it station NEWS ROUNDUP Lawyer Soys Deportation Would Be Political Fovor thI evidenco indicates Iii IlIi relatives in tho Monaed area spnoim tent LI wwdcdmutnw harlot Armstrong to lEl Untied Sula thI CouldIsa govern mid tally be doing political tasnr tor their resenting Armrtson FRII lhmhnot list the al rubella mister smothered to Ihrno bludtl Aroutroal Insoka Ill Toronto rooming been hot net alter Mine it ted in email lirml Alon Dllm IN hid Dsrtd Alien Pine Ind boo nodule Burt annotated tor tlntda grca outsider robotre WW timotgoternmmtowoertrlod morph lneamodi otth naminboashtnlattbo Uniterstlyniwtsooaaln physicist III killed and other talmd phenommi oaormynmh mauoentrussdaatrvyodin Ihoerplooloa toes not name TANDEM Leaks Criminal 0mm cat Pitnns Itin uur Wodnaday at mmoimuetdoeu mutmlnolm liesoldlnthsthIt IleeplatediithI urnrams hlrlrrtdosnlut lylogto aoorgo lieu PCP to no aardllutlngs who sued Ibout results oi In lnmtigatlon into the leak oi cabinet papers tan Ill Incimlng version at tho Gray report on ioreln own cthip brlier Gerald Rsldtria Con oerratiro llonso leader delt MM test Toronto sun report oi memorandum to tha erlnet by Rerenuo lilnlster lierh Grog on boot government policy on torelga investment should be mode while Killed In Crash RAULT STE MARIE 0st GP Ontario men and Indher tromtllrltisb Columbia were ltllled Wednesday in Named Chairman ronomo CPI Doeid Doris ol Aneuter Ont hIo been appointed attain oi the on on aeoodsry in Dolmlromitr Ar an mun lines to em meant he use the ultimatum to rcIirlentolen eerie tor tighten Foundriesmand Etta lid oi llnnllton oocre tor IoetIi develop lIoIIll remIln member oi Ignmmlaston hartcouvnn icrt ll condition with rnuiLl lo inflates landfall hie hints more link ltss eotipio had Modelling Dr Wright dcptttyvprovtocisl tioar hesdoa coIlLsioa on l1Ihout no miles east Dead In two it the oorupanie one ear Joseph hilthaetAi bert Coolant ll oi North HI and George Rowe id at gnu EkIfEIJocrumis oi Wiiiism uIris Ionoaneod gummy gt other olrttni was the mom Reader Revised Gtado tit reader lecturing abort Itory partialla vest Territories iIn MJIID wanted to yr up theap big indiInlv be revised the publishers In aetmcod ltleodsy he story has broom re pooled obieetioos troni British Columbia indians who consider lttderogatory out its removal ttbm the read no urged by the indian resources education entire rt tho University oi no spokesman tor the whim eltDeatIndSonsol nto IIld the story pub ltdtod la the reader Under CI nidisn Skies will be replaced by one on the early days at the noun Illaim Relueed honomo icni as ygnrold Oialham man whose doctor rays lililerod saver It damsgo during fight in nu Opt laiiuly trip has been rehtsed claintby the Cdminsl lnitnleecoinpenialion Beard yillllsm Alisa enlisted enn cuulon broken ankle brain dhnIge loss at memory and decreased mobility in his riit opt in the light lio claimed he win uonultcd John Arthur lists and pin rd oil hotel copy ionever shtco charges at so it and bodily hnrmlogainol hir Wallace wera dlrritinrd by and mo returning to 50 lbonthoaccident MP Rpologizes WhDOM Ml ll it warm the abolished Wadnudal toe eollln Prheo maech in re looting up tho eh htuudlrtlmm tee Tlmu Mommas all the meanings oi the lordI vsry named to silly tooldo not lit the prince Hierrlaro tats this oppor mlw Wild and nitro We in wines illness at Commons he wrote Ila added that glihmgb be has never met thatprim pg believed him to bo mlhlo Mailed Dlolsant Sued For Pay errant CF labor at partniast mountain has sue MML mod the government In tho Federal four at Canada for delay in In tldl at retroIettvolimmg It Moment to do My awarded Dr Kenneth nut thulmmyboucn umber at other public Imam Dr EIlon orl tit to dim mil lnterert on loan and tall militant income to The retroactive meat was due to don bargaining unit on July it till Receives Award OTTAWA iCPt eerie The Tenth an log contributions to the thin oi Journalism The series was eight bothtong programs on tho Dietetihsiter euros years it was three years In the mating miles at Dundu int Mr Graham has been with tho nines till Stacetbrn ho has at number at award Il liltl TliY cranium mm rroitn mom Heres out far Quail Engineering Beauty and function get together at your Dodge HQ Dodge Monaco and Points for 72 identicatin size both ride on the big 122 wheelbase but slightly different in nppoinanents Wt Monaco and Potarahavearesculptttrcd tookfor72 newtrom lemons solute iqu sIats last night Otisya lawyer has biIrcuI crashed Wednesday open tloid one ratio with at lip lands airport hero Neither ho rod nor stiiiod htr hiIrnu treasury board sipped my and bio vita OlendI the only live Ieomeutwlth Dr Estang other passenger in the plane left on lhrlr Washington trip Inystby cor this time erthoi Train Derailed CAPREOL Ont icri been awarded the lm NItlo Press Sub award or nilIltlIId Hilda mum faannie or ICAL osummmarmnmowl Students To See amine 3W oauu pianist wtncint in cam my on Day eoiebr Els 515 to being 110 mlmaimmu Nimmm Milli tlIroent by tormer laber ml be try Bryce it one WW into coetrorrnlai receptions tilader the progrem htIrI Amour other things time students viii risttmebee amendments would ban Ind It Queboe ItndeatI IIll milled tbompeolulairertatn ririt thI thousand islands Nl coiled meditate IgIrI Falls and tho Georgina lbottlaoianuiatialvorhoonv BIyareutOntIriIAnotheret tract but hlr ODonnell rtuntalrmoutoriovilivlstt uldtbolnuldbsmodtliod mice on anti Angela Davis gittog her any Clara County Ill It Pain Alto being heed on 01500 hIiL AP Photo Irel trains were doraliod least to hours trace cunt Sumvetl CTaSTT beoulloo mliee lest remitted over CPTIaii lines UllAVIAiCPi ot Mm at here one our injured gt through Sudbury Control about miles north Cause oi the derailment our olwdblyg loan the malnCNit not known but tract coirdltions liha or rIilirs Iton in zero weather have been poor man uld will he bloc ed ice It tor Ioreiai days PARENTS INITHOIIT PARTNERS CHAPTER 530 DANCE Piper Coniniancbo piloted into In Saturday Feb 25th at 800 pm Knights of Columbus Hall Iterer St IttonIt RIilwaI GLASSES ALL PROCEEDS FOR SAME DAY CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES on single vision all WTDI CHOICE OF Music by Pogo unasoeantz rnicne Dmo Cannot OUICIT COURTEOUE Refreshment Chill EEIWICI Clo rlo MIMartts szoo cuesrs ssoo ltlIltl the rubber to the rooiline Monacoe standard fett tures any luxury car Norton ReIiulantooisloettoi Orttltti Furniture West St Orillla Barrio nnltura too tut been commistioned dispose oi rtoci lmm Ortlila lumtture It soy neoucrion on original price Included are such items as chestciltoids bedroom suites bar stools chairs cotton and lamp tables pictures lira screens and mirrors All Orillta Furniture balance of stock it PRICE that tirst served its orchsnges or reiuude battle Titration Itd ll Muleoslor Street noxt to the library 7260561 butltheyrc all standard Like TorsionQuiet Ride and Uni body Construction foryesrs of quiet comfortable rattlefree drivmg 360 cu in V8 power steering Torqueftite automatic transmission and upper level ventilation We repeat all standard New inte riors with little luxuries like woodgrain panelling and wait to wall colourkeyed carpeting complete the picture It all adds up to quality engineered exceptionally comfortable sensibly priced car Dodge Monaco and Potato Get all the details from your Dodge dealer yourileorQualityEngineering lIIeedquarlers ToBeRmendedE arrsz tori labor Irier Itartia outrun no rbvinclel Judge Zmereon Portion the compensation hohrd ruled that llr Allen was not victim at crime Judge Perktnl lit dismissing tho charger said it seems clear trust the eel debts that hlr Allan nu spoil In for trouble during the whole Iv ntng 0n the controry 0r spectalbonus of AM radio and rear seat speakegr Avallable lor llmllod time only at parllclpallng Dodge dealers on specially equipped Monaco end Polara Hodge Poop It small odtl