Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1972, p. 13

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purples Irmos Ing lonsl or srusrels would great ly help the Sim County utilisation intorrsattre and neo bobeetonlgh but do lha tor as Its Owens trustee George iongstrtlr and assistant rupee tnteadeot oi business plant ll Ales met with the phoning board last night to arears plan slog Ior school sltrs to the rim DELICMI llsyor Les tAolI told ihm discontent are not going on to establish or strengthen panning Israels covering larger areIs but he cited politin dellcsh ks tor the slowness cl develop ments The phasing board was told the school ottlcian seldom have it 25me that it oo oo Writs said the board cannot build school until It has the Will to tilt them and has so nuns dllticultiu lust keeping pace with pupils sad schools al ready in eslstraee Ilsuid thI board gals propos ed dsvclopraeat plans trons Ilsa Ontario itrmtci Board and must decide ow to preside schools tor the children who would live there it this memo building schooL the board lrlra In buy IInd hetero speculators Dluhtb co besid swims The board as about propos Id school sites in proposed ml dentist district plans now bolero the planning board Their strain concerns seemed to bI how Lbl school bond could buy tbs land In those designat ed areas that the designated Irus were oo good roads but not raster arteries and that there Iotrld be enough children to the use to tilt the schools without buslne outsiders in Thsy ssld th new school being i=btllltblrelltiabtreltwlll be Siephersiooes learns that applying makeup ls minus btrslnrss as list lion Iylo gets him ready tor the time rehearsal et Charisma ii Examiner Photos By Petcr Northcettl Residential District Plans Presented Apri17 used may by trauma its up planning board last night breed In It the begl trussua situation proved new proposal tor metals to tho oiilctal plan WWII tor residential distrch Irtd modern lies douot mm want to build In VIIDII until tbs stiletto amperage township has In olliclsl plan and the school eittclsls too where homesle be located 3s tannin board members they hoped IIIt alpsts mettle would atsrt liaison no mo two boards to help solve problems as they arise in future The school board ottltlals sIId they try to keep track at plann lrtg board activities but said with the number oi boards In the carrots this is virtually Ina do they look ey III to having smaller number at planning groups to deal with and said this would be great step iorvrsrd Planners Dislike BackToBack Townhouses Developer Dennis human will be asked to meet with planning board slaii to resolve some at the obiecllotts In tauuhousa de velopment pro rd an the south side oi Adelal Street The proposal calls tar units to be placed barktobaek with Iota oiillttabiotkossdllio The pinning board said the listen at present regtrlstlaas is that no more than it unlu can be Iolned together and it mrodcd the regulation slightly last night to clsrtly lbst intan um gum may The roposat calls tor its up lts the developer says there ore to acres an the III while clly slsit calculate only To developer said this curride In honest mistake on his art The city planner Is the It traits together almost comprise walkout apartment rom pics and he said the draslty would be greater than Intended in that area Became at tbrte and ram her at other minor discrepancies the developer was Isked to meet with ptann ng still to rattle the dcsllgn beiore the board discuss es condominium towabouss do oeluptnertt II the corner at Orton and North strsrts was given It prorsl by the planning board last night conditional on the develop tr mating than es recommend Id by tbo city aning stall Deny Lana Investments ls pro posing zoom udomtnum protest whichuould have mort gages guaranteed by Ontario leasing Corporation The devel Otter must submit new lilo Plan to the city tor approvaL $1800 Damage 0n Highway 27 to present the plan It public meeting April City isnnel George Gray de signed new plan alter planlt hing board Ipea several meet lngs disclosing what it wants to see In the area previous Elsa was presented It public raring to December but was withdrawn alter extensive pub llc crittctsrn That plan was created by eomuttsnt paid city developcr lack Stellar the approval at the ptsanlag ard Residential district includrs the land bounded on the south by Edgehill Drive on the west by lerndale llaad on the north by vslapment slaa ltost ot the proposals In the residential district in inrolvs Iha Ires west at no Street which is not now developed Irsnrstanrs ttr Grays support would lump most at srtment dc gehlii Drive with IIcra to Ii the corner oI AstnsStreet and Omdtrsttead hurdles Road will curve round to meet Feradsia loud at Edgcblii Drive and tth would be orator arterlsl road rsrry ing say traltlc going right through the area collector rosd tor local traitlc vsotsld nrn tram the northwest comer slown tamcet Frigcbltt Drive near Auto Street ECIIOOI SITES Three school sites are provide Id In the plan one at Anna and Lrtitla where school is to amdlrs lined extruded sad on opcn nostrils and In the north the east by Sunaldslo Path vest corner at the district and Tjart Sisters the Featured iIt IlymnSing This Saturday Frslured guests st Ibis Satur The sisters have released an days ilymn Sing It the Loyal album and are wellremember Truo Blue and Omar ltaII will rd tor concert thcy gate in be the 11er sisters irom SIng bradtord last spring bamptan Arrangements to have lbo tour Ilslrrs appssr were made last bEIlE CALENDAns December blrs Enid Graham SINGAPORE AP CW hymnvslag organiser expects one ottlclats have relied more um than tnsao ourlla calendars There Is no admission iee but brought into the country since collection will be taken some tasI weather authorities In lldlrlll tieovar collision early tltes day morning caused so estirnst alum damage to the vehicltl The mishap occtured on High war it nrar County Road 22 in Vcsars Township Vicious Sillltlts Four happy members ol the Festtvsl In Toronto rnort Tbs drivervel the bl leg ItsrrlICeatrleoliegIItoGrsdo tum Debbie biclesn tra rr Carol heart It tut lisr and to brad sbovt ott their hsm Brydges Carol hurtlrnd srtnn no and Robert timber or ttrstplscocertttlcsts won sn and Ann licCsw the senior Hurday at the itiursis starts ibsadtoob tbreomeraarytartot the third In the southceniral lboiub this mambo area This latter school would be adjacent to largo there come muaity park on thanerth Ind lions rbso another park belt lending south to Edgehlll Dr Children item the mtdium and blgbdmsity housing aress In the south would be able to reach the school through parklsnd or wsthnys connectin parts School ard attlclnls at the aming boIrd meeting said this the est type at location lot school they could hope tor The district plna provides for 17 acres oI apartments Ind as acres at medium density devel opmrnt tor total at the acres thrre Ire ll acres at small neighborhood parks and 291 acres at parkland serving th Eli CONVENIENCE STORES his Grsy said there is no on vision tor commercial uscs in the area but noted the concen trstloas oi residents will be in the southern part at the plan close to the itsrrlo Plan lie sstd the city could adopt policy at permitting two or three small stares In some apartment devct epmcnia The tanning board members said th plan Is more pleasing to them and barring problems brought up by other city depart meats would be more delcasih le thIn the previous plan The proposal is being rirculsb ed to all city dcpnrimrnh Ior comments betoro larrh 17 and the planning Man will approve iinai drait in time or the April public hearing its time or plane tor the hear ing was established Tbs chorus lino rattles Its tor Charisms ring oposlngonrnber rltaltarris day nightstCentrI thitegtsts UE Votes Yes To Local Issues Workers at the CIaIdtsa Gea cents per hour extra to help out Electric plant In Barrie bring them closer to parity but Island all tbctr ian tor tbreo Io parity otter tor workers hero burrs yutcsdsy to protest the Is incl ed to the proposed con compaaya handling at current tract cuntsch negotiations The union eomrnlttes negotlsv llIrold Graham president oi the mom mutu In the United Electrical itadlo mans recommended selection st and bischlno Written at Amer use mmpggyg mg all Ill iii In roads ltarrdsy and distributed to were protesting the companys warters yesterday it The committee III or otter the proposed cuntrsctscltlement yummy to all workers in tho plant my Iuwmm mm Ilaas insurance Iru adjust Iast night with union represents mm mm mm At the meeting last nlitbt sso members tildch local issues Involved In the contract talks and voted it per cent in Iavor oi tlves todiseasstbo proposal 11mm Why mm messed ttr Graham ssld It Is up to the membership to ac cept or select the company pro posal and to per cent relco Icc tins thalosslrooditioosot tonal Ail workers were bath on Hamil um mm low mum mm Aluminium union members mm mm mm ihlltsnvolved in the present urg rts with Gilli III contract In lnh JIM will run tor two years Ind the last gnuuacthcspired Dec 2t era has ave gone on since Llwum hnl 5111 last October and mediator has my be mm by beers Involved In the talks since the cornme membership at Ill rb tit locals representing workers Both company Ind ualoa ottic In CGE panILs tats said the situation in the liars blr Graham said this master rie pilot is normal today and ties radioed pay diliereatis The mastcr agreement cu Auditorium at no pm Spon sored by the University Ito TrentSevem Canal System Responsibility Is Shilled OTTAWA Special Peter borough ill Iiugh Faulkner was sppy man Tuesday Indian and Northern Aliairs lllalsler Jean Chretien announc ed that eight canals including the Trent Severn System wr being trsneierrad irom tha Is at lrsnvput lo the co vs on program at his drp meat llr Faulkner said he had been working tor the past two years on the transier which he trots viii malty change the emphasis bad the total development at the canal system its said that tile canals are new uscd primarily tor rccrcs tionsi rIther than commercial honoree Ind toivtktltsxti reason proper on come unit the Jurisdiction at the cone srrvstloo pro arts which Ins eludes the an anal and historic parts brsncb at llr Cbrctlcos department Condition Okay following Mishap Ronald Ivlllsen ol ilsrrle Is In sattsisctory condition In Itorst Victoria tiospllal today toilowtng twocnr collision Wesday morn ing an lllgbwsy sbtt lust north at Barrie Damage to his vehicle was es timated at lid The driver at no to mrss club at Danie the shoi pill run tor two nights IHIIIII qu the emphasis can by plaml on keeping the trash tree at environmental pollution deteh opulent ot the open spare the historical values and public usa areas llr laultncr explalnd Ito believes that the tourist and rrcrralianal patcnlial oi the canals can be davrlnpcd betlu and tastur litter the new organ isation About two years ago the chsral government and the Out ario government mmbiard on comprehensive report on Iuiue drirlupmtni oi both the MI Severn and the iildrnu Water as This report will be tho the rlrppnlup pm Int ial the rsnals and lir TI er ls hopelul that most oi the lei ports rommmcadations can eventually be Implemented The trmlbevern estrods Ito miles irons Trenton on the hair at Quinta to Part Seven on Scorpion Day it mainly lotions the historic Iroquois run the pathway tIsId by the Iroquois to their war with the lturoru it was also lire route tallmuod by Cttaurnlvin when he discovered Lalo Ontarioin tilt The canal was started In thli and tortures tha Peterboronph tilllock is It its vertical rise at as test the marine railway at the Iilg Chute lir motion said It ls the gall crnments Intention In closs co operation with the provmore to develop the recrcnuonat peteos agreement could not be voted on neither side expects ttsrtherwork Uigqthgfufwumucmgmn unlaymumkmyumwpm until all local unions had agreed stoppages beloro rots ls taken to the local proposals made by on tits mastcr contract the company lwo locals were on strike this morning over local agreements and iir Graham said tho rest ol the plants would not vote on tho master agree inan until thcsa strikes are settled motor Issue or workers in Iosne plants In parity between workers throughout the CGE chain hir Graham said work era It Barrie are paid less tor the same well than workers hr timer plants lie said this sltua lion Is worse in the Trenton plant new onstrikc wheresems workers areas mac Irelqu per hour below the wage paid similar workers in other plants The companys olitr involves an Icrossthehosrd increase at an undisclosed number oi cents per hour rather than percent age increase lir Graham said In the last rontract barrio workers got two Nothing Further Plan Iiesubmitted Two city developers who sat ed council to reconsider the pro posed plan tor residential dis trict iailttitd lollow up their request and city planning board lsst oldie rcsttbmttcd the plan unchangcd The planning board decided to sand the pine back to the city do es and some at the highest marks evcr awarded In their classes Bands Ira directed bi Alien Fisher velopsnent committee because neither developer bsd presraled the city with any Ipcclilc request in wrlIInz ltlka licduaid solicitor tor Croslry Realty tottt council his tlrns wanted the density changed tor their lands south ot Ctmdtes lived and west at BIineid Street The board said it couldnt disr cuss his rcgurst without having any specifies at what he wants Jsck Stellar bad oblocted to small park on Deytlrld Street Ind said he would withdraw his objection it the Parks and Rec reation Commission said it was io laser at the part The board was told parts and recreation docs Indeed want the park The board members said dev rlopors are always hssisttag the residential plans an urgent but It the some time they always scent to be asking the city to do lay approval at them All Jack ilcrrisoo said the matter was rsIcrred back out at courtesy to the developers but since neither took the oppoan tty to submit written request or appear belnra the board he said city development committee would recommend the plan gvia or approval MAYOR LES COOK lrightI shows Bill hicthtlcheon oi CKVR how much paper he will also at Barrie Damage to his vehicle was trdmIted It woo need tor his list at sponsors tor the SnoDa the roll on Satur day siter he handed llr hit tcct their path wildiite habitat and historical values Ostcbeon small card tor his list Essmatcr Photo Cooke McCutcheon In FundRaising Rally btayor Les Cooke has chat lengtd Elli blcibslcbeon oi CK VII in connection with SnoDo too the toadraising snowmobile rally starting isom Suonldnle Park on Saturday hiayor Cools said he could raise more sponsors and tlaish tbe tiltmile rrlly which Is being totally sponsored by the Barrie and Midland Ivlton Clubs Clillll Chill and the OKceta brewery to raise money tor the civttso Fortndetioa nonpro tlt charitable organization SLI hundred snowmobiles are exported to take part in the roundrtrIs ntn between Barrie and lildsnd Tho coarse con sists mostly at lightlytraveled roads with minimum at high way crossings Drivers are reminded tllst all ol the course will be marked and maps are not needed There are checkpoints every to miles with lunch and Iuel stop its Illidlattd Drtvsrs must carry one spare drive belt armpits Ind gal lon oi mix gas this suggest ed that they run with their lights on Drivers toast not cross private rostrum must obey all trsdl reg as creesin guns and police Clvltnrr and Clint CltCts ottlclnis will be patrolling the route and they are author lssd to disputitly drivers who do not obey the rules iJrlvrrI nusrt also be at It at age to spent bills have thrlr license and have in mouse on their machine Sponsors must pledge at least 10 cents mite licdtre sheets are available tram cuntscm sad the Barrie Ctvltan Club and are In duplicate 0n Satsoday the drivers should take both shorts wit them to the rrgistrntlon centre at Sunnldalo Path and turn In the white to The huge copy will baltrft thodnver to be shown punched stench tnlla check point Ittcso brtco sheets are then Ioitali by the drivers back to sponsors to collect the amt lodged All monies should that betan to to the nosrcst at liovs ieotiab lurch lit

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