cw Subdividerlln Dorris nu be responsible tor Installing all no electrical services ior ten sowed 0th re to dirtan streets psi btilhlliil vomiits could be Issued eadiiients to tho subdividers Igrrrrriegl ppmvrd by eomclL Lily development committee lost sight recommended Ip provsl or 11 Amendment to the standard Igrosirwnt The pre possd Imendmsnts hsd besncul misled to boost builders tor corn merit Ind Ieiersi ehsnges wero nude or result The tint smeridmeolniit be that subdividers who iisvs not completed previous subdivisions to the citys ultstsction out not he shouted to register turther plsns until those subdivisions are completed ihI subdivider must keep Iii paved roIdeys tree oi mud dust reluse rubbish and other litter In it he does not the city will thI work It his tx reuse in hours sticr giving writ rurncrucv uuuniiiis Ambnlsiieo lorries mus arr must wsi dropped item the mend menu PAMELAan Thosubdivtder IUl now be sshrd tor rspitsl contnbutlon nl sso per unit in be applied toward the cost or dove oping parkland Ind testing it In ad dittoIIhsdevsio oi multi tsnillyiinusingw hsvatopro this one scrs oi psrkisnd tor tech 100 units oi housing he builds change would stso make sub dividers provide underground hy dro where in the they have choice til veground or underground lnslsilntlonsr Tho rebnleilorlorerslfed rimin sewers we on Ippy to over It inches cum to lg present 11inch mum The contribution tor cspiisl costs per lot would be eitsiiged in 0150 which includes tho 050 part development contribution on top or thapment tied psrloi There will no lon ec be capitol contribution re tor elecqu Ii services because developer must lnstlU these hlmscir The capital contribution tor miiitlpto Isaiin dwellings will be super unit umpsrsd to its present 0200 per lot CllS Request For $40000 Raises Financial Eyebrows Tbs Childrens Aid Society is guest tor 0100 tor the citys shiro oi loll operslioa rsised law eyebrows tn the tissues com miitrs lssl night This amount to t100tl0 over Inst yesrs ltgurs Also requested wir still to help corer 011000 do litll in lltt Aid DoriIn Porter questioned why the city should approve this esoendiiuro hetero the budget is msdo up Ind was told tbs soc cloty must present budget to the product by Feb and county and muntcl It Ip rorsl or disspprnvslmustbeln csted There goes the 0000 lor the Cos property Ibo ssid Tho soniiriities is also charged with considering purcbsse oi the Earl Cox property on shanty Bay Road The purchase has been is commended by tba city develop ment committee but tlnInrs committee members list week not council to turn it over to them to consider with the budget Aid Parker also wanted to know where the policy was sist ed that the city would purchsio wotertront property In it be csmo Ivsllnble ibtnh ws should esprc slots and treat everyone eons should The policy oi purchssing lsksshorr property was spelled out in city development report pissed Inst Monday Aid Psrher ques tioned tho policy but no more was made to unload it Public works Wants Lights ill Entrance To Bayiield Mall the public works rumriltlre overruled recommendation at the engineers dspsrtmeni and voted to recommend insioilatlon o1 trottic ligth on hybrid 5i It Ferris Lsns It the enlrsnos to the new mail The devoioper has given the city 05000 to pay tor tho lights and the committce said once the mail is in opcrstlcri trstilc anrols will be needed The lights will be seiusted bl irnttlc atirm lag to leave the mall parking otrnoa1tlii Amin tmum oi delay or ilsyietd St trsiilc whm the mill is not lousy lleputy mnlnecr Don Kirivsii risk said irsttlc studies hsd been done thst showed no problem It the intersection its recommended trylnl less restrictive controls Ind doing studies when the innit is open to determine whether tights Ire needed The committee decided that Irsiilc votumo will doltnitcly be heavy enough to ssrrsnt lights It tbs intersection sod Aid ilel Cole said ignoring this need would he lilo sticking onos head to the sand The lights must be Ippiovcd by the Department at irsrisport siion and Communications and may be in soiwico within two months Ttapp Sisters the Featured lit This Months Hymn Sing The Troop Sisters weib known choral group trom Sing hamplen will be the irstured guests at this months llimii Sing Saturdsy night II the Mill Trvc llliie list on lllgh St The out sisters hsve Ilresdl llthlltl one sibum and III wt ismemberrd or periormsnes this sub lsit Iprliig in hrsdlotd As scconipsniirieni tho lilil lists but giillsr sad vilnr llrt Enid Grihsm orgsiiiier tor the hymn sing ssld she was tor iunate to boot the group out slut lillilEemlillt were mode we bstorottriitniis it The motor will mu Aprotlmslely so pedgll It leii ed the list concert on tho Nsyior lsmiiy pertormed Ind hits Graham is expecting In even in or crowd Saturdsy There no Idrntsslon ten but collection is lshsn up durin the stiing to cover the cost silver is llespenlse to the hymn sings it beroriilng grestor each month said iirs At the show there were even some ten iroiii Ssuli Ste Itsrle who expressed greIt deal oi inter sis pm when The Hams Freeze Up Blowing Storm The Barrie Buruan hm some ling wry strum into when the group hsd early hrs members AT LEFT with other mem bers ot the Buccaneers in tho butground hlill Pihitlsw keeps the but on bsss drum ltGlthmsdhthsss mhiuhlltllylmhlsoh InrtnlntnhlowndblIboies caIltsnchbernltIILlL Lsihbyoungrst molntbs bsssiseettonot obsnd hLLDEIi Airing prscticw It Prince bl Visit school the brssn section ol tho Burrow rers harmonize the notes from Ihs ditttrent lives Il horns thl they pl FRONT loll PRO II Bob hlniny Steve Rubi Rhino Books llilt Westhssd hill ltDtlI Robert Hooper Al Anensuit Dunn RACK ROET 533m Doe Ilnrsh Ind Deb Litres lFJnininer totes By Peter Nesthootti crsv ivnws TIE BAPth EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY lml All We Have Left Are Drums In our years the hsrrls hur csneers Drum Corps his wine long way trom that time In not when Ito total membership was its people Today the band has to merri bers most at thorn Irem Dorrie Ind the rrisiorliy at them rterrr entary school children hob Lucas spokesmen tor thsburt sold that tow oi the members Ire in high school or working but the backbone oi the corps made up at school children with In average age oi It The corps Lo divided this tour sections 11 horns eight drums in iitIierettet and color guard tit 10 it receives yearly i100 grant trom thecity Ind in so the scst at Its rstlng clpltsl through loud it yin and by ptsytng Ii intro and in psrndes GOT ITS START nio bsird got its start in test when it borrowed equipment troni the Orange isong at Bar ris Under the directorship at Al Asseiioult the corps was hills to buy the equipment not branch out on its own to have good yesrs Ind bad said lir Lucas Lost III we did only eight parades sad con remember several yssrs lgo when we did so per srrnanceIf The corps practises its ninth week Tuesday It is they so hcsrse It tho liar ct Building Ind on Wednesday the scene shitts to Prince 01 Wales school in the summer Csnirsi collegi siss playing iteld It used II we have parade running up we hold mother practice on Sunday he ssid Tho prlrUret are usually two hours long with nno hour devoted to drilling and the second hour to Individual issuins llr Iicss describes hlrriseli Is rover II tar as mining is concerned tio plIyI either born or drum in the passch but it In iiutruttor ls tinnblo to attend practice he tits in wherever be con Stevo Runyon instructs the members in percussion hub Mosley L1 repsunsiblo tar thI horn ino while Brian Dsyhoios and Don Iluipby loos sitcr tbs 000 worth at equipment Ths corps has plIyed Is tar Iwa Is NIIgors Falls New York where it placed second in the Cansdiari division and lourtb In international competition JUST MISSED that competition was totst loss tor us said Mr burns Wants Development Schemes Made Clearer For Committee tno ilrms proposing redevele opment schemes tor the corner It Collier sud Mutcssier streets will be asked to iuether cisrlty their bids so that the city de velopment committee will have some basis on which to compare the costs to the city llve Iirrns submitted propos IR and tho ritys involvement varied trom one to the nextrseitln and Some would lease the sod and pay taxes others would pay rent on the Host slid the amount oi space the city wwld hats to lease tor 50 years ranged trorn none to the whole building City administrator Gerry Thul blyn was asked to write to tho firms giving thorn guidelines on which to base their proposals so the city would have some way ol tDIIIpllllif what it would be or whit it would be sssum retponrlbUlty Lekeshore Drive May Close For Events Like The Festival Closing Lakeshnre Drlvo crests so no trstilc problems Ind there tore the city should go Iiong with local groups interested in closing the read while evrsts are routed on in Centennial Port the public works committee re commended last night The words Festival oi the Arts asked tor the road rioting on Aug and Civic tiolldar wrehrrid to coincide with this ycsrs leslltal Tom was concern relied thIt this would mall precedent sad that it might sisnoy some oi tho visitors to the city over the bolt diy who might want to drlvs along the lshetroiit llsyor Les Cooho ssld thIt Is long Is the closing didnt crests irattlr problem the city should trymto cncenrsgo this carnival Ip The Dcpsrtment It lrsnsport stion and Communications must Ipprovo ths closing we had to place rithcr lirsl In Canstiisn or second in tuition tlonal to win soy money and we just missed Recently the corps pinytvi in the Santa Claus parades in Dur rle Ind Psnrisuguishene as unit In It wiiilcr carnivals On Sunday at the Pensions Winter Carnival the corps wns unable to play brcnuse vi this cold weather in pct peeve ssid lir Lucas is pee in who dont denisnd tho lhotempers drops below 20 degrees we play The horns time up rem Yellow Centre the saliva Ind thcts is nothing us can do It stems theres sl ways someone who shouts at us to play something All we can use are the drums The corps has no beatings but will necrpl dates as long so we can get less good practices in belors the ponds the budget tor the year has itut been set nt $2200 tor new uitlloriiis List your the corps nude 01000 siiil Iesoivling In Mr burns we spciit every rent at it on iorrttes unitorms and replacing equipment Lines Coming Deputy Engineer lldvises City The city was sdvtsed last night that in tulure lines divid Ing opposing Iratilc news will be yellow Instead oi willie In they Ire now The Department oi ifiaiispori Itioii Ind Communicsticn vote to the city stating that subsidies Ior street msrlurigs would be old only tor the new color putt em sad deputy inguich Dori lilrhpltrivk slid the DEC hus IppIruritly dtcldod this Is the yen it will chnngb iu hidiwuy matting policy Its slid the discussion of colored lines bu goris on lot some time and yellow highway markings Ire lichv to be adopt ed by msiiy miti trIitic socts loin this year The color change would Ittrct only lists dividing opposing trsltic ttows Lines dividing two going the some direction id rcnioln white Irid lines ding the roadway item the id shoulder would be white lead oi the yellow they Ire yipiv Arrows and other mariting till the road will probably re min white he said The dttcussiori arose irem an enginrcririg suggestion to dis continue yellow point on curbs In no par ing Incas The com mittee said the curbs bccoriis urulgblty It the printing is not repeated and the engineering dcpurtmcrit said signs that would be visible your rotxid might be IIIDI usrlul The curb painting Will continue Cloudy Milder Some Snow In Barrie Region Tomorrow Cloudint arcs and mlldrr Is the torrent or Wednesday in the Barrie region The Toronto wrothcr oitico uys modtrsting trend is shsp ing up in the cenirsl United Slot es out should be here tomorrow Icsempsiiied by some show iiurry Ictivtiy lnw tonight zero to above high Wednesdsy is in so digrccs Toronto Todiiy mostly sunny windy srid much colder with low Ilurries Winds northerly to to Wednesday clouding over and turning milder with some snow tats In the day Winds be coming southerly it to It ltlgh today IS in 20 ow tonight tern toltvs Ibevs Itlgh Wednesday to to our 30 tendon Lake Huron south oily Georgian Bay Ibdsy shitty Ind much colder with III hurries Soossciitlts tn licoxenee some snowbelt lorstitirs Winds northerly 20 to to Wednesday clouding over and trusts iitildrr with some snow late in tho day Winds becoming south erly ii to High today 10 In it low tonight rm to live shove High llodriesdsy 13 to E0 lllgli Low Illgh Torin Tonight Wed Windsor 20 ll London ll Kitchener ll liuskoks i0 to Hamilton 20 30 St Csthsriats so 10 Toronto 10 30 Kingston to It Peicrbornugh it to North Bay 1I sudbury lb Tiiiirrilris 10 Rapushaslng 10 Chi an in White River id 10 ll Suggests Negotiation Oi Bus Contract Representatives oi lrsvelwsys the irnt toting over tinniwa Bus Lines operstlonn here met with the city public wurtn com ltse last night to discuss iron Iit system optrstien with tho city Lorry Necdler Ttsvelwsys pro sldcrit snid his tlrm had not been swam the city us think ing oi ltudcrlng thn transit rip rrstion Ind suggested the city might get better service by nine ply negotiating the centrsct with the present operator The problem with tender in that it tho term is sly live years the operator has to aim orttss his costs over that period It then Ls system at negotia tion to will prebsbly Imorttib over it csrs Its sat in years is about ihs lilo oi transit bus in daily srr cc NOT LtIIITTED liaon Les Cooke slid the city is at crossroads and has not yet committed lisett to not bar iiculsr course at action Lilto any public business this must at Icosi ourssionnily turns up or lender or the public will never be sstuiicd that it is bciiig conducted properly Ills Nerdch sold the inn would continue with its plans to purchase Kcniwny even it the svslrm is to ht Iciitiersd Kent wny also rims school bus optio Itnris and service to Dssb uid on Its said the new owners wnuid like to know what Irrsngementn will be irindr soon in order to purchase the needed buses or the system The committee and llrNetdlerbelitsislsi that tinted use oi school bus uni is unssttslaetory becsuso these un iu cant provide the service needed Only one company builds buses in lupuscnger sire and Mr Necttlcr said to get delivery this summer he would have in order them this week lit said by ordering now he could have buses by lloy but it he misses that production run It could be next ycsr bo Iore he coin get delivery Its but tits car where you can go to the showroom pick one out and drive it home said its outlined the becknoinid ot Travtlwnys which he started as bus service in Newmnihrl in roll Tho rumnnny now provides trsiinit service In Newmnrkrir Ind lilchmshdlilll siid GO transit servlra Irom Richmond Hill to Toronto 11 else runs highs wsy mcbcs between Drillis and Poterborough COULD NOT ANSWER rild Nelson Garrett asked what hlr Needlcr would think nl oper Worlrshop Financing Discussed The Barrie Ind District Asso eisiioii tor the lientslly Reisrded met with the city linsnes com mitico last night to dismiss de islis oi the srrsngeiiienis being worked out with the city to guar snee IiisIriciiig oi the new shelt ered wortsbop on Dsytleld St sting buses owned the city and he said there we probably psychological taster uid mnlntnln your busts tbs Isms Is would my own dont know because its never been proposal couldnt bonrsily Insw Comrniiire chauman Dcl Colo raid the city is concerned about the cost ol service Ila said our yrsra ago the drilcit was only 02000 but in 1011 this had risen in over 00110 Granted weve changed some ruqu and Intended service but the mills really sir rechettn lIr Needier his firm would be interested in providing service mills would wsnt to use Ind said the buses he would purchase tor the city opcrsiian are more romtortnblo tlisn most rnrs Iiil said the lirms upon terms in olhcr municipalities ould ensure good service or Coolie sold the ct ohlccuves are to increase number at riders and to mend sophisticnted system that no adapt to changing social needs COMMUNICATIONS GAP Ila ssld rcrtnin lniorisistion should be rrntiily available Ind perhaps the city is at least partly to blame tor the poor tullmilil ics1ons Ibout the presrni bus service People lerl silly it they has to dill simrlo oursiionn tile what the ter or when the bus SW llr Nccdirr and his sssocistrs said they wrre interested in lind ing out what the present 1chrlt nuts and routes Ire but couldnt did much submitting the tom mitten admitted that the routes and times have been chart cd sevcrsl times withqu noiitytng the public hir Nordicr ssid changing the but rouits drosttcnily would probably loss the system lot at ritlvrs tie cited an example in Richmond Iiitl whtrs the route eswrru changed Iiiitl revcrtuo dropped to per cent The committee told Mr Reed lcr that consultants study ol the bus service is both preper and should bo ready in week They said no decisions on bus operation could be winds until this report is studied Ind one basic decisions made CONCESSION Dsrnage wss rsltnisttd It 3000 iii an accident on Concession In inriisiit Township today It 715 The accident occurred when icle drivin by Albert Elsi sets at Stioud was in collision with second vehicle driven by Joseph Ledur oi Sireud thuncii voted iii December to milliliter the mortgsgs pay ments on the building and the sssoriailos was mind to get tus ther inlerrmiion Irum ether Ilen cies providing tunds so the city can have an sccnrita iigure to Include in its budget Spring Cleanlip Weeks Set Tho ublic works committee last night recommended the city cooperate with tho Darrin tiri tlcuitursi Society in promoting spring cleanup weeks April it to lisy During the second week the rlly would prevlds vehicles to gcvsround and let up debris trons boulevsr Committee chairman Del Colo said thst inst yenr guidelines tor types pl retire Ind packaging ot it were drawn upb 1sitd these eliminated ninriy pro cuts The city trucks will pick up only times on tho boulevard that Ire plied to they can be easily handled or in boxes or packages that can be costly seinevod brush must be rut in sixto sighttoot minimum length