Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1972, p. 4

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hill WWW Published by emu Newspapers Company tlunltecl II Isyfleid Street Barrie Ontario James Robb PublisherOevuerel Munsper Walls Editor Emeline McPherson Menaglng Editor mmevmauslrsusm raoae Can People Of Good Will to high E5 $5 if onnuwoon but Itret Denis 5r are EE ii it of re Edi its Find An Ulster limitully the IndiIPakiItan war ended before Claristh and the Middle fast invofvtn Prlestine itself has not penguin exp ed as so often in the upset that in Ulster there is neuv ere mile to the terror and the violence ynd theworstoilttstbattherelrno end in sight The original solution proposed and inv iended the Ulster government is isilurc policy of rounding up and lo ieraing rtupccted DiA te and no snon was launched on Aug lot are beenfrottndcd up binds information bout hitters has been extracted from then taken into asstody Authorities in Ulster estimIte and we have no Iod to doubt their accuracy that they have now gathaaed In most of the veieren emails of the old IRA organization In tisIt respect the policy has been euro Solution etnn ed Tradefsalmostatsetsndetlll Ii eerie are selling off their listen tories Few ii any are restocking their ahelvcs The tevul of violence and the damage done to Ulsters eccnorny since internment are rou double what they were before emmcoi Can in torment then be called timers out the government of Ubtcr el Stars moat has taken its ateod on the proposi tion that the tenor and violence must be ended before reconciliation can begin on the basis of major concessions to the Roman Catholic mine tn Ulster in effect this menus that treatment most auoceed before peocemakihg can be in Itsan an hrpasse here Thai is in numbers and in capacity to furethe PtotertInt community The Protestant cosnmuofi insists that it will not surrender to olenee But what EFE culture that comes ev requiring that human rights cited the rigigta drug lrte very or erhiaodwzf another humanSc ell debate ebout the right in Fs all was Dumber of Cape regarding notification of Ephrtatigl of nat an III it was mad that marching wnuuld be eligible for iridi lieu of float as Dim Install the followed the rules set did the school slutty then the fault for this its ppm lg elsewhere Yours tru1v Sandra surrtl erase Rood will their VHO do them Mil II its th couldwin one seems increaw logy doubtful if their factories and rhtffthidhflu Old MP5 lire on Election Date South the Catholics of Ulster are now Itrttin If their enemies where it hurts st eir pocketbooks The Catholics oi Ulster are boycotting and the IRA are bumlng Protestant stores and Protestant tabllrbed Cauldl Develgmenl 1tteve tmprov rev pensions and social sear OTTAWA Tau grut guess rtr matures Put iuu two ltll tlml WWW cs system for wheat Ind roriy Can Protestant ascendancy even more by the recent throne may hm pmdurfs might pnt up better resistance to speech Wbcor the election Business pchng car But the has hsd side eUeas which were ard contemplated when it was featured young recruits have flocked to themAcauseendbeentuedioaneo tireiy new offensive They are not train ed gumnen 1113 do not stand up Ind light it outwith eBritlsh soldiers But they do miter bombs wherever these can damage Protestant property This new offensive readied dramatic ions on Dec 20 when there were its oslons in Just one day But more QUEENS Pilii Many Questions sy ranusnnruaantorort Innstaer Ottawa theme the economic weapon than white sup remacy did in the Old South The only hope for ending ft is that he bind the scenes men oi goodwill are ser as III II set is If 32 iii3 $5 59 an Qgii age this new offensive is dolng to the economy of Ulster Belfast ours man ufacturing Ind shopping centre oi inn poriaoce Economically Belfast is being noun mnonv LINE as vrauis aco IN rown Butte Kranuner Feb 24 1921 of ficers of Compargy Sfmcoe Foresters ti formed badminton ffendall is Parish Iia beat Colfingwood fnson scoring 28 with team oi Harry Eli lnil Ori Joseph out than the number is the dam bio play on four counts at Barrie Armoury Mater it out with executive of ILL Camphe Raikes Lt Rodney Wg Mu Iesutoa ea ac Warm Indldonitat It ured if Bade hill For past three in wfretcrs this Increasingly popular srne has been played on one court in fly William Wells elected attatrman Board oi Educttion Barrie Octleglatee strong ris basketball team with Ottelyn Rob poinis Other stars were Iusbel Smith Dorahy Iiurrfhle and Harp nrot hleeking Barrie Oaan Clubs annual bonspiel won by skin Char Heel Hnok Elmer son Phlfbuve Hunter Kennedys rink oi Hilliard Meredith Hamp Irsllck thcs won second event arvin of Barrie placed third ln Dominion checkers tourney at Toronto Fisher Flour Mills Maple Ave shipped i5 ions to Eatons in Toronto now working on order 75 tons Canadian ilour for Liverpool England Harrie Colls eliminated in junior hockey lay offs 31 at fifcaford Special train from Allandale carried TDD local fans fouel the they Waterworks modern cost 00 ring for st Coc wher fobogg daftogcoald or cones sponsor by lerary Society at BCI for color inionncd Board of Education In four more alass rooms must be acquired for collegiate badly overcrowded to find their way around ease We can only hope that find the way Christlan Science lionifor mcn here from city and with local help staff now over 40 people outraged sheepskin tanningKlwunlsCu sored debate in which proposed lecit nicad solvent for Barrie wss voted down org store were George bienillllu Arthur 11 mm trvtwocd Harold Sprott leek Helilnnon growihoi the at ca of the mo SPDII Iniugl on olfllnks Sunni lss isle Wilson won or teacher and dept made will over 84000 in 1828 Owner at Garrett announced he would soon have installed ought in Crpttof ftrcatuc at arrie musician Reginald Godden hired to pigth Wurlitzer OHA discovered Smith nowaorner to Barrie was over age unknown to local executive Smith out nsted indefinitely St Marys sou ors oi Harrie beat Church oi Guard ian Angola it in hockey at Crillis Star et centre player his were Jack hioore Ton Saso Garry osouadie Dyrne St farys also won junior game with Barney Devlin in rats Charlie Crosse land ioo Save lack Hayes Leo Ilyrue Dillon next season with Now York flang tersi was top man for tieaford Jack lien ncdya Harry and Stan Partridge starred for arrive with Jack Walsh good in acts Group oi 15 musicians frcan college lnic band accompanied team to hlcaford Clarke is Clarke Tannery now in full opcratton in Barrie followin transfer of indusfry from Toronlo Carkes Nor man and Leighton brought 20 oi best iNTERPRETlNG THE NEWS Leo Ilalserty were scoring stare Hobart Smith optometrist moved into new remlscs on Dunlap St irinlly Angl ans won junior ciuuruh hockey title Wit Bob Powell starringln goal For wards lncluded Fred Andertott Bud Tom linson Herb Dyment Dick Powell Hazen ldge Bell Telephone team from Barrio lacedt second in first aid compolillon at over About New Official by DON OIIIAHN Queens Park Boreas Of The Iranian which Is to run Ontario has teken at least one step which doesnt fared much confidence Last week the premier an get naunced the appointment of communications cooadlaster uu Committee oi which Dr JIDIeI was Iaeavtlve director Vuhetfuer it was or not it was geaersll accepted thatnccb new executive offfccc to the premier had strong band in the appointment The measurement was made It news conference at which both the presides and his chief executive officer were pmcnt Naturally the first atlnn asked was inst what in new man would do Just what form nlpunlrsllon would be coordi air And it was absolutely extfaolr dlnary Practically no explana tion It all was given Ip ssently because none could be ven Daliarfieck it seemed were ying blind UITO OFFICIAL The incumbent Campbell IIcDonIld he been director of information and bitcations at TD University Western 0n title at lattice in fact be is being seconded from Western and will rcmsln on its payroll with the govern ment paying his salary to the university The snlbry is trance This in nothing personal about Ilr McDonald lie nus be etc trcmely competent life to known about him yet tint his is essentially new office In the latter days of former premier Roberts there was director of communications Hifllam Hatlvbun who had been Roberta speech writer Word Presidents Visit To China WASHINGTON CPI Ibe Amerlran public glutlonoualy devouring millions of printed words and vivid saiellltedeiiv ereii television pictures on Im Itdent Nixons Calm visit are growtng increasingly truallrhle All huylur later they are hungry tier more Perhaps as one observer put ft it is because they are racing lend bearing everything end yel nothlng at all What they really went to knnvv is whet ls gain on behind the curtain that rble uthe pri vsfe talks from the cameras Icye nonlcd turn public and loved much of official Warblllt tan is left to scrutinising every word written by the comper lfVe handful of Iccounpanylng reporters studying every fV uplcture for any betrayal of cool locus and overt show of friend mm And the Cnluuese hosts are Ikerplug the faraway American lspecfrtars guessing The airport welcoming cere many was small Ind cool But nest day presidential meeting we hardly arranged with the enshrined lender Chairman htna Tsetnng and ran over its Ippolnlrd tfme Afterwards the Chime said the session was frank and IrstouIwblch in Communist pIrlInce means it was more than ceremonial and my that areas of disagreement were included Nothing ll known about what was said flat at Milan Premier am kinlei and other Gainers lead era are Well aware they are playing to let frealer audi ence than the American inlke back home tioecouv lu wrlclr lngy and Tokyo Sr are the Chinese Nationalists no doubt apprebumively on Taiwan and other Asian powers in New Delh sod elsewhere To the eyes of most obterverg here the nuances of Nixons Of Great Interest To US for so years for lessons known to all meaning without saying It much US support for an independent Taiwan There is no reason for us in be enemies ssfd Nixon who in his early yeads in Congress was noted rodbeiier who sought to alert the fiS to fears of menace URGED CAUTION Nixon bad repeatedly warned illuImAlnltezicsnEfopie in advance spec on In out of this initial collect Actually in the view of many commentators both sides would get maximum adventagw from the talks by resolving not to go too far too fast Furl Nison his loume tor peree II he called it could give en tunmeuureble lift to his eampelsn for reelection next November Also he can use It win that the title was given him so that raise in pay could be justifitd wtan to Beyfictd Street Barrie Outan Telephone 7W1 Second Class Mail Registration Nubtbcr hilt Return postage guaranteed Dally moays end Statutory liollduys excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier doc weekly the year ly Single copies for By malt Barrie LID yearly Slotcu County tuna yearn balance of Canada retro yearly All other countries Kim ycrrl hiolor throw off than year National Advertising Officest to Queen St West Toronto It 1710 bid Cathrart SL hlontrcaL tlembcr of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circula lions The Canadian Press is exclus ively entitled to the use for re publication of all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Assoc oted Press or Renter and also the local news publish ed therein The Barrie Eaandner claims Copyright in Ill original sheer and Chans public exchangtebo to lueep the Russians oil but four the cameras have shown Ines but be must be cautious fiddlilllpiliedudl mastery of subtle slettsmenuhlp not to push the Soviets use is mgmg In my mum so far peltlcniarly In the lace Copyright ltrglstrellon Num Chou Inrinasi said the us prevent delicate disarmament normals register er and China had been separated negotiations cues from the Nieonl parent function was to andFI routine corre blfe to premier via wee charge Tb WillemCk of boiler room full of Item rapbere who still out acknow edgenueats and replies to the large volume of mall premier Presumny ftir McDonald will be doing filove than tbiI If he isnt Ohm Is met bundle of money to pay curable sronrl Winnipeg Is iigain Canadas Third City By BOB BOWMAN Vancouver and Winnipeg have been vying for years to be Carr Idas third largest city Winnl peg regained the honor Jan tbronth no amalgamation that included such historic cofnmunl ties as St Boniface St Vital and filidoonh its new popula tlon figure is asaooo compared with the Vancouver total of mood of course Winnipeg bad faced start becoming city in late Vancouver was not truer porated until that when it had to business establishments They included dosen hotels three restaurants ile grocery stores torn boot and shoe shops and to real estate comps ulee No months later the en tire community burned to the nosed it seemed for same time that Vancouver was flexed its clti sens did wonderful lob of re building after the fire but riot Ieb it feel led to suspension of the city charter In flat the railwa line was being extended from Port Moody the official Pacific coral terminal to Vancouver Con tractors were employing Chinese laborers who were telli ing to work for low wages up and stock market strong to yWelt if they are paying urea speech writer But If be Is it is rather ludicrous start on com munications not to be able to say what he will be doing lnddenlet to this appoint meat the protest that there hes been slost the vertrfctlma on messly spending comes to nsatiou officers mom year perhaps they should be rut down more tors theory IOII This led to protest meeting at city ball attended by about no people There were several fanqurnatory speeches and then sonueona shouted fboee bu favor of turning oust the Guineas tonight say Iye There wet rear of essent and the people charged into the street about Ing Tonight tonight The Chinese were living in temporary shacks about mile away and the rioterI had to stumble along rough trail in the dark to reach them Then they began roundup treating out factors tv oh is lit ven much thou emwblrh isnt likely ions of others stage from Any prfm nulnlster who called an election now would bsve to be out otbls mind to Welth soon before his options not gain to bet Thats the most popular question in Ottawa and suspect across the country This throne speech throne speeches was reted in as many ways as ere were rolling phrases tn the ecb itselfSame MRI and is saw it as clear sign the election would be soon ter talnly not later than June others deddcd It was drained II boldlnx art election call In dtehnrds resurrected the voting If in ion awaiting en Ociober few The PI Ivan than in the forcrnnrent tanks were as con used as the pundits AI infor mal poll taken among seven liberals Itler the speech re sulted in seven different Infer pretetionl sad dam The Imintuter continues has not yet set date and hasnt tip the robe Election dates are let by the prime minister alter carehsl consultation with ceucuu cebf net and perty brass One of our learner Ptts was behaved to have nnianltecih tbgusplalllt world It he one RUN nlrftst fmrable mu or governmen OH win that in fund put Iii in hit Trtuiesua portion and decide whether you would go this spring or this fall consider ing the following plus and minus Reasons wb an election nectlan would come soon after ad visit of President Nisan sf Favorable act of Pats bebdlln of nOebec err Ila fresher in mind it Favorable in it of marriage and arrivsl Justin fresher trailed tumor deflectllno aha be poupon sun unemployment Catt af liv ing seems to he accelerating again Hear Insured aver delays ta unemployment insur ance benefits Increases Public mu about Enntlnnirlg travel and one CBC services lions with the no downs and lIyuffs in number important industrler Iernas min Proposed compeli tion lot and labor codeyunpopte far In some circles Argu In men with British Columbia over eausliaeiinn payments Ill Phi calling Prern Ema bigot to Government IrM dized iob poing to PienrmreeJ Valligres dam IVI guaaaduremu churnmy will the CommnnlsI counties In ls Sprint Emuimglrm when many Wile are naturally and It Ivvernment So these are duscu go end It can rnhably think errI the throne speech as blond statement the governments general sinus isnt much of an indicator is election dates More significant will be the details of the legisla tion brought In the budget there is one before the elecilou family allowances deleted Itrihee two disrupting sir lirsIltdown in trade its air the minese roughly and order fng them to leave the am The Chinese were saved by two brave police oiflcershchiet Stewart and Supt Hoycroft of theprovinclal force They herded the Chinese into large sheet and stood at the door to protect them from the mob fire was started in Chino town and Vancouver might have been burned to the grourd stein if cillsena had not helped the fire department put out the flames The incident led to the suspen sion of the city charter for time vvblle the area was put under protective custody by the police would be bet this spring Growth rate of our gross na tional Eudnrl exceeded any in dustrla ed cotmtry Rate at which Canadians tentered labor force exceeded all in antslIt nations Hire in total employment Ind output achieved with reasonable prre stability Government weathered crisis in international monetary system and played leedirip role in election Have mpfemcnlcd messurcrto corubot unemployment and fruit pruva economy such as tax cuts local initiatives program and the departmental ding estimates which whether the government is log like Scrooge or Santa Claus on hundreds of local and tlanai protects BIBLE THOUGHT have companion on the multitude because they saw been with me three deyu ald have Iothing to eat Alert we cannot feel for people opportunities for youth 51 1T HAPPENED IN CANADA eat part of our faith is miss THE LIGHT TOUCH Shirley Millionaire By lilth Birthday Dy IIAI DOYLE NEW YORK AP Things columnist might never know if he didnt open his mail Ilo leg cramps disturb your nightly sleep Three Califor his doctors have found large doses of Vitamin it helpful in treating them The youngest person to earn million dollars in our time was the child film actress Shirley Temple new hire Charles Black Dy her fblis birthday the little dancer and singer had accumulated more than it million The eyes are auppdued to be the mirror of the soul They also reect host of body tits Among the diseases that may leave telltale signs in the eyes ere those affecting the rough tuve system kidneys enema iory nervmtssaltm the nose and throat euv rfne gillsrafa and the metabolism to It Dawn to dawn Many peo ple as they get older compisin that the years seem shorter but the days are getting longer Tour days are probably gelling longerbut not at rate the average man would notice Scientists estimate the days are gettini one second longer every 100000 years Know yonr lan age What is handout or it is an intimate room where lady can be alone or entertain her close friends or favors But in the btlddle Ages It was room where girl was called when she had the sulfur linu doir comes from the French verb boudcr which means to AVLIFFE CAREVA viticulture eluunun contractual Imus ITINARI BRllliii uoumimcnrrmueatmml Licwntvrurswnsueottu vrcosvnnnouwnnaacrs toasts MilWitty wondermenttraitors MMMMMAmIlm Altor ms wearervs secretarynun no Mayo Me were Magnum Harm terrain In summer Literate great no remI wallowraw om

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