Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1972, p. 8

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SPORTS Benton Produces Another NIII Star ly BILL URINE rnun Ibeltrnell ulnar then oIIen loIle mm glolIYictery OverNItdland The pIIyott Ierlrr wtth Itldl lInrt wtlt he twoIme lotIl polntr Iorler teton tor Berton toltorerr ot the In IIrbeeI WWI the IDlI It Not lorry Ilter rnued Iolierd Irteton tom ottmtlnll It tender Inlet uEeEE rEtI EER gt it edit ill to egg door or iEeEEEEESEe er eersge TREEE 63 porrlbttlt urrrtor mNernerr ttrrr ttm nndr who plan Ilrrt nlorl Ind tbtho 52 N= utde It Int III III unduly helmet ERIE leiE egg EEeE 33 Eng NEE EeEE LII the oh EEEEE rt Ei 235 93 annrwgi the it Robltlm who IrInlldeototColllrmedl on merlrrrter IIle Mud Ind Don Tubehl ItInnerotI II rIId lobe Intemte Iarlmlhr Deul Aromb It yrrr Orv The opoted tee II on prpellY II yet IndNAIIt old Id Ell thhEdldn mm Nd Itolrelerrtchue poulbtlttlee hm Ilerrdy rtlrred eontlderrble ho tenet Ind III tenure Ietlv Cert DIM III to culture to dm Ittenllol EDGAR IILIADINO NIW LOWELL Orer In the North Blrnooe to Modent teeter luruI eon rleyr ImIrInr Idler term In Ore eJnllnuer to IttrItt men on The beltllnr Ore crew Ihlch Entrhed the meter Ilrndln In lrrt root rurrenlly tr her In III evleIdtnr New Innell ante III two men to one Gordon Bldwelt II rlren to rot hetyhtr In IoIt Ind III root prnlrdlhtt In tront nI Itm Etteettvo terrnplIy wrr It II Pven top eredn Curb rey tor the wry the am up the Centennlrll to to over ttrne lo the letter opener Ind Ben Iurnrleed them mm to the no It Ito 11 CentennlIII rIrne henna III or to IIII the IIrdtoudIt on rm Fourth eontert tentItlrIly rot tor next Wed nerdry nlrht II bLIyner but tIlI Irrrnrernenl wII ruhtett to rev vtrlon lLItII IIIted StIyner Ltonr IIve merged to outplIy Anrur let the or group remItinrt reeler but the Artur erew here put up Itltter oppotltlon tIIn expected The ll onr hId to bottle to we out to deelrtnn In npenrr Ind Itro were pruned In the record rIme Itlhouth they mrnv Ired to wln to The detendlns ehImplon Creo morr teIm dI not rlllltlnlil In thrplryottr The ult rnItI wlnv nee wttl IlIy In rerter tor the me am Inrhlp OLDTIMI LAcrtessr ntvrttty Iene rurvlvor oI OrlIllII th our tint CInIdlII IIerorIe Implonr whleh our book In eyenttul you at that JIrtr rrIn tr borlr home Iltor III weelr relourn In Soldlrrr nemanIl hnrpltll tt Vlttl lemon ttetd rIrne lhtch VIII pepuIIr then IIld elderly orIIIII rertdent new htrtlelhyeorrmtltn It the collection II he told Orv II lIylnr IntermodIIto Ind hy Itnnlny the Ontorto nhlmplnn alp thtny the rldht to pIIy tor Ienlor Conrdlon Iltle OrIanvlllI Duttrrlnr hId ept throurh eyerylhlny In the Ienler dlyIIIon In that bone Ind en ot neIrIy TIyerrI when Queen VetorII VIII edit the retyntnr moblreb The roll wtlh OrIIIII er eoneld end tonnIltty but III trIdI nIl urplo Ind nItle eolorI the III Couehlchtnr eentre ertouneled III rportI world by motor the Dullerlnr to the no It It to II emerye Ir It Celthdl ehImplenI if ruperb roIlIender rtlmert ll Henley who letrr ttred tor err It ttdIInd torerdI Itd DIN Dunn Ind tnIIdI home hby WItren were romI ot the ndoutI ot tIIt memorohle It tony Ito whlch tr Itlll cIlled wllh mm by the rent Ilr Curran llow old In lnlrrmedlIII term we to create Iurh In up hill Welt qulehly Irplled thl otlme noted tIrrorrIrI and lot TInIrIrd curler tor one thln Ire Ind keen eompotltton rltth rtrony eluh end we were tern rIVIII ylrnee lbrIurI ellpplnll nt thIl eIlorIuI Inortr In In Indtertten It the Irennerr It Out rIVIlr re rt II one mm II lth Orl II II erred to wln Iver ttIrrte II old teulturot troqu told It Or tttI plIyerI Ielnr turned by Iroured Iptetrtorr Ind It Ip pItrntIy re Ired more Iturtve dodrlnr Ibttty to Ivold hotnr Itrurtb rotten er Itlctr Ind other utter thIn tdld to wln the IIerorre norm The rreetly outnumbered 0r Illl pleyerr Ind clue but my exit to old BIrrIe wIIrt Ind the tale Iterrner whleb took them how tor rour Inr celebrrtlon They took IIrIr IIeranI Ier Iourty It tIIt llme htr on yon IIId wtlh IIuyh nrllllI won IIverIl Intermedv tIte eIImplonrhlpr wIIhln the next deeIdI Ind name II III pIIyerI Inrludlny Ilr CurrIn were ohorcn on Unlverrtty at Toronto loom whtoh rnIde tour ot U0 Ilewever II ernt untll In your lrter both In Itlt lInI OrlIII Irrln won CInIdl II promIcyThr rlltt An In It Rnrre where th pantry OrlIlIInI Iver whrtmed New WeItrnlnrtrr IIII men Ilellter It the then RIr rte mm to III the met It three ttrnn ouylu In row clou eeltnr Ilrhlntnr prulnr porlllonnl rtyle ot plIy wrr the rerret II Orllllrr tuto rener It that time Iecordlnu In 01 our own mun ltrrrle hId III III rportrmtnlrd nldtlmer IM WIXIHI Eyerr Icored two poetr Ind urtrtrd three tlmer tor Cen al rollertolo WedneIdIy when Iltdthtnr dumbed Mldlllld Eondrry rrheol In leer Bey Secondrry reboot AI lItIon hockey name In Ullr Ellarren Eyers Leads Central READS QUEBEC OOLTERI IlONTRRAL CPI MINI ttrrt perIod tor the IIrrlerr rho untll lIIt ntyht but rhot em Iry roy OrtluIIr to trenI lathe Ieeohd Iltlll Jlnt Keen who Iloo plet ed up two IIIIIII mode It elorI Iltb rem DI the elorlry mln Iuer leorI Iotned the IRA loop Ind IIIpInI veatbetnoeluheet the Mmmtnlrttm tortntwtherebormdlllet Hustlers Win pair Qt Grimes gee er nIh nomu rm to Ytyerr erItlon SentIr tltte ET the mm In rIptan thrlr tlrrterer OIIIIII Itoehry AI rottI Imlner Photo by Peter North arri Flyers Edge Terriers To Win FirStEuer Sr Title IItd Ilnlrherr In the loop luIl gone Into the Allen on IlnIL Into Ion Ill ytIr leer Ind In It Ittihen they once IrIln tmldtt Tbe Burk Ftrerr bron Interconme Sentor behtnd to down the Terrterr It BIrrle betretmtm IdaItmtcheyelndetlheep IHIPW tlo roll by PIII tr mood of the II to go In the tint three mtnutrr 50 rnerh GIIII Moore tIltled In III ltr been Ildrl rem Ilnee the In thrt rIId theyve never tInIIIrnd Ihrr thIn Ierond IIII rerron Itter IIII run the rlub ttntrhod tn thlrd Ipet Tor BIrrIe monI er ltm short It em moment pIrronII IIt IrtIetIIn III II III my letter behlnd the club Short once tallhldllhl elub In III IIrly dIyI trot nondertul he rIId lIrtnlrht II the ehIrn rune tlowed In the Ityerd Ir nr room Ilter the wtn to been Iootrlnr III III tor lonr Ionr tlme WIlI tho Iptrt nore rot Ihtnlr roll no III the wry Ito the Min Otpt Flyer pleyereorth DIrryI tour herd rteurrle be bed to work tor It llIe thIt be Iddett plIyed thete perennlIt II In Cormty rtrIlI the Tentorr dur II the mm mmb IIFtIe Ill by OrtIllI nrtrnlnd er 0th Cole kept the BIrrtI Tome IIt Mornhro IMI elulr Irorn runnln Iwa Irlllr It the mount Ilnner or the In the thlrd perod rrI mrde only one Itortnr error In the rrnw Ihrn Jtrn Itcttoe Ieyr pIII ended up on Keonr rttck lrte In tlu rune lt reIult Id In real but the Hyerr were to Rent Ind werent thou to rev Ilnoutrh the teed Ile the Ieero tremendtnte toro IIII ebeektnr erpeelelly by the II ran In helluVI turn We outrhot them 3H1 Ind Il The V1an roorlrterttly out me Only IIrne Inn rolld term ettort the Fly Although the Terrterr trled to Corby AdIrnI IrInlr Illnetu Prnlrebto IIII kept the Err rlerr It My OttlllI 0IIR Joe Ilene pulled III In lever It Itxth IttIrlt erwlth It reeonde Irtt But the Ilyerr tled the put up once Ird then dumped It Into the or IlttI end In the dytnr rcoondr to been the wtn The ehImplonrhtp pull the more In tho drtverr reel In III IllIA Ientor plryettr They meet lBhllllIpllth Ittnlltnn In the Nut round term they havent lent to III rroron The wtnnrr el thnl Irrtor net bye dlrertly Into the tlnrtr whllo the other Iurvltorl ot the Autumn muII bottle It not In tho IOIIIllllIhll 51y wrr reIlItte ItI been Hornets In other yrrner FrIAIy Gelt nlpoed Itlnlrton Am Il OIII Woodrlnclr Itoth IIIt Owen Sound Crerrrntr It Owen bound whlle It nekyttle the OIIII thumped Betlrrlllr qulnter 106 It look reven mlntrter ot over tltne hetnr ItIrIdtI hkrrtrr Tort renred to ylve III ItornetI tIrlr wln Iver Ktnyrton hotoro hm hm DIII Creretnrn tlerl III Icere tor tlIIt wtth tour Intnutu In pII In III thlrd ported ttrueo III or hId the other tlelt root Al Dunern Int Cherlle Cunt very reared tor ttlnrrtoh Woodrtoelr Irorrd three unen Iwered yorlr In the tIIrd prrtId SENIOR II STANDINGS OIIIIII lrIlor TI Il THO NIII II Etll IIO0ITI II III IEIOIII ll Itlnrtton ttII tttrtnttt Woodrloctt ltll TIIIIIA 50 OIIVIIII IIEI IIIT 001 II 0on Found It IITUOd 00 Relltttllt Itll 0ltIIId ll RIIulII PrIdIy ItIrIII OrtlllI Oelrvtlle II Itetlettlln Wondrlorlt turn buund tell Nlttyrldtt lrnrrr TonIIht Itnrrto AI Orlltlr Wondrtnrk It tell hInyrtnn It Itrllerltle Irmrr lundry nrllltr II Ittnrlun Ellhlllll It ttnotlrlnrtt IlIrrlr tlelt Orlllll tltrnlnrnrnmm DELICIOUS buyer lob tram Overtime Win TrIdttlonotly III tIrIt III Scare to but turn Sound Ilrn Itrlr Inn lonrr III Wertyuln Ind lone hteLurrn rented tor the wtnnrrr Ind Don leonn Itttl ttob ltubo reptlrd tor Owen Sound In nrrttttttr the Onlrr lot the ynotr In the lhtrd ported to eomo trum Irrltlnd ltItI drteut tletln Vllle trunem ttrrllonrld llrnt Itunlelth Ind tnl IlurIrtt Irorrtt tno oItI eIeI tor Oattltlr wlth rInIler rotor to bore Ntehnue then John Wettr Ken Knepton Ind Frrrer Itlto Al Ierrnron counted two It the ltelletltle ynnle wIth Ilnylnr entry to try Johnlon Veyne tleumnell they Ittrehen Itttl CIrI Cnumhnwrr Iteontlrnr It not Innnunred thnl III IIIA Int Iwrrrlcd Ittrrttey All to Owrn bound Itler lnlrrtllr tolled tn wyrperr hceernr It uloyrr rhnrtrrn the rrrntt were In plve III Crrr rrntr one Inan wln In the IIIIIlle tnII Ind ttukvltle one more leer Ilcrtdrr III Ilurrlo 0rtI lomo tnnlrht Wondelorlr Irtlr tllirltt Ind Ittnrrten II It Hello In the Ann homer nI tlrorheetl ulo ttundry ntpht ttrtllte tr rt Itlnpeton IM ttrtrtllte pteyr It Wnottrlnclr my nxtnmnn WANT Inr IIIONI tryout RENT BUG 46 1500 per month plur tort 2year IIIII Iull Molntenonre nmneren tIIllI Ibo lllltl rettled the tune tttle the IndlvtduII reor lny ehIrnplonrblp II Ittll oldev open rIee Aeomhe III onII III tlh Ind 35th It the rum more blm Into IIrItplIee tle wlth Ienmmote lton ltnhlnren III held to In Item lnrt nlrht both new Am polnu tour more then DrullII Itttroy who II II tblrd root In In Intlellrnrr to ten nlphtr contort the Tenlerr Ind the Then go It It Ireln loolnltt tn Ortllle GIme ttme 0130 pm the OrtlllI Communtty Con Ire Whlle the home mom noth III In thertnndlnrr II In It the Ilyerr III run blr reme totholhl pI need who to my to ronlentton tor the porrlhlo reeond ptIce ltnleh ILVEII NOTEHI IInIIIhIroI onI III III tIttI tn the ttvr nnmu Ilnro Irnr returned to reenter met In the club We worked Iord We derertI It the Veteron ltyer IIld Every body worked hunt the exreuv ttyo the III IteryonetJIeIr bmlth whor been tho retort eon ItItnnt Ilyer detenrrmnn nI IIte oyetn Ion Iudor tronr hly tor Ilr ptry Im rlud thelr werent Iny WIIA ruyr Irrund tI wIIeh JIrk tonlybt or we wouldnt hIro hlm Ilrht now pleyermoh llld Bob IIIIrd the IKIndleedlny roIt teeter on the BIrrtI club on robbed at It tout two Iuro roIlI Ind poetlbly tblrd by Cole Keen on the more eonetetent plIyer tor the Terrtrre BUIIIIARYI Flrt Period OrttltI Moore lKeont 0100 Rrrrle Aeornh tbtetllt tIn Ctlnntnuumt llll Penelller Nonr Second IerIId tl OrIIIII Ihlroy thtoort Neon mt Penrttlee BIrrlI BItrd lln Iertcrencet 130 OrIlIlI VIll ttntertercnrel 150 BIrrle Ito Cterhey Ilyht mIIort Orlltlr Potent ttlyht motor 10 Thlrd Perlod tterrle Penurhto lltlnelr AdItnIl 16 Borrte Aeornh tttehttlIIn Thumprenl IIIrrle ItonIIrn Brlrd Roblnrenl 1130 0tllll Keen lunIrrIrIrdI IMl IcnIItlrI Bottle IIlrIcItI IIth Terrterr They tly trtllttt 98 Bord III Ed Wleht lId my Ia Lederurt hooped 69 Doodles tummlkrl to noon rtImIIee Irern Oreo Ihlle cAleer Idded IS Otto Gold bed It Ind ItIrnor Ind thud IdeNkhul 10 nob nod Iteurhloo Iod Ken ttue eIrh hooped 13 tor the ter NIEAI DOWUND MIMI Itlred ll PII IeInI stelllur Betty Btlle Itt1wo Ind Mr Ill NellIAnx III III DJI Dlp Slltht III AbttIlnerr III btnerI III Kerrt Number 101 BIurhuI 100 Nurn nutI SeIIeI IllIhI IleI lllrb Arer ll Synter tn Ittyb trt Irth hymen tn Ittyb ItIrlI Chester WIII roe Women Illxlr AIIIIII IrIn ne Itrrten III In TrtptI lernno IIIrten 011 Itlrb Blnrte JeInIe IIIrten 110 llln lrIpIer bIrI Iy Dll bst IIek Symor III Tern nIn III ltrlnr Sperr III IlIrry BeItty htI IIIII Seulllon III strn Jener Ill Lhrrter WIlrI btu Syd StIrk bot Itorrt IInrrl tIl Art Denlelr tht Ron Itrlburn III John VerrtrIten III Itlyb Holler EtrI Tom ItrLennIn III Itetnr Sperr III III llrrry IleItty toll Itt RIy Bltrht Itllte Sculllnn 100 III Jerk bymer I00 ltd Strn Jrner III It hurt Ibl Ilorrl Enrtl eIIer WIII III III Ron Itllburn III John Verrtretenln Itrnry VeoItrIten ltd Rob lteb IIrd tn Art DenleII lll IrInI Gender I71 lttn TrlnteI IVIrnrn Betty Dunletr bub Irene DInI Iy err thtrtttn ItIrtrn tot blIr lroe III III horrIIne Ittlburn err PIt IteGuIrI Lyndo bymer All Itth starter IlIrnen Irene Donnphy ttb Belly Donlrlr ttt Ironnr Ilrrten ItIIrt Itrtlulre Inn Lorulnl Itllburn the Rule Froellrt tbtisgnnde Symer ltt It EVININO LRADUR STANDINOII Itoondouler or they Shou II Swlnrtnr btlnr II IloenheItnI III In Hamel not out or Cerium Ilenerl Ilth Nlek Ir Ind But Me mmuelm Idded tor the Mullen III tbelruntt II maneelled prune eulllk tn the month The Button berm ptu In the Ionurt Blur out Butet wrnr More The oer um eon Ileted In OlllllI Thunday Streud Novicer Hort Schemberg The steoud eptlmltt Norton hem Schombery sundry tn the openlny lune ot the bestedDIE Iernlthrll who to the Norton DD elmltlentlen GIrnI tlrnelrlpmrt the world error to LIrnpll tIrI It BoomrrInn II Crty St IerI It RoIrneyInr rt Itot Shot ll hwlnrert l0 Illlehl ts Blur JIyI It Bury Beer 11 Rusty you III Slnller llelrn Teller WIIJIII DurhIm III the Rev Foubert ftl lrenr DIrtlny III IIIar Lynn III Illekey Rhyme burrer III lltrh motor deI DurbInr tteten Fetter 711 BtvIoI bert bot GlIdyr Clue All All Itrloern our Ivonne KendIlt I032 GOOD FRIENDS LEAGUE TEA STANDING Sturlpore 50m It Illnt Ju lepo 10h Bloody blIryr 63 Red Dyer or old Fuhonr ran DIloulrtr It Wblrtey Sour Not Toddler bolt tile tiltnletn It Ilnlr ladle It Illrlr BIltr b1 Gln Flue t1 blurtlntr It Tom Celltrtr It Ilenhrttenr II 5erewDrtIerr net Audrey Hrcott are home oohIn tht toulrr Cetoe no PII VIn Tent III IIIII Burton dbl ttlph Trlpler Audrey EIeett dbl NIrmI Cohen ltt Illtlt Ilexey Ill Ilrrr Ilhlttletd on PII VII Tent ere Lonlre Crone SOB TEAII ATANDINGE LemeI ErcIrItlnr It Rldylr nIy LondIprlnr II tlreerr Ate It BIrrtI TInntIy to Ref trrm BroI t1 RebornLent to Protect Petroleum It Cootte Creme IIcIIonI tell CInIdIIn IretyIIWIyI II BM rte Dleper Servlel ll Pruitt SupermIrket Itlph Seem IIIII Btrnet our unit ItIrIIn bleBrldI 080 Irttl SIndrI BerlrIm ere Ieln TIylor Ito VerI BIllrurIrr III ttttl Dorte DIrrtn out Derlr SIBWIIIHT ttttt DIbe nnu tee NIney stnclIIr rot Ilrry CIrrlee roe Think of your retirement years as some of the best years of your life And plan for them now trtmtt ttlt uteri In at other It rertnrulelen WA mm lrrttrnymr FrltlttlltttMrIWllhnlAIIMIIOMFMUIIIIMMD mth ten ehuerrn runny NAOMI noteMOON tlrlnr current Innnltyretorlhoornntolenlrovo would yrnyldo you III monthly Income ol over $00000 ttntI hltlltttl $000000nynnr errouulr todonllthoto thluyt lll retlroment you cnnt In new the tty tenth tot he wtntor Amt tlIvIl whom IItltI when the mood IItoryou Another ned tlrlnn to Inow About lllll rlollretnrnt anytrrytl tntrtlttt It runlrnu ytentter Ilretter too tool It I00 are oueln It on run the current lovolrdlldlou otyourtotnl 1200000eoutrttrutton lrreturnod In nlee ttllltltdttdltll And It you reytrtor on or Intern tIbrunry 20 you cen yetyeurtlrrt nlcetrt trr rebrtotttlryonr he rend the rouuen below or erllthblmdtuo tor IneppolnlmnntWIll Iltew euttewrnyoontrltnttton 00306 ronrrllullotttrrt IEEUNUIATIYI IIIIINES ttrIId It III Ihllltlllllt eyrrrnuuenr troohrertut Irrumulollyr lIltIllItltt ry yrrumutlllrt rIrIrItntImtrItenrerIIe III III by method rm 00 not you Note tIIt your Irtoet yeetty rontn ton otter Irr IIbItI Motoyeur rrtlrementyeerrworthleotlnp toward to mmmum IIISIEALINII IRUSTSCor rotten tlDuulopstreeltIIulo0ntIOIIlEbMOE Iterteretl Inund Irrrnre lblltl eoyeintmentwlth Alllclhmlltldtl rrorrrlntrtltr Inert roonrrr ltlrI starter MIrlenr Itorry BARRIE VOLKSWAGEN IIII ltd It Gewen Deltlornr at ur nutty ulo CAPTAIN rncre loll Club II III III SUBMARINI rothce uer elected prntletent It tr IIuIInp ty lammfl$ IIIQuebreGotlAlreellllanrrl not our room Redrhlnl dIy the tletory pulr CentrIl ll Dtnrt Ittdlrnd In the plryottr vtIrurI Itnlhlrtt Ind Itotr Euth ttrom $0000 to $2000 ynrrt orrnr Itentty contpounututerotlmnd nettlrtynot oteryyort mom Itlehluhed Iltl ltlthtl reroutey OAIIIIA BTERLINO IRU

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