diecrirnintttnp collectors line you ANTI lite WnAGE to cotton oi TFAIOT OOOIUE JAR covered 01le etc by ticswlct oi thglendi The design hes tori ei tinp the century chum shoot it Spellint ol ehsrni do look It the tiltAtETitUtl Distitd oi colored glass tor ti escti II well Is the shins citOCUS ones tor this sub Iii STEEL CIllNA AND our IIIDP Collier Street Terrie stint or you HAVE more tlsir then iundi Ind went to tscetttt room so to BEAVER LUMBER Their choice It tioor iuhions itiddl so CARPETINO VINYLI Ind noon TILES Ire terrllle Youll tiod good blue in usncutort EttAdS by Algclou rod KrIue puts out NYIDN inAO CARPET TlLE thItt cushion hsolrrd Ind rsii theorist into piece its my test with out well AA sliotdsbte it you went yood retention oi lNYL Armstrong Ire worth tool In perttct tlon Iiso It In Urldtord Street under Ind Irottod your rer heir next to the III Beliirld St Ulrrl soy tor the summit stone Ind pull EKGEIDN TUTOR TILES Ire Iito their WALLPAPERS which etclit re tor room set some to wide niece BEAVER LUMBER hertte this re ccnIAiqurne TltiE oi yeti when trequent rsr wrestling is Importh in order to prevent corrosion reused by salted rotds HATFIELD EUNOW CAR WASH have the computerized equipment which does thorough lob oi wuhing csn keep your cer lootlns its best It ell times it you visit HATFIELD lUNDtD CAR WAIII Piper toweitlng motes Iriexcclirnt prcss cloth that will not wrliiirte when you tron it is psrllcuiIrly Iood over deiitste labrtcs such Is nylon etc Bye tor now Ali Tmtii the slut won item till pm you III is items MI tittlrent to seeon or oil toutetttpoterym UIUMAIIC tisnuindurers Suggested Retail irice Your choice of seven styles his nhtOX Totil Automotic Color is complete electronic system TAU tots flit you trick that hothcrsomu tuning habit by sutemstieslly keeping iosh tones naturst Ind pictures shirts it eilmitietee the tor jumping up end down to adjust controls lot it contem hers to give you pcrlcotiytunert picturewith the right colors lneletiily and IutotvtItieIlIyon every channel everytinth The new uttrrrocisngulsr Ind ulirnbrlght itslrtir Titheunlike msny othershas block opaque substsnco surrounding each color dotresulting in for better picture centrist sharpness and let more brightness The new hisgnetowcr Chisels with pro in ct 7152 it Etrly Amountsmodel 7154 Medlierrenesn It itsltsn Provincial Ivctisbio tinsmodel 7156 French end its snish Modern styling illsd dominantly solidstate components Issuros boiler performance snd grcsicr reliability UttFViit Remote Control is optionslty Ivattsthlso It grcit outings Dont settle tor anything less than mignttlccnt itsgnstox with TAG Come in todayi

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