Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1972, p. 6

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winner oi the brainy mk rd lenxuo receive the ltlrl YotinLtrvdty Ith border out rmrrero rtnlr ql Err COUPLES WIN HARRY YOUNG TROPHY lttetvktory metro presented idloolor tw eplel held It the Norrie Orr tn club windlny up the rec ood rdredule ltrYouorlelt prexeetn the trophy to rhlp George Dino toohlrir on ere HomeMade Soups In Dish At Leadmg City Restaurant Dy ALICE REVIEW donor or monitor come ihreh NmthroJoronroithc In Inca in New York Qty In rte Int dedirrlnt noIrIy to tho pleootrreo oi Ioup In dtnh tor ltnnch dinner Ind rtrp prr it in drliphtlully deco rIted piece on Intent Filth Are nue Ind dare orttnrt rrowd tirnl Inelndro plenty oi hump Soupln It borne too when it Ippenrn It iIbte boot oi hot ehtckort mp Itoddrd with Jrrt morrelr oi rerrtrhleo Iocndeot ehirhen Ind jennyhe come munhroonio Ac mrnprny the own with oitli nthb Ind there you here come ithinr rpcdri Potrto Elihu QUICK CilimN VEGETABLE SOUP nor tlltt onnerri chicken broth ton to metal boned deleted broken into pieeet ere tl potde lorrtrloen drrtnod Ind not into pleeeo yjnn VALERIE NAlURAii oi Nindror Ontnrio hIr been rppolnted cortunlrotonrr with pIethe to anneal own one medium pto pnrod cored Ind 110 it teaspoon Ibrrro pepper NEE Combine Ill tonedientr in medium rrucrpnn simmer over low bent to mtnuter or until npple to tender serve with hot Potnto Slime Server tour to tie MUSHROOM CHICKEN SOUP ernn little ouneer eneht eondented rbiehen contention rotrp cone write it trerpoon dried iert ore rnno to ternpoon dried ieol trini term it terrpoon eelery reed It trrrpoon tIbIreo pepper met tobieepoonr ehopped pIr try clove Irlic embed it run upped onion run tilted cumin medium ruchinl chopped Icon to or comer Illced munhrnorru minurn Combine III ionodlrotn In medium truerpnrt brlny to bolt liedttee beet Ind Immer covered is rrtioittel bitter le renters Not tor the trier Pareto butt rnediurn ldrho hnhlny po little it run Inter lIhlerpoonr orlnd oil to tenrpoon Trbrtco pepper rruec te cup rrItId itornrrto rheeoe enreioor urtooed rottin rnIEXlltl chicken Pore poirtou Ird rut Into rtripo Ir inr Trench trite llin wrter with oil Ind Tobmo in email Ihrltow dlth odd potrto otrlpr to molrtcn combine them end roetior in piutir hIr Shnto enters moutun irom pointers end there in horotcontln mixture eight to to rtrtpe It until evenly rontrd Ploee potntou In olnrlr lIyer on bnhin nheel lined with rite oli their in tittbdo me drnmldiileli Iprtl bio with Inlt Server tour For rdnrlniidn dtbi1 tIhlo no orono erpoon pmtto to corttnr mlt the Ontrrlo ilumrn Witt Commitoton ta Photo iWindsor Woman Appointed Human Rights WINDSOR Oni tClt Vole erto itnrurrh bu been or pointed rommlortoncr oi the IONIITID llumrn ltlnhtr Conunlv Ilon one ntoro job In bury entrocurricuinr crrcer hlitt KIIurIt it In Inrurrnco underwriter who he been member oi the riter dvtnory romrnltleo to the OIIRC mrrnher oi the tiiodoor Iory committee on employment Conndlrn re rentntrilro to UN llumrn lit to Commlrrlnrr meelirtu She nryr the problem ot inn mlrtInt Ind minority moot itrvo been oi rperinl lntertrt to her over the your Aprrtltulnr concern in recognition at irnrnl molr trrdo rtitln to rlvo them rhrneo to compete in the CI dlon lebor ntnrhct We turn recommended ellmt lnrtlon oi the Cnnodlrn erperh truce qttrlllltrtton whleh runny trrunirrrntr tInnot meet but two Ire Itlll ereItly contented Ibout inoqultlrn in employment ior Negrorry Arlene Ind lndl mt hilt lirrtnrh will work with itbe Oltltti Windsor oillce hut II oorotnlltloner the Commissioner hove dutloe thrt extend through out the province Commtrrlonerr decide whether board oi lnoulrl thoutd he oppotoled in lttdtvl oat dirtrlmlrutlon en en rrirdiutltm irllr They tied to worit in the buntnerr Ibor rellriour oducntlonnl Irtd ethnic rommunltlen to improve Iv ittiuder townrd any kind at die crlrninellon They net commie rlon polity recommend torinlI lion Ind Ire rerporrnible tor Id rninittrrtlon Ind rtnlt ltlirI iirturnk hnr bccn pro virtclrl Liberrl rondldrle tor thdoorSIrtdwtih the boron her worttlnl erteer er new my not worked tor two they on Site he been rlco rerldtnt oi the United Commu ty Servlter ot Grentor Windsor Irtlve tn the Provtootnl Council or Women ot Ontario end the littrlrtlen Conodlnn Ilurinero Ind Froleltlonnl Artorlotlon she hIr been prrtilent oi the whither lilo Underwritert Ao Ioetrtlon end member oi the Windror lrtnr Council Nine tttturrh woo born In Illnntltin lteol but grew up to ill thdror WRECKED bllNNS wNDDN tAPi The drprrt rnent oi ttIdo Ind industry prid tinted in compenrnlion to Beottloh mink breeder who ttttmed Ionic boomr trom trtt tiltth at the Concorde Ilriinrr turned bio mlnhn into nervour wreeto ANN LllNDERS Door in Lenten My wlte to one at those women who itut lover to tell About live your up rot led up Ind told her to Ihot up We pt into terrlllo hnrrle Ind in order to IppeonI her little Inld when New Itd iturhet otertr tolklny IyIlrr you here my pennirnlon to blob It you not to end Ill never even interrupt lliiourht bed roll bet but loot whnt brppened The old crow ltunt Ihut up lor weeto Ind Im link or II 5hr IiIo hIr horn bellllllnr the noon our trlendr hy telltnn them how vroor won ilnvI you pot rood ontwer Ior Itllldied it II Tronn Deer Ni You dont need tend Innwer You need re oi rood errpiurr lben prettier noddan pertodieoily rnd ony tny er ilowrrd QUALITY Drrr Ann bIndrtrt lleron lltllc Idvlrr to the other wornIn win one kind enourtt to alter root dvico tomeThe lie All the rtutt htr been hrndirtr you in rerun berrd it wheni wet the other women ton re lrtt nryV eompiriner rod horc lily retrtlveo Ire uncouth my merit rro rerbnrr ind new icon Inyihlnr An not pnrlner lrn nowhere lie hId tortured him roll to moltiny the text or ll be trutI ot the rhlltltrn And then romelhlnr wondrriul hIppenod You come olnny No never know what love wot until you ltrlsbtt erred hlo tile Whnt rruei irirh ol iele thIi he didnt trwrt you it run tot courrr blr Irtthtnrtlc little ottie your rro you were only in but lrnoteo thrt won exactly the note ore you Ire now when met the bee Todry probe bly loolt old crtourh to no your mother but then threorh lot Dorrie Pet Show Jenn Skinner Ind f4 Rlnnrr tinmlner Ph NauticalTheme In Spring Hats Am Iverutt Tbr colon in option brto Ire keleidoocoplc with blr ornphn III on the corteblnnlion oi red white not blue to complement the our mrooeuvru tnhlny piece in rerdytoweor Nnutltni lonelier ouch In In ehorr Ind Itrtprr Ippenr on irion oi the new hrln tor the moon Ihrrtl Wrtch tor the comebneh oi the rtrrirbthrtrnmed rrllor hIL llrto with roll long hrtrnn Ire rioo lmportrnt on rprtnr were home with wide hrlrnr thrt turn rllrhity down In the rent Ind beck rro oolt rod tomnrrtlc Ind remlnltoent ol thI Iutrirner oi lubioo itr tbnt old nottrlrin blt thrt tr Iloo beinr repented in lot at tho nprinr clotbu hothlnr herb to the SOI And not WIDE IELECTION ActoIlly them widr Inourb releclion oi hole to net iIly the letter ol women to entry wIih oi lilo Booties the onllorr end the roll tioppy hrirnrnrd hItI there no the oiltholrco bntr with uprwept Iilhntietler thrt hue thI hrtrwr Nert come the herdhurrero thou helr thrt no with control rod dretry tethlont They in elude the youthiul lltttr up the lion the oioche end the litr In Every color Ind mood thrt rny womrn would wrnt IrI erp lured to the hemhurren Sprint hole In inedc oi ov trytbln irom tell thrie to ow There Iro tome hntI thrt lite pelehwork nulltt be rqu they combine tweed Ind rinnhrm rheehn ti yoti went hir Qurllty you can Ire him but dont think he lnteretted in onion mlrrledryrlnlotterrdh hit treedorn two yeer to when he won tovolv your women Ind he didnt wont It then Good Luck to you honey Don oy didnt worn you Act Two Deer Att Toot wonder how runny otter women will reed thlr letter record ttrnr tor clurt Your mentor ol rood cheer will be etpeelrlty route tllnr tor the wyeuoldr EYE OPENER neIr Ann lnodrnt PleIoI tell tbnt onlppy little lIdy who told thed retiree die then he like her mother thrt rm to II nerdy more tlto her mother thrn rho thtntr or the EWIODI live in houlo toy to your without tterntnr It rlrl who in old enourb to entertrln younr men to old mouth to rtrIlthien tip home To our her motherr lrtlnerr In In merit pretty IlllDItI lily thrt rlrlt mother ll ctperenrlnr dliticult metro petite Some women beromo do prettod when they go throurh the then Ind thry otmply be vent the mm to do honor work My riItctr Ind never tirean our mother er It rick In the wor ShI d1 elern the honor either to we run bed to clean it when were erpoelinr route Ind how we eerenled ltl llrmr died in he middle tno Illtl it won re both to ut hope the ytri who wrote thrt nuty letlot reel till mlrhl oprn hrr rytrClttt lian to inter Drnr tnrttt lhnnle ior tho eyeopener Uniorttrnntriy tome thlnyr dont become Ippnrent until We too Ilio to do lllyihltil Ihout them Your letter to tlno oxrmplr with mother lotto prIIlon tor lrieodr letter into recruit the chute they will ehInrr their do hlrrr Au Hit The math lode it the brightest oi moodro etnrtorthobeotln oodIl roulette llittoetc end nutter pineurremi depthl menolnr it you into deliber Ilely nIlvr viewpoint Llhrn throt BOet not TeIIt your oequ on benuty tn Ibrtertr item you ilnd Shnrr thin with people In plenty ot cuuri eornprny to mend you oil dry nerrple tOeL more Tilt Pinrrnrteo comprnioon tend to let Inhibitiontho intention to how memty you IIOIAITIII IN IIIDoe lIil Gllir tome rmrll todry btrt very it In totrno ti rent ieetlnrn While not INPle on Iirnitchnt retponrtbiltty rprrnd ottt rod be oorirblr mom Dee Mu IIlI Yotiorer peoplr creIto repen melon with their experimento See whet eIo be done to int proto ywr neltlrborhood Merrill iJII loIebr tltt An ideI mode in the ntldrt oi the moot routine work In on root rert until you ten try tort It mny tetrr merry beitro you let reeulto to no prior rnnouneernentl Firm Feb ithlreeh it Get Iwa train tooeertour volvetrrentn with erreer the out ride world Ind enioy whet you hove weddtnl trtJ lb Norm Bohrvvtutotlow thIrrtorrtIrI oi bhrrort Evelyn Yrhltton end her Berry Ind iInrity Ibo rutdo or Don oi midrle Townrhtp lter only ten YrtnntiirIJieithProroer Iron in Serrboroo Attendinr her rirter It Norm Newtowelirndherhroihrr No thnttlei Arnold Ind bio oi stryner oletertolew urn Jonet Arnold Other rotate preemt It the reiebrrtion were from Serrbor hurle erlnx try lltopln Bronte end New Ioweli linrhle to Iitrttd were the rele thntr tirier louiee titer Cort trd lioydi ot barrio red bro iher it Arnold oi itrlny Itlv or who telephoned to eonrrriu into hit titler on the oeertion ONGNATULAYORY LETTER Alonj with the WK errdr rod in it ltlrnrb re eclv teie inn nod ritnrn trout GovernorDepart Rolnnd hllcheoer Ind hlro Itirheoer Prtmo illoltter Pierre Elliott Trident tender ot the Oppotl lion Robert Strolleld Ind tilll lrhn Dielrohrter rod Perr Noble Prentlrr ol Ontrrlo Win mnerum item Dnvlr Arthur Enron ttcdlmeoe Centre Ind 51th County Worden lioyd Prl The Mount received on our trotrt the Ontrrto rorrrnmeot eortunentorrtirtr the oeernlon Periormlnr ter honoro II the out were Llorn PI Ion hlrr lornr llnrvdy hlrr Ilrtreron iirr Arnold Ind tier Innet Arnold SIGN GUEST BOOK One hundred Ind thirty iriende neirhbort Ind rrIItiten rlroed the Inert book Ind Iniorrd terry iTIIE DARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY ll rm mm murnr Ind red rooer decornted the Ittrr tor thI winter cere mony tier Writer Lee oiildried Given to mIrrtIro by her tribe or the bride were lrrditlontl Mn ot too do ehntrne insh tolled wl mnrldnrlrt toilet btthop them with eullr Lece trimmed the one re bode lee Ind Ileerer oi the time It weddiof tin hrrddrerr hold the bridet ice rimmed month to tell which led to the tioora lirllrn lIce irimmlaiorme tbocrthedrnl trIln trrrtod bouquet ot white rnumr not Iwn with tr or my on bride wore blue rotor bore rowed lulllenrth rlip new rhocr Ind old err rtnrt The bride to the drurhter oi itr Ind hire anode loo Corie oi lllnror tnr bridegroomr Went Ire ilr Ind illro Alon Strrnr oi llelrote Avenue Norrie nrldrl Ittcndroto were Ann llrlptt ot illnertrr mold ot bon ort Prtrielr Wrbtwrirht rod ilrriin ottterr oi the bride Ind Bonnie Robertron hrrrte were btlrterrrtnldr FIDWER OlIlLl The ower rlrin were Prlrielr Cortes windenr Ind mei Adv Ime itinerlny The Ittendrnto were owned title in tloorvlenrth drum or red velvet lrrhloned on empire liner with iron tierver horn trimmed the both oi the drettet with ilowinr ponelt The Itteodertto curled while Intrier heti torn wrrhrlrn Williron oi itInte Uohero were Dore Wntnwrlnht Then ilIrttn Ind Eric horrett The reception wu held or the cInndlrn lerlon ilIil 5t Vinc ent Street The or oi the Urged To Boycott Minor Iobs In Next Election rononro ttPl Women in lrreeitd to Ill be tith to boycott minor John in the tort elocli The Name ltotornent tor lolltlcnl Anllonlr now rroup hoolnr to run women or indet ndent cInotdrter tn the next rttrrrl election in reloteo ltr tourwllor corn rtlltro rnyr one rtep will be to rreommettd to women thrt they let Iomrone oloe tlett the rtrmpr thin time and put their time Ind rrtrrrler toto potlttrIl Ittlon by end tor wornrn lttey ion to hold rtttet meet tor tllrturrtonr rod to not our door to door to ltod out the issuer thnt moot concern Crnov ttlrru They try they will one the rotultr to help term the butt ol their election policiet hold by Metro bill AND th5 JAMES STUART SIRANG bride received rueoto woulny iioorleneth own oi purple Itltr derimrd til owelied roroI lion eneed her enterrth the brideproomo mother or dried werrtor tloor ieoyth own oi rotd brotrded tntttir iler torture wet oi pumpkin colored trrortlonr lor unveiling the bride donned pull Iuit purple etuebed velvet with brown potent recu rorler Nr rnd lirr surnr will to ride rt tnttlrltl Street Drrrle Ouioicity yuertr rttendrd trum Toronto Yindror iiino tin Ililltdnlo Phelptton St to Illllr Cobourr end Drrmp on loinrtnrwilh lhn entoihnnor do Nonrhrl rtr er one run one dourhler tour rrntxironr one rrrndtiInritterinlrw irrnity dinner It the oi lire itrnohridrer eon ddi Ind hln wile wound up birthdny ceiehrItlon IARRIE IONMERANOI The Febrnrry rnrrtlnr bottle Boomerrnr Crmotny loeIl urtil oi the Cnnndirn toy Mention will be hobi Wednetd rotor It itrplr Grove Sc bot It not oclock one tolerated in crmptnr we come to Ittend Blood Loon Grave litter Operation TORONTO it nerr iury recommended dry thrt beblro who underro clrttimcttton ohould be coolloed to hoopltrl It leIrt ll born The jury wIn lnrerllrtilnr denth oi lldnyold intent died Dec to two dIyr Iltrr won rirrutneiotd It New sinel tionpltnl The iury told the intent hid tort rhout or rent ol bit blood Ind dentb WHEN ironic no one Throttle wrr operrted on not Ind relented irornhoepttnl rt Ihout pm At Ihout 330 pm IIrI itirno ehroyed the Inluttr rIodrrwr tool blood Iper wee tlliitd rrtin Ihout odd thI with brir red blood Thn brby er token rrmr hoop lIlr emergency The inlInt rtryed tn peony tor Ibout two hourr the bleedtnr er stopped Dr lltillnm lichen who pcrtormtd the opcrrllon IItteiled thrt the intent rood Irenlth lrrtlmony rhowrd there communlcetlon doctoro end the IATTIIK oner Joner Itid tore hId inrulllctent history properly treat the tnlInt thrt they tied not Inked queetlortr to yet it Dr Peter ltlcCIure rtrn Ind herd ol hemrlolopy the Ilorpilll ior Sick Children tettliied thrt he tented lenienc tor hemophllir tound thrt ebe poeneooed tor carrying the diverse lle told there to it thence tho dlroeno could mortileeltd but only Huroniu Eleonors liter Picker Ind Delivery 72054 SA hlory DriveIn lecntlot SHOPPERS DRUG MART

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