an Its tell al its Ly rut In hti Walking With the Living Christ iLLOS ONTHEROADthanIl Him lAtle lttll AM IsaasAIr tar Ills artistic dash latbs set tbs Resurrection tIo ownuo the Scriptures andth resort LIIILAd and Ialhd IND Propch Jesus tried to tests tttE oucsrru Invited tho the bread lsaha roast cast but tailed In than understand tbs necessity Itrautrf to dhos Iitlt them EMTDJhAyhmledIy return GOLDEN TEXT HORN 17 WEEKLY MEDITATION Blasaaths sad bicalsd Political Involvement Is Duty Of ChriStian Says Rector By REV DAIID II DAY Osortss Aarilcaa out We beep burial Users will ha icderal clsctlun corniay Iooo No one Indus oilicisiiy when it will be but when it is unauao sd II will ha surrounded stabs by all Iha usual paraphernalia elsctioulervar truot laser Ataln many people will bstin wnndastan who they should rota or must conlcsa that am ans oi tbs woudsriat hind sinca the chalets that an open ralss strtour com to my Carlot lsn conscience bianylmps do ntst have to wonder they decided to so or to yeer are Berta Ibclra Ir tha bettsr way sir rots II cast even be lots ths election Is Innouaccd and lth are at pears My It aay lust bs Iban Electlas Is annoua tor must state attempt to assess the Issues lll than are any which dirtlnrulsh tbs partial aasesa tbs rclalivs honesty at the candidates and arisespt to slim my solitary sols in harmony with my hitsilsn conscience One at the hellels thal many people cs clall members at Churches oidlsthsi Christians tbouhl not get Involved with pol itics This at course especial Iy applicable to alerts One line Barrie clericsras seccatl taken to task because be bad asui rally to plus an slscilan poster to treat oI bis toms dont Inow when this belle orlttaal rd but It couldnt be ma Irony In tact it la the duty psislleta Ind rssonsibillly hd every Christian to yet Involved Ilth politicsl In whsisvtr man not As lads la risbt Polllles ls lbs seierus and annisllmsa It at tas Irnlnt our society tla would Anglican Roman Catholic Discussions Have Spirit TORONTO CPI Disass sloos bslwcsn ths An In hutch at Canada tbs Unitsd hutch at Canada on has hand and ths Roman Catholic Church on tits olhsr ara Inttreiy dilisrcni says Canon PIralcv an expert In scruntalsrn Antlicaiu Ira commitch openly and tormally to union with the Oaltod Church snare Is no iurulal back isosu this without lots or lacs we are lsdtrd to nsyetlats with Iha riled Church and to as am alone In thsss nsyotlr run them with its Roman Catholics thna is the spirit and tits at any adventura la tbs Antil rssIioman Catholic diaiaxua us are not committed Thurs ivre tbs Irsahesu and apron tlnsllyWI sit down late when ya want to CanonPurlay director or III Ecumenical lnslltula at Canada and an Anglican clcr man has had so years oi arpsrleaca in lnicrcburch contact 01ch at talks complain that unity ls betas pushed thth troni above without sassroots support Canon Puaiey admiLi that Girlsllan unity Is still an Idea rIliIrr than an actuality but wish it has to tats place iirst at its highest level or risk bclnt series at local Ivsnls unduly dependent on particular clerny or local cir eurrstsncet Olhers say that local union between coatssystlnns or to Itans is the na ural way and will result in Iirontrr union It must Ictlis irorn lbs top down says Canon Puxlsy Tarn tho authority In the church can hold back until tbs parish lcvsl rays yet is con vsried Canon Puxloy ssys ha be item that tinle with the Roman Catholics ls tar more visionary than with the United Church beam with home nctatlallons are be tween partners oi rests un sven site And he says Antllcsns are becoming more tied up with rubrics as Roman Catholics become rcleasad Irom Ihclrs We ars passlny cash other In opposlla dlrocilons Ila says Ansllcans and Roman Catholics era tradi tionally close because Ihay Vatican Rules shared the sacramental Ip roach and ths was stars or sort MOITNO TATTEII But rinrs lbs second Vail can council Roman Catholics are movlnt Inacb taster la ra nasal than slihrr the Antll cans where certain sections are In dabter oi rIIrIIlinl lato medlsiallsrn or tbs United Church Canoe Parley as is III the Roman church In in midst at second hslorautisu It comes lrom Vatican II Vatican Il may be the blunt event since Psntccosi Iisdlsa swilhthoss who say that Anglican Church wllh its sacramentall ethos and attachment to tradition Is an illogical partner tor the more asaatelsile preachlns tcnltsd linltrd Church WORLD BRIEFS tied it diliicult Io piers dlllcrruces ol that sort be tween tbs United Cbureb and Antllesns on there are dlt tereneea Ills Iltllnt Instead oi Insrllnt shirts dislrlbutlnl wine Instead at bed is tiny up to communion at when gnu earns outside onto arr met you cant tab In Anyt csn iron United church man its doesnt envisano two churches emertlnt Irom union blIb rburch tram both rotips and law thatch from th Thats theoretically possi ble but Item the practical Int at slow it is unlikely high church Anttlcans would want tostlct ora to the nation or apostolic minis try Not all would loin with the United Clutch Satna would hold all and lots Roms Aid Sought For Addicts BRUSSELS Canadl lbs United stairs and Italy lock tbs load Friday in an um Intent to sscbsa smarts and tnlornsaiitn on to handia dint Iddiots The sIrssmsat was reached In meettn at medical sxprrta mass by tbs North Atlantic Treaty Or tanlsstlon CRACK DOWN ON DEROIN WASHINGTON hauler Tits United States luatlea ds partinsat has described the own problem as natlonsl cmirtcacy and said It will do play as many as too Isdsral atlcnts to nine major cities to tap round up harota when no rlllcs In Now York Ios Aatalos Oslcsto Pbiisdalpbla Iiouston Atlanta Bcnvsr Cleveland and ltanssn City MANSON WONT DIE SAN FRANCISCO All ths Calttorais Suprsiris Court dsclsrsd Friday that capital Concerning Baptism Converts Changed VATICAN CITY lAPi Pope Paul Issued now rules ler adult converts to Roman Catholicism Thursday and radically ro vampcd baptism tiles in the church The new rules allow oven polynomials to attend some church aerviccs pendlnn COAVlrllOtI The pontlil also reinstated many traditions and symbols at early Christianity lob had iallrlr Into dlsuao lot 15 ccrilu slot or mars lla set up the new csicnary at nonbaptlrod sympathlrers to in shade lhbso wba show some in allnallon Inr Christianity wltb fld lull decision to embrace This was tho result at cxperl sits In mission lands said Her Jazques Cclllcr Alslcan polysa mlsts could attend church scra lceI without bolas requested im mediach to repudiate all but one OL iAeir wivu this In par lltllllll important he said in vlcw od competition Imm Islam which allows tour wives Tslhtr Collier director at ibs Trench National Centre at Ll Iurtlcal Iaslornl Work presented Pope Danis doctor at naws conlrreneo The new ruler also allow lot choice between baptism by outlet water In mammals Read or by unmcrslat him In water They leave It to local bishops to determine other do tails such as whether converts baptized by Immersion should bs named as In early Chrlsllen times Immersion caused real deal ol discussion In the all can said IIther Celllcr but was secepiud as bclicr sym bol at tho convcrts immersion In Christs death to emerge with lilm its resurrection Nastybaptized converts the rules said can choose arty name they like provided It Is not al Irnslva or Inn church The Iiva rules have been thumb test period In Canada France But ylum Japan and Attics punishment ls unconstitutional and ordered tbs death sentence oi ltd inert and livs women is ducod to Illa Imprisonment Amour them Its Sirhsn Blsbara birhan tonvlslsd asalssln oi Senator Robert Ksansdy and Charlss llamas convicted In the murders ol Iclrass Sharon Tats and six othars DAMAGE WAILINO WALL JERUSALEM IAIt Naut ysnt workmen have been haid res aslbis tor dansats to the WI In Wall Judalsrns most sscrad shrlns lsrssll stats radio said Friday the discos sry west no at tour holes in the mantra stones at ths wall which dates to hint Bola as tlrns sparked sorry to tious ptotcs Premier Ooldr Idsir order spacial commission to probe tha IIIIIr PEAR BEIT CURE bars tower problems and lower social ills to contend with today It more and more conscientious mistisas had been wiltlat to eat politics and aserrtss It mortar ministry In ths body politic Rs need males ant lessor saliva hssolvrrncnt at Christ isn peopla In mpoaslbis Iovsrn lat positions ll our tavern mcnls III all lsvelss have data or are data poor thlnts dont lust rrtikiss them Oct out and noises them It you arcon team sport and your team does not show in tbs rams you loss by driault Christians you bats charm to iailvayttans Dont loss by do Trinity Sponsors Lenten Programs Durlny Lent special Friday noonhour ronam will be are scaled It tnitv Church Ministers and laymcn Irom lbs Barils area will rascal addrer art at Itziu the Antllcsn Church Woman will provide lunch boils belorI Ind sllcr tits adeis Bossier nest wcck will be Rev Basil Turbo oI st tiles THIRD and other speakers In clude the Rcv David Kaye St Geostas Church Mayor Lon Coats Nrs Usbtbaurn and the Rev liorso oi SA Johns Classsb Cookalosrsi lier St United who Ipoks ycr tstdas on the Aloasmant ALLIANCE CHURCH Cosh SI Dayna IIrrr Iaslor Iiissiostanv NNVHNTION luausv nus Miss ultra Lnu lndenrala Iril Im Iarrslly Bible School ll Im and psis Illraianary lcrvlees ALL ARE WELCOME SUBJECT 950 Im Sunday that speaker In thI series was lbs Rev David Proulor at Cal TORONTO CPI The Ilsslth Icarus at Canada has asked Premier William Davis tar support and oviaclal funds to impress puhlc morals Tbs Icarus headed by Dr Gordon halos ot Thronio has told the premier It rssammends scare camyalrn Initial In nasal disease and Cansda wide resistance at doctors and eieusny to discuss declininn am Is iy OLD HALL NEW HALL TORONTO CPI plan ulna consultants llrm hsa pro posed ronvertlnt Torontos ovd city hall Into concsrt hall to replace Itasst Hall as the home at tho Toronto Symphony Arco Plannln Consultants ostl nrals tha proEoci would cost no rnlilion eraclss in My Llls His Story at Res llarnhard asIlIIbIa II CROSSROADS CHRISTIAN CENTRE Open btti Isl lltI Closed duh mlleanorth Alldbural say It Itssari All Wslcoma Hl WA BURTON AVE Unitsd Church lllntstsri list it Purdaa Ortaalrtt Mr It Canals MD WHAT DO YOU SAY ha standby tar lbs church and not tssrrsls byItaadsr ALL ARHWELCOME TilillliD sonar SCHOOL rrssou ByAllredlBuasche ad to ieruuicn to MIA bl IOII Aid 41m TRANS read its sppeecd Emmanuel Baptist Recognise Brigade Emuiaausl Bsptlst Church Ilti mtaiss tbs Iurh aI Grim Sarvlrs Briyads Sunday at Ihs 1pm strain as part II briIIds mouth activities which Isla piscs across Canada and the United States during February Brlsads moth rim local recoynitioa to the work at bris tian Smite Brigade which is an Intertltnumlnaltonal youth trIlnloa otrsrduiion tor hayII to II yrara old In arms at irons bags Isa involved In Christian crstrs Britada program in rhiacbea throughout Canada with more than 1000 men in some pbssa at local brltada leadership Boys and leaders iron the Orlando Battalion and storhsds Unit No Im at Emmanuel lisp tlst Church will talc part In the service Soma at the boys Ilil bs is In bndrrr lor the schiavaments they have complaint in tbs bri rstla mum at iatbsr and sun banquet today and sums ul tbs leaders will to rrcelvlnI ad ssnccd iradusblp tertillrstcs II lhI Sunday Iicnlny meetlnt FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH It areal It Parlor Rss II thaws til Cadtlntira It Papas assess WORSHIP SERVICES Ilibo and Motels desslea l0 Im Mimosa tiersch Escryans Walesms DACII to con noun IIII Im lundsy Moralata Turoalo CHEY FIRST SAPTIST CHURCH currpnsou aI worries st to to start Icttuol Classes lrr all IIII II Im larship Misti THAtIIlNO anu no answers silrsly on Iulosilans MIL FORD Nurses Iacllillrs la Sinclair Hausa ETHNIC kiwi VVVVWVVV DO YOU WANT TO BE 7rtirui TOA MIRACLE Ta Iaal Oods Prsuncat Sea Hls Pmst Ta Isparlsnes Jesus Know His Lava To Shara Hla Lila Hsallno Dallvsrancst YOU CAN THIS MESSAGE TELLS HDWI shoal and Adult Classes 00 sort Fsmll Warship Ssrvlca Chit carslo cars Rsv Tunirs Parlor CHURCH PEHTEOOSTAL ANNE st too uvvv THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CENTRAL It host It litaistsr Ilsa Donald Iar iiA BD Alsaciats Minister Rat ltsrrltt Aablaa DA BD Drtaalst Mrs Lsslla Waller Cholrmastcs David thick ARCT ll Iclock tlh Dmlo 0th and Scout Church larads Thsmol NOW IN THE DAYS OF YOUTH Nursery Facilities Avsllshis Tbs Church BchoaLs meet It sits Im and it oclock lclruure manamnasorenssmarmuim ihurrh Directory at JOHN ViANNlY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH CORNER tvsssrn Islam uuvu ST ANDREWS PRESIYTERIAN CHURCH Class at Om aal Inky Bilalstar has In Rsm Director at Praises Can Vaa Druscrt CanIsssiassss Sat 7st to his pro Ilm ans sinsI lsrsblp Brant Panda Dsal THE OHIO THAT DOESNT TLLIGE mash School Scalar cams Schaal Im Primary taurrh School at ans Warship WIth Us Holy Massas Sunday 050 arn to an 30 Ian le 71W ESSA ROAD Tnsbrtsriaa Church Oppnalts Barton Assaasl Minister liar IL Taliban Doc omliali lira AL AL Msrtaa AMT FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH anild Btrast NS Im Sunday School 00 Im Morning Ssrvies 700 pm Evanlnp SIrvicI TIs illcs ranin Ray Cecil tima Interim Pastor CIIrcb Secretary TMIS AL WE LCDMB PLIAII All church copy chan ges must be at The Ex aminer cities by Thurs day at pm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY It Collies Atmt CItltrch Beryl hunday School WWI II AM unafldg Tastlssisny Illsellal crust iris sysla nu pus mam Tuesday 00 Im MaralaI Warship OF GOD AND MEN Mt latcrnasdlatr Senior and Adult DrpL tit stars and up lliot Primary and Julius up II II ysarat Nunrsy EaellIIicI provided Visitors erssuaa WESTMINSTER fmbrtrshl arel I70 lieela Irar hm bltrnster Res Attila 00 ans MORNING ROBOT BURIED TREASURE 0am behest aaI Nassery Ali than IT MARYS CITLIU Roman Catholic DLNDONALD AMELIA ITl PM SUNDAY MASS MO Im 1030 Im 00 Im 500 pm Saturday Mass 700 pIn urosesnsv assassins no mass muanna NOLENA DEIOTIONIILN HONOR OF OUR LADY OP PERPETUAL HELP FIRST FRIDAYSI MASSESI 730 Im 7130 pm mi NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Ouna Peel Bis SUNDAY SERVICE TITOIm RIIntIubrIacI Ionics 00 list Vanity Ilbls lions Mr Walter Ireland Barsls nuaday School 700 pm tlvralat AsrsIrI Mr Brian Iss hurls Wednesday 00 Im Prayer and Blbls Study FREE METHODIST CHURCH I00 DAYIIHLD 01 Res lV Dull DA DD Pastor lTquituri BAPTIST HUMl in St Vincent St Barrie MO AM IMPACT CKDB dial 950 Iii Im Sunday School tlioo Im Topic ILUB thlNO 700 Im EVENING SERVICE tth to Series by his Ernest Aluor lliGlITLY DIVIDIHO Till WORD OPTITUTH ctlscussina prophetic ascnts litl prri YIIII Pcsplsl TroIrIIa lervlnn thrlst sad Your Community 915 AM FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 00 AM FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR Gusst Speaker Ray Donald Dinnlclt Special Music and Chair 700 PM BVENINO SERVICE Ousst Speaksr Mr Jack Noyss Christian Sarvlca Brigade laraa slali assistant Spselai Must ALL WELCOME The Anglican Church at Canada sr GILES cruisers It Coal dtmt ST GEORGES Isrtoa OrIIstIiI Streets David Kaya Iiretar not Im lloty Communion Ilt00 Ins CbUdreua Serviea Church Parade Ior Scouts Cubs Brownies and Guides tito pan Youth Service at Christian Rstormsd Church Yan Ara Mast Welcuasa COLLIER ST Res Bull Touts IISO Im lluly Communion 1000 Im Holy Communion OuesI Preachers Thl Res Canaa Askew Church School and Nursery answers as watcowa NlTED CHURCH Coracr Cslllrr Ild Psynlr lilalsisrl REV PROCTOR ILA Assoclals hilalairrs REV Iii RINLAV DD Deaconessr Mls Stuart Davis OrIIntst and Choirsassissr Mr Lloyd Taliotd 00 am Morning Worship BIdsnPcrwsll Day AN OLD STORY Wl 700 pm Sunday Film and Climb lisa Im it your and over Dido and it years and cadre TH NEW MEANING Evanlnp Ssrvlcs Discussion lcbosli Harris Iteicasas To All TRINITY CHURCH It Collisr Burst Nsst To Post Ochc Ia lav tartan ttalnly Ill Im NY CIMIIIWIIII us In Italy crrurrurr Am Im Chvrsn ItMslI lthIsltmssdunllu 0M Ilrdlli ll LII HOLY MUNICH CI VI AIAII snlsas till nasal Otlanliti Mrs Malsnhamr AIITcitsns Enamtiiuird Gross St East lilaraiut Btnlerst Dentin Morulat Warship ititt Im Solid Schools Grads and uader It Im Osrr Grads hit us Ministers Rss Art bluesy IA ID Tbs Friendly Pellslslslp