errvivnws this Issue EXAMINER sunsets rsssussr no Pgulinl Heads Library Board Thshsrrlsllbrsryhcissdlrl uldpupllsmtuln tbsrdse do still slotted it Pious mommao1 tibrsrlsns yum hymn wovildsppvodoiossnsowsrning in assists Rdscn who will Iron when at you not tbs boutls sopoueot lots children III 1tu to need Itiss on the Georgian hey lib it do NW nr1 Erstem bond 0m thI vsst yosr 0M Smith who In tho boolowero otushssedsndm represented to tho Coordsn tshen all the shelves luring boy loud to rollrlnl and VII totIl In cueiistlon oi nits Butcher has bout ed hr This rompsm with toot sddod ibo CCIIIly hoard Ediicntlon In two sud 7000 purshssed in to bo his replsremont Alder 1911 msnltossStspbenswlllboilw thildm librsrtsn lioily morer ropreseniouvs on the 11mm min sold utterst in board ibo shlldmo story boots and Other lelmVltRllhllc ssld iiu stories and met min Kcrrisr tire shows sttrscted tsr more inter Tridell lisrniitoii iirs eslihsntspesortlims Bruce Johnston and David um South In tu on budget tbs bond WUWME erIeltln so moth TV In It hailstormsluttku trsetedta somslbtn Ilivo no provide total bldgot oi D01 utisosndinvilch oyesabo main om tho notch tomoLimitC Ellmu but Bscsuss oi tbs lnlerut Ibo VI PLAN FOR INFO were discussed It inst nigh Ill oust matting oi the Ranch til the Consdlsn it It liesltli AssodItion The modelled sstinnod Ibo Isms GMHA Returns Executive DiscussesslNEO 72 Plans In trltlesi ovsiustion oi iii work Ind responsibilities lie disctused the sssoclstlnns work In the field at community education retried to trim TI highly succeuhil exposition sponsored by the uid In Ilsrrts inst yssr second such Ispositton will be held weer today at Central United oured WILTIIIZ Its talked ol the need tor tubtimodirectorottbslntts DroucmtrrJndssoeinlsad mu lntlosrncrtrslo mot oAIlnltDrcirpniionIl ammfdnrwhomnn livingsndwortdng tnDIsrle The work oi the vnhinloers Ilin visit the ostlenis at the Mental llcnlth Centre It Peco tnnsnlsbene in the Oak Ridge Division also received commnit trssn tho NOB libs lls msstlntin srrng on lointh taunt ascetirosslsst rm nest LEFT IEARI Ros lion hm don president Mrs Janet homunculus TrDm laotnson vies President Tlibbnr Dr George hotter trouser iln billion hroln volunteer rrprssentsiivs lirl Doreen lloorl tlbito Cross centre director tEsIrnlntr Photo librsry has hsd to ibnit the amber bl preschoolers tn tbst story section Ind may set slds another by tor these storla Thoiiidsynlshtotories tor older children rosy ho Id vsneod to trom 730 pm bliss Brown said This film drpsrtmmt reports ills iiiins were tossed over tbs yrnr an increase oi almost 1000 Protectors were issued too thnes Ind 01 prolectionists wen trslnrd The library Ilse rted thot in order to keep present quality at Ionics plans should be muldered tor expansion within the nest ten posts The library policy It to msinisln three boob pcr pritn and pro vldo ve rcIding or study opera to eIrh 1000 perms In the th boards tinsnctsl stole mcot showed Income oi till rtioss Ior int Ind Iii but rim ot this was spent going riouiilds rcu on tires tor Jinn ladicsissii therein In thrill this in citllsmstluitbgconuent do cs gr rm bliss IIIrdy said ItsiouidshowlowsrdrEuplEU libs silo freoth In inrm witbibo ssiae smoinit oi borrow ins dmmd ior mm In in Books Ire now loaned tor terisi been at school invicctb twoweel limit lost you cdlsgs Ind university Ilth Records can now be borrowed dsnts Idol outtted mm tree ot cbsrgo tor one work win book devout In snoot Hlsuulmmct or HIM withdr Ibo dmilstlon 0i 117 ms nusnberoitlmlmE sderlinedbyli mm Mule btl Mi 5in piglet In billet by In Incrusn tn cisss trips to tho librsry Rio DTT THO WAYS In tho Inntisl resort shirt tib rIrtIii Constance It ssld tbs additions In tho tots number It bootstn tho iihrsrr is do eresslng both because oi Ibo increase in book roots and docresio in tho book budset At this site in three yeus we will not even be lacing worn and ontdstod lrt stone Iddingnneeesury now ms tertsltoiiis tslnsdemu on it and gunnUty report es The report lndicsles lnerrsses In cireuistton use st reirrenes services Ind membership 1n terset In iiiuitiiisedls ruptures lilo trims Ind records to also horreuInL the board wIs told bliss llIsdy sold eimiioilon is exported to decline in not bmuse truer books are read but because scrutinise proct dnm will rhnngr Inuktitut lncressrd by All books In II but new policy ot thmwoeh Donwllirlbdl who no telephone renew midi produce drop in this true review oi the ssiodsilons Iter Ken Pardon president work during the psit yssr Ind long with tho rest oi tut tlel lengthy discussion on the executive wss roelecied too In sdsertising an no tor 1m other term Ind briey xed or highlighted oInnoII msei some It tho prcersrns riII Ins ottbs ssmrltre Ind board WM oi directors It the Barrie its explained to tho direetors Brunch oi the Canodisn itle and seversi visitors tbst the Health Aoeorlstlon last night Inoclsilon is mostly engsged TapeIOIDemonsiraiion Erased Because Were Net Worth Saving TORONTO CF he lots llr Haydn III lyesklng hoe ligencooilieerstromthoilstro sidolboeentrenndbetbonght Toronto police loses the but thing tovdo wu bring In mounted iodine wu ItlyrsllovodJIelt coulothslohnndlbey rertIinlr would ban embarkiiitlhnd beeaiosposulon sectslsmtnetstortho llv fnisrmlsl slIieiiiriii mm WW vollshlo 40 the bond ot ors becsus tho Iitoslotinns boots are It the Chill bend elites my Purdon Idd tbs membts shirt that stsiemeot trom bet helpd II slrItd there us riot CRAIG hhtllALt The hi beloro Judge In tbon at Sonic bio sunrinuwn immunities Li usentivsdim burl the liens th to help Inbttdhs memberships lor listrte chit drtn who are not Ibis to II lord than hob Isrmsn toll president ol the MT msds the presentation Essmim Photo Cable Show Deals With Snowmobiles Tho recently termed some Ind District Snowmobile Peder Itlon will use the lsctlittesot Cable TV tonight to present billhour show desilng with snowmeon solely lion Iielson trdcroiioo pres Idrnt silil deiiionslrsto some ot ibo many testsies be has tri sinllrd on his msehtno tor sdded ntsty vItsh wiiiullso Ellll tho Id Io ges Iesr roti uwesr Ind tho neEdplgrwesrry tag sddltlonIi equipment in the event oi breshdows or In scold at Aleslndei Under 0t tho lodiasdmhonmlo pstroll reposed tem olxpltUttgtillUm tor solder Inobitsrs In the city It is hoped on tho mow stub abuses ol mowiri its and eut down on the problem ct nstio pollution rd Show tirno tor hatihou special is 730 pro owtolvot In yore shook COME IN TONIGHT new as INCOME MEASURE UP let ROCK help ECHPLUE Iii II down to tirsl 0711 IElllll Elmo and doyourtintrstwri Em 00s lorries ls quiet our content and Responsive Try ROCK For Ilsol YOUR sin tuitiillgotlnlsrrkolrihuiwmwuuhlellstrhl iuuuwv tuvsrsinsi sis Imam sun HARRIS mom 0FENMON TO Ill ARLTO DALI NO APPOINTMENT NICBSAIT ERICK tint MTJT02 intelligence Wm tbst were useless The to Miss held into owls cu the Courts Sdr euro Centre Oct to dining which polleo on horsebselt rods Into crowd at shout 1000 Iyie lutinl the visit oi Soviet rs mlerAteselitosy Dot Evans Is Ito and his psrtner sppsrently were sponge stud Is policemen and so dorm onitrstcrs rotiisod to tslk di lg into their microphones As sawdbecsmo unridyhe Ind bio psrtner retreated RATE HORSE JAliIilD Another witness Constsz John Willisinsnn said be In demoniusior hit mounted or ticor siith Ill timbrriis then istr It the horse Its ister helped most tthIn Earler Insp Cusriss Eur phils said he let relieved when mounted pellcs soda into the crowd Ils told tbs insulin which to continuing that demonstrators who gsttlbgout oi bsnd whiio is tnrestl ting stings lions bv the ill IdiIn Committee of polico hrtrislity during the demonstrsilon Insp Surpblls who described hinuelt vsIersn cl demon strsilonr said there wers mem boss ol the rlfoteoing Edmund hurts society the crowd Ind lib thwth It no possible they would be Instlgsion olprob ml is sou session our It northessl corner std Ull lino was stIrtln l0 bulge out the pushing shoring Ind yelliot Iero rsiily something tlerce was quits sure someone would be injured Comtshio Sidney Gillinghoin testiiIiod that adenoid tl oung poops scrum Is bins Ind throw litter In tichl Is he stood st lhthliICilfiil oi st Den nis Drive as Don Itttis linnd As the cutter tilt the witness stood ludgs Vsniitnl cons merited Poor little tootmrn who on so busy It Ilio comer LOCAL llllD GENERAL lNNlbllL STREET No Estrte men were involv ed in In sccident todsy It 115 am in Iron oi the Simeos District srsilvo Servch store on Innisit Street The incident W2C when vehiclodrlvrn by Psul Csiii oi Davidson Street on In collision with second vehicle driven try wliism Cotemsn oi ilttin st GOWAH BAYVIEW An ullmsio ot dsmsso no not suitable tor In accident on Gowsn Eirsst It bsyview Drive biondsy Iti Ilrld pm The seeittoni occurred when vehicle driven by Arthur Toggle oi Iiiironis itosd was In it stop with second vehicle driven by Clry Grout oi Drier Itosd FiOODLIlElT DRIVE An Ittldml outside Wood crost Dr on ltondsy It who am rsussd In estimsled H100 term In to two ears The strident occurred when vehicls driven by John ilirrstl ot Brlsr IIoIri was in collision with second vehicle driven by ltsry Wsisengsr oi woodcrssi lid DAlilAIJE Dsmsgu IrI utlmsted It lib In In Icciderit on liondsy It Add em on Cross street It Davidson Street The secldoril occumd when vobicio driven by Jsmes Giulio ct Uinopls was in collision with second vehicle drtven by lisr col Ruito bl litesdowlsnd Ave Filtrwitii any iiii lip Enriios Nswosi Car Wash oriii iiiiiii 7am to 11 pm 307 Buylislil SI BAYFIELD HWY 400 with would be iortbeinnlng Pleas tor um rt were disc cursed with the erriptissis given to the but possible line at the media It promotion ourpmes Noel Dales publicity obstr rnsn outlined the bmetits at buying loversl no es oi mo poper space em work ed the ChlltA Dorrie Dmdi Ind to be guide tor the to service Igeneies who will psrtidpsto in Im 72 Plano tor the exposition Ire moving into the tinsl stages Robert Alezsndes director tit ths moetntion Ind member at tbs Addiction Resesndi Foundation told tbs member at the bond that be had iv netted word thsi the Dopsitmtnt or Soctsi Ind FImUy Services Is planning to loud 000 display to tho exposititn EXECUTIVE The members It the erect live too itll Ire itev itcp Purdtn oration vi vivid Thornton viceciesldenti Dr George Setter tressuur Iiro Janet Psddiun seereilir Mrs Doreen liters Whito 0w Cw In reprrosrssuIe Ilrs Sharon limo volunteer representative Iterribers It the beard rd oeters mi bliss Jose Wrists hiss Gskrsblitl Dr Gilhrlllllli Iiiss olu Wis loco iirs Judi nssk Its Ditto its Tiessridtr Cosby Iismlitsn COUNCIL BRIEFS TREE TltlllhltNC Pinsnee committee Iss1 nirht recommended tho diy oppress enlist st tenders tor In serlIl hitches truck to include chipper unit to be used by the Parks Ind Reersstlon Commission tor tree trimming operations The eom misslon Ilse hId rooursisd touwiseei drive vehicle sod plow but tbsi will be discussed mindset time tho committee SOUND ITEM The tissues committee record mended soprorsl at bid oi 0101 troin Rsrrlo Commute Chris is lootsilstioo at sound system tn the conned slisnibers The system lorludrI tour over hesd microphones Ind two ilth mounted spellers Ios Iniount Includes Ill wiring and Install tlon costs Ind the system be gusisntoed too not yssr CAREY TLNDEI rinsaoo committee lsrt pt discussed tho operation II Insurer Corie merino this turn Ines um hirsugliss hsl been ssked to all tenders but wsntcd etIrltieItloa ct whst typo oi snsngoemnt the committee wants to who with tbs whilst operator beesuso some types oi lesss would rrssio problems with tour The tender documents should bo dried up shortly tho clerk ssid SAVE NOW inlnlmunsrnenlhiy lnlsbro on OUT BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNT Theldwilcl alSiivin skim id Dunlnl trecl Easgt Barri Ohms ion Tel 705 7207200 Please call collect Our hours olhusincsi are Monday to Thursday 000 sm to 600 pm Friday amte 900 riit SIiurdsy 00arntolli pm the municipal savings loan corporation Asubstdisry oi llnnlripsi Darther Corporation till Limited ltsiihsiti CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION tii IN iiii SWIM Paradise Health sita Offering You CONTOURING SALON OTHE MOST MODERN CONDITIONING BUILDING AND REDUCING EQUIPMENT HYDROTHERAPY WHIRLPOOL OEUCALYPTUS INHALATOR ROOM OSAUNA ROOM OJUICE EAR BARRIES ONLYHEALTH AND FITNESS CENTRE igtA nusmcmmmsmwn vi OTROPICAL SWIMMING POOL OULTRA MODERN GYM AND ISALON HAIR DRYERS OSUN ROOM PRIVATE SHOWERS OPRIVATE CHANGE ROOTHS OOPEN AIR JOGGING TRACK OINDIVIDUAL PERSONAL PROGRAMS SUPERVISE EXPERTS IN FITNESS OINTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP THAT CAN BE USED WORLD WIDE ALL OF THIS IS YOURS FOR LOW MEMBERSHIP FEE AND NO HIDDEN EXTRA CHARGES OPEN oils it Will llniilo Owned And Opoiolod