Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1972, p. 6

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wowwJavwnw no wwwrlnvm anonm it there tow BIdranlI unl llIrrle Gulde omnIny on the oration oi lbtnhtnl DIy Iho thlnhlnl dIy puly III hold It St Aodmve thyn lIrIII mun Dun SI On ldrI llIrrtI it Ire ltuon Dune ll Ind JIITIGIIIIO Pu tin lo holdlhl doth tron the Partners In Action Thente Of ScoutGuide Celebration 1er mt Gutdu Ind soothl ScoutI Ind 5000 Girl Guides thronnhout Onterlo Ire odehret lnI ScornGuide Int mphIelyr In the Idveolnru Ind excite went at being PIrtnIrI in Action Communtly involvement chnroh pIrIdeI Ind wlnlIr tIIDlIEDultl low It the Ict lolttu twill Ice meollbetn at both nrunlnuonI wortln lo nether prool Out the Id Ind Idmtnre ooooolved over to mu by tho intrude thI IIlI lord BIden Pmll Ind World Chili Guido LIdy BIdItu Powell ttlll held In Ittrrrtlon tor Ippronlvnntoly 110000 lloy throughout ttI provlnu WAI LEAD looIl GutdI tendon include Am commutator Itrt len Orecey Kempenlrlt Dlvlrl Oomnrlutnnoru htrl Audr Antimony hurlI North DlI nunluloner htrr Bebe tridCo PI tllurte EutDIIIrlrt Conn rrrLtI ooer Mn Role hIeGoIv In RAHID CentrIl District Court the Irh II Emu AttendIlI DlItrld Oorn ntiuioner ltlrI shtrloy Dry FROM ALL WALES rtlnlotltr lnnlIill Dtrtrltl Oommlulnner but live ttcllmle noon corrrhnrons PLEASE GUESTS Serve Appetizers And Aperitlls To Titillale Guesls Appetites Nlbhllnn my tldhlt beiote mill to ItlmuIIIe the IppttllI II well utohllrhod ntrtom novv the prIctIte ol sorry there horr doertvrer Irnllo yrlnI Ipertli ll th nnrlnn 1n populIrlly Slottrier Ind vernlnuttrr have long been trundle nporttll wine but man Ind more the light to lruhlny rpnrtlinn otter rhlll ed Ire betnn Iervod it in nor prlIlny how dolldrllul dry white wine tutor Wtrrcn do not dull the tulo hudn tor the din her to Inllw hlIny ready to eat Ippollttr food mllnhle tn IItllthlusm Ire Iuperb with wine Ind limo toxelher with to you mete yourIIll ue good or rrrnslopone ottluli IrI od companion lot the coeltel hour WINE LIVER PATEr With dry white trim um inhont run rholoI oi dlnp rIw venethbler And In IIutnII hiIth wlth tort Add me onnnlu wine pepper Piece in wL Chill the mixture Irld tie with truth loIrt crech or rye bread WINE TUNA DI Ihent run Lounco in or con plnllenlel chopped ounce pIrltm piIln crIIm tirme room temperIlurI lllnuote our turn drained dry white wine Irntcd onion It Worcesterthlre IIure Ialt popper girlie pwdtt to lento Combine plmlenlos oreIrn cheese lunl wine onion Wor rerterehiro rnuee in bowl Us to electric mlrerwbl unlit Imontlr Ind well blende Add IIlt pepper Irrtie der to tnIle lien tuln rerv no howl rhlll until it mlnutu heinrn you with to rerun Arcoranny with potrro IhlpI crInterI or meth Nineteen hundred Ind retro lyorre mathd the dirt yrIl Gnldtnx ln CInndlrliod thtrI en mm member in mode In Ivory minute in the North wt terrttorltl Ind In the Yuk on 1th In IItldI up ol Brown loo eyed item to lb who met in Perth Old Golden Ind item to to it who meet in Oompmlu Ind Ilrtr from it to re tnoen In Enter Alto eluded uI CIdIlr or uideu in Irlhrlnl Ind trorn II to it All tlndv It in helm Illy Ilrlv Ind 11 in remote men who Ire Lone Guldtn Ind lone llenneII participation by on Intel ntrlI hoop tIlI Ind lnrtltutlonr Ind thote who Ire temporIriiy living on toretxn Ioll bourrre their perentI nerve to CInIdIr Armed Form IbroId thete trir belonl to Compnnlel Ind PuttI on For elrn Soil Io eonslluled lhrt the lltln rnIy lllp entity but into the auldlnl eornrnrtnlty when they return to CIIIdI Orl InIity interporrlzd In the Cure in Council Girl Guides AetoetItlon in lll1 thI ornenlu Illon mm rd in nettle by In Act It PIr Imtnt ln root to Girl Guides oi crmdrGuldeI dn CInIdI it open to girl ol ell rem Ind rell one While the loundnllon oi mum in IEIIIILUII one it in nondrnomln out Ind open to Ill one be lieve in God Ind derlre to nerve illm The llelt on In Lite Emblem oi the lOnldor rupv porlI the trim oi Ilrls oi mIny denomlnIUonI Irld they Ire tnrtructod tor It by leader at their own thud or Iynnnonue DUTY 79 ODD AI worldwide movement Olrl duldlnz In nonpollichl Ind mmuujmlfddllkEN WWW PEOPLE AND PLACES New Barrie Womens Club uranium mmnrmotm The Ant lutxhonn ot thI nrety oIIIntud hull INN MW Aortrttnn WomenI Cluh will be held Inn on tlunh comth It lieItIrru tor the one Broil 11 Anti lir Cert ttrI wIllIr Ind Itru ttrrwIlL chute ad ticketn It the llolldny no on be the thotnu ttre Doohld Ford tin IlInd Mn iltrt Mn lluoid llIllIlit be tn the lundroon tr open to Ill tIdiII oi Iht Mr muntty Ind Inone within Itteod that rerorvrttons by oniltnn Ila IrIIInd 72MB Greet internal but been down In thI lnltrnn ttonel orprntnuon whtoh In to CrnIdlrn bond ouuttn Toronto lt htotmuohrnd IIttIrtInInd huhelnln uIIllllImdI my BuhIdoI Inhibit Dir lIyl It other oountrm lrlcl Id Enl lrnt Atria ltolund Ind tn ternIttml nominee PM IoopuItIr run other Iduutttn II Ind cultva anIntqunr both looIliy Ind on the World lent II prrt ol World Auodrtloo or out OutdoI no out Scouu IhIhD commute hlcrnher Ind Ar InclIle Member Countries mty tn God Ind triendllneu to their nIlnlrlrotr is the butt oi Lug Ute Glrl Gulls axle throughout the world Under the hlueInd gold lien oi World Guldlny Ind Scoullnl they be lound the Dirt Stow oi Amtrch BIIrItlIn Bendlerunlu NorwextInE ed Omt Prnntoplnen in den BhuItOuIdII to cum on ten To be IuIi number It World AtoooiIlton ol Otri Guided Ind Girl Scoutt noun to try rnnrt thI relt overnlnx ornnlulionrtpruentl vrolthI country It whole mutt Icupt the principle ol the ortetnrl Guide Promlu Ind LIV Ind rnuot be com to in pt rItu ttIlllhtll InclIl olII Ion The Girl Guido ornnnltItlon In Iellrnpportlnn with Brownies Guide Ind RenterI exported lb ovan tor whet tth nud OlIrltI Ind donnllnnn trom Ittth nm hhtlonr Ir United htndr Ind irom individth Ire neithth ncrepted tor Idmlnlrtrolion ex tonsov however end the Innuei note It Girl Oulde ooottu molCItlIdI heth CO Iadles Playolln Windup Friday indler Iettion oi the Butte Curling Club Em IIOIU rom rneand plIyollr Nondry tor the lionry Groin tlornorlIl Tro phy GIrner will conllrruo Rrun dIy Ind FrIdIy ltlntI competing Ire nllpped by lerrneltI uw Grece Soto tlIdeilnI helInyor SIndrI llrorbnrn Willie Fltttlnronv OUvo Endtcolt Ind lltrtI trIupr PlnIlI tommtnce Fridny It with belle peruu ruoh In Inp nulnttn HOME FREEZER VALUES Cut to your exert IperiiltIlIonI Ind wreppld rudy Inr your ImrIrI FRONIS OF BEEF 59clh HINDS OF BEEF lb SIDES 0F BEEF 69 lb SIDES OF PORK 57 Ill Sporlnle ot the Week tom men onounn WIENERS HAMBURGEA lb pkg 89 lbs note In our lot =th In the United IlItu Ind CIIIdI IlluMAvaIUnttIdtmh hIl nonrme It pm pin will he Inland Indrnnnyhtlorntmrontrtu All Iy nobI tn the northern Oeurto Iru locindI Waldo iiImIiioh St CIthIrtnu BrIntItnt Ooh door Ind dull IpIcIIl intone ot tern to outrun Ind thI but most Ire dellthtl the union nun In their lint hotldly in the any tooth tir Ind tlrr DIInlI Thornton Ir lnnlrttl Street In on motor trip loom Florin III return to tho dly lol loorlhl nonthI Hutton HOLIDAY IN HAWAII Dttllnl their too Ireh mu tIon ln IIIIIII htr Ind Alrt John OolII ot DIrlu OrIIcInt were null It tho Cont Red llottl the kind at OIhu lo Ilto toured the other It 11le BurlI couple th riled III United Alr then DUPLICATE BRIDGE thnrrt ot lhI Butte Duplh Itl Brldne duh on Poh ll worn NorthSaIth Mr Ind tlrl lohn tum lint tin Sue GthIm Ind Ernie lretnI no nod Reine lotion Ind hire Woodrtoch third Eut tit Iod tin WIltrr South tlrrt tin WIan llIrt Ind out Purvlv mood John IIth Ind John thIm third lhlrrIdIy nltht winnerI were John IIIIIII not John GthInr Mn bier IlIweltnI Ind lllrt Pol ltore GtIrlte Futon Ind John moor lune Ire plryod bionday Ind ThurrdIy evmlnnn uuuu Exlunlvely tor women manhunt Illu Damn tun OPEN RHINO but consult oi Ono Iumen AIloolItlon oi CInIdI will hold In open onuan It lllitorert Puhlld School Nona Strut In line Ilth Ow rumor liet cInIdt lronr hiIrrh to IhI RurtI meet lnullllrhptmontiurhh nbmquIAl II Iprn WEEKEND 1N ADN Mr not hire Ed Good oi Burv torr Arm motorod to Akron OhioItthIIIetIndtooIlISM htIlI their Nth Inntvmuy DurlnI their mind ht they who Ru tltnnherd loom Id the CIIhIdrIt ol Morrow they leh the tlry on trldIy Ind returned on ttnndny IIDLIDAY IN NASSAU like him Buntl Glitter Strut Iod tlrI Anne Nortbtntt 0m Strut IIth to the It MondIy Iotloiiny llvedIyr no my It the Olenulltl trout Nqu Menu 1th trrvIll in 35 E55 E5 Egg 23 EASE E53 no mom PANEL poor root Ind oi trtuttn Albert cm rletrhtr Ind store Buy dtmrII dtItrltnttoo oi the tn dollar Ind other not pellnlhl to tdtttItloo The nulnl will ho this It thI nubile ntrIttnI tor Simeoe Corn ty houd oi Educntlon rpm hythe ttldhunt home Ind Anodltton IhI mII out be held or uldhunt onto munlly antrn on Fair IL Ill one mum on Idrr Noel BIlomlltlty noo vurtr tor the lintvnrttty Wowr Club ht been lotttny oymlnu tn promoan tho Huh IItlrttIl mlll Du lynren thI been doth II II trrnonly line tot MdIll no my ink in rIeInt IrtlelI elude Ipperred on the vornenI Volunteer Services ToptcOtDlIcuntion motorIi on our end roinwt in men yonrnrree unu II the ounme topII II who outline enevenerr run ttrt ibb ported on re lty Vet mutton Itloh IpeeiIt Inn to Ill rude II to Ill moon lnr uIlItIntI tI toeptttl U30 llnhgklaruoltuhb not hrIdon Frh to no uotUrnl IltrndIntI ND WIRING rt Dnuidnoo It It Dorm Ind mound deIItIneI tntIhtI unnll thUdrInI InlII II the MD hllol led lot We on If lluth ll Ind the MII rlm to mod thI IIIpot the nellyrenmlrd Intrnneo to the nIrthtrotthchurch Itrr snubtn route uu the VoyImn dinnu mmUy Ind thIntrd Ill Ilrlld My anII III at the Adrlrory loud Ind continued vlth mom the inunitith Group when the Item Ietlon thIt TniIIIrI Rome on Ben sheltered IDOPy Indholp tor th llntor lrtnI Grotto Ion lettn rInxemtntt tor Wo er ltrroh ltd It Pen eeorlIi Church burlI In It In WM ttII Mn turthtrtnI plInI tor urnn cunernn III out dry in June tinlttd NM mum It Mm Woman Prrtbcyterltntldlncw tablet Iti tut it Iglrntlra Fr trII lunar ting hd lt lrondnn tor the winter hrrIt 0th IIIver mm In no II In rum mg 91 nu did conlrlhult hrr tlntI Ind It rtrree Ind hlrl lioII Nixon Cutie tort to until Mn Ottott tltl himVir it Ednoyyot Drive Orr Gulopy Ion oi thtIIIrtlrtnrhIrII oi hInd Ontuio conveyed Milton nd for thin you revue the Notionnu Drrnuy 15231 3334 deyml htrnnhere were rIntlndedol Surllldll luneheon to NREMNWAR In BL OltIr Chum tlrrrln th trrr populItion nl lthodo tilt pun lrlnlty lanten PERFORM IN FESTIVAL ed vII Alr CInIdI WRITER BRIAK Rome trorn Wooten Unlvrr WRITE OUINUNBEJIID IlI thawed then um moot eonI un botn lllIa herrie CollIIlIle Bonn menu bitch to moon whim livinle Dent every drythorerponn horn who perlornrod to tho AtrleIn country bu hm priltyloy Resolutron Youll eon renultn your grooming and nutritional plan in your very own Personalized tetiormtrlo to your needs it youre eprendln yournoii toothlo orthin Start today Beginner ooureoe etnrl dell Resolve nowl lIS FUN ALL THE YVAY TOO to have new youthful figure in PAY ONLY FOR IIlll IlIIISl llil DAYS nrul Ilwrr you ll Itlll rrrrulllrll lIlt till it Iilillli Iltlllil yrirrrr 6mm tlumln Imernrtioorl illt Before illhltlllttl For ml After shlriny Duniop lost pound and in one week attending Figurmepic Following proper diet perennelly doelgnod exercise program inning welphldonnnt have lobe drag It can to fun lnul Dont Forget to Try Our omImIdI Pork SIuIIoe WI Iell only the EIIEIERPO Ind ltlne brInd heel unolted clean or onion heeled Imotod lnimon and thin ernct itvrr pnle Ind rye erectert CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE TOUR AND FIGURE ANALYSIS Ind howln oi oInanI lrorn II of un Mind liver IIIuIInI rue III Il yvOIIIIe IIne lt in or RIMI tEIpIttn from the BITTER PRODUCE Em ted lrorn rnlrlpv ereted ouu will nenIrv Illy hrvo rettlrwd boiler quality thIn thoudltpleyed on open counters UNWANTED HAIR RImovId hy ELECTROLYSIS It per hItl Irnr ll yeIrI motlch Corrlrrl Muthoilrnd itldltt Rwy ll BnItlI corner at Little Art HOURS Alon to Wed to Mt pan lhure Ind Prl III to pnI let III II Ittb pant Sun to IIII to Iron Inn BARRIE 66B MAPLE AVE 1262922 AURORA YONG ST 1213115 nrouuono run 85 tons sr SOUTH ouonr neonate NOW OVER AOLOCATIONS CANADA TO SERVE YOU

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