PUBLIC llFRARY EXAMINER TELEPHONES meduioa mm Coalitiod Admitting norm All our Demos mean FEB 22 on pics Wilt Barrio titanium out Barrie Ontario Conodo Tuooday Foiwuory 22 ms Not More ThIn ltle For Copy l1 Popes rppoiol rpm cum thing basic divrlttiy wind rrlaii would be In such Iod rod do tor tho In pion Iilort to most ioho pctro monpover region wDi cons iocoi Is it do mass to Identity the Indie Stoer ND iNiilRIES REPORTED Neither passengers nor the drives were lsiurrd this more tag when this school but any trig sepIrIiI school children slid into ditch on Concession i3 oi innlsirl Township The road wIs eatremeiy slippery and drivorr were lurtbrr hamp sred by drills irom last nlpbir high winds The tow truck pull ed tho bus out shortly beloro til rm Faontiorr lholai Nixon Accordediiigh Honors As Summit Talks Continue VPEKlNG CPI Pruldeni ere publicity tor hood oi bison continued his summit Iiao bloomed in the Prkln hits with Chineso Premier prose whicbr read the story oi nous blot today Ind tort night the us pros tuts isit ior tho row Chinrro balictln the tinttime Grorilioiiotthat it During his toils Ilth Chou NqunI oocood round at tho osideoi was rrcompanled talks with CbinIII terders by rary Kissinger his notional tidi shill it iriiidiihhl our our on or hours amid signs ho is bcing rton lord Iomdrd the highest honors by Chiaoso oiltciais toting art the Chimp leadership In the talks Included Vlcoloa rare display oi oltiaiol elm Illalatrr Chloe ituaohiio MONTREAL CPI Rttshv While theso tolls were going on State Secretary William Rop ers held Ieporoto discussions with thine Foreign blinlster Gil ieogici both ol whom wrro lmndplnidd by aurabrr otaidesan advisers Despite the gencrrl Iimos Eben oi MIULtdlDihllllLl rI htiiovo the IuhttIntlvo tolls between tho two IIch will bI lorceiui Ind tough Alter his talks with thou Nixon returned tothoruert Montreuiwsrrourrevvs Back On Job Alter Storm hour trrliio inched riong early today dcspito return to work by tho citys snow removal ERIE The crews boron rcapperring on city streets Ibortty alter mid nl the tint tlrno rinco Sunrdayr winch snower Iad early today most oi the main downtown streets were open Union leaders ordered the snow removal crews back to clean up the ooowclogged roads tor humanitorloo reosoos IIIDPI meeting with Quebec Lobor Minister John Courooyer and city oliicirir About out men were involved in the return to work the men are among oooo biuocollor workers who hovo boeaion otrlto Iince midnight lirhiry ntrbt Tho workers members ol locoi iii oi the Conadion Union oi Public Ems players Ira proteoting tagging ncgoiirtions ior now contract hut tho crows wcro concen Irotlnl solely on plowing tho streets and thero was no sitting or sanding done irrving trac All public schools on tho is iion orpcciaily on hilly north south arteries riiii poor Tho lipnircrl Urban Corn muoity Trursporirtion Oommirv lion reported most oi its no bur liars were operating twoincb rnowisiiwhiiped Iround by high winds tell it it inches oi snow on the ground early this morphs interrupted Trial Concept isChange Unveiled By Covt OTTAWA CF Tho governs monio 1m protogr oi mndnal Coda Imcndnrents unveiled hionday would introduce broad now iotliudrr in the Coalition courtroom Foremost Imou themwould be tho lulorrugt irloi concept recommended ytho loos toms notice on Mmtidns under Mr Jingles Rotor Oulmot ol Nont re Snowmobiles banned in North Bay CAPSULE NEWS Cites Uruguay its Bad Example TORONTO CPI Dolorto mint wort to protect Canada trout the lots oi Urugitry Robert Weicb provincial Itcrelary ior social development told llondoy right No told political rnrelv Ing that tho mismanagement which too the South American coun try irom prlmo orrrsvpio pt wriloro state into Itamaot riump within to years is being avoided to salute Mackenzie Pipeline is Certainty OTTAWA Ci oil and gas pipelines rlong the Nintendo Volley are rertrinty Energy blitntser Donald hlrcdonrld oald blorldry llo added that Conrdirnr will be majority owners ol the lines in his ilrst oiltrlol comment on the proposed pipe lines Iinco he assumed the ponioiio last month tir bloodonoid told reporters that you have to take llackonrio Valley pipe line as given element oi energy policy NORTH RAT Ont CPI City council voted Monday to had snowmobiles iromrity streets in the loco oi slung ilon irom snowmobiicrs Council voted too to rdopt by Iw bars hill the mochinrr but tho bylaw rouulrcs rovrl irom the doparimont oi transportation and rommunithlbri beloro it be Willis law Bangle Dosh Applies Tor Membership DAOC titeuter Bangladesh has lonnriiy Ippliod tor mombcloltipAlrt the Commonwealth Commonwoalth Sorreirry Gltriorri Arnold Smith said when he arrived todry ior twoday is NVioinamese Plano Downed SAIGON Aii United Stairs iiycro shot down their srcorvi limit VittnImoso tilt in live works ilondoy night and mode irvo attacks on lnIlIlrcrlil baitrrios in North Vlrtoom the Us Munro reported land had been closed by Satur days storm but none ID nouncod their intention to re main alostvi todsy lAss than hail the cit buses were in operation it right Ind Joan Arpln city roads dc pertinent director Innovsncod Iii garbage collection wrs belo discontinued because oi street conditions lha interrupted trial moons no sentence and no record ludgo would be empowered to stop the irloi once person was lound guilty or pleaded gutity At that point tho udgo could grout In Ihsoiuio out or conditional dischargo where this was In the best interests ol the accused and not contrary to the public laterut Jud also would have tho re on to order that sens ionco oi to days or loss be scrvod intermittently enrol person to work or tile citrus by dry while spending the night in IaiL itloon Landing Announced house wbrro ho was staying and then went with Mrs Ntron to are baUet cIUrd Thoth Do trcbrnrnt ol ltomoo During the second souad oi SlapAmerican tails today tho meo room was rmril and condom to In exchange oi opinions instead oi the line oi gay thaerinl INlroimrnd ou par or oogro rrr lionday they laced each other across rcctrnguisr tablo and with only in rhino and Inter proton presrnl Ali laughed dialog tho hriei plctrretatiag boloro tho levyi Irlgotdvntebminou Chou noted there wtra lets smokers in the us detention Nixon rmiied and obovrd back pack at clgrreltcs bu host had placed bolero him iiiriine Flies Passengers Free 0i Charge wvoou CF Dan Air it iornatlunai sold today the his lino Iiew its charter passrugors back to Vancouver itte Sunday rather thrn cancel their llight homo when it Igpeuml Ilr charita regulations tad born vi uiattd Tho pourorrrs were mom bers ol the iieraiomos Rugby Club oi Vancouver and their lomiilrr who had chortrrod Don Air Dosing Ili ior round trip otartiag loo ii Ind ending Sundry Don AU opotesmrn said the ireo return litght was given otter lirltninr trIda Ind irtdur try department which polices civil aviation advised the tour pray that regulations oi the in tornotional Air Transport Asto elation may have been violrlrd by Idvertislng the trip in Ca ordion oewrprper its sad tho advertisement had been inserted by Nmpa untounocttd with the rugby sin and without the knowledge oi Dan Air We couldnt charge the as srngers ior the return gbl without ertdaoscring our timbre and no didnt want to leave them stranded hero so we do aided to thorn hack tree the Don Air oiliclai sold MOSCOW AP Tho Soviet Union mounted today that it unmannrd spaceship Luna til hrd made ooltisnding on the moon odloceni lo the northersi cod oi tho See It Fertility TIsr the Soviet news rgorrcy said tho equipment aboard tho spaceship was hurctloning nor molly to lowing the landing Ind the station hour to has started implementing tho progrsm ol oprrrtlon on tho ourirco oi the moon There on no indication whether tbor rcoshlp curried Lunothod die to explore the moons surltcc Western Party Has Candidates EDMONTON CPI The Wutrm Conrda Party bro right candidates In Western Canada tor the next Iodrroi Iieciion mootlnl celebrating its llrrt blrthdIywrr told Monday night About to people oi the meet ing were told that tho porty hours to Hold it clruiidolts in tho election in lit area covering Wostrrrt Conrda sad uostcrn Tomes Premier Freed Prom Iaii In Rhodesia SALISBURY Rhodeslo liltii iert Former prime minister Gorliotd Todd rod his daughter Judith wero ireed irom Ioil today alter live weeks in soil tiry cpoilnomcoi They were taken by police to their ranch homo Ind restricted to one oouaromiio rreo rround it No other political detainees Irrcstod at about the some time rstbo ibdds last month the Alrieao Notional Council trots urrr Josiah Cbinamono and his wile Ruth rlso were being taken irom Iail ior detention It in undisclosed place The moving ol the tour detri ntos nii outspoken political op ponents oi the ion smith gov Iroment was disclosed in government ruiemoot today soon alter Airs Grrco Todd an nounced that bar hitsbarvd Ind dIughttr were being allowed to come home Todd and his iiyeIroid daughter have bccn held to rep Iroto isILs without irloi oloco ouvawuwmu auntuhun Onilrlor REIRUT lahaoon tAPt Thm Arab hillchen bold Lid om including the oidrst son at tho late rrostor Ruben Ken nedy prisoner today aboard West German Rambo lot In Aden and planted uploaitds on the piano to keep the police at has the lrrql news agency reported irom tho capital ol Soth Yemen Women rad children among the planes passrngrrs were allowed to leave the Boeing 717 but tho male passengers rod tho it numbers oi the crew wrro krpt aboard the West German airline Lulthausr said Among thorn was llycaroid Josrph ltrnncdy Ill Diplomats In Rolrtrl raid the biiacterr wcro demanding the Minor ol lour Priestlolrn Arobo on trial In Cairo ior tho usssiortion oi irrmirr Wrsll Toll ol Jordan The diplomru said they had rrporis that South lion hart boarded tho piano to hlgpllllg with tho hlyrcktrr irool rrpootr raid the three Alloctrsr woro Palestinians irom the organisation It Die tims oi Zionist Occupation in tho labolr reiugro errop which Air Strike Emirates Travellers Dy TUE CANADLAN PRESS Pnistroilon no the order oi the day again lor lii traveliero rt molor Canadian Iirporis today with many aborthaul commercirt iilghts conceited due to otriho electronic toohnidaoo no its this dry Air Conrdo reported to cent oi its ights conceiitd morning at Toronto inicrna ilonri Airport Indti per cent It hiontreri Although visibility was it miles It Toronto with winds gusting to miles an hour lack oi radar courd hourslong delays to passengch and ran ceiialion oi flights to bionircai ilourl iondon Ont Cleveland Windsor Thunder Bay and Rh rage Ci Air rcportrd its ights normal both rtTorooio and Montreal Quehccolr said some iltghtr were delayed but this was due partially to bad weather in northern Qucber Lock oi rndnr crlppitd by lock or malntrnanco with the technicians oil duly made vis ual operations necessary lhen tho toabniclrns are on duty To ronto can handle ono flight minute On Monday operations were down to eight incoming Rights an hour Ind ono depar tore every seven minutes Air Canada craceilui or or in scheduled ights Monday and told pusrnsrss they could count on delays at up to three hours GAME PLAYED WITHOUT FANS NEW LONDON CDRD IAPI Tho basketball gomo between Weaver illgb School at llartiord and New inndon High School Thurs day wtil be played without any spectators because oi an incident at toothed gamo last lot school oiliclrl said the decision not to wow specia tors was triads last iaii stemming irom the trees It ioolbrll game in llart lord when Now london bus wu stored by specta tors Only the working press and New tendon teachers who will work It tho sumo will be admitted It the door 11 our latest Coupons Yemens director oi civil swim is in tho lsrrerceupIrd Cora Strip The women and children irom tho pler wrro tihen to hotel In Aden on the opuihwrrt lib arr oi tho Arahion peninsula and will be flown to Rrintt lo ntght representatle nl Lui thasur rtpurtrd Oh hlAN ALLOWED Duo man Ilsa woo riiowod to loan the plan with his three rhiidrrn because they were irIvriling without their mother the trout agency said South Yemen authorities ol lowed tho iii to ho rriurUrd but the hiiactrrs as yet had made on demand to lake oil lor oo Mllir destination the report It The British government in and its possessng and crow totrl oi in persons were re ried aboard ahrn It was hl aged ovu Aairduring tho Ipolrimrn tor the British iorrlrn oilch said its help was atructrd its Imbassodor In Adrn toseet thareioasool thaplanc oi South lrmro Nclihor don West Germany Thrro Arabs who boarded the plane lrt New Delhi hilartrd the Irkrd by the Us government which has no representative in Aden tho capitol ol the republic ALDEIISIIOT Eu land AP Seton persons Irmy oilicer were killed today in masrlvo bomb explosion that wrecked the oilirerr moor pt British prrotroop brigldo hive women civilians warning rt tho lIslg base were among Combrldgo 31 hospital nigh ten persons 1m takers to hospital Tbo explosion wrs beloved cousod by bomb left In csr parked outside tho oliicers mess at the headquarters ol the lith Porschqu Brigade in this my comp Ihout so miles southwest ol loudoo All my opoiesmaa raid lcw oillcors were in the mess Tho explosion occurred It iiiu pars about in minutes be loro oiiicera normally Irrivo ior lunch ho raid Balance Attempted in Road Policy Premier Says TORONTO CPI Premier William Davh sold today tho decision to rrduco road rubri dies to municipalities does not mean tho rovian is getting out oi tho ror building business He told the Ontario Good Roads Association the province Is trying to strike bairnco be tween igbways anti other terms ui transportation such or transit systems All will say is that while lhr emphasis is oblitlnp toward balantwd transports on Iyr lvm good roads will continua to ho prime segment oi that sys tom tor many years and rope claiiy in the rural mos pi our province Ontario was entering new era in Importation The build ing oi roads riono will not to ultimate answer when it comes to moving people and goods In tho luluro his Davls decision last year to halt construction oi the Spa din Expresswoy through To ronlo led to learn there would be loss emphasis on highway building in luture The pro mlrr ioiiowcd the Sprdinr decl olon by Innounclng an increase in subsidies oi up to prr cent ol cost ior rtudirs oi other hailngonthr airliner about In hour olirr It took oil Irom the lotion capital tor Athens and lroniiurt Tho Police rwormrd around the eostoroy modern concrete building which was largely do moiirhed by tho bomb blast The brlgadoo Pint Battalion was involved in the hiooriy Sunv day clash in londondcrry Jan It The Irmy has drnied charges by militant Roman that tho porriroooo In HIIACKERS HOLD MALE PASSENGERS iiiht ma originated in Tohro stopped in liong Kong Ind Bangkok on route to New Dtlhi The three Arrba oil had poss pnorta issued during Decomhor 0mm tho coastal suitaaote cost pi South Yemen 1ny srro their names as Sultan At In so Abdel Rauoh Aimalt it and lioasirn lien Said liohr mod er SPEARS OVER PA SYSTEM liut the leader oi tho hiilck Identified hirnseil Is Yours at Hhrtib who told passengers orrr the planes public rddresa stem his organisation selects iunna ui Iurrcndvr The lltsclsi state at lrroci will not wesirn our determine lion to liberate our land he said He Illaekrd what he called the deieriist policies at Arab countries willing to Impl pcrrclul scllirmrnt in tho hilddlo ErsL Khrin also drnouncod rrcrirt moves by number ol Arrh slates toward reconciiiotion with tiIsi Crnrrany saying they rrprrscntrd stab in tho back lor the Polrstino revolu tlun Bomb Explosion Wrecks Officers Mess Kills discriminater shot unrrmed rli vIlIIns The inn has vowed re vcngo ior tho dead The sixth penon killed us male civilian and tho rovsoth was an army oiitcor Scotland YIrd unim along with 1M Ictlvitl La Drillil worI rushed to th Relatives Change Their Miiids To Testiiy Iii Ulster inquiry mLERAINE Northern Ire land CPI Relatives oi the persons who ditd in londonder rys Bloody Sunday three weeks ago changed their minds lion risy night and will tcsiiiy It llriiioh overnmcnt Inquiry Into the dra They made their docirion It sorrel meeting alter day oi incidtals In Northern Ireland which lurludtoi the deaths oi tour men when their car or plodcd outside littlest Security oliiclris said tho men may have born on bombing mission The relatives hrd dccidsd ear lier to boycott the la is which oprncd in the torn cl Col OTTAWA CPI Air piracy or srhptIgo would become crimes subject to tile in prison under Criminal Code amend ments introduced in Parliament Monday passenger carrying lire arm or explosive Iboard civil sircruit without authorization could get up to to years in prison two year oenirnro could await anyone interleng with pilot in command ol on olrrratt The pilot would have the rirlitr oi llth olllcrr vector the pro poo law Tho now air hilucklng provi sions would extend the Iurirdic lion oi Canadian courts to in iorsru ol transportation OTTAWA CPI The tact that Ylrs Gcoltroy convicted wiio murderer got out oi toll on special Irnvr to marry his girl lrtrad thrn disappeared wasnt in duration in the Commons iivtvuuy Jiiii how he did it wooand drew two osplrnations Absolute corvupiion boomed Eldon ttioolllrmr ch Calgrry Northt his partys Imtlco critic Spectacular rrror raid Solicl torControl leanPierre layer but with no irrrmiiaritirs or niodoll his Wooililim Iaill broodog Ipdil lUrraiitlcr rminds ior Iudicioi inquiry riude oilencrs committed whlio lir Coyers explanation as lairy story Ind saying lI Ilia situation was not so tragic it would be comedy llr Goyrr must be writing boot ilr looillsrru Iuggrsird Ind olirrrd some titles it lerr Honeymoon or How to llurdcr Your lilo rod blurry Your blirtreso SUSFECTS CORRUPTION This as vnsacis oi ohsoiuio corruption and the worst kind mismanagement lbo rnintsiir must take the res nsibilit Either he bod knova oolt sor ho did not rrolno Monday under lord Widgery lord chicl hutico They said then they regardrd the investigation as being not iher impartial nor iotllprodelil brcruro liidgory had served In Ute lirliirh army as bWrdier during the Second World or Nine ltornon Catholic prluLs who landed the dyln and woundrd during the shooting fso announced they would its Observers bcliaro that ioiiom lng the example oi the miller ol the dead many other ml tionls oi this landondrrr Cathos tic rrra ol uogsidIwbrro tho try drains occurredmight cement to appear at tho honing Govt Seeks Life For Air Piracy Canadian alrcralt to In ight or on the ground whether in or out at Canada Tbs provisions are triiorrd In rcrrnilysuggrstcd international conventions on unlowlui seizure oi rirrrolt Ind tho Irlcty oi civil aviation In tho iairsl Canadian biirch ing case Uoitrd Stairs clliscn commandrorcd an Air CInIslr irt bound irom Thunder Buy Out to Toronto tto allowed passengers to be disrmborked rt Toronto then iorcctl the crew to lly to who Canada has movcd to bavo him cslruditrd irom Cuba to loco variety oi charges in this coun try Goyer Explains Escape As Spectacular Error edge this is such grnvo mir rrlionrgemcm that he should ro ilr Goyrr livndsy told tho Commons oi the bloom circum stances that led to tho rclcaio ol Cooliroy sentrncrd to tile Ior the murder oi his wlio irom lioulrrutr St VLiccnt do Poul Isil to marry Carmon lrreot bliss Prrcnt was the ebicl trown witness hostile era In the trial that rcsuitrd lo looser iroilroy bcln convicted pl strangling his rt wits and trial tins tire to her bed in so It crop to com upI murder ills second vllo coaoot ho void rot hrvo howl iorord iotasiliy ogaiootbirn