Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1972, p. 4

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he Rustic brunettes PUDUM by Canadian viarpm Company Limited 16 Depth Id SIM Barrie Ontario Juries Robb vailMemrai Visits Editor Esribritvs silkscreen Managing Editor MY mUAlY 11 Il MON Notable Performances Given By Barrie Collegiate Band sworn is Mr Platters ability to get the Barrie Collegiate Rand two tour firsts at tho Kiwanis liusie Festival at Toronto Saturday it was notable achievement capped ybigia praist irosn adjudicators ioentyseven bands In all took part in competitions Winniny1 has become habit with the Barrie Co egiaie band but to use base ball term this was the first time it had scored grand slam blush ot the credit tor the bands per lormance must mo AllenPleticr the director lir er has worked with young musicians tor many years turning out highiycouiprtent bands that have placed high in competitions all over the world Some of the bands have toured Euro and the United Statesiki have been vilcd ton to play tor iiiglIIpttilical audi ences in Chicago and the West Coast One was among the tow school bands to per lorrn at the Seattle Worlds Fair lew years ago Unlike many other musical grmips per sonnel oi the Barrie Collegiate Band keeps than ng as members graduate and go on to un versiiy Others like their pil ces but the quality oi perloniiances re mains remarkably consistent One at the best trout bis edgliuymusicians One ot his sccrots his wider enthusiasm lie encourages mem ol the band to take lessons trom pro fessionals ocisiiy tron personnc the Toronto ympbog Ordiestrs But many get its basic instruction directly irorn him ills patience and uh dcrstanding are major iactors in the bands sums iir Fisher may lose one star but he gains another irom the unior icgiatc ted by the departure ot graduates is soon taken up by new members it has often been said that this bind or that one had been iir Fishers best and that it would be difficult to duplicate their achievements But time has proved doubters wrong lie Fisher has the incule ty at getting his band up tor single or series oi pertormances How he does it ertormer col abtllty to en end And the slack that was crea is his ownsrcrel but perhaps hard work is the answer Barrie is proud oi the Collegiate bind and its high standard oi excellence But in praising the band lip oi the hat must go to its Fisher tor his enthusiasm and sheer genius tn getting distinguished per ionnances trom group ol teenagers DOWN MEMORY LANE so YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner scuba iris John Carlton ltecvn oi Rector elected War dcn Simcoe County ltls Excellency Earl Bessborough GovernorGeneral int augurated new tidbmiio AllCanada trio phonosystcm William Rolling ot Bar rto escaped unhurt when auto wrecked CPR passcn er llyer at itidhurst was on old ill Road now Highway 27 which ran to Elmale llon William Flniayson oi iiidhurst advised County Coundl that expenditures must be cut by 5200000 and suggested no road building this year tor one tidn Boys KC oi Darrin said board oi director was 100 behind prtnci to public own ership Howard an Churdilli viedttdvmidenl Centre Siniooelaibonis Womens Canadian Club heard sd dress on Rudyard Kipling by Prolessor ilacDona oi Queen Darrin Wolves siren Owned by addition oi the Kennedy hro era Jack and George both centre players beat Orillli oz to Geor gian Day intemiediato hockey Bart Simmons sullered tractured wrist while pliayln church league hockey tor Central to Towu oi Barrie sold bonds to Galrdner is Co at it highest oi several Toronto bids Warren Johnson hon orcd on rothernent alter it years service with Carrie volunteer the brigade hiayor John Craig mado presenlat on at chair it Eric Simpson Deputy Reeve oi Tiny Township is youngest member this years County Council Eric is toliowing is political toolsieps oi lather Thomas Simpson liP Simcpe North PC and county clerk since 1922 his Simpson was tirst elected to Tiny Council in tutti was rcrve 190710 and again illiiiii with en pa Jr km to hospital ception only tilts Will ithlnnon elected chi rxnan Board ot Education lligti tribute to value oi service rendered community by Princi Glrdwood and stall Barrie Col gisie given in am uual report by Ontario Inspector llusband Saryesnt Co gven contract byCNRloiIil 10 list lit cars Willi tresh ice trom Lake Coiohl lay at Oriilia also irorn CPR tor To cars On it this year ice taken irorn Kempenleit Bay at liarrle At Hamilton Barrie cunliryy rinks lost in Tankard semidlnsii to ndsay Skilpla were Rev Short and Sully bieredl SCI yunlor basketball team beat Iiilil and 2O Local stars were Ed Shorti All Crossiind Ray Livingston Doug biuir YbICA lied Shanty Day 11 in town lea hockey Earl itarshall on Jim eaveescored lorY Curiie scored ior anty nay John Dob son oi Yiiuliered badly broken nose ii in game last week Shin ty Bay tied Collier United Saracas 22 when game called in third period by shutting oil arena llglhts to stop irceior all light Involving players and some ian which began when Fred Anderion oi Raracas tangled with Crawtoivi oi Bay in cocoon two Netti aircraft trom Rollo ville landed on bay ind went through ice Pilots escaped nits trom Camp Dot den RCAF salvaged crslt irom water and took them to Carioys whirl iur dis mantling Rev illicit ol Collier United addressed Lions Club thanked by William iieli who accompanied on pic ano George Klng in vocal solo George Powell tortrier Barrie junior hockey Aill is pinyin tor Montreal CNR team and also ior ardun in Quebec senior league Dally Gazette says he stars in every game ovum EDITORS VIEWS SHARE INHERENT PROBLEMS St Catharines Standard President Tito pointed out during his visit to Quebec that Canada shares with Yugoslavia romp ot the problems inher out In tederal systems The Yugoslav president has point butwe doubt that Canadians woudibe happy to put up with the methods em loyed by Tito and his system in solving here problems WHATS lN DEGREEI Financial Poitt Are the numbers at vocatinnillytrain cd young people coming out oi the new community college systems in various provinces displacing university gradu ales Not so Those with college di piomis are just as badly olt Total em ployer requirements lor graduates oi coiegc courses in applied arts icchnoh oily and commerce ragged 25 per cent below tutu iigures ln speciiic courses industrial management and accounting managed in make gains white jobs in hotel management and computer tech nology declined steeply by no er cent and 60 per cent respectively all any iigures tor community college grad usics who got jobs showed they dont site very iir behind degree holders the ditlorcnltalboiweeu salaries altered $70 monthly STRICT DISCIPLINE Japan Times Weekly The general image that pa to have oi Japanese children is that hopelessly spoiled int compiled by the social and odors on council lamented the present con listen in the eduestlouat concepts at par enisnnd pointed to the trend totwsrd either over protection or neglect oi children liowpver recent annoy undertaken ey are In fact social id by the ministry education shows that the younger the mother and the higher her education the greater her tendency to bring up her children with strict discipline Further some it per cent oi tho mothers surveyed ieit very satislled with the way in which they were bringing up their children and 58 per cent more or less sallstied in other words till per cent ot erana mothers ieel they are going good job in rearing their chit ren The survey carried out last September covered some 3000 mothers with chil dren in primary and junior high schools In announcing the results oi the sur vey the ministryrot education however cautions that the replies given by the mothers do not necessarily reect the actual manner in which children are be ing brought up but are colored to certain degreo by wishtul thinking NO TEACHING WORRYI KitchenerWaterloo Record Somo Canadians get worried about the high proportion oi Americans on the teaching stalls oiCaiiadIan universities Others think it is nothing to worry about Whether or not it is danger to Can odlanism it Is state chairs not pecul iar to Canada alone survey or incul ties ol British universities show that this year Cambridge University to mention only one has lull Americans either teach ing or doing research Two years ago there were ill The United States embassy in London reports that it has listings roo senior American scholars corrome it work in Rrillsh universities total that included graduate stud enia dolnyy research and touching assist yypiil be much greater than tIIp tho CAPITAL COMMENT LoieShow it to Im Debates Axed Helpful To MPs Dy FARIIIR TISTINOTON Examiner Ottawa bonsai OTTAWA Now that Parlia rneoi is again in session read ers Ilii aea rsterences Irorn time to limo about adjournment debates in the home at Corn nioiu On Parliament lilll Ihllu es pectaityarrsnscd dibiier Ira more otlen reierred to the late show berausa they tak place threo nights week trnin room to lotto pm toilowlng the close oi the normai days business Oi comparatively rectal orl list Ilia adiouriiuicni debates are designed Iu give llPs usually opposition members chance to elaborate on some roblcnis they have ruined dur ng itio daily question period Witt the question period Uni ilcd boils in Umi and scope an MP oilen lsels that he does not MIND Bil RUCijtlIIO IIIIWEI tram tho govcmmonl about problem or the Speaker may rule his question out at order Ilia only chosen to miss the issue in the chamboriis by mak Ing application to have the Imus dimmed it an early Adjourn mcnt debate liero he is shut tcd not more than seven min utes to make his pitch The gov ernment either through min later or parliamcntary secre tary to minister is allowed three minutes to reply Tbui three such drbuirs can be worked in during the hall hour alter the close at normal Crate mons business at 10pm DERATD TOPICS VARY Some debates concern mat less or nuilunll importance such as abortion the doctor shortage or the auto part but just as oltrn they give bark benchcr ii chance to raise local issues oi lniercsl chiey in his own riding Occasionally anrrw hard news emerges trom these do bales such as when the govern ment reveals specitlc action in is ilayiield Eirrct liarvis OntarIn Telephone new Second Class hlail Registration Number hint Itnirrrt poiisgn guaranteed Daily Suinieys and Statutory iInildays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier ton weekly that year is Single copies loc by mail liarrle with yearly Simcoc County tlinu yearly liaisnce rI Canada tidbit yearly other countries siren yearly iiotor throw all 31100 year Nailtrool Advertising Oiilces to Queen St West Toronto bits tilt oto Calhrart St liontrcnl Ilcmber ol the Canadian Press end Audit bureau oi Ctrculm iloni ills CUlllltIIlItl Ircss Is excluu Ivcly tnlltlcii to the use tor re publication oi all news dispatch es In lIlIl paper credited to it or The Assoc sled Irras or ltcuicr and also the local news publist ed therein Tho ilarrte Examiner claims Copyright in all original adverv Iii as and editorial material ers nstedby Its employees and so produced In this newspaper Copyright iicgirtrnllon Num ber tidbit register or deal with problem raised biora alien the government reply me be to repeat an earl Iier boil it or to promise coa aideraiion at the IitPs re est Occasionally odd ltuitiona arise One oi the oddesth re cent times took piece when David MacDonald Prince Pd ward liiuid NP was srhtduled to like the Issue ol tramporla tlon between his province and small sdlnlnlng island its planned to make plea tor permanent crossingto replace terry he tell was not ssir Shortly belors his was sched ulcd to calycak he received phone ltintonsilnahiin terry had burned and sunk that evening it added considerable weight to his protest Normally there are lew blis tell in the Home when the oil journrnent debate takes place and the public galleries when are empty but debate with news value usually gets lair play in the media and it pro ildcs lruslruled ltP with the chance to let oil steam it he ieela his problem has not been given adequate attention oilns AND nuns The lateral government CANADAS STORY would probably route to jar ring bait it Its supply oi paper was cut suddenly And it wouldnt tare much better it the phone lines were snipped The nations capital leads all it Can ada in the number at telephones too oi populationOb Not ar behind is the provincial cap ital Toronto with oil Among other cities Charlottetown his the Oshawa out In St Johns NM up and liraut tord Ont where Aisxlnder Graham bell stoned It all the Since the Unemployment lrr sursnce Commission has been In the limelight these days it is wlbt tnleresttn note that Itllll latest statement mute the that year ending Marc Jl iTIl administrative expenses are Uliod II WWW 0i this victims went tor salaries wages and allowances The tig uro tor the year belore was iliiillii including lithium as wages salaries and allow sncu The commission die burstd 3750119 In benetite during the last but year so It can be soon that even with its computerized operations it coats lot to help those out oi work GovernorGeneral Was Noted iluthor DJ DOD BOWMAN it ilcnrieit and iise kenilo King were bitter political opponents it on Feb it till they I12 that John Ruchsn would an ideal Governor Cenerat to succeed lord Dess borougli whose term was expir ing liennalt was prime minister at the time but consulted blac kcnaie kilns leader at the Oppo Ionn because there was to be general election that year They hoped that the tumour Dr tisb author would write about Canada during his term at oltice and they were not dis appointed Jobn Rucban became lord Neodsmulr and came to Can sda in November Untortnn ately he died in lionlreel Feb it row but he wrote the long Traverse andSick iicsrt hirer books about indies ilIe during his stay In Canada Lord Neodsmuir saw great deal oi the country and be esv poeistiy en yed hing remote places rant Macawn All prhsrnl lieutenantgovernor oi Alberta tells an amuslnymstory In Flity Mighty lien ut visit lord Needsmulr made to Val Marie tiaik where he yanted to see an imitation pro ect There was consternation in Val Marlo when it became known that lord Needsmulr was coming Fronts oI buildings were painted there wasnt time or irioncy to do iiioroi cows and chickens wrro cleared olt tho AIltrll and bickhoures were pushed into the river School children dramstlied John Buchan story it was let titsl lord Tweeda mulr should be welcomed by be iper There was cam yarn in newspapers and radio llnd piper and get uni torm iur in Actually the will tnrm came In bits and pieces but sypiper was In bill retails when Lord Neodsmuir arrived and played Cock the North lord Tweedamuir was delighted and nskod the piper What tar tan do you clalmt Tho piper who didnt know one tartan trom another replied lIy yarns is Olson and coins lrnm lnncsoin Other Veb it evenist ill Auin ay Chernisay was commissioned to arrest Charles LaTour as traitor tilttildes liocmiari became lntendant and was second only to Jean Talon tor development tliHmwsr Canada legisla turo met to vote rnoney tor War oi 1m which was expectedl ms Commercial Travellers Association at Canada was or ganlscd intExplobion In Srln Ul its mine killed us dei lootDuke at York opened Alexandria iiridgs between 0t lawa and lqu lNINswtoundiand commis sion goVsrnment approved lcniti oi Conicderitton with Canada it 55 or ii six scisly tout or sun st in Obvioully tbl Onurio gov ment does not vent this bi business to be concentrated to thcbandlolaienndinueak Ily bent on mating the noitnd star ueb Lint Are Omuteblisbiay actith as the last sv eiu oi health and swept ina selilah exasperation the more arrogance oi Maria An etiss let them eat sake had none oi the sailors patience trend in lime is on our side The above oinciat statistics can be emitted only with the tyrannical monsters oi history oniins PARK DON ORSARN Queens Part Barres 0i lks simian TORONTO Not alien letters iiom readers sued in this column This Is because believe that coiiirrinlata who use letters are either tray or blmgover linwever today am printing letter And tor neither oi the above Mill particularly the hangover but because behave it Is pertinent and probably eat presses the feeling oi many peo ple in Ontario this II it trim woman In Mullins letterwt ihopebe only one oi many written to the Ontario government pro tertins the use at expensive ouarters or government crib ployees as well as the pur chase oI esprruive Mature and wall decoration We have been hearing oi complaints regarding ura tion spendln as wall as cilia sens ovcreus medical insur ance but would It not he good idea tor the Ontario hY errirnenl to set an example and exercise restraint as welil Perhaps It may not seem relevrui but have visited Ontario Place and do not test its worth the money spent on it My son and bid much more enjoyable day at Centre island Possibly we have bad enough oi the expensive artle tic kick that started with Expo I7 iiiii mononr Pray tor the peace or Jersn slemi they shall prosper that love thee Pasluu iiiil Pray your way to prosperityl Could It be that we need to pay more attention to Codk priorit iesl am not ashamed ol the gospel oi CIiiIsl log it is the power at God unto salvation to the Jew tirst and also to the Gentiles cd til midcu be resolved The snuaIedtl otbctweea midnight aadsls seems pretty pnbcaltb to use the mint ot ttnio would sestarnialnuiniatei Hours ooiet Perhaps ins be William to this FRMIDI problem total ban on snowmobiles in clty limits as is the case Kitchener and Waterloo sin reluctant to us name but since my eat neighbor is snowmobiles believe it would be discreet iwpoldnt wish to ieop rdiae erstwhile excellent nOUonsblp with line neighbor CITIZEN Do you not realise sports lsciUtlu would more tried this also move theatrcai would just like to with little philosophy teamed bout my Scottish lather Spend tor necessities tint and what Iell it sboiid be well enjoyed believe there are many necessities to bo alter In this province PROS AND CONS There can be controicvs over the wisdom ol such as Ontario Place mine it can appear but case can be made beneilts the province not tor the entertainment tldts Its citizens but prerllro it builds Few might disagree writers thought on sportsper lciilariy alter the Winter pics in Japan but surely many agree with the main thoupr the IcllerIhal when ernment is so ardcnlly inuy economy it shouldnt ye In luxury Ilseil Seasoned observers member that back in the gold coal scuttle helped lest the Drury government And In the its illtcb made government automobiles major campaign issue Perhapswe are now phlrticeied but doubt people mlly are anymore erant than then it the ment spending on lisell AWARD FOR IIIAONUSSRN VANCOUVER iCPi skiler Karen llnmussrn won Canadas only modal Winter Olympics It Japan earlier this nionlh been named the senior oi Wit by tho Drillsh Sports Federation bliss nuiscn it ot Vancouver silver medal at the but her new award Saturday was based skating in tell when she third in world championsh WTSZWIJH IT HAPPENED in cannon wasiruuoiuoe its more Rutwnhuncisvuuiswdoooadiuwudddot OJI Till WilliAS Niltbl OiTiIEiil ICCCAIINSD FEST As SOUIRRELS ON AWOOOPILE itCanada and the United states agreed on lately mer sures on Great lakes tillOntario royal commis sion recommended uoridation pl water IITCIIRII SIGNS OAKLAND tAil itni Cut tivhi Iliunter has signed si jsoim contract with Oakland Athletics alter winning point In negotiations with owner Charles Finley liunter said that Finley oltercd tidbit Fri day The pltcher told blmi ill take 3000 tor my pitchiny but want tibia more tor hi ting iiunter besides posting this mound record last baseball season hit did with J6 bass hill in too at ball II

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