Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1972, p. 6

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yum Inuit BIrriA rhin dm touted in the centssi IDs met yceterdsy to die rls toil Ailsngements oi the Wield Dry oi Prayer 5min threli Entering iilWIy Pen mist chmch Aniu St North Ire irons tell Miss Ed rts Theodore It First Esptttt Church who will be pisntet It the service ricugtr te bo held In in titliDEilS Arguesv With Statistics About Afuent Families Desi All undress III led up with srtlcics Ind bored with erltrrt who insist thIt chit rrn item Iilloent lentilch turn out to he roticts Ind bums The tittiech prove the eontrsry test Ichtevert come item no mlrtdlecisss tnrnill strong truditten ole ice Exsrtitne the record Ind Id 11 It Will in tstccvet to shirtsleovesl tn three dilimliililt statesmen gencronrunnd their met cisns Ind srtltts do not come stump it disodvtnts ed homes TK tudvsnltied homcITer IIZANINOTUL puttit Deer Anl hoterrr wet to hid it not doomed Itler Ill Kect Observer Delr Keent To be itch hid tn the to it not the eIme II It wss In the tits Todsyl teens gers hva the bomb Illrtnsm pollution drugs Ind ptreoie who grew up in dcprcerlon Time will let how well they will do Too ollcn Its lroni Ihti rent in to look It the ltoctelel liIitimlEhu Iieonhdyi could it on end on These put In end to this old ceptsrd Pcrhiiot todays rich the pcrion who said We htve tour children Thu oi them Ire Idopitd cont remember which once hsil ot ttio thouIItvoI oi stop WomenArouririquld Special DayOtProyerMarch3 its president at the Catholic Womens iAIcuI oi St Iisns itnensn CIihoiic north sod tire Pied Prince who is ehtlrrnsn at its ptogrsni tEinninci Photo hiy hushmd Ind ieet tits some wsy Ibout our tdopled children We here two others its smnrlng thsi our choten oungstrrsbearsgrester ye Icst rescmblsnre to my live end the then the children eye birth to Some iotits who onl know our two eldest Ire Adopted rtten rentier on how much my loots lliie his did end how much Veterto resembles me Whrn we tools ovr Aldesi child Item the home thI women who hsrdcd him to no gets me tiils little poem PieIs put it Aluminum Nor boos It In bone tint stilt nsiruniovsly nsy IvrI Never tetlri toy single minute You aim molester my hrsrt not In It Bewling tireen Ky Desr Ittt ThInt you on he Utl psrentI whose sentiments Ire reected in list little poem its lovely LEAVE HER ALONE DeIr Ann Lenders em It er with our ttyesrold dsugh trr Iisrlon does not get enoutii sleep end its conetsnt beltle to set her in bed It restens lite hour At pm lIAiIi Get The World Dsy oi Prsyer ea Much will bring together mil horse It more its in corse tsIeI tinting together rhsil Ii comptuionsts com the ctr rlu ths coho In Barrie seniors will be held It IIIWLAAPJIAIICII thrch tors III North Isid itlmwsy the oor gtnisret arm at Jesus Christ ol latter DIy blink Ductme Street Ind 5t WWI Angiitsn Grinch hinted Avenue hpulrr Ii ttIWsy PM out more will be tin this sum It Ailiston Service will ben It on tire mode lions viii ereth mmdiuumi or Alter Dly SAIth with no vices committee It not Sputrr It the AilIIdIII err vie will he ttm Elect YOUTH EDWICE youth service will be be II BIA Road Presbyter tIn much this mud in limit It pin The World DIy oi PrIyer theme All day he Yours er Celehrate reassuresmelt wandnlhowmidm It in rtrlety It ptseee rein rs times to the Aged sets Ichmts sod priests homes ThI Woms IsletChurch Distinct ot Duds Iiiocstrs the oliertnl in minute hurnso neod Albums Ind thread Work with retAtded children In thI Des hIdcs newly IItIhIishId roots to dues in Mont we In indis providing educstimsi motorists tor iinsior tttgh Schools in the eesstrst Celebes ensbtlng the John AIUtrII Society oi CsnIdI to print aritilsn lit eisiurs 1n IIrgI type typliy the as oi protects receiving sup urtder the Inspires oi thIplistimIttcnIl Committee which includes wnmcn iront number ot triuqu minutes on CIII the Womens NEW YOU CLUE tire Bsrber Jones wIs how trse tor members Ind lrlesids oi the OIIIry Psrk New You Club It her little Court home The club Is plsnning seversl pro tecis to true tunds tor equip ment heet loser wee one at the clubs trcnIIed members hltss Lyndt hiss Yumitl with loss It three pounds The nest meet tng will be held It titlrtcy Perk School on Pro to It put pisuiou arrow hire Kesreey VItley Drive recently cntetlstned the WIyI Ind itestie Committee members ot the Sorpptlrnilt Ctuh oi In TITE IARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY mRUABY It 1m PEOPLE AND PLACES MumIT Ind psnel discussions on vsrlous Aspects oi whet the iutuss holds to store tor Csoetieos The progrtm Included psncl dittuiu on the Muse oi Cen Iditn nItienIitsm with Peter DrrhIrItI II modetstor Ind Id dress by Vililsm Thompson on tuture trends to society telts And discussion on tho ivture oi the unity the environment the cities nvteicirie lteetvre Int religion tuition show Ir ssnged hy stcphsrile Psulson custom Compete For Two Trophies PlIy continues tedsy Ind Pri dsy tor the hbsltl Tmhy Ind the HM Gmh MemnrtAI The the It the hurls Outin Club Essa Rd Competing toe the item Groh mummy Ire riots ship pee by Audrey Power clue to dieott SIssdrI Thohtnn Ind Willie Htulmnsons Dining In the eeccssd event tor the Ash Itis Trophy Ire tints shipped by lenneite Less time Sue tied lih Beutger sod item And PWCluhs Seek Change TDRDNTI it ThI Eits test Ind Protections Womens Clubs oI OntIrio Ished the pro tincisl AblniIIWtdItndly to rush hiry duty compulsory tor women II it now it tor men in1 hitch the elirilhs ssid thy rep spears Iw cover Iury dolly uniis Ind dlscrtrninsu iory Ag not men tiers Ire being discslnunsted Iglimr bertuse they hero to serve on iuries unless they csn give need reIron tor not doing so while women Ire under no rush compulsion the brtei tiid The Isw Ilso Invites women to shirt Iiiry duly bcceuse the psy It low Ind our orgsnlIIilon ltnds no totind hIsls tor requirv in atrium only to roller The brlei stded thsl Ontsrio is missing out on hit the sum her ol potenttst iurors moderttoc discussed the httiire thowcd styles tor irom spring 71 to the you 1000 Another psnet ditctIIIIrln with BtrhIrI irum nt ths coo II tenure msde tor We uphelilroiisg Tsshidn Show to he held Ii Centrsl CollegiIlI on North 11 rm This Innusi event will Assist the Soropttm Isis In continuing their commun Ity service protects ARTISTIC TALENT little lmsginstion rcd Irid while crepe purer Ind members or Trinity Arigchn Church We men turned out some wcll dress ed Vslenttnes touch et AiIiIv tlc intent helped Is members divided into groups sort proceed ed to lrsnsionn their chosen models with Assisting results iletrerttrnente served It the Feb ruery mcoltol Itto iotiottcd Vetenilne theme at schools Dinner Ipesttcr teen minty than her end the in in putty ll sitcohlengehyIlie Indus Secrecywhich tells haeertier yarns interns collectionotberrnors snowmenTbecttelr Ithereltcneioseemlo eeeIIoumuinieenvs Ambition onto in In II only becstoee tinnote necessity Alter three yrsrube picted up ism Hinton rooted but to Put Ind gevI eoeeuitIiiooI trust me nest priestess tier rsdto promm brill tttmsndtinrsthcisehehss bed shout 100M letters train Itioterisopc Stewardess Most Wetchobio Woman MIAMI PIA tReutrsl Am the most wsIchIhiI named to the world Ire Prio rus Gm at Nansen Emotes Tush DibIh It lists thrill Miller Actress cuties hottest tingle titties Yep shes strong the yeue most with his women selected by the in ternstioast Society oi Gill Rstritrrs Ittrpie is Itynrold Airline Itewtrdrss who live In srsiIiI tilsmt IpIrtment with mother UI iinnncloiiy stewItdcss Berber Necks itsrgie bu blue eyes hioode hstr end wide rustle titty wet the selected Independent own MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC BOUTIQUE letle Normsrt months to years lender in the cosmetics Ind tIshten Ic eessorirs tide is exoiiid lnltn Outs he psrt oi ttilr prolit this network oi toot Coe nirtte Boutiques throtth out CIuIdI end the Uni ted Suics Convert un roirtsble unused tpsco your prisehl shop into psoiitsble hesuty hissi ness or open new ex clusive cosmetic studio You will be required Invest In lotenio tis turer Ind testehod im provrsncnls Initlsl Ind continuous comprehensive mining is provided For iurther tnlorntetioo write or phone collect MERLE NOMAN COSMETICS ore ORENDA noso DRAMALEA ONTARIO dont know the nth One oi estrogen nom tlIted trio hUtU dont how who wet Sits titre now to to Angetes trnin Illsnii Sometimes she does publicity wort tor her one player Iterplttu hes bccn widely used in thine Idierttse meets with the csptton im ItIrgie Iiy nie Rte dilute slil Isid with the womens itht opposition to the Its but otherwise sprees generstty with the ltbcrsttoolsts And how does it Ieel to he nIritet Irnong the worlds most wetchshtel its one oi those nice things like when somebody hsnds you ower TRADERS VIAIT JAMAICA KINGSTON lstnIirI Ilieuy teri Ao eightmember 0n tIrio tssde mission Arrived in Iunslcs Wednesdsy lot tour dsy visit blemhrrI ot the nur Ilnn represent wide nose It products including hotel sup plies Ind equipment tents Ind towers tor the eiersge end proc essing et metet roductst struc turIl steel photogrsphtc Wsitou outiiritd the tutors ot the role Itd ItIiuI II women till INIII lighting equipment Barikof Montreal tnoFtrotconndioanic Stllne itnt exscttv the cheapest sport In the world However It the limit oi Montteet twohsveeWtyoi nuttnp rhinos little setter lot you Its culled Bencetdchek Wlih Bencstdchek youll never me out oi moMY the slopes Youll be able to snap up bargains nononsnit ttEiihEitit in ski clothes or equipment all the phone Lsy out your =Iw unvmgs Essa Esau CASUAL COORDINATES neck rsrdtgsns with pockets tor men and women sites it to it Knitted with Pit ons Douhle Double the mach ide wethnhts Indd drthie yum tor todsys easy living trited with No it and No csrdtgans can he made ve quickly This pattern It AVlt this by tending settIdtress crl sldmpcd envelope to the iolicrn Droi The iitrrlc Es eminer id iloylieid ht tier tic ohtve Knitting hurdles Those OEIouiIito Dining pm to to pm days in week OAnthuee to em to to Iito iiwy 21 II TAOIRWD 11 Vii it trshirs AND ANTIQUEA AIUIIIEL AND DUN iliLE clothes iste both itolt up our Itsli Do your homework or ilthlcems never sign may enou At tipin res potrlng Irovtiditsrions light is never out belore rnltnltht she must be up It Hit em which it not enough rest tor rowing rl IIt have to prIctlcelly drtg her out oi bod in the morning She Iieepl right through the lililli itsnirty need more test but not get It heceuso hsvs to stay up to mete sure ttsrloit goes to bed Then must be up It too em in see shes up lor school in exitsvsicd Ind dir itrd she tells me to get oil or hurt Atty tuggestlonsi nlesry Eyed Item lirsr Rirsryl Yes Get oli her bscir tivesrold trt is old enough to go to bed yhersctl and get up without help Put the burden where it belongson her not stop worrying Some people require more test then others it tlsrtoti II Isle trw mornings shell shape up on limit women wss among the trio who were msde honor Iry members oi the new Stmcoe Countyiitsrtch ot Viciortsn 0r der oi Nurses Itrs Wstls Cotltnpwood Street Chsrtes it ticrsiey oi isttdsle Crescent Ind Gordon iiewtit oi Col ilegwood received the recepti iifii in Ipprccietton or long ter cc HERE IN THE IDA stuns liimmer the wet to Innounrer with the torsl rsdlo stItlon in the rnriy 50s her movie it to its his time in tiri tieh television Shrine Ippesred It guest star on the prolrsm lttc Pcrrutdcrs this week TEACIIEIIT CONFERENCE hire Dorothy ttIoPhcreon lire Vlciorlt Low and tire Josn tindesy oi tittioy Park School lisrrie Attended con torture in Toronto sponsored by the stooomcrnber Pederstton ol Women Tetchers Aisoctstloit oi Ontsrts The conlcrence theme wIt Towsrde the list Cen Opportunlty Money sale In your tsvoutl your dsncrttchetr 1h Itsnt csth loan It you and youll be this to he see rt her own Prrt ot her problem is you tury Detcgsies hesrd spotters Bencettcheir is lust one ot out its chance to buy those hetuiliut title but your bank Iccouni lust wont stretch IIIAI tsr Bring out toiII cost ot your new title over uper are DRUEMARTE HEALTH it BEAUTY msny ektlno services Call In Ind tirid out shout the others Were The Ski Bank We wsnt you to pet yourmoneye worth Emetoen to ski stotel evte In In need It spread the 90 slots The Bancardchelo cold cash forthe skihills Csslt liespiers tttnteYoute hsvtnn more iun then you thought you would And youre slio spending more money then you brought with you You have Hencetdehete In your it Then you have cssh In your Thete the oerury oi thinp Amourchoirs with you on the ski Unbeuncoehle With Bencerdchek you stweye hive cIsh Not tomottow Not next week But the moment you wood Tsire trlend out to dinner Have your err is tired We puetIntee psvment oi snoerclchets whether you ItAVh money in your mom not You csot Incidentslly bounce tttAttIIId

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