Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1972, p. 13

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math at ILI is may In is the as an up mm must MID RICA IL USSRI Blanks AilStars nomads ttPl Drake routs oi the Indian student national barley tIIIrL W11 load idea Nodes day night pt Lbs typo oi compo tsiscn as club Ill be Isdag in Ibe World Student Cannes inter this until Drals Ind close to taco tans turned out to watch the Rnsslsn student bortty IeIrn blank contingent oi Weber University Athleitc Assorlstlon Iiistm lhcy we Iris Ilse Drsts Isldqslterwt game III strung Ittb Tom butt and he said they lIyId better on bigger rich they did In Toronto Tiresday nighL Ths itussisns were beaten 51 by the University at Tbrontn lilacs coached by Writ IIes dsy night It Vanity Arms in Toronto Yuri Cheltlle Ia ntttclat with the Russian term add his club was tired tor the gImI Igstast the Itqu becqu oi long labour tllgbt trons nlucaw tn Itmireal and subsequent ight to Tomato true the Russians showed no it sheets ol the trip await the had Hoping PreEight ght predicIi examination It borers IIs criticised Westm daglby the man who enshrined ii besrylelght Stewart Gray died alter being tnoclni nut in title bout blnnday night Iilh Canadian champion Al Sparts oi Winnipeg Gray rt ot Toronto was knocked out in the seventh round by Spsrtr and aspect tor briet period esriy Tuesdsy Iss unconscious until his deIth Molar nlrbt Dr Reid Taylor linnl neurosurrron who mm 11 cal said the presan IIItrrrI oi rumination Ls ImprIcIchL iin raid the doctors are the lighters around noon give them Is brlei rumination Itsd the borers light that night rnIiIcr sum Sash in Columbia Iili defeat Ai Icrr Ken with and In hertz Nb in Manual fitrt yeasltrd tan Irns we ml SO eigth minds In more Into noon during the ninth mend ol possession ul lzrsI plan Iiih the Canadian sossior mens rurl 11 record arIi gets the by In Ing champisnship hoping brit tho cloth rwnd Doctor Criticizes WINNTPEG iCP The impractical the way the situa tiuss is new LNOLLTI EXPECTED An In est Into Grays death II upee rd but decision Irti asst be made aatri wilcc eons piete their report on tho Inci dent An inquest was rrwrrunrmhd by Dr larirr 1aril tobas rhiri medical examiner who IIut an autopsy mlarmrd early Wednesday shsnoi Gray died at rcrcirrst hiring or increased llisid on the brain conicciure the condition was Gray at thg mum my result at blasts in the head FrontRunning Quebec Rink For BC Seniors Wis Albertss stint Ottenm oi Itc came up with two iii CIEgsry who had LhI byIiII tbs Wssirnsday G7 our Phil and srchrh round has It record Its nice vvrtbens Opium nails Gordan Walters Nets Ityrn irvm South Prero iodnaml irvm Victuna pine third plan with six wins and Don IroInruigI led his tinni two losses In other ninthroucd games today NeI Brunswick meets Nora Stotta tinnitan mests Northern Ontario Prim Di ward island goes Igsinst SIs katrhessn and Ontario plays Nrtluundisnd When IIghtbraund play erwlrsi NliI ilub Uta irslri Iiursrton us In ioustb pines IIth to record Iith NS Ind ltaritatrn tied in fth with so Saskatchewan and thcm 0b inrin had on remote in seventh pine and Elli was In sole Mncssiun at ninth Ipot with two wins and till losses TWO RINK WINIISS stew iiruwn at Guelph rrpre renting Ontario Ind Newtouad lands Lew lliahirn oi ituritnris were both wiaius Ln such games Quebec took or win nIer Newlwhdlarni In the wrath round Ind then trust on to darn Dust Dauida NS rink lrortt Ital IlaI lit in the eighth mind In the wrath and taba lounnms irnm Portage la Praris to Iirtury oser Sit and then delealrd Ontario Deun sitting out the etching round Alberta sswlni Itsr user iii In the Irtrrrth ririmd sortnrs arms Saskatchewans Crne Spurn lmm SnIItIIan edgrd Untan ld in the wrath roIsiIi but look In upset ll 1st irons Northern Ontario In the eighth Alter lIasittg in Ourbed In the seienth ruurwl Newfoundland Int 12 in Nil in the eighth but observers saw mashed im protrrrteht in Ilsridrrss rink iv The Iaursome wrest their lirst lourcndcr oi the series In the ninth epd against Bio and came up llliit uttn at the mast spectacular plays during Wtdncsdsys tlittlllill Neolottrsllarwis smti liar obi Burrs iltIml the house Iilh periesi triple takeout to the mirth end but New Bntith wlct rrrirrgssi with one point Is the end was surrrplrtcsl Check lie Iaid us tar as we can MINI THE BIGGEST min Quebec team Ihle Vault trinmnd gt the outr play nett Rob II lnr It Matters lnrm seven at eght IrvIA teams The visitors displayed also passing atiIck and held lots margin in shots on lost Tonlgbts gImo III pretty good lesson ior lot at pimple IaiIl Darn Draper oi Loyola Col lege roach oi tho OUAA aide Celtics Nip Cleveland le TILE ASSOCIATED raw to to Whites iump shot born the top oi the key with It Ito nails to pin gnro Boston Celtics ltht NIitonIl tlIIkethiI Assoeitllott victory Wedneme night nter tho scrappy Cleve land Cavaliers In the nights other NBA games Milwaukee Bucks over outed ballimoro bullcu Its to Houston Rockets surprised Ins Aapeicl Lasers ttttto At inntn lawts at Phoenix Suns IXOiil Cine Iii Royall drchtrIl Portland TtIIIblIIer 1on and Seattle SupeISoalss sautech by DYoII Pistons t7 tn thI Amrrian LlsIkethll Associations New York nosed out liodiIIsl 10G CInILLnI eiobbmd the Utah beat Kcniucly tarsus Ind Iiirglonsia turned back Memphis list Irrc Iiusion victorh enabled the Celtics to pad eir divi sional lrnd over the Idlo New ork Knicks to three gIrncs but as tho scars Indicated it was anythin but east They ha srrryth to gain Ind nothing to use Itoston conch Tommy llclnsoius sold ol the Wailers last in tho Cris tral Division 1th were out three scrstrhlng and grlbblng Ill night Itilwaukeos victory was its ltlh In row nlnst the out gunaed ltullrw lsded alter holding the ieadlor all but the linai Iii minutes In IT ToltoNTo lltapln Lent goII tender tlcrnln Parent shows the style which enticed IiiarIIl Screaming Eagles at the Warid Ily Till CANADIAN FILES New Yorks GAG Line is on the verge at establishing two NItlnnII Iiurkey League records Ind could set third it It continues in torrid scoring It ItsI IlsII so named earlier in the season IIter It began reor inI sent game Into to term Wednesday night scoring rwa rule in II Rlnfm to victory over Phi driphis rs other Imes Dullnio bres with In assist trons their opponents deienied Chl ergo tllIIk llnwis tat ilusiori Bruise rallied to beat Catllorrilu Golden 8ch Toronto Ilsplo beats that out Pittsburgh Icn guins 2d and St Louis blurs biantcd Les Angclrs Rings by the same store Jean ltatellr the leading scorer an the TAG Line got his totlt goal at the reason scoring in the second period IXulrut Phllldciphln Vic llIIIIIlIld also scored his Imh itod Gilbert the third member at the lino did no score Wednesday high but he In only can goal away lrom his tuth sad when hn HOCKEY SCOREBOARD Ily T1115 CANADIAN PRESS National team Nari Division Art 43 LIB III tit 11 10 $68 90 It 11 18d Tl ill 15 INT IN 81 27 11 150 81 123111114 225 SB 16 17 ltd 2V West Division 15 1B8 13 81 12 II It 116 it II 9169 201 It II III II Ill 50 Phlla Id 31 II ltd 167 47 Pittsburgh 111 ti Los Angola Into 1153 III or Iiesnlls Wednesday Toronto Pittsburgh It New York Philadelphia Dullnlc Chicago St took Ion Angcics Boston Coillornls Games Thursdsy IioIIirrol It Minnesota Vancouver It Dcirutt Chicago at tlIIllalo Huston New York hlonlrral Dctruli Toronto ilutlulo Vancouver Chicago Ililnrrrsois St isruls tiaillornln ArnrricIn Lellll Eastern Division Iv Art Dbrtuit Si 17 B206 ltd 77 Nova Seotln 31 1611217 It It Springilrld 2st II to lists Providentw it as no no It ltoebestor 20H 171151 SPORT BRIEFS DtiATIl IIULED SUICIDE MINNEAPOLIS Illrrn AP The llcnnepln County grand fury has ruicsl the death at Ian el It Ilcyer resident at Sslt Lats City Got en Seals protes Iional hockey teamI suicide Tho lury ttsssdsy lwnd no loitl city in tho Inn to dcsth o1 Iloyer who tell trout tho Ioth iloor oi the ltIIiiuori South Iloirl to the root or tho hotrl swimming pool Quebec Junior WLT Art SS 12 Hill iidii Jiit 11921511651 3115 122119er 201 0101 lblbd 2MB 2816158 11 Hibilird 1121 3191170045 Mt llBHTtiil liiil OTITSIOEB 741 Oliiiitiii Result ltednrsday Tltlviercs St Jerome Games Trrdghl Sorri at Lbrnwnli Quebec It Shawirrlgan Western Division Clcvclnrid 17 II 111 200 DE Dulllrrtorl SO 11 10 178 til it Iicrshcy It It 10 190 177 SB Clnrirrrrnll 21 It 11 Silt 111 SB lticbmond It so to its too 51 TldtWIlti It SO In 210 Si Itcwalts Wedneadly Itostim tiersth itocbcslcr Cleveland LInses Tonight ltlclIIriorId at News Scotla Cincinnati It Tidcwnicr Cornwall Quebec tIrvills Sorrl shswirdgsu Sherbrouts Tii1vlrrrs Verdun St Jrrorun Loyal RENT BUG flit Kuhlio 7500 per month pIuI tax 2year louse lull Maintenance BARRIE VOLKSWAGEN Essa Rd at Gowan Iiockey Association to utter him multlyesr contract worth ntrr moron Action loot plaro reaches that mask the line will becoms tho lirrt Ln Nitt history to have each member with to or more goals in season Addldnnalty tbs lino is risrsn to establishing cord at bay Ing each member score 100 ointa or more in In season till II is nine points and Iisdlleid It only irons I00 points while Iinteile who replaced itosions Phil Eltwltio the NIH scaring leader In too points IIAvrz Ins rorurs The ltnisitetlIdlieldGllbert line also has rss points tor the neuron to short ol the record set last season by tho Espotlto Nnn iiDdIthyl CIsmen an it atolls goat Wednesday night was the eighth straight game in which he scored lrav in him two shun oi the NHL rccord oi to stars by lorIrIcr hanger Andy iiailtgats and hobby IlIIil at Chicago black liawks its also assisted on two pain to Increase his pointstaird In 10d one more than EApnslio ths liincir llawks who have Braves Doleat Hershsy Bears Ily Tilt1 CANADIAN PRESS Boston Ilrarcs grasped In no pvrtunliy to pull away iron the challrnglrrg Noin bIolla Voyn gurrs Wednesday night by Iruttling Iirrshey iirsrs to In In American Hockey LrIguo game The victory pushed the braves lhrco points Ihcad oi tire idle Voyageurs In the East rrri Division Ind put crimp la IteaIs bid to lots our third piano in the west ltorhrster Americans last In tho cast siso scored an upset by detecting Cleveland barons so The tmrrlu win prevented narous tram taking the end In tho Iostcrn Division PLAYOFF HOCKEY ACT IDN llrI otllrs open tonight 1on thidsy rm to game time Norm treason tlstrt taldrn during Lcni gauIn against the Pittsburgh Penguins In Tomato Wednesday night 31 District New Yorks GAG Line Approaching Records last only ihrcs games at home III Irnsort dropped their world straight at Chicago mainly be cause III II miscus by player An uxnimcty tick ol tirn port by thicngo lorwnrd Litrlstlnn burdsleau dcposltcd the puck into the Black ithks act to glrn nullnlo itwini Craig Itnrruny was omitted with the goal EarlierI IItrr Jlru lnp In bnsl scored the opening goal for thi cngo tho 5a tied it when clearing pass bounced oil Gerry Iirehanr skates past Chicago grail ibny thposiio tho Sabres gut brilliant nct minding lrom Doro Dryden who was making his llrst aim in games lln credited trus traiiurr lor 11L sharp pcrlurrtt anro In the nets Bruins Deal ior Carol Vndnais ii US TO MD Boston Ilrulns made nIalor more Wednesday In their attempt to regain tho Stanley tuulhey lust Inst year by acquiring Illstar deliIceman Carol Vadnals IruIn California Golden Seals To get the Litredroid Vult Wcd have to get weeks nuilco bclurn they earns to be sure they got Mrsplrlc his tory physical and modest ex Imination it would late as leui lat oi work nrtd reconsideration Iml ruining It the whole plan to give them complete yrlcll Dr TIyior raid WI to be able to spend day or two pericrabiy two to give ibenr the works cocoons STDFIES TIRE SALE IN YEARS 11 this Is what the boring and wrestling commission wants II can do it but It Is illlen Signs For $188888 By Tilt ASSOCIATED PRESS The Chchgo club ludges 1tlgt this Allen on what its Iloes tor us on the llrld thhiis Son manager tdtitrk iIIIncr said alter the CLIan dealt pitrltcr Tummy John and iniinldar Stnvs Hunt to Lon Angeles Dodgers ior tho Nearold Ilugv ger The things club must be ex pecting lot Allen agreed Wednesday to ms centrer or more than siooooo matln him the hi estpaid pinycr White Sox torr Allen who spent Icvrn icm pcstuous netsva with Philadel phIIn Plillilcr will be playing tar his iourlb club in tour ddl nnltt lie bit It hams runs and drove in on runs withth Dodg ers in 1971 While Ailcn was presumably runtrull II ruupio ui other pruni tncnt American League riuggrrs wcrI notIt least not yet KlLLlILIitEl UNSIUNED Ilunuun hllicbrcw is one oi eight Illnnrsota Mas still un signed white trash tlnward is not especial In the Texas linngrrs training ramp ior quits while says general manager Joe iiurke Nillebrew SI curried WOW last year and is exporter in unit West Division all star the that tour years the brains Knvn up dnienroman ttlriI Smith right wing Ilrggio teach and mlnorlrauo drlrIIcenIIn Dab Stewart The Bruins also nciruircd centre Don ODonoliuo lroin tho Scaln Baltimore tuna club Ilrti Schmidt itosions gene crai manager said Urn trIdn was made to giro tlic ilrulns nnuthcr rushing dcicIIceman to go along with bobby Orr Thats the name at the game today he said With all the emphasis on trrrchcrting train nrods Willa ol drlouco men who can iitg tho puck out oi their cnd oioric Wo irel Vod ngrso to rain at Ibout $10000 iiodnsrtrssn denis may be reserved ior entire pluysii tor nonrlnsi lrc betors irli Friday or they will go on general sale rials can help us out great deal in that department FRIDAY FEB ZSIh OtiA SEMIFINAL Game Time 900 pm BARRIE FLYERS VS riuosrou ACES ATTHE BARRIE ARENA MOLSTAR AWARD Mnlaort dilMIld Rim liKl EVENT iiIrrln iiloonsiuno Resort dnL Feb it CaiiIIgIood ltirorglal lelkal Eri lrb iii ivitlIgwood Toronto Elli Sum Irb t7 Anawtunidratorlduitreora ItlonIlIlIIorI InlollMois stIr event It Slit School Directors other and try tor yourgoldrilverorbronre pin Ask your participating Slit Centre or write Molsonn tor lulldntnils MOLSONS BREWERY 640 FLEET SEW TORONTO 138 ONT pas Io IMI pin tttttri plrk up their iiiiirts SPECTACULAR OFFER DURING THIS SPECIAL SALEI EXTRA TRADE1N ALLOWANCE all our new low low pricing for tho Daluxo Champion SUPRBELT 0mm our specialty priced 4ply Nylon 500 with raised white lottois nriri twin strips whitewalln or hiackwnlls DLCiOO Rotronds CLEARANCE PRICED AT ONLY 7151 715 Iisitwsii with your rsriussuis mus Iii 75 more ior winter trends Guaranteed USED TIRES Como in now ior bust wosrsurs choice of bargains FREE MOUNHNG addsto your savings N0 MON Now oi tlioso iircstona Stores BB DUNLOP BARRIE 7266585

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