end intole no thI per dining bu to out sole II urns aoI mahhtg harbor CAME BACK TO WIN Veteran Curler ltIrry Am IrdGIntier ItemrtIt Trophy strong tell presents thI ttol to BrtII Villas Ibo slipped his Judge Fines Two Local Youths For Possession 0i Marijuana ltobett King it It Banlo they IppeIrtd laprovlnalai erect and William hiding 11 ct ti Both pleaded rttllty lo the Angus were convicted on than geI oi possettlon ot mariluano chum shith mulled Item aearrh of their car on tho nitht and torn lined i150 sheet at Jan by Ontario Provincial Pollen oi con Alba Cook the starch muted that Is IlaElected grams oi the drug Itulicd in plastic be under the treat Inst Tanners President Albert Cool oi the tie Both admitted oyning the tee Bertie Tannint begins second to Is Tanners tricted drill They trsliilpd that it was tor Association oi Canada prest deut IIld thla leek that ml was very bury and mint year inr Canadas leaning indiu try and bi aspects 1m to be eugsily as challenging lir Coot iris speaking In annual meeting at tho mode lion in Montreal Luther be said is now established throughout tho world Is vanilla tuhlon material Iltb pmtio image Tho many beau colors Ind lin ishcs that loud themaelreo to about ya belts and lb rnrortu thI onit Iupplo yotnbo on both Md students and the charge was not in keeping with their abIr otter Jud Witch told the men thI had no intention oi dwelling on the moral testis ol the dgond said the last that the mpersled with the us in their layer to pay the line EMERGENCY drape oi lixhlsrelght boot and garment leItherI the bright Ihlby itniahu oi Itolllc Ind other there In tho cable lsIhina item no chat ioago to supply on colon and tortum will be main than ry In 1m OBITUHRY GIDRGI htrGBNIS moral services were held on Feb at James Lynn Funeral llama la Etmvala tar George Mo thnls at who died at Bay Haven Nursing Home on Net iiielong resident at nos Township lie lieGlnnis us tho too oi llr and hire JImes MlGlitilIl member oi the Centre Sim eon Plowmsas Association he was also In tcttvo liberal and member at various Roman CIihoite orgsnlutions lio II survived by his wtie Annie sons Thomas and Joseph oi Elmvale daughters hire Jean tuls oi Tomato litre Helm ltlrk oi londnn lira llarion OFarreli oi Weston hire him Poppe ol tendon Ind hire ber nadcito Barter oi Montreal or grandchildren Iodtwo great grandchildren PIli bearers oi the rrquim mass celebrated by line bio ltennn at St Patriots Church in Phelpstoo were hemsrd llul toy Front Kenny lirn 0Fars rel Rods Usher Money ber ter Ind Jim Kenny Burial was It st Patricks Cemetery Dairy sink to victory mating his last rock the winner it was ml team Itiort tor the Wiles rink during the tIodIy Ipeil It the Rondo Orrllng Ooh In ratpl the riot III down tour at ona limo during the guns and came back to detest Bill Johnston It On lba ships tell are Walter Sterl ley VIchIp Gentgo CrIig second and Data Salient irId lEIIinIner Photo CITY NEWS THE BARN EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY ll in were phoned In by him IEIHII Sunny Some Snow Tomorrow The luxury rill trouble to Northern late Heron eoadl Iboto creeps Munich Lola 5L CIthrinu on meiohhon toatghiond may In Georgian Bay Intermittent am line below to it bcioI Twin IS and back up to dense light Inc urrth rainy Right minibus tho Iuiher olden ltIov Winds becoming north mtrrty casts is by midday Iiurnes in in Wnnmumh tornisties Tridry otherIII mu MIA why sunny lligh today it to mainly Itinny 20 lots tonight rim to his Betting Shop Manager Fined For Operating Recording Bets Alla Broadiwt at Nor do In itald mt IIrh oi loo mints at running betting shop and recording brtI Iben ho Ippured in pmindsl court aloesdsy brinro hodgo Rinadloot Windsor to Santa ll 5L Thomas in Leaders to Kitchener lionit Tomi Winghm Otrn Sound Itusbntn limited In lanlthio record oi untrue renalul bets betlars the rented to be sure that their bets had been placed Hrs ltaughtnts raid that the telling pIrIIriuturl ITIDI discerned alter the run and that to print slips to each Individual hriior gittlty to the charges Ihirh lero laid Is result at police raid early In tho Illernooa oi Sept AS AN AGENT It ltoohhin delian cullll set to limdloot contented that the enllro operation on legal but that It tho court should ilnd lama expect oi the operation to be Iiirgnl it should be remem hrrod ihst itrnadiool III mero ly Irtlng Is In agent ludte Witch raid that he doub ted the rredbtltty oi the deienre Illnesses Ind raid thIt the pre ponderance ol the evtdcara tell that Broadioot hlr ltoolttan pointed out that brosdloot was at good standing iii tho community not rlied his work Iith the Youth Booting Council in the out two years htr Thompson agreed with Mr HoitthIn saying thIt llruIdloai was only the hill guy It the end oi the line RroIdlnot III Irruted Ind poiica conscated ronrldrrsbio amount at lodgers betterr slips and signs th they was operating in roo Iuaettnn with tho Adrian hier Ienger Settles oi Toronto shith took bets lIgrrcd at several shops to southern Ontario and glued tho bets II various trartr thrvueh thI pariniutuel betting ryatein EATLED TORONTO Broadioot untitled that bets placed on horses running in rates It Toronto and Fort Erie hours ahead at post It to tho Adrian hirrsrngerrrrtro In Tomato Broke Into Barrie tillYWCA threatened City Youth Put On Probaiio David ltIrleIn it at Rar city police as he made his way Ml my um Ml om rio var plated on probation tor between two housu near Ilia Alter he was apprehended the ty in provincial court Wednesday at the were checked to charge at break and enter mm into years when bI pleaded guil iba ottnnth oeeumd It the Barrie YliWlCA on Feb ll lisciun II apprehended by FARM PRICES NROINTO CR Wholesale to retIl ration eggs min co titular thI invrttlrsuon weighted prim quoted by department ol agriculture In at motioned rollrlramks wanton AIIrgISAJLAIM country lilllbtl itbro eases quoted by committee oi wholesale egg dealers Extra large 2521 in It medium 20 small HO 14 letter prim Can Id ion tend eIriotI buying 39 score Ind rear door us lnund smashed hlacienn admitted to lhI understanding that all bets be its that had tuned court inroasded in the Toronto oilieo told that be had stolen nothuir we placed It tho trsrk Approxiimlniy too dImIgootIs brosdloott testimony was one done to rrrern Ind reiniorrrd roboraled by his employer and the necutuy bets it Thompson thorn attor ney Isted Broodloot it be bod ptndaIi hnnlvrdgo oi Irty oi the You havent heard anything yet ever reaching the pIrtmutuel olith It the track RroIdioai roiild not any that ho Instr at this happening its could only state that it was his less It the rear oi the build Vitopresident ol the messing er service hlrt Therell hi Robert histltlnnon dolens liltinhloa rouusei told Judge hitch Sbo lestiiied that bed as that htactasn had no previous turned Brotdtbot that all beu rrtord Iod thIt he on re torworded to Toronto were mnnelui tor lint ho had placed through thI system done She told the court that the liacleantotd IllII Witch um Nmmi ted operates It is ha was willing to Ibida by the tor the last two yeorrtand that term oi the prohItinn and that the directors wen ulting Inn ho had Ilresdy arrange ledaiaunn to beam to nporv meats with dim Al llop hon per to man restitution tor the damn Thomson sited lira tort why Ibo did nolpro ittdg Itch allowed him six ride tho puhmutuat Ian and months of your life Oyears or the dImIgrt srslrd th id ho Think of your retirement years as some of the best years And plan for them The Kirkland SFB lotluty RCA Heres the quiet understatement Io ohm denotes line contemporary hirniliae The ltltiiand The otrotgbe strong tinge plus the Contemporary or Century WIinut llnish will make it striking addition to your home the rsbintt is mounted on casters ard mounts the mom engineered ILRIWN that make WAlll marl thI bellier oi stmo etrclltttce Dun 12o changer wtth Diarnoist needle Quantum tbowelt chassis and Quan tnire Spaukrrs Space is provided or RCA stereo cassette recorderplayer sustain tnslnilntlon Remote speakers and tnpa tart Contemporary ltalnut or Century lllatom itaisb Dimensions mi tilt It to lilh tottlrilutidtii out MWWLIIIIT IIIIIINES lotion on tit lnlrtiil tell tiliiilililltbtti tlStlbupItonr iii bitllullll tilt not you Irtunwlilwo usgausauuu mun run In um Puma Todufuidhlm Itillatno North Bay 5W1 Briton notation KIWIII blario l3 $467 hkeaetiks uper ave anus MMrs inlmtl till trod tor olculoivoo ol mumbled MI to 65p rent iti mugs toil Isle am the toll ten years in detlllrienlulculaliorir All harroonconllibwltoir slimmer with tan minim nmmg 500000 poyrsr little that you actual yoely roamwoon otter tar toasts tittiMlohetl75000boliolisu The Main uona SFB I009 by RCA There are and low styles that my good taste as graoetully Is atthentic Spatisii itecogtuzlnz this it it any wonder otir rshttoet milsmen take maestro quiet pride to this rrcdcnzn model the lininguenu know youll be proud to in it in your home Ind thrilled by the My it adds that touch oi Mediterranean Iteraan to your decor Thmls pride too in the preclsiotocngineerrd rompoitenu the thiamum mwatt amplier the Qusnt Aunt Sound System and the Garrard It changer Using euttsnl annuity tales the example above would ntnv you with monthly income at over $65000 That almost $800000a year enough to do nllthose things in retirement you cant do now like tly south tor the winter And travel where and when the mood tsitasyou Anotttat good thing to know about this Retirement SovingoPIanlsthIttt makesgteattsrshetiettoo lhoSTER 00 SSDunlopStraatBaitie0ntt OWE6495 PielsmlliriIIridIiiIngolorIiin inlmotttw Trusts Corporation ieprotentatwo to discuss SIvingsPlIiL liyouars gettingmanittl This basket hotdo littonnallon and pills especially helpful tor you call your Welcome Wagon hostess today Pborto 7135104 NAM with Dirmotd stylus Spree is provided lor RCA stereo cassette recorderplayer eitsiom lnsisllst Forest Oak Duneiuioat ll 21 pop pleasant piece to deal 259 iNNiSElL ST Look at the pupil again As you can see at current toyolsSB23500otyoultolal52250000eontiibution DRESS tstatumedinntcelnltaxtehotes cm PM And it you register on hetero February 29 you can gelyoutlitstniee lattaxtebatathtsyeat so send tho coupon below or call 705 7266495 tor In IppointmentWoIl showynu bowany contribution trout $10000 to 5250000 year eattii steady compoundinlereelmndgetsbiggerevetyyeat will hAlthlE ibltoNib 1266551