CHIva Wk IdlMKKWfquwrWerun And Quebet Tied Curling lend olich Blue Missing land other haste Finley lingW outer iioruo Stone In MI ere stasis IcArrI In Lt is rm mm MM 59 PM trusses IoItIain VIM rrou rt owns 50 brrctt winner of ml also am tor taboo Banld of the tn Ibsenlres TIRDIIAIM renew awnfd to another the sat lode Immorthirm roadolurtbanlttilotlaslyear MIT manager not elicit he no It tunes the arm ro rrrsroonsrs Ettode be DriltItI both mm View Mm lie so to em antenna its contract and lo rum It by the tart ryIl theImva of money in It In we mm year pactbut do Is trptny Ia idlylog the Ilpiat oi touch rotary reorgotialr his salary or Ibo thcIIgmugsme Ilaocr hlgosurifttt astralg lopthgrrthg d3 mourn mmmlpm 11 art cyr In our norou hnlhat ls tccphtg one its WIPYPIWIIPPMSWO In not mm to MM pm talk he troley has to mklum duh um Cr Imr Ann sinner TITANS2x3 day thou number ofplay any cm pm Blue hu drop ISIS mum Blpoxerls Death Is Investigated WISE Dr rtoohoo 1415 You can be sure rm Wm mn an Blues tarryrr Robert Gerri ngm who It or my the truest aeII go Is mono ctr One source or Tbcre are other Ibsrnim as are riot to tow Ieli Juan IlrrlrbIL the are It the San Francisco IlIl has yet the current falls to algaInd has yet to contort you hire and his boss Oat llhicago Bulls Gain Revenge hor Losses Earlier Years Trailblazers mtos liulfalo Brett edztd Baltimore liullcts Detroit Pistons sowed by loo Angela Liters IIHII In overtime Ind Golden State Warriors topped Scotti Super Sortlca mm The Bulls rsrrd to 207 lead and round past Philadelphia Illit Ooh tote tears in st points to lead the altaet lioh Itaullmart scored the last lso ol his so points hy stealthy art Inbound past and drltihg In tor Drdlaiota winning basket aralmt Baltimore In the American Bartrlhall Iiushurgh defeated lb THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dirt Sloill south of the NE at llasketbail Arsorlatlms bus lluils later mat plra rare the hint of thrIIIrtlng hit Item harried Philadelphia Tuesday rtlsht uhrrr they treated the arm mas lie llyures ctcrytlme tile no but the 76ers it motes them little more even ior some of the thlnu Ihilodclphla tried to do to hit chrb ll rememhcrrwbcrt they used iojpes hy it and to points bo Illscshcrc Boston Celtics One oi the top names was Ital rrlintc all star Ibo signed tor what was estinulrd at Other to sign cnntracu lo sod Jim Buudump oi Near York lieu pitcher Denny tild dleberper of Clerc and trider iilrh lloralos oi mirago White Sor rst buermn Jim Spencer rrbo hit It home runs last rea lise AnJeir with tour rrrulars urulgrt Ioiro ottoman Ken iiciiullert pilrhtr Andy ties IerImlih second baseman Sadly Alornar and outelder IIIctcy tilterr loo Ahgclrr Dodtcrs trdtlced lhrir unsigned roll to nine pity crs Tuesday with the strains at pitcher IIIII Sinner outelder Tlrtnrty blot and estcber hill Sudaks Sal IIando the Athletics cap LIIIII and top rttn producer In the 1971 hasthah reason signed hit contract Tuesday for the tort if Caren the Ilinntsoia IVIII superstore eluded lhllelderl Itlyha Garrril land Indiana and richer start lcruhorratl son lor California agreed to contrer tmrts may tearing CHICAGO IITtlle Sol VIII John Allyn had hit Iashlon do signer rrcale this exclusive pltt Itrlpc baseball style lthttro DISCUSS SUSPENSION CHICAGO AP Commie sioner Wayne Dole oi the lily sull or his spring training slay Catcher Dd tierrtrtshn ol icrI the contrast AP Photo hearing will be held Thursday in the battle Iar relrutaterrseot by twostupended University or VIINNDEO DI rust heavyweight boxer btaurt Gray toothed old hy Canadian champion Itt Spam Iimdny Io IbidiottheittltAlddtIday night In hupdilL the 11yearold nrtlra at Windsor Nio Milo out of Toronto bod been chum m3 briefly alter the today at light and underwent tno boon oi tracer ltusdsy Ia rt Ilero pressure from Iern concussion Ills death at ransom 051 some ainwsl it boon Iilrr hit us knocked out In the seventh round by leitthrorro by Sports ring Veteran spokesman for Winnlm General Hospital laid the anti cause at death would not be known until alter In autopSy was performed Gray bod aon II lights lost it and bad tlo draws prior to Iiooday nitht George Canadian heavyweight champion and Duran ed and longtime friend said LIII close friend oi Can call tho death trarlo such Ibsie jurt cant understand It lie Lsss STEWART GRAY dltlhri ring Marin II meant so much to him Sports who spent several hourI II Guys bedside titer diy war not available but Km his iormer roadster were always alrald God iorhld tbstthls could hsppert lonls cannot describe horn and was ahead otter alas Nnimmdland tied It In the Oh and Baddest mos Id to draw to tho eightfoot the tllb lot that rock but hold mdeodootobltaodstaytor threoeottnt IlUt the Goal MATTbooth til it It to Iloo III the bottle setEl the lots men the uterus oi the too narnuri continued to via Stun Ollersoo at AIkrlI and Ken Weldon oi Quebec tied with St records although Athena yet to meet some oI the stronger western rinks lhlle Weldon is scheduled to face tearns Irith rer records In the roundrah purht in the Ilatbrortnd draw 0t tmon at Calgary delutod lien Myers at South Portrrploc rep menthol Northern Ontario to TRY EXAMINER WANT AM rd Phoehl an new basketball was wrlIcoru oncd ghter Pll IE mittt Ien announced Tuesday that Sayvette TWOBU htltsurprtseyour FEATURE DGET SHOP SPECIALS WEVESCOOPEDTHEENIIRESTOCK ounorsitrstonrsrtttrrurcriossrrom OFMANUFACTURERSDISCONTINUED LEADING CANADIAN MAKER HAS BROUGHT 998 KORATRON SLACKSYOUSAVESW THEPRICE WAY DOWNFOR THIS SALE ONLY PR MKRS REG 998 Manufacturer discontinued this style late last year Because we offered him low price to clear these goods from his warehouse he ac copted The savings are yours Those Korutronl permanent prossslacks comoin straight leg or regular leg style Some with con tinental waistbands and belt loops In polyes ter and cotton for builtin lroshnoss Compati bio shades beige blue green brown and Tilt gold intho group Waist sires2844 Assort odleglongths SALE MKRS REG 499 Theyre permanerltly pressed in 65 polyas tor 35 cotton or 5050 blends Handsome good looks for him easyscuro for her Just Iossthem in the machine and watch them come out of the dryer in great shape Full cut Fashioned with long point collars pocket and short sleeves Kaleidoscopic striped Iotoam Up with the slacks compotibly Browns blues golds greenspinlts lilacs and more Sizes SMLXl Burlng Shop Use your handy Chargox Card ayvette VillsuryitibclOil BAIIIEID MAIL BARRIE OPINDAILY IOAM II IDLM enmsmumrawrvrAnvs lArsnurAanlIsisahaausnwemmun3