NEWS ROUNDIIP Canada Intends To Keep Defence OTTAWA lCPI Canada In irndr to keep opus its options on hours conunqu dcienta lb ruigtmata with the United Slalu Defence lilairicr LJ Berr aon in In lnlerview Monday appurod lo ruuerl Ihal the gorarnmanl may refuse to mm the NORAD Igrecnwal union Ii Ila amml oi lirllt logic chant in tho North Amerkari situation The North American Air on lento command ulabilsbsd by Canada and lbI Us in tail to milk Soviet bomber threat was rannod in root ior bu Iher In years PreiiniloIry ne gotiations on Its film mry begin trier thlr you Mr Benson appointrd de iron miniIter Ian 21 Ith notions niisii oovi ior hm Anna Inliwrlier tools over shut oi docnmrsir seal to her by the lirltish Col umbia gorernirirnt Io Ioiorm her of retriiircmrrilr ior day cIre hirer th Id iIrI Christopbrr JIrnel centre oi group and lira Roger Elmra rlgbll all It Wblla Rock 30 say the government has tad Ihem pill nip composed at their own ldrra contravenes ihoyinlrtsl OIHITI irw it Major Crimes In Ussn Are Economic Offences MOSCOW titruirrl Crime In Ibo Soviet Union IIIA not withered Ina as Communist doctrine says should Its Itlll Ille Ind kickingor knliing ping and shooting The lyo malor rrimcs in IhlI rail country II III million III sconomlo oiienm and Inuit gamivodcrlrlng its home Iran the Enriiah word hooligan inn and covering multitude oi Ilns Sonia crltlm caD Lhuligan Itro rIlrhIli crlrna Iiur arms are irrcoeoliy ducrlbed hooliians llaplIia drnnhs vandIiI and sums poilllcol llIIin dents roots as those demon ItrIung Igrlost lbai WIrIaw Pact invasion of Cuchoriorr III III Iiraliabicinbn IllgrnI in court II hooligans Itsa most widespread deiln curacy concerns cconsmlc oi icaces Ioins II which can ioId to tile ilrlng squad they Ill ciudo bribery robbery our rcnry rpeculalioo black rnIrla lecrlng In scarce goods Iiltbu Ilemeni mirrpproprislloa oi mIleriIl resources Ind giving Ibort change REUNOUENTI ATtY Delinquent vary Iroiu hcads oi largo iaclorler lo Ipr arabl IoII Pour Moscow engineers were tolled ior oollrciing thou sand oi rubles in bribes from clllieiu clamoring ior ieie phones An organisation which planned to build block It May cow apIrIrnenlI ior III workers had to bribe building oiiidIIa with promlres oi Ipnruncnls to got things dons out Protests It ene OTTAWA CPI Iba Carla dIIaIabor Conng orator Monday what It termed oven suitor Iniorcemcnt oi rent iIllonr denying unemployment banana Martin to workcrs laldpllIIIreIultoiIlIbor iiIN in brlei lo Manpower Minis ter bryu Mammy Ilia con grass said some larinanca alli cm are going In ludicrous lim III to disallow claim by work ers bot direch Involved in IlrIIir Tho council said It Igrsei no beariltr Iliin be paid to work erI taking part in strike but we brio noilccd that tho AEDIIII to ng in away from tliI ncu Ii position to point WIIDIIII Ipprarr that inicrprb minor by commission oiticlIlI Ira almost Invariably Intl Wnlbellovawa detect In or erreIIousness on tho part at tits ruponslbta niIIciIIs not only to Issue tisguollilortlon nation but to are oUI painstakingly what ever rcmoia posrlblilllrr than might exist to ensure that disen litlameiil ensues Au otilclal ol the commlrsion NIiiIeuin Checko Painting Report OTTAWA co Prehistoric cavr painllngr in Canadnl The National Museum oi Man has run last check ooh report that ancient wIII paintings tho been Icon in cava near Lon ark Villaga Ii miles west at Ottawa PIhitlnga 0n dim and other rock IIcos arc iairly common In Canada but no cars painting liII ever been round Unfortunately no couldnt And my paintings hiIcDonIid director at the mu um Irchnrology division IIld Monday In In Interview it grants to be cars it im IgInItInn running away though we may hava Inolber look when Ills weather gala holler itobert Parnmcit who raid hi on Iorcd the club Friday with Iorna diliicully but his powcriul iiashllglri revealed no pointings IEES WIS 0P lCl III Iiild tbrro was lot oi ice and ho did not got lar lnIldo tho cIva reputedly more than 100 ferl long Perhaps when tho weolhor geLI better we can Into look II tho whoio length Tho reports said this drIwIan oi troos animals and prlhittor rlc manwarl ncai lhI Rules laid in In inlirvlrw that work lcd laid Iii II rcIuil oi Iirlka Ira rciusrd bencilis up lest they can prova they hava his interests Involved In Ibo dis putc lilrouIlliIoIlloa is upth ii the wotiier lI Iupporling the Ilrlla ilnariclaiiy II member oi the runs union or has rciustd to cross Irkct lines when work II IvallI io MUST IIE LAID OFF The worker is cilgihlo Ior bon elila it tho layuil is tha rrrult of lack at work canard by Ibo little The oiliclIl Hit the commis Iloa had to uphold Ihrso regula tions oiiirrwlre we would ha deciding tho merits oI the Ilrilrc lna Congress hrlrl also no jected to regulations which II oulra the commission to with hold insurancc beneIIlI until worker exhausted bis rever Irica pIy Such money Ilia brlei Iald II iorrn oi deterred wager or notions and Ibould not Iiirct Inturarirc benefits Tna sun at orniroliiod com puter Iorvlcrs by the cannula IIon was also criliclzad In Ills brlsi FranklyI WI think the recent riiorII art not working In llieuberl interests of lira CIIIIIII In Tho director at leading blus cow art Ialon rrcclved In cipIiIrrnr Itnlrnco last year tor IITIIlOIIILLOK in return Ior pri vnla Irl deals ludgo in Baku on tho Caspian Ics wII lulled or civil years or brlhotItiag and si berIIn poachcr war Ienleoced to draih Iitcr wounding two iiihrry Inspectors The Soviet Juillcis Minister VlIdlrnIr Triebllov bII raid IhIt juvenile dcllnquencl III of lists properly Inrl nrnkon nrss are among the min prob Isms iii the light agIlnst rrImI Authorities like to prescril crimes beinro tho public II hangovers Irons the capitalist part II Ippcarr howercr Dial the chic hangover II cqud by drinka wldcrprcId Ioclai iii In the country olilrlIiI on crime figures Ira dccllnlng but there Its no pubilibcd IlrllIllcs on tho Ic IuIl crime rate LIw and ideology oilcn morga In tho Sovlot state What would bu regarded as purer crimi nal oiicnco In Western coun Iry is ultra considered point col oiirnro in the Soviet Union DIinIga In stale proprrly ls vtowod Is IaboIIgoa poilllcal ricl lillacklng piIno abroad II 12 people tried ln do In mo iIils In tho category It treason Extradition Could talre Months Lawyer TORONTO CPI ExlIIdi lion proceedings against It yrarold Unlch states horribin III III could tails IaverI mail rays Auslin Cooper Toronto lIwyer hired by tho Ilato ol Wisconsin to ban II III III Knrlcion Armstrong wanted in conntotlon with Illa August mo bombing oi llnltod Stolen army research building II III llnlvcrrity oi cousin was Ir reslrd IIIl wrr II Toronto boardinl houro Mr Cooper IIld Monday night he hopes in work as quickly II oIIlbia on tho extradition ordeur but lII lengthy proc ELI Meanwhile on RCMP oillclal said In immigration warrant against Armstrong takes prs crdtnco over any extradition more by Wiscunaln and tho dale ior hearing on tho tmmb ngIlon order probably will he act lhls week MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT HAVE YOU CLOSED ALL THE IIALES YOU WOULD LIKE TOT PROFESSIONAL SELLING FDIl causation AALEA PracticIl mttilods ior increasing Isles Ire discursnl in this come Discussion will outline proiraslonal approach to reliing ior times in retail Insurance real rslnio and various Intangible soles groom Some oi tho ilndcrslaiatlng Customers Comniuriichllon Depth Selling Tha Qatari toplort Dlscltssion that MoIIVItes Iiaiidling Prospects Doubts Cloalng the 5a IiTAIlTRi Monday lcbruriry in in Mondays 1Ih iiiid pm LDCATIONI GEORGIAN COLLEGE Alain Campus barrio Filth ltlino payable to licorglon Col REOIETEII by mulling Iha form below Pasa Grorglrn College iiAITiE logo with your ice to Mr till Ouckuorih bit Pmieorloniil seiiinr NAllli AllilltESA DUSINILES mi TELEPHONE nearly tour your as ilnanca inlnlIlIr declined to up whether Iran snother ex tension oi lhI agreement Cultures Leader OTTAWA CPI biiIray hltlirida Carlton critidrrd Opiposllion leader Robert Stanile is my ior min no mention to his irt coinirwnta on the speech Irum IbI throne oi the governmentI bilingual pro ngrn Tits sensors or his IrnIie meat lir hiclirido said In hecIusI tho Comrrvallva rub on In his ridiril had IiIlId the two top IsaurI in lbs next election as the economy and bi llaguallrnt The branch oi lhI Conserva llva party in MI area must trying to let up new potlllrn only Mr McIIrido concludrd since all party leadcrr try party had voted unI mainly for the policy To Loosen Credit OTTAWA CPI Icgislnllim to loosen IIrrn credit especially ior Younger IInrierI was intro ducod la the Commons Monday by Agriculture lilnirlcr ILA Olson IhI bill would amend the tun rent IIrrn Cradll Act Inc ing the amount oi money Iv bin to iIrmerI undrr the Farm Cradii Corp lowering lbs no limit ior those citation or loans and Iotieairig current security rootilrsmcnla ior those rmle III loans Iha bill would incrraso to lot million IIOIIl sso million the amount at iederIl money IiiIil sbia to the corporation ior lend trig purposes Ind make loans Ivallliiia to Iarmcrs under It your old it lny operate all or pita II In Iconomla iIrm liiI Formally Agreed OTTAWA ICPI Canada has IorInIliy agreed to Icccpt lairr nations lnsptcllon to IrrIIy lbs peaceliil nature at its nuclear development program Tho external aiiIIrI depart mrnl Innoiuired In agreement was Ilgncd in lime Monday by which Canada in nuclear In Itallnlinria will be rublth to MAKE IT Llanaikllcoirew um Laririrou IIie worked out with IbI International Atomic merry Arm The ancestral means in It act that dozens oi Canadian nuclear installation will be an open pectic tr iAiJl teIroI sent to mIks run nucirIr energy has not been di trrtoii to ml lary uses Canada in tho Oral an clear slateour with IbI il lly to produce nuclear wee but which has abstained roru doing Ioio rnlorlnlo rain guards agreement with Ibo IAEA Loss Confirmed CHALK RIVER Oiii CPI bs Provincial pollrI hats con iirmrd lhd loss It undetermined Imm ournlltlcs oi mercury here It nuclear lIborIlorleI Ii Atomic Energy oi Canada An AECL olllriIl said the mercuryvalutd It about t10I poundilu been disappearing over the hit two wash it Is bellowed lha mercury is being stolen ior resale lo molaideIIer walk River is It roller north west oi Prmbrokr To Build Lina TORONTO CPI plpcilnI to to want an iron tho Arctic lands to southern mare Ktll probably will be built Iuotr lba Canadian shield to Toronto or liontrIIl ChIrlrs Wethcrin on pretidcnt oi Pan Irrllc OI le oi Calgary raid lorday Mr ilclhcrlaglon IIid lbs pipeline will be between 1500 and um miles in length and cost rovers billion doIIIrI iia told the Toronto board oi Tom thI IIrrillIr expendi lluo would ba needed in tho crent oi motor oil dlIcoverlrs In the Arctic laiInds it does not laka my great Imagination to are that more Iica Iulura and that oi Euirrn CanndI cannot help but later lock ha Isld To Probe College TORONTO CPI The OR tarlo Coniodcrallon at Union ally Faculty Associations has IIIhroonIIa lalnrutilrlocompmnlaoi midst Itrlogs IId teaching methods atlas loilm oiIlrt modslim lobbying body ior Ontarioaanlrersity does not ban the II Marpbsraoa head oi lbs commiasion blamed the meat Iibulion It lbs college on lul OI my kind It IdeooIta struc turn for IIIlton up Ind down irrxn Ibolindenls frailty pruldcnl Ind lbw gorsrotoa marlin Raises Voted OTTAWA CPI Ciiy mach rotod iinancltl IncrrIsu ior members oi iiva cornmlllou and commissions Ind lo the top city polka olilclIlI Monday hIrIoItIWbilloa iorroer mayor waslhs only count member In rota IgILoIt IbI payments aollogibal rotor at rho Incrqu wars too per cent iA mare Thorn wcro ior the police commission ohalnnao to scoop InnuIliy train 500 last yeIr Ind ior his virechIlrrnan to $4000 IhlI year irorn llm last yur no third commission member will rrcelva In to mm at not to sinoo lirmbrrI oi the city planning board rmch W00 more carb Il Mo wbllo mornberr at tho de Ilgn and design review commit ieonaela is each year corn pi Inn min to M1 Calls For flail OTTAWA CPI William Scott POVictorinllallburtonl raid blonds tho tederal govern rneat Ibou TOM ball to Quebec plans to divert south erd tho llaw Iieorna rivers now emptying into liudson th The whole Idea oi OITTTIIII Avon now empth Into lhI Arctic is worlhw be said becauso Increased water flow routbwrrd could lush out the Strut Likes Ind give them ncw but he said Oucbcol Ilrio merits Ibout going it alone on Iucb scheme are ridiculous Tbs oiovhico IlreIdy Is lIkln ris billion more out of tritium rIrrnurI earbyrar than it prying In he laid and in com menu about Ictlna Independ Inlly Iro chrlng thin Poopio never read Imnll odrl or do thayi TORONTO TONIGHT $2055 INCLUDES ROUND TRlP TRANSPORTATION NIGHT AT THE LORDSIMCOE TWIN BASIS o1 DINNER AT CAPTAINS TABLE II nAEAKFASTiiIOOMSERVICE N0 RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Additional nlphtr accommodation Ivalihbll on iInUIII YICXITI AND INFOIIAATIOII Bus Terminal MI in Simcoa Sir Talsphona TilSill spending Govl Withdraws OTTAWA CPI The irid nus department raid Iladay the lateral rrglrtulioo It Tb ronln hind rIising organization whose Insets luvs been piarrd under the control It the Ontario public Inuiro has been with drawn Ipcdunuri said tho so In trailin ior income III lion purpoou was Withdrawn Doc Ii some Sil months liilr Iihe amt oi the iironshlnl 01 Asthma Foundation were pi meeting air DI vernmeui nruri matI new bs to Ilruigthrn tho economy as well II malntIin gorrrnmral Ira WINTI extremer be add at government restructuring zoning1 in news reports he addrd rro me no such things Is rupcr mliiislrrs All ministers IrI equIi he sold and policy considerations Ila being niegratod iri III de pIrlmrnls round Guilty OTTAWA CPI Philip Ooooor 45 was iourid guilty MondIy oi mam harassing lclrpbono rails placed on probation ior ona ms Arllril in his own bebItl dc rolls the Iuggtslioiu oi the DEVELOPMENT in the irualtca barre by Ontario Su Cotul in inaling application ior rap lrol oi the assets the lruslrcI oiiiro raid the Mill urI ti iiitl fraud upon tbs public hr at least role or total rrilsrnm Igriricnt or maindrnialslrnllod ronorrm cor cm diIn Wire Service Guild rcpra renting CBC rditorr Ind rrport ers announmi Monday it will Illii in Martin OConnell iui crai labor niinster ior permis tlori lo prosruilo lhr publicb corporation lot that termed illegal lockout oi guild mombcrI guild nil in Itotrnicot rcirastd In Toronto that Inrun guild members have born tooled out Ii lha CDCI Toronto oporallons slurs SaturdayTo ronto labor laaycr Aubrey Golden has boon lnstrurIoLlo mp5s Ibo Ippilcallon lhI Opiid II Wy COULD YOU INCREASE GALE WlTll BETTER PLANNING IN YOUR NE TERRITORY PROFESSIONAL SELLING FOR THE INDUSTRIAL SALESMAN Practical mm by whim increase nits will be dluwod in lists tho indiatrlal salesman to course Good pl Ing Ind silosOva Iales technique topics art sales Planning and Mmaring Comrnunlraiing with Customers Deptb Selling and Making Contacts Iiottvrllng In the Sales Discussion ilandilag obloctions Cltulng Ibo Shin mm ID Mondays tiw Monday February is mo pm LOCATIONI ORILLIA Gnorgian college 135 West St Sponsortd by GEORGIAN COLLEGE Ind OlllLLlA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE To Register Mail tho coupon below with ice oi tsotu In Mr Pass Georgian College Barrio ill Ducknorlh PSIS NAME ADDRESS BUSINESS IWlmilmw mom in POM Idllildi ILl