the satay the SW smvnamaxatuml Boundaries Mandarin have been set tor the eel Aloooa heath School in twisill township by the area committee at the Corsair Board oI Nuclliarr the southern winders will be more at Concession use wrrtmt bound lili be side road 31 the ranthem powdery will be the middle el Concession it and the eastern boundary will be Ate Shame tbue beratdartes were crisis shed wtth yth can irgatian It the PU 0i It in pl Cartrli and Varach pub lic schools end the viceprurci pal ot Sunnybrae pubre school Special Education Vote Is Delayed it toruotta report ram in Plan tor Programs and Smitu in Special Educa tion and Dr licOrlIougha lteport on Special Servires In Sirens Grunt have been care Arliy startled the administra tive merit oi the Shame Court ty Board at Education But due to abreatccisrrv at Wednesdays umthiy board meetbrg recommendations at the uracil have been tabled end will be voted on at the next re craterroeetin Recommendations lndudez that the board nominate soap mlltel to study the continuing development at special education and ettttent services that the board allot euiilclrnt lands in the rm budget to permit the marmlttea to carry out its work monthly and ettleleatly and to complete the preparation at its report by Dec and that the board request the departments at educetlan to support this study with rpcctsi rescarctr greet Nepiuaes Sponsor filth Annual Meet The Barrie YhiYWCA Neplt tuna Salas Club is sponsoring itI Ililh annual invitational wrim meet at the it on Grove Street Saturday bepinrslrrg et 10 nm The public is invited to attend the meet in which treats lrorvt tterrie Base llardea llldland Orillia and North Bay will be competing The competitors are members It the Canadian Amateur Sulmrnlal Association oral In three age groups to and on it and it end it and it rs There will be no other awlra rrring on Saturday at the This includes both tree swims nerd lessons Easiview Ensemble Wins Aiiesiival roaoriso CF wtirvrothr IIIth at Ottawa earned It marks Wednesday at the canard Kiwanis iiiurie Festival trying the first movemmt ot cclhrr veu Sonata Title bal been the best lice tirovea have heard during this entire Iestival raid odiudlre tor John struorls at the cart at the piano class Ior boys at and uruicrl William Tclchruarr oi To Mite also received to tor tintpiece tie in computian tor boys under 21 in other events iterrry Sce pauI oi Sloan Cunt Oat placed that in amateur only ileder wcai tor men tire tird Iilluathoruv ai liamilloa di rected by Ftora Webb wars the iemttle vulca choirs while the Elatvlew Secondary School atrlrrr casemble oi iiarvle di rected by Joel ltiiicr won in its older The Oritlia Sliver ttand di rected by Brennan war tho Class it brass blinds rompe tillon limited to bands with hat acre than to players drum up one GET FEDERAL Lli OTTAWA lCPl 50000 tederrt governmcat grant to the Quebeebaecd Federation at ca operativa Family Economics Associations was announced Tuesday by Consumer Attalrs Allalrter itohcrt Andras This ts the accord grant in two years to the ACEP aonproilt lil tiun oi volunteer organizations designed to educate coasumcrs BARN Ci Police De partment bad In naval Christ mas banquet laetnight two months later than usual the dinner was elated iar Deer ember we postponed due in the illness oi Chlet Edward Trdrirhart According to eur tom the chiet and members at the bead talbe Judge lots and Mayor tar Carole served the stall members rst PC ttrtsa ttailasorr the new est member at the larva use the Ilrst to be served Pitoli LE lC iiuliasarv Judga Curler ttlsattner Photo Keep OpenMind Judge Tells Police in chart address to the Bar rle City Police Ioree at Its aa ii aual banquet last night Judge ll Carter said that recent and rapid changes in the admin istration ol tustlce have ueateti lpdeed tor keeping an irpen rare almost in the age at the criminal the County Court lodre raid and it is the result oi our eonteutporery pcnvrlsslva society Busiassmaa Receives Award For Services To City Police Barrie businessman licl Brats was honored tar his tertich tn the Barrie Police Force at the polka banquet last night lir Brass received certillc ate oi merit tor an Incident which occurred in Dcccmber lie saw vehicle ririke another vehicle erualat extensive dam are their leave the scene ttr Brass Iotlaued the rar eteyped it and look the teyr wry treat the driver The driver was subsequently char ed Ind convicted at leaving scene at art utilian SPONSORING RALLY DRIVER NOT 10 CENTS EACH MIL An error in an article is tied eerdeya Examiner has led some perrune to believe that than wilhla ta eponaor par ticipate in the BarrieMIL lIal Civitarr Anan rally must pledge to meta mill each Attnaliy drivers wishing to enter the rally ahoolet have tatet pledge It to route per ttrtle That could tor esaarpte he composed at to aponam pledrtal haltascent per rssne Aieo epere rts uch II drive belt and spark plugs are not required not could be aerial The rally etarta iron lanai dale Part latnrdey It lrll Mrs ars hundred esome alter are expected to hell rahmoney tor the Civil Foundation nonprot char in Ultraniaa language Course Planned At York Collegiate TUIlONTti lCPt Dcsplta comment that It will be like dressing up dump truck itllti putting Cadillac lubcl on it the Brunch at Elobieukr school hoard voted 10 to Wednesday night to touch the Ukrainian iaaauane in Royal York collo plula institute bacteria in SOP tcmlrcr Tito comment came tram board at education truslvo John Tollorr who said he doubts that an adcquutc Ukrainian corrrsc caa bu preparcd la Utrvo wcclts to mtct ihu Ontario department oi educations deadline tor new courses tor the tall lite cant have elrccul cur riculum rcady he Septcmbcr dont think we can pruccrd with this In good couaclcucc The Uk aialaa course will be ao in route comparrd with our other language courses that it will bo iikcd water up dump truck and puitiar Cadillac label on it he said Ni sly Ukrainianspanking xludvals sought the course la petition alter the provincial du valion dcparimcrtt announced Iicl that rceuudary school cmle woud bu liven ior littl guege courses olha than tlioee team at the time implementation at the Etubt cote derision now hitter on than being oualllicd teacher available rutilcicat money in the budget and to rtudcaLs in Grades 11 India wanting to Inks lira course So tar iv etudcats have ladl catcd thry are latcrcstcd la the Nurse Colleen Young Wins Two Firsts Callccrt Young at Barrie toolr two time and remind In accor diua solo competitions yesterday at the Klwaaia Music Festival in Toronto lilra Yettth look It in two open solo classcs round in the id and under rcctrou hioodat she took first place it aaolhcr it eadurrdcr ealo section the traits raid the pernu arsr Is latter in creating Irur tratlan in his own Job and in the Job at police iie raid that law and order are being challenged and that llro victim at crirue ls bcromimt turguLten persua Trials can be postponed until evidence wastcs away ball is more easily secured under the recent ilait ileiurm Art anti prison sentences are alien cut by as much as one thlnt with parole more and more accessible Judas Cartcr said its many oi the larger eeat res where there has been proportionate Increase In the number at parole olllcers Movie At Wamica Set For Saturday twohour movie he Eleph lut Called Slowly will he pres acuteti tree at llaraicn school in Petnswlck Saturday at pm All Interested children Ind adulh are Invited la toe the movie wrltlca the lullrara oi Born Free Sponsored by the Varaica Pub lic School Parents Association the program In the test at proposed series at trca lime and Saturday are done by lelcpha Nowadays we dont unish criminals as rehabilitate rear he said its said Ural pics harraiaiuc which has rcccittd considerable attention in the art month has Ila practical po and In route carcs is logical slop ite congratulate the torso tar its high calibre and told the members that the commission is proud at their eitarts ilc rau tlaanl them to rainy today dunl worry about tomorrow it may not be better but it could be lot worse ours rir ciiiid rca Hot docs and cold drinks will go on rate at tho echnal at rocar cantata MINOR iNlUiiIES City police Investigated two minor uccldtuLv Wednesday with only minor inturics rcport cd All cars llrlrrn try lumcr li ircsi llutuboro and Sandy Utcltuk Sirrte St Ittliiitktl on ltuyllrld ncar Simona Strcct llolh can wcro auutlt bound and lulal damncn Mid cs tlmaicd at till At tilt vars driven by James Kcurt as Dawusvletv Ava turd Gwendolyn tlciltry oi lilacslac callldvd In the Intersec tion at Stccic nati Nclroa Strrots Total domain was cstlmutcd at N00 TIIIIEE CANS ltarrio Utit investigated nau accident on Highway til County itoad at about ill ycrticrday lire tiuce vcl vulvcti wcrc driv by braclt Stayacr Iii lugcl Oakvi and itussril hiuw oi iliiucalac Total damage was cs tiruatcd at It iNNihlilr Innisili Township Police iatcse Iigutcsi onu lhrcocar collision on Concession Ii nrar Sirlrruu Drivers ucru il Toronto Jolvrr Stroud and lllia Tulrrl durrlat ed at I500 ANNOUNCING live utltlltnl thtiiitltilty oi the Ilnyilcld iIll aru iliOli LEITr teas City Balks At Lease Fee For Central Playing Plot dispute has ertten between the Sam Camly Board at Dd neartnn and the city spacersmg Ipareeloilandeornh at IhI Barrio arena which tr being used II playground by Prince at Villa school lad Carin col tepiate In In agreement estshilshert earn it years ago the tanner llama coliegtrle board agreed to pay It leasing tee to the city tor the land the easement also atlpuiated that the Lryeae lure mold be Noemi tor an other Is your on the same term Principals Appointed By Board New appoatmerria within the Simon County Board oi Educa tion to brooms etlertlve ire Septrmbcr were announced at the boards monthly meeting cdrrtsdty lilcr currently acting tirepriac lol Cartilagead col legiate will become principal at iiit school In Septcmhcr II Portrait assistant cup eriatcatirnt nI education rate over as principal at tout Sirch school Charles Sharks principal at iarrLriit Central school will he the new principal at Slccie street rchlxrl tiriau llllvs principal at Pine liruto school In Vcsprl will be the new principal is ticane llcacit school In iaaisill Town shin Cecil liarsh principal at tou chirhlag ltelghis school in Ur Iilla will take over as principal it Fltiurts itoed rrhoet irt Orri ill The board will he advertising prcsvrrtly tor rinclpai tor Couchleittec Help Is Ichool to tats ltr liarche place The ertya complaint is that ll is not tor the taxpayers at ilsrrte to subsidise land that in used by the whole county lira Strauzhan rriy clerk said in letter trom the city that Centrel eulleclatee athletic tleli is used by attrrlenla trans ail roe County and there to payera throughout the county should assume responsib ttrty tru payarent tor land llartry Ferd ol the ttaard oi the Simeon County board at Education approved wage lu rrrascs tor its secretarial ataii ntrorctlte to Jun at the boards muttllliy mvclrag rd arsday Partlimo secretaries hourly rate increase to ma iNiil The minimum or level one secrctarlcs was changed to ti rho year rum mod year The vveasimum has changed in tutti irum HAN Level tour Ls now open in sec rclariea in large elementary ltiltrtti where the enrolment is non atudrrrts or more Levels one two three and tour annual Incve meals are em Mitt iile had list addcd tn the that tour years and Iron Iddal to the oat year lcvcl six had I200 addtd to each yoar Adjustments were also made to the experience etlawaacn on art Muslim called this very mo approarb to toss tireso ing ancestral laek Nanw enter at eds ucatiru said the city has mat vuprrarhrltty to boost its atonement George lamplaiie and ltl Goriepy have been appointed by the board to mess with the in acne cnmnutire oi erly council to diaruse the egreemrnt new etnli appointments An air instance at not per year will be made to maximum at two can tor directly relatrd exper in rvlmvt cities or en I1uvaaee oi taro la maximum at two ycars Iur other curd ro latrd experience itulcs rut rcaiarity ha cheat ed ra that new cmpoyccs will me as probationary cmpluyccs until they have remrplrtut at least itrlrtl at three calendar months ot service but seniority writ data rum tune oi hiring llitir regard to promotions puraoa who has scvtwi at least are your at an auldant aecrov lit in ruruudnry rchoul attire so who is appointed lathe pore ttiorr eI xcnlor rcerclary in the same school will receive an mauat errant to one increment attrr completing thrcrmoatir probationary period as senior secretary itvg arcat Arthur ltnthbart the developer mall maaaccr alorI manager Ill Halley Iblahtlirrgl David Arricli prclt arrival at Scroll investments David lirolhman and SnyvcttI Examiner ibulnl Bayiield Mail To Provide 500 Jobs Produce About $250000 In Taxes Scroll itlttrivrltttll th ulil ottth vopcu the Iirnt tlltzrau ul its Uayilcltl llall ntxt llutlrtcs day and company prcsidcat David rtrrivit unarmnttd lcre day it is caiac ahuurl Ilaal 2rth square Iret pcrmil led by tuning regulations total at 25 slot clotting with which has both opvu tar uroaihs and tiiraclu Ala ood store will be lttltltillit hir Azricil raid the atom in chains that were previously not rcprcscaicd in ilurrte The response has been to ur ntvrtrhuu were going ahrad lu wruplcto the littoao square tevt pvruvt by llrtl city We urn iutiy lcvl etccpl Iur oau lit iltu the mail are mostly putiuvlui Iltltllr Arrictl said llrlv Ilitiiiitii would be provided at in Police Did Have Baton TORONTO CF police rcrccant cuntradlctrtl lcnlor lictrwolltart ioroatu poiIts oili clais thlpcsdny whoa he told an inquiry into an antiSoviet demonstration horn Oct 25 that ruiica on duty at the Ontario BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION 72 EXECUTIVE Biz hrnlherr association at Barrie and District held its second Inaualrneetiag that Kill It Collier Street United Church Guest speaker was Dr hilchaet iteaty regional direclt tor tor the Ontario Provincial irubatiurt Servlccs In Nurtlrvrn Ontario the ion executive FROM LIFTt John Law eccrctary lttil iturtna vice president John ticitride pre sident Bruce Brock treasurcr Examiner Photo ncc Ccatra were equipped Iluns Earlier two senior police oili citril tutti Provincial Iudrn Arr llmay Vaaniai bonding the la quIry luto alloyed puhce brutal ity doctor 15minute aculilr there as Prcmicr Alctci Kittyqu was addrcsrlrrtl the Ca nadian liiaauiaclurcrs Associa lirm that police did trot carry batons Sat Gordon lllld consta bics atrotliag the crowd were cqui pcd with batons although he Id not too anyone use them iio said Its carrltvi baton too tits testimony wpartrtd iudt Vuartirtl to commorrt tthv would scalar utilcer litre lSuaorintcndcai Triiord and think it was linsprctor Lawrence Gaskig say thn men did not hate tra tons No one anracrcvl than Gaskitt had told lirc lturuiry nor itt lts Iltllr neck that Wiltcmtlt on the lies at the ecicrvco centre wore only their unliurma Another witness Drcst No waitlwrky it University at Toronto atudcrtt in ecroapuco crigiucuriay said he was Irrrcod iu tlul back puachvd In tho prula and had It glasses bru ittlt altcr he was urtcritti tor tailing to move his car at the request at police CHARGE DitIJPPED tic said he was charged with causinrt disturbance but the charge was later dropped iltI said the police only cave him count to live to move his car and asho was catering it he wus arrvslcd lie said he was in charge at rcilirru cantiica to the craud and that police horses trampled the boxes containing the candles and dismayed many at them Earlier Coasiuhic Douglas Carroll tcriiticd that Ukrain laa buslacsrmaa who raid on lice bcat lilat bccauvc he tried to help woman was standing in the middia oi lira read about Iatt leave our pcolo alone you it Constable Canal said he and naothrr ottlccr arrested thor llorloh 52 at tendon tint but did not treat him htr llorich raid Tursday he was trying to pick woman up all the ground when two police rrtcu Iiun trim thrvrurdt police lines In iuur other oiilccre beat him up Constable Carroll said that alter tir liortch wasseca and hoard shuttlian obsccnltles ha Sergeant Tells Inquiry was walkcsi to alvul in nu iIc said llr lluri riirtg vcr vial Ilu rni he did not slrite tlr ilurich and that hit iiorlclr did not lose coasci Ilriti The inquiry curtllttuuy Crown Industry Sought in Sudhury SUUlttlilY ttiIl Alderman illcurdo De La Iilva is collluu on tha Itdcrai puvuramrat to declare Sutlirury an unstable area and establish Crown ear puratiuu Industry here its his prepartd his ruhmlst rich in the turns at mittc or motion which will ya bcturo city council at its rtch mucllay lie Lu iltva arid chatsday that such an industry would sla billtc tita community when tuc Iuatiuru occur In lira price oi nickel EllHEN 10 DEATH itllluNit tCil Police say riuvrvi rent it tthvrvary or that local mcrrhaatr can have chance to came in on this its ralll lire mail has lrlvd to provide crawl hliitiitlil ol stores and is lrytp to tho who ut the spare lit the new mail atrauldat atlrct es tailiishml iJilJiJlltilA la the city urgent to iurvn cross itirtlvvvt oi till to lids your or all lilo slot or almut vita pcr srprrra to Iic suit Iacuuvc at the quality of mar eltaatilso available in otpvtLv marry shoppers to round thcir many in iiarnc rather titan ro iux in Tomato tor corals thn mull oil the our side oi iilti at hvrrls Laue Ira tuily alt ruiltraacd and cd dropping run It ark and Air Az acr irtlm through rr it littlti TitL project on rut It voil liou and will trot ur trout trio tlilt vvuv Ilt Ivvs tor the man polity art The has lvvuotiltcd atrcndy out tabs pruvtdrri tor 10th prvruat during vtrtlttrttcliult and larlIrrcl Ireartlts to any local tuna prurlrliat rputvriult hu It 10 ElltLuV 500 Titt atoll wilt alrrpiuy anti porn saws wlrvrr Iully occupied itu raid Earl bailey Inauagcv uI Sayvrt to said its slora cataluyr 130 people and all but thrco are born the local arca htr Aerrll said because at Lita bcucllta this mail provides tor Barrie Itce hoping the Onto lo lianlclpai iloard and the cly will some to an carccrucat to Iircy have charted John lturicy tut llrc mall orpami to the lm tlni Tomato with nuncapital its that would normally be per vuurder in connection with tile milterl In its rune bealbrp death oi tlyearoid The city objected to the lac Toronto woman Katharina Ctrl tloa oi the mall and live belt was louud dead in her bed decided to limit the rise th Tuesday mail rather titan mono II