lass in allow so Is with 31in our II aI that be espeo rinse any still lockui project On the waste that it only it pro tor the with the Olyur would in the gov preach to will re bus to Ilcpburn more so it the tol govern Pisure who at the Sapporo hll athitio Columbia tibia won Olympics present on her placed ps ORO REEVE HEADS CONSERVATION BOARD OroDeputy Reeve Wallace Key Ilettl roduatuiltes his colleague Reeve Allan lice has cas his election an heir rnan ot the Noitawassga Vel ley Linnsrrnllori Authority board during thumbs boat conservation and pollution problem insinuner Photo subsidies Being Sought Tor Eggs Hogs Turkeys Provincial government us sislsrice tor css turkey and box ch has been sought by the Ontario Federation oi Ari ruilurl because at low prices ro caived during tho past year iA delegation Irom the Iedar Itlori discussed the problems re cently with Premier Willem Davis and lncsnbrrs oi bis cab Inct at Quccns Park Irs presenting their organisa lions annual submission in the Ontario government they ebsrg ed that soveromtnu have some mponsbilliy to supplement tarmen incomes because even the most eiiiclent turmers cast its urn decent returns in the mar ket place The tedrrslion president Cor don Ilill nt Verna who led the tbrnsn delegation advised the government ministers to intro docs scheme tor turkey and big producers similar to that which has been established to Quebec There hog reducers will get 15 tar each nginsr krtrd between November mo and March Ii 1m For egg producers the letters lion recommended lawcost Ioanprogram to provide them vithup to woo rcpeyahie over six years The tideslions submission tilled the request tor income supplements by explaining that larrners incomes are tailing Isr news or CHURCHILL or me it siurtrsn nest wishestor speedy re covery go to llsv it Croit Robert CsmpbriL trails Smith land Jud Jamicson hospital at ientia Auanpbellwa ad tonsilcctomy Sunday Feb 20 the iiiC young people will be in charge it the Unitcd Church service liev Gordon niir triend oi the youtbtul oilebder will speak on Thinking Day at St Peters el 943am Tila Uta ANNIVERSARY ilrs Prank lockhart and Mrs ck Constable rcpresente iursblll Womens Institute at tlia luncheon last Saturday at 11 York iiotel marking the lit anniversary oi the Vi The president at the world orpanlrs Ion lira Olive in on Farguiisr Ion lrortv Eng as use speaker compared the iii to candle sending ray at light by working to educate women in diilcreut countircs oi the world lira Kenneth Chspin soloi at irom Brant minty portrayed every phase oi Institute work opcr the years in sons large anniversary cake in the altpr oi the Friend Lee tiomeilesd Sinney Cr set on turntnl pedestal it be preserved iiev Alec Cowin oi the Casa dian Bible Society preached in lhe Unitcd Church Feb ii Attending the Preabyierlal UCW meeting In Rsrrle were lira George Lucas Mrs ll Croil lirs William Townsend iirs Jack Constable and Mrs Gordon Mctiusrrie ntrs Ic Quarrio was elected ortloiio secretary or stewards rec reation sud iinance iEUCIIRE BEGINS Euchre enthusiasts will wet come the news that parties will start in the hilt next Monday night Feb 21 llev Crntt oiiictiicd it the baptismal service tor IIII granddaughter Angela Owyiv lirtb Croit daughter oi his red Nrs Ian Croit oi thoruchita Park Toronto CURLERS WIN liati oil to local lady curlers who came home irom Stroud bonspiei on Cookitown Ice with first prise Rink members were Reta Allan skip Dorothy Con stable Alice Rakes and Vivian lockhart mens rink Keltb DIMIILIDIO linthscher Gor don illicth and Wayne Knee sbaw won second prize at Co Op bonsplci it Ayr HISTORICAL EVENT Mr and Mrs Thomas Pitirlm mini and its and kirl Saun ters cnluyod concert on Thurs day night by tho Rarric Oathg Ieie hand One selection writ ten espccislly tor the band by James levies would be oi in Irresl to Drsdiord people Tho Wells oi lisrsb was written to symbolize the wanderings at the Selkirk Settlers who tirst tell the iiebrkieslin tall tor the Assinia bola area later to be master red by ihs Northwesters lo Yongo Street and tinnlly lo the Scotch Settlement southwest oi TDCIOMJ Like the Children oi insert oi the Old Testament the Scottib miles more than once found the chIs bitlcr nciir conscious Congratulations to David Cur tis who graduated as Roys Canadian Mounted Police con stable at recent ceremony II Regina Sask Attending were his parents Mr and kiss Diner aon Curtis and sisters Mrs Roe set browning and lira Cary Cassipbell and Mrs billiorio Cole an aunt HISTORY DIAPLAVSO Churchill Womens in slitutc marked the 15th anniversary oi the winding oi the NJ move ment last Thursday night with special program lira IRMEII Stewart introduced skit in rcrnlnlscent way noting the many worthwhile projects ol the home branch Including tonsil clinic in the slits The origin and growth oI the Institute was explained in the skit as well as tho history oi the ode colitci motto bid es colors and grsceTheparis sy edbyAdelsideliunterti css Laura Rose Stephen and Lady Needsmuir were recounted in detail Taking part were Mrs Ron std Allan lira kraak Ilttlllbil Airs Keith Sinclair tirs Ken ncib Sturgeon iirs Jack Con stable Nisi liery Sioanand Mrs ilac Constable quit has ed on the Ilill loilowtd and was won by Mrs kilns Kitty On display were cup and saucer ditlcreut badges and books and the two volumes oi the twradsmuir lilsiory Miss Mary Sloan chairman ol the memoir liistory committee convened the program Guests were past presidents secretar ics and treasurers highlight uI tbs evening was the presentation at flowers to iltss liiry Sloan in recognition oi it years at iallhlul service iirsl as member ol the Junior ln stitute and later the senior branch Tea mutants lirs Nelsms Thompson Constable aet llge lab as they did artl rml gs ys gona pas overs royal blue and gold rarities and blue acrvietlrs added to their at Iractivenesi Peach layer dre sert was served and the it led ies present enloycd social hour over the teacups Iirownlng and hire Free list and Senior Citizens Cards Ilupeltdrd its this em gagrmcnl ENDS THURSDAY lliiiili Id DUNLOF 51 RARRll ONT bcblnd most others in the pro vInce Tbe brici says that be tween the and less the average Income ct taspaying Ontario IIIIMTI climbed lost it per cent Acroiuitails however earned it cent more in the same per Lawyers earned it per cent more and doctors canard it per cent more it Li ludicrous situation says the tcdcratlon briei when those earning already massive incomes enjoy the largest per ccatsge gains in income LNCOJIE DROP When talking to the govern ment ministers hir ilill pointed out that since tilt which is the last year or which taxation Ita italics are available the total income at Ontario iarrnere has dluppid substantially in its Ontario tarmcrs earn ed Mu million net Income be said Last year we canard just me rriUIluu and according to tedersi gnvenunent projection we will earn less again this individual iarmers are going to sutlcr this year iIlll Issued They will have to rut back their slanderdl ol living to live within their incomes LEFROY by AM hi REID Congratulations to its and Airs Allan Jack on the birth oi son Monday Feb it The babys brother lnr lilark Karl and Noland and seventh grand child or Air and Airs Mitt Sell Sorry to report that iiarold Stephens who has been pa ilenl Iii Allision bospIIIl suites ing lrom broken leg is now In intrusive care atlrr littering coronary over the weekend oi Feb it lIiss Norms Willson Orlliia was Feb is weekend guest oi llr and lim Gordon Young Congratulations to Dugias tint land on winning live lirstplnca trophies and one second at Feb IJ maleur snowmobile compe tition at the Barrie Winter Cir nlval Douglas was riding en Arctic Cat Sympathy oi the community ls extended to sit the tiniin in the death it their mother Lil Iian Dowse at the Riverdats ltml pIIlI Toronto Feb it interment was at the Sixth Lbio Cemetery FUND WINNERS Prize winners in the draw sponsored by the Lloyd Ocorga Park tund raisins committee were Judy and Nancy liIcAr thur oi liradiord winners oi the DISTRICT NEWS nears WEI TLLSD TDIUART 21 in Old Minutes lit Midhurst Show County Levies Down liLDIiLRST l5tatil Simm muaty us spending was less than seventh at its present rsleeiyearsago itqu by old seem at the cormty ar chives here rcquirad mom in im annotated to IIO with still ior roads the erIiKIAI government ibu ed equally In the latter out but did not ply subsidies to gmersl rain Minutes tor 1m Indicated the most pressing problch given at taniioia by the coime council then headed by mania am at Oriliim toan Incl ed the need is enlarge the registry at lire rising rest at upkeep at the bomb tor the elderly at Stein and road ojccts Strum annr Luna was in tor maid nerd or more moroniodides it was subsided There were its residents at the home at the time Another rebut dren svansii sski the retinty tall built is ill was in sslisiactory roo lion Retoresutlui siso received Motts attention the minutes about The chairman Council lor llrilnitht repulsed assoc ltd lbilo putt 1W1 lid int aa Scotch pine and Ilium mi pine Icrw planted In the spring at im on loll acres at land at Allied AlillJ letter Irom Iiiiilaiii Finlay sqs oi Midland then Ontario minister oi lauds Iod IortsLt In tarmrd council proposal tor In esrbengr at land at the county rcinrcstry plantation was sails artery to we department snicos COUNTY news BRBNIWOOD CTIL ACTIVITIES Tbs Rreniwood Catholic Wo mens League held their Fabio my meeting at Our udy ot Asiurriona school with lira ill lviLi presidins Pr Stanton said the opening prayer There were ll members present in the absence oi the secre tary hits Robinson lira kioukboiue read the report Mrs Caldwell Li reecting us ed stamps to send to missions The World Day oi Prayer Is hisrrli lid and it was decided to hold this in Our lady at As sumptisa Church and invite the members at New ImweU United Church The ladies will be telling lick cis to support Rirthritr an or ganiraliou to help and counsel unwed moLhrrs The public speaking contest was reported by Mrs McCarthy The win ners were this Robinson David Di gari Wilma umcrs iron sr will be speaking Feb 21 at Elmvsle it was decided to change tbs meeting alshi ITOITI the link to the second llonday at each month as many holidays tail on the that Monday Mrs iloss Stacey reported the John bos co liomo tor Boys is lit need at sol underwear and good used clothiris Inr boys it to it years Adoptive homes and tastes homes are desperately needed his older boys Members are asked to bring something to each meeting towards the lab basses Fr Scanloa save good talk on tent and said it was really up to each Individual to decide what to do or what not to do Ior lent delicious lunch was served by Mrs VanSeirrn and Mrs Van Der Venne DIILSTON Dy IIIRS SPONACLE Tha Febnisry meeting at the United Church Women was held at the home oi hiss Lorne Iiau dy with the president Mrs snowmobile Dears oi trema lea the helmet Dori lireadmore harrie the boots Cary Cstanls Bradford lbs snowmobile suit and kind Marlin Siroud LhI mitts anomnsmia DELICIOUS Super Suh CAPTAIN SUOMARINE It Dunlap TRY ONE TODAYI heng STARTS TOMORROW WalterMsttthlna roleontytocould nukasocnsitingiy dliterentyoull sttrttslklng about It trwpthe openingicervl TONIGHT em PM is PM as enviiondweeis tielakeshlslslenl behittd thorium Iovthstirsltima tosdd new Iseah dimensionio blsbriillanltarsct IIMASHH PAITON Gossip in the their Worship was led by Mrs Wurslen who commented on the them Even one returned sum the dud they will not believe Those who had attended the annual meeting at Central Unit rd Barrie spoke oi the hithligth uere Mines Couch Wuraten Jory Emma and Sponaglc Dur ing the business rcctlou plans were lonnulatrd tor the World Day oi Prayer to be held lor this arcs in Dalston United Church March It was dccid ed to make the quilts nvdcrcd special uttering was given ior Tclrcire decision was made to buy spoon or use in llCII and to write our Sislcr numb llrs Spoiiagie conducted the study pac program speaking on The Women oi AIsIcs The hos tesses word cracker and cheese lunch Visitors with Air knit Mrs Sponasle ior two weeks have bccn their daughter lira iiutchlsnn and her children Jcn alter and Carrie Lcc his and hits Brown spent the weekend at Fab with their tamilics in Toronto Ii AND PROGRAM February it meeting at liomr Ind School will be held at III it School beginning it pm itrs Fraser will speak and show slides at their school or ludlans in box car in the north Coins and bring parent illilitLiil WILD CHERRY LiviuritutiiLuE Muir IARRID EXTRADRY ANIIPERSIIRANI lt suooiisriev or RIGUIAR 0R UNSCINILD In short resume Delegates HARRISON Stainlays and means to bring down payment and stop iiiiiatian must be gives priority at OL tsaa it us railended by Dr itrwd MP in in Isi ut report trons Parliament Hill Discussing some aspects at the CiUIDJlODmICI over the pro shied Just Society Lbs Kath Strum Conservative niembu re ierred to Barney Oaascn Pu barrieniasy secretary to Prime Minutes Pierre Traders Ibo said during seashur la Terms to that unemployment was too MIDIIURST by MRS NASIJ Rob Byers la recuperating irons reuse Injury Mldhurst community was sor to bear Airs Garvin was hit by car Ind Is at present In Royal ictona line piiaL IIURTICLLTURAL On February ii at pm at the rslorcslry ball Vespra llor licultural Society was planned an inlrrcsling program on son krvaliou John Greases to be the speaker HISTORICAL EOHETY Dont lnrget the strawberry short rake party in lilidhurst Community Centre March Mr and hire Murray Coombes lser donated Iresh trozea strawber rics to the Midhurst Iiisiorlcal Society and everyone is welcome Congratulations to its and Airs Wayne Russell upon the arrival at daughter Joy Anne llrs Spears has returned home ailcr spending week vu iting her daughter and iamin Ill Toronto The ilidhurst bridge club Is having an rnloylbia winter Evv cry other Thursday they meet in the community centre Mr and lira Leo Stone and Mr and lira Kcri turtles are enjoying the sunshine in Phoenix Arizona RIAIJLAIIII SALF The Anglican and United Cour sites are having rummage tile on Friday April ti iu 1kmin Parish Hall Donations would be gracioust rescich Air and Airs Roswell have re turned horria alter spending winter vacation with lriends In England ilrs William Poole In home irorvi hospital alter seven weak sojourn II Russell and Ray Spring Eimvele are enjoying trip to the Paciilc Manda out at work Remember these in at sa per cent but did not is will come darn very much The new minister oi Dunn John Turner speaking at all per Abrru said he will pm side lab tor everyone Ibo is wiihiig to work iir niruer add edthatthtswtllbedoneutart as it is consistent to do so with reasonably stable prices lYNNSISTLVCY The lemut easy at these violetson errata mistrint that Sir Trrairau and his government do not know how to handle the present crisis Dr Rynssd sug gested adding the comment its dou not know bo la pro vide jobs tor over anehaii mila has then and women who are people are not producing They are lost resource with lost wages Indyboss all loss oi human dignity Every morning these people begin the day irusirsicd and dlstmInIrd These pcopiaeant be blamed tor teeling bitter the Conserve tire member oi PerUIrncnl tor nearly it years stated may do not want to live as parishes he laid Canada cannot atlord to lose their production and carry their weliars cash at the same time DEFIGT FLYANCINO Economists say that uneme ployrnenl up be reduced in at east tour per rent it was meal tlonrd Some at them say that corporation taxu should be re duced to it per cent on soicIy Canadian Industries We should dciicit finance we have to so we ran manulsr hire our own resources grated Dr Brand with the unlrirridly atmospch creattd by the present gnvrm onset with the Uaitrd States and tougher regulations hkriy it Is psilmcnnl or Canada in do svrrricthin abort our trade prov blern in our uneriipinyad ESTRANGED BEDFILLOII NlTViII Zambia IAPI Ala nIlIiriai oi the ruling United NIlt tionai independent party told somrn luppurttll not to coop erate with their husband in any wayeven in brd ii the men back other political par ties TRY OUR HOT BUFFET POINTS LOUNGE SIMCOE HOTEL I2OO noon till 700 pm Fully licensed under the LORD FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY us UNAOVIIIIIID INIIOII HAW TABLETS SPECIAL SOIIIE 0i lTSs SUGO list no AIITISEPTIC To us SUGG IISI LOO TOOTHPRSTE sittIii Jill JUOO tl$l Lot llCIRIC want in CANADA iuuu minis msioi iucnuu 40 60 or IOO WAII TIUII overs SOUR MOM casawnir assumes an was Ill miauuiu III SUIIOLASSES MENS lADilS moman an out Aliens uu BAND AID aAaNo PLASTIC STRIPS FDS TIMINth IIYGIINT IIAIR SPRAY MILMIH Mllulilsllkt nswuiwviu Is in son on risk llb soon iiiv toe SHAMPOO wildliar oumv in km natal 51 tuna iist ias OUAROIRII DRUGS GUARD YOUR HEALTH GUARD YOUR POCKET BOOK iiiiuoiii DRUGS sssn on 7282823