me new it WWMWn er pwazomeror ORII SENIOR It iumxnmnuemnmnwrrmzrtm iiOltTiliGSCENE Quintes Ousted By KEN WALLS RANDOM NOTES Archie MIR All been Inland trern Montreal to Ilrrnlxon by NJ nrot limit Construction Presently reel It the YMCA My him last week three at our union corilag term which mean from Bother land Ken McKenzie end the virtue were Iiiiing In the di tiny Int eoiioe shop It llrrnlltu hrrlrtg dinner when in walked Archimelielrieeetouroiblar Eowe had llIrrIomrrtial thereoeRlngStlnthenmhIs titres city later Archie Ip peirsd It the Tbittla Ouija cub Ind touched or plus Dr ERR Smith who wII therI erriy to study the ice to vio lory over Bootingtoa ABCIR IA he misses tlonrrerl No wonder theres tbe drileretxe between lite and rtgor motile thinly be will unite the Phone at Jerry Park Ilia or late And the mind at vgrmiire the placid labor scene thrpeeu kiouot Royel night cluhs etc But tiled lIarniiiorr bu the ilgerCet iootbrli club tend Grey hip rm Might get jeotrpie oi titkets Ior okt Barrie intends AT HAMILTON we rrrr Inin rertrrl uBrrrIeIter Welter itoutiittewarrklpplngrrtnkioe tthe Thirties Then there was Bob Croeby with his rink Irom iiillchcnrr vttruootm Curling Club And lion SIeIing oi Toroni to Boulevard To bring local monomers to drte Routiiiie fused to manage the Bankoi tNore Scoiie branch In Barrie roeby used to be director oi trummer recreation tor perks and betcha oi Barrie some rIncI el connection with til Ir be It married to Billllrironr dry afternoon irom Detroit Olympir lion lioggrrth war grade sister tlergerrL mun motors trout it lowland Scottirh country do rrdies mill at Edinburgh wee Iprloclpal speaker It the tlemIl ltoa banquet Willie also played rrtttb an Ontario Outing Assoc zirtlon rink skipped by Prideni Blii Thompson Who Wliron youutl Well Willie bappene to be current prelldent II the Royal Caledonlror the mother club and on prior oi ell scurting to the wor it wet plerrure tor our Barrie rink to Iotaat with Wiille rod receive an ldrtllaiion to curl to Scotland tmtgtti also mention our old lptend lluck Weich who when twith lirrniiton tigerr star the Inst halibrckkicker in Canadian tooibIIL III started his career Kinsmen The Bertie Kinsmen Novice took their Ontario blinor liockey Artocietioo piryoti with Newmrr bot last week by downing their bortr In rnddenderth germ The riubt had rpiit the tint ltbrrr games at the harlot three rice with the Brrrte team wins ninl one end tieing one Devid tlryor put the Harris with in trout in the tint period Zerrlrted by Steve IImmonr at iDthlItil mrrk But Nrtrrrtrtret crmo hack to tie the score In the second item when Cutting trilled in the third Irrmr Joim Surv roar rooted to put the Kinsmen rm In trout ior good in the op tenin minute at play Rurty rlrr gr end Dong louglrcsd ee elated on the pley Blues Down Georgian The Brrrls Iiiuet tperted by lopoint perioeran by Bob victulon downed the Gcorglrtt College Generrit tilt in Slm cor County tirnr lotermedirte Dlllelhlil league contest at Bettviaw recondrry school liter day night Rich Auttio who touted out In thr some pumped In it points tor the winner Kingston added it end Jerry Ioochi ti tor the Riucr Orland Kurtenbtrh Eliminate Nmkt Barrie AreaBoy NOW NlIL Oiiicial Caterer theater Carson were higanasee iar BCI EDITOR mortar Russ Brine wu chairman tor the Barrie linInII Duh dinner bloo dey ndlt Ind right line lob be did tori III mentioned that the term enrerttur always had hint gtnmpod which Ir nonatiy used by thawinon engaged in unrecornirr rieioma through terns iieldL PitII RnIl II In exodiror most netrpepen have In certain rge bracket ior WW oi Identtiying old timers who were iornrer tout bi thou the metal at that ape log lir Typenctieri Ilence all the eborr names oi Brrrie median NOW PIE COME TO HOCKEY Aed tth it current rport Sua day nest Philadelphia Hyerr play scheduled NIII match at Detroit ttarting 1le part Dir regrrd the ptrperr to this con test II are or no local Impart Inre Contentrrio on the oilin lrls Instead tor change One at the tioesmen trio til native son oi this area ltlr name is Ron iiotgerth graduotc oi Barrie Collegiate hit wile teaches school in Barrie All irthrr it catches ttoggrrth oi Ivy Clarence wir quite good bell plIyer Ior tryThornton back in my vintege years now he raises sheep although not In the Irma category It EIIrtvnrtIr Crewierd or iltttcring who spec ialircs In rrm wool WELL NOW how did we got Into agricultural purrultrt Lotr get back to hockey Thats Sun ONE OP the retreat Bertie Coitr oILe itry ityIn tram ed it to the thinl per oi Tuesday nights game in Owen Board was the detenslvr Ry FRANK STONE Eremiler Sportr Writer ltry Rayn slapping ll their in the third period totidrd the mark as the Be Colts delcatcd the Oren Sound Grcyr be last night In 0er SOIIIKT The Colin now iced the best olvrerrn mid0nlnrio Junior renditan series two games to one the Colts went Into iito third period tied and with only three reguirr dcieocernen It Dave liaiyrrhit Red errrtlcdmr reieree In OiiA Junior vv Irrt tTitmnfiuitn peiiod MN Pi Am Ioetorroilleyerritrnd ditlni lot this you and door retiree 1m to mm mu lgmlna coach Paul rhiegurr toggling do beblg to stop lidrta between the 1mm com weld lines like circus en ml PM not ltwrr Ityen in goal who held the Coltr torcther lie was trnttrllc lleger said dont know how he even rrw rotor at these shots and could see he was getting tired but he kept them out Perhaps the tort tribute to Iiyrar golltcpding cartra item the Coill Illernate gorIIe John Gully lion dont mind ritt log on the bcnch It can see romething like that Golly sold just wish this warnt his test put to could are more Ryrnr ether termmater were equally rnthuslrrtie Just IIy ha wrt iahulnus wet one com meni Ryan himscli hrd nothlot but rrllnn tor the whole term This vtho bcrt group oi players Ive ever reen he raid to play ed on other leoml end think the Coitr Ira best the protec tion nzot out there tonight was treme our Rick Bell who rcorcd the with nine goal was greeted with the nickname Dendeye II he ricp pcd onto the bus alter the game JliiliILIliO ACT With tlcgerr Juggling act tloii iound itirnreII It one stage In the third period on line with team crptrin Brian Curtis Ind John Dtvlton lie got the puck treor centre ire titted down his right wing and errors In Iront oi Greyr otrIIe Dave RitIIII ittg rln rnr move too nrll rliicd the puck Into the rather at the Nonstop the Guide are prominent in big lrr hockey this reason Criiiornr Golden Sealr brve Crri Prtrick on right wing Ilutiro Sobrcr here Orig Ramsay orr ieit wing Minnesota Mos brrs Craig Crneron on right wing Which brings us back to Russ Britlon Ind thrt emeritus thing er recall with Bill Crrlg used to lay centre or BIrrIo Gain in iew yters ego Novices Doug Sbeddcn rdded In insur rncr goal In unrrrlried eiiarr rt lire tttii mark or the Anti game The Barrie Novicer now rd tence to meet Owen Sound in the next round oi the OitiIA plr all series Drier oi the utter wii be renounced It Irtcr drte At the Penetrng Winterente Novice Toumrmrnt trrt week end the trimmer club lost to Pearlaog In the opening game but then won three In ran to take the conroletlott this They downed billiard at Aurore to rat Sritlieet so on their trey to the title The hurt Prnetra teem tools tir it Is ready to pick up the loose puck Detcoeerorn Steve tieGrrth til it also on hand for tbs pity Alter winn Ionerton lei reen here atop tog Grrr Ron Reid ta iron gtbe puck in the totrgrotnrd Colts Brien Orr Lut oi iorwerdalnciudlng an the championer ill rtet its beats me with that that With AL IX Intermediates good tIriotn sites will not state to each gate but whether he knocks down the poier is not important The critical thing is thathirriirdortottllprldettryr or chatter on the snow Yott can usuallyielitttnerrcrrltttiirtg well by the amount at snow being rprryed item the edge in each turn II the titer rprayt Int oi know be It ururlly epnlyrngrrttonghrrklngreiron SKIING RAINE HOWTO SPOT GOOOSLALOM RUN thetctorc to spot the good giant tlriorn rlierr watch to see who are close to the gate and donattitrow tooynuch entry Intheiurrts In rectch every time Gully rlii Ila shoots to tart All three regular Colt Iorwrrd liner took pert in the roaring Gerry Rayrrrlt with hIr that god oi the pinyollr opened the tirrrle clubs Icorin alter the rirvminute merit Irt tint per Iod on power pIny lie was set up tell good post Irom leo Koopmenr Greg liubbctt gave the Calla their llrtt Iced scoring item right in trout oi Grryr gorile iiubhcrt wee letrr trltcn to the lilharplgl ARdtihtilll claccked Into rrye up lain IIon Reid Kerr Benhermro set up Jim MIcPherron on breakaway to melt the score It the end It the that period tor the Colts Deiencemen Sieve lleGreth scored powerploy goal In tho recopd period and IrrIstcd on RIyerIItr Ind tIubbcrte goals blue line partner Keith ilenry also got on will on iirclher 00 splall rd period opcned with bath tume trying with not three men ptrr goalies with Iteycrett and Rob on out at the genre itegrr wrr changing only one delcnccman It time until he settled on combination at Henry and ichrnth end Gerry rteycreit Ind tlah Walton DEFENSIVE PLAY Everybody wes pIIying dc ierrslvrly linger sold its TEAM STANDINGEI lltiil Alt gelr lot The Plot No too But ty lirile I59 DJI ill Dip Sticks 150 Absteinerr lit Kegel Knack er til Nlncrs lit Numrtute lit Bruchus tit Season 10qu iictt IIIgit average Jerk Symon lit liar ry liutly in High Triplet Jack Symes art 1in Single Kerr Pringla Ill Women Iiigh AverageJeanne llllrtttt 16d 5Sgligh Triple Jeanne iterten militia single Jeanne llrrtcn III Tripch men Tiry DiIgItI on Pringlo all IIrrry Bert Iy tilt Charter Waite Ill Jlrit Symcl its Svd Stark lit Carl Guldcnricln Add illitlScuIIIon did John Vcretrrtenult Stan Janos Tom iicLennen tlp iIeln Spore iii ltlgit single men lien Prin gie 157 Chester Write an Iter ry Berliy 2115 Stark roe llty IIIiIhl EOI illitt ScuiIIon ill Jrck Symrr iii itelnr Ebert tso lienry Votrtrntrn til John Vcrrlreten tar Art Drrtlelr its Crri Guldenrtclrt rrz Rah lien herd til Sten Jertet tit TOWNSHIP throughout the Iownahip He scored on power play itlr ed they crossed the blue and the kept them oIi belanee Cornmen on using Gert ltrycrelton eience he sat Orrryr played dcience betare Ind bcridu everyone on the term on play deienco Ii we need delencemen tlrlt rnrewasrcrliyrterm ciiort leger told knew we could win here It least once bcceure with the luck weve had an the road this ycrr tho odds were In our Irvor or win Owen Sound goals wero rooted by Jim Outing Dill Butktort Andy itnithy Ind BIII tlrrciry Don Ilormcr who scored hat trick in tho ilrtt game at the relics tens held scoreless last night Ieurlro McFadden Co itr ntahrgcr reported today that Greg Iluhbrrt was checked over It the hospital when he returned to Brrrio Ieit night and trims ItIanddch had no changes to report In the lineup Ior tomorrow rtlghtr gems The Colts now have chance to trite lead in the series when they lost the lteyr Rrum dry night at stop It the Barrie EUIIIIIIARYI First Period Owen Sound outing thrown ititilhyi lib Bertie RchrIIt lKoop matte iicGrIthi dtl Barrie Ilubbctl Devl aon lerrnthl tltli BOWLING illgh triple Womcn Joanne Allrtcrv SIT Irene Donnghy tut llnrie Frocllch e50 DrIy Dan leis 4w Iiillrrr Lee Ill Pet lchulre in Star Write lyndr Symes till rratne lIIL brim ell Rose Engel ell ilioh Singles iantcn lcnrrne llericn lli Irrnr Donagby it Belly Daniela ill iiilinn lee ITT Rind Ettch no hIarIe Itocilrh ltd ilary Write ibli Lyndr Symon 157 Pat lchuIre ill Lorrniha iliiburn ill MINOR HOCKEY INNIIIFIL LITTLE NIIL Weekiendingtrb it till IIL Toronto llontrcui Barton Cilioego Alli Springiield Providence lleitlrrtoro Iterrhey Portland Seattle Dcnvcr Phoenix JR Mann inllt london Ictrrboro Orhawe Kitchener itrmllton OF INNISIII I972 DOG TAGS TAKE NOTICE thrt the tvrr dog tegt rre now evriirble It the liiunlclprl Oiiice Strand and the Ioiiowirrg locations By Woodstock lymthOtANPld it on at molds ream Induwoadr Wetterend has little scored goeIr Ior Woodstock rut ombot Woodstock ct Royrir now meet OrlJir Trrv rlan In bestoieereo Out tlnrl series lilting taught It turns the Colts wired the two to Netnrinder Ryan Outstanding As Colts Edge Owen Sounders were breakingtlptheir ttnu Owen Soundellrtekton Grent Reid 1521 nerntro Ilenryi this Pcneitler Barrie deer thl Orvleorr lroughl tilt Secead Period lill essLstedi ttrJJ ll AJ iiiriiiiitiiibiiicit lair Owen Sound Wei Barrie Koopcnenr irort Sound Patterson Iron Irma rttLtcoctducti Third Period iirItii Ilill Shale On Goal By Bartie Ily Owen Sound butoteeren mien rents in Pt Barrie llrcPherron Bro In bith toot lined by Oilubhtrti Grit Barrie Ryan 10 min miroonduct served by ltub berti too Owen Sound Reid thlgit rtlcrl Ml Bertie Saun ttlcii rtr Owen Sound rrrtt trough Dorrie Owen Sound Whitby iCnnni Owen Sortnd Berciay um Berrla ithrItb tDrvtronl Penrltler Bertie Saunders interiererrtwi lztt Owen sound Barrie Owen Sound ltrrmer thlfh rtIcki tlrtl tiripi llrtI Owrn Sound Wall twp Smlnu light gernn mirconductl itarrie Reycrrit ttwo 0minute tight Barrie ltrii unassisted Penalties Bertie lIcGrrlh llllll ii Willilittle uerlime belore uttering radium notion in the tint overdone Jtater scored Ior Woodstock It em but Al Per tor Beiievtlle II it seconds tell end his team set empty to allow rn ertre erucker it was Fergusons third goal at the grow Dave Jones also scored tor neutron lees MeLIrIn Wayne Cnrsaders Iio Soo Novices The Allen Coot Crurrderr police term battled to drrw In In exhibition game with Sruit Ste Marie Ssturdry It the Best tiew rrenr Kevin Perr scored pair at goals to teed the Crurrtierr with Ilrrrrrry Gleason and hello Guert adding singlet the Ourvdtrt were whittled to pepeliler while Sault Sir called tor three FEW PAY TAX Only three ntiitloa oi lrtdlre mm iiioo people pay lacetne BARRIE OrlIIlI to Grit Bill they led the limit with two goelr obit tingle goeh came Irom Pete Brannon leoee itlller Bruce Brier Ind Ilowle numb Grit Botched second In the regular schedule with It points one behind leegneleedin Ber tie err wblle Um no iIttIt th rt points Oekrtiie goeIr crow irorn Jim OBrien Nan blunteltb Ind lien Roepiar beioce Ali trot Second gems oi the Geitonr ville reriee is tonight to Ork title with the third to Gail Set hid Ind the iourth rcheduled Ire Ikviiie Sunday The Firm will their beatoieeren pieyat mad with the Kin Aces Friday night tthe rtniop 5t error Game time it pm The second em in the ret lterbodrled tor Stro dry aight to Ringrton Playoll Tickets On Sale Tonight Tickets go on rate ionitiit It the Barrie Irene toe the Bertie on opening grmr oi the Ont tlockey Anodriiort Senior pleyoiII with the stop Arcs rirtcd ior Irldar tilt the club announced today The bar ottlce will be open Irom too to moo tonight and thurtdey end Friday irom pro to game time part it licketr tor the plaonI ter les ere reserve run but regular prices apply in addition the Flyetr Ire in stituting new system whereby tor ice or use dollars trots ren be guaranteed tor rii ilyrr pieyoit games this terror Pi th out the lee tieketr are sold on ilrrtcome Redeem buts The Flyerr Ilrn hatred re minder to all rrerarr ridrt beidere that pleyoit tickets must be picked up by Tilt pm Fri dry or they wtl he pu on genv erel rrie IR PLAYOIT HOCKEY rasr sxcrrirto ntrtrrcorrsvsnwrvsntittn UNPREDICTADLE ARENA THURSDAY FEB 24 800 PM MANPOWER TRAINING AN WORK FOR YOU thousands at Canadians are breaking out oi the cycle oi unemploy ITICIIIDIIAiImO worit rnd deadend Jobs by training In todays skilli through the CANADA MANPOWER TRAINING PROGRAM Training can help you ilnd and hold good jobrnrl boost your earning power It you are unemployed or undetomploycd or your job It becoming obsolete training is probably the answer More titan 300000 Canadians beneliiied last year at no cost to them solves Courses rte paid lot by the federal government and provided In provincial training schools You may be eligible lor training it you are at least one year past the school leaving ago In your province You may also be eligible tor an allowance It you have been member at the work iotco tor three years or It you have dependent Training can mean good job tomorrow The that move it up to you Consult your CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE An experienced contraction will help you decide whether the Canada Manpower lrrinlng Program can work or yo CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 32A DIINIOP ST which Will give htnrrriowrr time Itt girnt ririom the spray or CIIURGIIILL Jackwnl Oederhi Store LEFRGY Alexanders Variety Store MILL BWAIIt Trombioyr supertett BELLE AIRE Downtown Bede Aire AiAlONA BEACH Alconr Variety Ooiiee Shop DON SEOOURR DEACII lIunIIr Groceries RANDY COVE lag Cebln Snark Ber PAINSWICK CImpbcIIr Oenerel Stare IiIINETS IOllvl Canningr Grocery CRAWFORD Dorlonr Grocerler HOLLY RWY at lllii top Surroco Servicer THORNTON Speerr General Store THE Itll RATES ARE AS FOLLOWS Male or Spryed Female arm Female not Kennel licence 02300 Alter the list dry at March owners or hlrbourerr oi dogs without itll tagt which must be securely attecbed to the do It all times will be charged under the provisions ot tin ltIi No not Mter the tint dry or tietrh im the trier be It tollowrt title or Spryed Female true Female raoo Kennel licence euro Phone Numbers Animal Control Oilicrr dry ttento itrtlderce teller hour norm iii orortorart cottror GARRIE Il BRIDGE AIIanl Control Otlleer Fred tirughinrt wet top men tor the Generals lle hooped rt pninla title Grervet rd ed it and Pete torrid ll tor the Gen tlv law will almost tell the errlt entire story the titer whacrn rii Irom gate to grin in the rtrlouihcslhrc wtthoul rm NAIII EXPO dRCTIEIAIlY jamming in llle turn the one MONTREAL CPI Ilrrry who will not this rtirlti Ilenaud hat born appointed rec roterytrerrurer oi the Montreri oBrpor breeirril club president Jahn llclttie announced Tues tdey native ilontrerier lie hrrrd it Ioinod the National Leegue organisation rhorily reitrr ltt Incrrporetlott In roar as vnntroiler ornnoutsr ANDERSON tailiiiliiiiiia BARRIE SPORTS IID Donny Anderson In St inulr SAVINGS MORE 50 BARRIE ONT Deprrtmenl oI Manpower and immigration There are openings in the following courses Dining Room Service COMMENCINO 29 PER I971 runtter MacArthur Leno Don eDovitre Green Bay ranch and lgeherai menager ad no corn meal on hiring Andtrron who twee tinned tor reported Emmi out oiltcrrt Tech is tCrtdtnrlr Tuetdry ior power UP TO AND Ajidixllpwe4Iveaoui4siIonav1ldveutrtawiuagure