ill OIIOMANEIIIIIIIDIRESIDINTOP0NTPIOWMEN helm icrmey centreth Angina eitdeslandliu barrio Ill sleclod presid liiitghoiicrI pliorinrlnl numb col oi the Ontario lemcna ior Perth Oamly iallowlng Assodailori It Tomlo llicu luncheon Delegates iromroun day Mr lenitey chItswiLb ty plawnisns Isiocialions l4 Ontario attended the two day meeting II the King Ed ierd llotel ilr lumey wIs lintrlccpresident last year ibpcdal Examiner Photo IL Taylor lcit oi Bur riijackers Hold libertiesten ADEN CPI lira Ath takeoii on new destloIlioo dartiiiaaIlcid Ii lrllns crow possibly dldds Saudi Arabia rnrmbara aboard dynamite there In on conrmation oi rbIrgod Initbansa rumba let the reports and Tenant oilitiIls today amid unoiilclIl reports madannallempttotry loom that they might be planning rr Ibo guerrillas who Ielr ALDEitSIIOT England CPI Ooncrai Secrctary Torry licl Police pruscd VISI bunI iernan and two other members today iorthe man rcrponrlblo oi the oliiclal Sin Plin Itro Ior the iRA tarror killing oi In were taken In undcr the same Irray rbaplstri and III civilians rpecltt law which empowers In In bomb hint that wrccted In Ihoritles in the republic to do olilccra mesa in this miliiIry lain any person or lshourr gratin without charge As Arlllshatilboritlos checktd 0mm railway stations and airports vouched car around Aldersboi Tzighofipzylig 33 lidgg if Dublin and its suburbs Iii all gm Wm rm prodlcdonr tht Prime Minister in Jack Lynch may be launching mm mm my motor crackdown IgIInIt IRA Iaoltr political branch were ml mm hm rested in Dublin after their hit When Wm hm in up unmedr3W their terrorist operatltais in agility ior th iliudry bomb mm mm Among those rounded up by Lynch who abuts the MINI irlsii pollco shortly alter mid aim ol uniting Ireland but ls night Wendi rtlgbtwor CIIhIl against the use It iorro lo Gouldtog oi oi Ilali oi lho achieve it denounced lbo Aldcr ulilclal iIclioa oi the militant Ibot bombing as cowardly In nicrrilis orgrniaotloa ronsolesr CAPSULE NEWS StalinsiDaughier Husband Separate PARADISE varrav Ariz Reuterl Joseph Stalinr drun ter Svrtlanalclerr is titin apart irom her husband bocatua oiidlsagreemcnl over what regards Is collective Iivlnp tho coitplo ditclosrd itiosday svellana so and Irdtltlci vliarn Wesley Petrrrl9 were marrlod In April 1910 Men Sentenced For Possessing Bomb OIIAIVA CPI No Iiungarinnbom Montrerl mca vein sentenced Tuesday to one year In prison on charges at bomb during the visit hers lost year oi Soviet Premer Alex Kooyola Andrew Thomas Scents to and lists Gordon 22 ha pleaded guilty earlier to tho chargo oi unlawiul possession 0i caploalvos Government Asks for Courthoversal wssiiinoipii not asked the Supreme Court to ravens Incision that rtera may decline to Ipptar hriors grand jury Solicitor enerIl Erwin Ntlrlswold told till hutlcoa ilirsday that cvmoor except Ibo pmldcat oi lilo Unltid states is Irrawcrablo to Iubpocua ioPiotostAgainItBudgetCul TOIIONlO CPI The littrtw Gallon dccldtd lliesdry night to rotut to Education harm Wells ag million Thaboaidraldil having to make drastic rodut on Crowds Breakthrough RSMIOIS NUALA LUIIPbrltlleoltr Crow broko throum police barriers in chbiatown today Is the Queen FILM Philip and Princess Anna strolled cloth rnnrkol Ilroct on tho second day It their twowaok atria Visil lo titlIyrlI idiomatic Illness thiiil lhruslil bunch oi red hibiscustirlayiias nIIIooIl horror at tho Ouoen who stopped to receive barn with Indie Bruin Trade for Carol Vadnois BOSTON AP Boston Bruins announced today they traded dniooccrnsn Itch Smith right winger Reg Leach and min player to CIilIorolI Golden Scots Ior dtlcncsman Carol and another piner Minister mu at inst to munch more to avoid lions to stall and quality at Mr ibry had been The United Slates government has it Crew lba imam BoclngTll let otsrlndiamorc than an hours ago Tho alllump nine lillr artisanwere held aboard the id Ilrlloer alter the Irmed rurrrll Iir Irccd be last oi the in ms cluding thaiccnIgo lata senator Robert II III Ind embarrurlrig IIIIIIIOO um satin special at pumps were needed ior rchieiliag the giant piano and these were not readily available in Arden ORDER MORE IOiii Tbs bliaokers ordorcd more Iron and water seal aboard today Passeagors IIld Ibo bllaclrrl had set dynamite charges on pm the pleas Fortyulna women Ind shil drea Indan elderly man re lrared by IbI hijackers Tues day united in Athens Greece early today Ibosrd Luilbansa tellinor irons Beirut lirbanon llown to liclru Irons Aden by Yemeni Wt Airlines Appear To Have Adjusted To Radar Strike by THE CANADIAN rnass With only ilii out at as Air Canada in his out at Toronto nail Airport cancelled ilnssappIIrlobI operIlin out oi airports without rIdar utilities halted by Itrika oi technicians Air Canada bad shortibaul illgbls method to Iiuhiroal Chicago Clovciand twoll Thun deriiiay and New York as tho Itrikooi electronic maintenance mm moved Into its 19th day AkATISWuab Irllmcnt carnaan ya on up uiNrtyrcbcdoird ritpr inbred aiicrrnldnlghtouto Toronto backlog at Air Canada oprra tlooshad been cloned Monday nights be and donI4 iy under curicw The department had approvtd tho Iitencuiiew iilghts begun last weekend because at tho iltIn Toronto board oi rdu slnst lit trillion out in Its budget oi Oil PENINO Roulorl menu Chou EnIIl and President Nixon bold lpur hours oi lI lorily tho third time they hIrI conic red durliig tho proslden llsiv lilo Prklny Portbd out lino the our were ItIhI Ilata est hours when Nixon is stay empha sizing the cordlllity and Frantic treatment the its pres drnl receiving in Peking The talks ended at dzld pm 505 In EST Monday to mini North Ilr nuiuns ior Wsdnasday February im Injunction Obtained Against Snow Crews MONTREAL CPI An to snow rcriiovIl workers Junction ordriing Montreals striking snow removal rrcna back on the lab was granted lady by air Jiullce Paul pInlrr oi Nehru Superior hurl Iir luslira Ikepaoirr raid at 10 am rpm union that be had heard arguments truin city lawyers and reprisentIIires of striking manual when at his homo Iron in Inn until 130 am today beiora deciding to grant IbI Injunction Reprcscalatlres at that III oi the Canadian Union oi niblic matrices on Iirika Iinos liliO nlghl IrldIy night dust the clly wore meeting It RIPE lawyers and wero unIvalIIbIa ior commrnl on the court doci Lion nia Ilrlko by l000 members of local but including about boil Letters Indicate Cecilroy Lived With Tuturo Wife OTTAWA CPI Carmen Parrot Ind Yrrs Gtoiiroy red together or alno months bet RYE iprorbond mgr Oct no or county INIO IIO In later plead In latter mission to train risoo ior yplltss Par LIMITan Tho Ieltor last June touched all mics oi docst IhIt led lolha mIrrLigo last Dec Ii when Groiiroy III given Wbour leave to at this Parrot Neither has been seed since Solicitorvlieacral JeanPierre Guyrr Threads night tabled In the Commons aiunozoirllcr lrorn Gcoiiroyt an ADJ 10n Montreal Iocl worker Micheline Comelilcr mom mending the marriage and Nov letter Iroin llIv Nickels rhisl chaplain ior ch rrII prisons Iulborlzing It Ni layer quoted parts oi the in IhIt error lhrco doctrine Is It taculor as it may but been Either than improprlriy was Involved in tho rceose oi loo iro Eldon Woolllniris lCalgI ioiurrvallva lustch critic raid mosday tho csso stints to high heaven and in sistId thl the dociuneoLI made obllcln AIRS akorLu cien monies crcd llr Goyrr to produce them Ramombor rha used am for All Nixon Ind his wife then went to tho Imbscal Capital lym Iri enhthlllon oi gymnastics tabla tonal lllli minimum The earlier conversations on iionda Inrl ilioIdIy toot place tho GICIIIIIN oi the People In cenlrIi Poking Chou arrived at the guest house It lprn lain EST Ind wos met outside by Nixon Their talks lasted iour hours odlag It lztspiu his am and turned In rm to uphold Women In love Shos has Nmzd downtown Montreal stir lIco lransporIILioo Into bani all week Day live oi the turmoil brought Irlgid temperature and only slight improvement in travel conditions ior Ibraisands oi workers Itruggilng to down town shops and oillces Irom lha suburbs Temperatures dipped to to da greer below Irro at Montreal lnlrraailonai Airport at bun Plans no ROMP Provoke EDMONTON CP Another North West Rrbcllioooi aorta aas brokro out over the lad cral govrrnmcnla Ema flhaoglrslgns on build To many the iorco represents romantic tradition with panic uIIrmeInla tor the Vital war in lha thesl tIul Ibo North Wrsl Mounted Police was law and order mum iurce urn until rm llama was cbIngcd to North West idouritcd Polka In tor Iimml no years later became ad their own provincial the RoyII moron Police What tho lcdcrIi govornmeai Irma Iiiinily ior Iba OTTAWA CPI Canadas lhrco newest national parts II he established by Parliamcn do the nest ten months incl In lbo country water micI Is blith Is NIIgarI can cocap Northern Developmrnt MiniI tcr Jean Chretlen announcing the buttons at tho Northern Canada parks in the Commons nicsdIy sold Iny will increase the area devotcd lo aaliopa arts to tsnoo Iouars ratios om lilo prcsrnl 300 route miles and will raise the num ber at national parks to ill may will rank Imoag the worth most spectacular na tional parks llr Cbrrlleu said during the throne speech de bate Scott Iackroa Again Nominated lIOLLYWOOD All gIC Awards last year an Igaln as the best movie actress tor lrSicsrnli who roiusrd Ibo Oscar ho won in m1 tor the title vols in Patton WIs nominal for is rain as doctor In His Ital Miss JIcksou won Is the notice In leading role tart year ior nattd ibis limo ior to with the word poilts EdmontonSlrIlbc III Anna in go ItnyIi small western lawns and over rcspoosi utell canals iron the hi host mom iall pod no protecting their part wlidIiio Vi its Daughter ammo lchrIl cabinet llrliycr and New Drmomt Id Broadbaat pliikdoui Ill IbI verbal Iiiipa Oresday in Conn pious locale to too who mild most strongly dcumincs gotcrn meal economic policies Mr hroadbenl Osbou llhilbyl pimped into the lord when he lulled Prime Minister and nng around 10 below m7 lmmmaufum when most commuters gathered ml dummsm mm bmm dmwuijid IbIt had gone In mush streets am Mr Ileilyrr Tomato Trinity mainly to stagiciana truth It mm mm mm milk but Tow Irucls IppIIrId in WW strength in the tint Ipparenl Ila uld Ibo gotcrnmrul prr Iitrmpl to dig out Ind remove Iormanre would rate ngda oi hundrrdsci cars btrrlcd ILDN Frnlirus In tho IcIdrmlc world they wrra abandoned Saturday that Canadar economy ls lho in gaging blinud that iol wrstinannged in tha wcslcrn loved the Ilrth by only few world and aurcmmcnt encour hmm Igemrnt oi unemployment Ibm it was known young people would need work was either gran Ilupidity or Iubtcrslon They were spelling on tho third day ol tho dahtday ihrnna Ipccob drbata whim lol loop the government IelIlIg ouI oi Its plans Int policies It ran beginning at each pIriIIrncn tar lesion The debate continues today NNOULN PROGRAM and cars Both hlr Bromime and Mr However Iicilyar condemned the govern aIrna mint umpaisa to int InilIlioii It tho unease oi employment but no dliirrrnl terms liIrr Amadme said little in mo in not nily had Protest Indlhechaartsrraia is dolor main lba tellers WSW Kabul cIra still our the cyst Canadian liountcd Police In Imallrr tellers lid Harries Liberal lIP Ior cm up mtormschm westerns the RCMP Worm mid be EINLuniclpal pmliptlgl Irom lllhruiigh costob olator rlsuru lo Iii shun innarqu auralw to mm Iorcement body In rural and The poplrllhagorrrnrarnt Itlu was really lrytng to protect ummed cs Erulorlrd ring Onlar Ind Ouobec long have rolled to investors who thI to bo Iblo rilch to clip their coupon at the rm Ind so no not have Irina dollar ratio at which lny Inverted lla cIIlcd on tho gov animal to drop its attack on Ination and push ior iuilom pinymciil mt0y Mr erntltibothlowin law lmcmployinrnl Its an in tail and could be chlovod the government would limit wags Increasesior bLg unions and price increasos ior big business iDLIlb Iamrual torrents in tho cost It living But the Ibsoiuto unemploy most rats was at 77 pcr oent The minister also Innounttd lhIl his department is labial biiity ior II the trInsport Irlmeat Theylwilii ha darti Is recruuon Inns while and historical valucs Mingles With PEKING tAPI Sara hradcd In snowslorni Mrs Richard Nixon today visited an IgrlcuiturII commune whcro aha mingled with Ichoolchiid rcn ohservod wintrrtiina culti vallon II vegetables and um Boyearoid woman getting an uttplmcture treatment The wlis at tho US prrsldcnt walked through liitrimlllent heavy snow moving down toys and across iurrowrd fields Toronto later this week where NIP WWW EV Wm mm my 151 PoopluI Commons wcat Pb cmpalgli ior the wind woo thir on mind II which ha II cth MIL him was cultivated by mm tho ochonlchlldrrn Ilte saw riatvciiud It the growing oi Queen luiiana MONTREAL CPI Olsen Juliana and Prints lit at tho Netherlands Irrlvrd bcra thde til to visit Ibrlr youngest aughtcr Princess Christina who is studying music here Prim Bernhard will ily to Tllcs cynical my 51 Thu origin or the cannon ration was taken as In lodlcn tlon that the US leader and corn were making searching examination wldo rIngI ol lsrues Chou spotted group pi AmerlrInpbolograpbrrI be the president when he mired at tho guest house You are all Ilia photo graphs or me no it You ahoiild take more at your preclu cn Mira PAT NIXONImother oi common lwo talks to mull child held JOIN by her Chinese mother in Everqgodomnmhy the mica woosud to ram irritation be said are Tun Mora riun Iii Par Copy It runs PAUL UELLYER IInunry and lha annual lanai lion rule was back In as per cent EVIL HIGHER in other wordI lha ination iIvrI is now higher than when this whoio inborn exercise begun in lots llr Ilailyrr Iormer lrunporl minister now sits as an Ind pendrot lecrIL hir Bmtdbaat accrued Mr Trudeau at oh no Ind ally leeding uso oi do It Tho prlrrio rnialIlcr had said that the number oi new pubs created in Canada in tho Iinal ouarler pi lair had exceeded tiiosa rreItcd in German the Netherlands chdcn ho mam Ind Italy low unern oyment rates in thosa coup es Ind the lack that there are ill untamle rsciis or every one lob avail Ibio in them compared with It unemployed poisons ior Ivory avaliabla lob In Canada BUSINESS ON DOLE Mr Brosdbcnl Ilro said Iha government is running di iaro attito ior corporations to analog them It the rota at two million your Tho list oi corporations rc cclrirn regional economic er ponsion greats Nod Ii hos Who oi Ibo mulll oriIl corporation world IndrnI oi tho mania were rriisdlrrct to set up new plants In indoor tries Ilrcady in trouble lira Nixon Visits Commune Schoolchildren outoirrason vrgctrbles uodcr glam and oven trlod iutlleiy to make irionds with rather dirty hog in sly Sha you most surprised how Ivor to observe in the corn miuro clinic tho ancient Chincso acupuncture medical treatment basal on tile intuition ol lonit noodles Into the esh The two young women who give the treatment told Mrs Nixon that they attend to about dozen patients div They showed her groyhsircd woman lying on her side on out with more thin hair dozen needles protruding from bar right arm and leg United stats Photo mu am WMWM