rb IIIIIIIII Illllllllllll PRESIDENT of the Barrie And PW club bliss Alurtrl Perry rim asalrta LL LII TlIII ions as an unit candis II the International attht ceremony conducted at the Atlanta mention The dinner me was held at tba Amcrican oLaL Examin er Photo WENDYS comm Whittle Script Material For Charisma 72 Revue mwepnnunnu Barriss on answer to sprint mwaodttsas sacbanroeaa mm Irothat thsciso ds cidodlodolWIL Till101k International Night 555 At CandlelightingCeremony Bsrrls hiulacss women rosin bcrs or lbs Barrie litule sad Pruiusicnsl Womens Club celebrated international that at sandidisbtlns memos It tbs Talmin assettnp lha oh serum In an Important event in the calendar at tbs lnterno wtionsi Business And Protections Wasrscn one at the worlds mast barbimtlal artaulrailons at no Tbs Prdrralioa italics moss than 225000 women from many countries around the world Allbou members apsak In snast Igussetandhrstnroun trill wt dillcrlnn traditions they are at one In daylodet proposes and Ira dcvotsd to tits Iams objectives brlnrint to in dividual members Icanshlp and understands AMBIENT CEREMONY Eads eandis Ui dutlal lbs Im pmslvs esrsrnoriy was synt bot oi tbs aspirations and In Season at tho dedicated woman In many lands Tbs rardio can train lbs tabla sapaaasniad Iba oldsst and Iartut It tbs inter ustlousl Bsdsralions alllllatca the National Federation oi and shuts oi lbs United Itrtot at America which was immod In Till bits Lillian Jones and Airs Mu Ntll oiiiclatad It the Isra rrwnr CLUB ODIECIIVEI Durlnt the evening members raviswedtho earnmoa objectives al the club To artanlsa business and al their combined abdlties and sith in all arts at the world To work or blob standards at service To encourage women and this to acquire occupational Ilniulnl and sdsaaetd edueo Ion to encourats tbs participa tion at trained women In the rommtmlty and La Ihs business oI TOITmIDttii To present tbs Ideas at has Instr and pralmlanal woman to world artanlralluna Tn fFrosnuia Irlnsdiy stil lions In undustandlas IMI business and WOLCIILODIL wo rnm hi all countries The iatemsuonal Todoratlon oi tiarlacss sad Proteasianat We rnral Clubs Ira cummith to nipportlnt ssssa students It tbs itemsllsh Worerus hm Casino to Jordan The protect accepted at the Edmaor tori honest it oducstisbsi io voltlnt scholarships which pro vlda social workers with courss la Ilia Social Sciences at the On Ivccally at the West Indies Yprotesslbaal women tor the use ANN LANDERS Dru Ana haulers Icel yshamad that cant handle this rublcrn Itans Im 10 am tell three months lie told morltbtawa that semsidnt ctaeriouswi anyeaabocsuas had lot at lesmlnt travsl Us and IIIIeu to acoornpUsh bc are ssttllnt down was Iurs could chsnts his mind her cause rsaily wsnI Isr him Every tlms hI called saw him evsn it It meant brssklnl other commitments ur issvlnt Thres weeks In ha inads Ionic susterllans that cartil deradlrn ra rcarwtuct In high schooll Iansstcnd wllha couple at guys and it them at lricndlicr than should ave lss rcsrattod lt svcr stars and dsctdod no mass at that Well Arts Hall was pretty rsuaslss so sad to llva in Just lamps That was thus seats are and invest heard word since What do you IhlnhlWiltcd Miallrtae Dear Min The asrnpis was ample HAITED TOO LONG Dear Ana tsndrni im not asking Inr advice Im Ilvint some Why should woman tsko husband bark whcrt he has made her appear Insdo quale svrn undsslrable by chcaiinti Why should will suits or whats lclt at tired old man alter he has slept with othcr women Inr years even In tmlucod use as his bride and shared psctnancy with heat Rhon my old that at lad up with runnlnn around tiltd In break oil with the IadyoiLho rnamcnt tilts thousht ahsd not even try camlnit over hero and lvlnt rria all the details oi their avn allalr Rhea told her she was boring molhat but heard It all belora tram at least Iaur other womenshe was shocked ldantknow how on can can lime to hand out at tortlva andturret lunit when man acts like an alloy cal lor yeIrI At the ass at no throw the bum out and went to warlr Now Ulintl uadm at home ANN LANDERJ only regret Is that didnt do it years ItoDumb The Loan Dear DTLi Your latter to so lull or holes dont itnuw when to betln Ilrst sliaalint hus band docs mt make his wllo ap pear Inadequate or undasirsblo la malios hlmicll look that was Bcrnrid man who has sispt arousal tor ycars Intro ducod another woman as his Itsldo and shared prctnanry with her should have been given the dotpals innit nto II you had wrlltcn la Ind it years ate with the sums start you are tslllnu me new would avr advlscvl you to throw the burn out PRESENT CASH lirar Ann tandem The word thallun la Ilsscrilavl in my dlrllonor as ircnlons tram worli leisure rrsplte tram rerlmtntnl tiroyram AIRM ula period durlny which pro yrammal activity la sua ptndsvi Will you please loll ma wiryI prulvssurs assltn pro lusts lots are RUDDOIIU la La rum lILILl on return itutii vaca tion Also why do they saiicdula esarrn tar lha llrsl tla batki What they are dolnt malts tho stuttmt work during that pa rind which was designated tor rest Is this Iniri Hither the tilt ilonarlcs should chlne their hsvs urns sell respect III dstlnltlaaa or its pros should sinnerhtmrrdisks rtavma bum in tha Caribbean tbers II shortau oi rally trained persona Ivaitahia to meet tbs asoda oi Route living In the territories third r73 II centred as round this ADDIIA Vacation si School at lama Nitrrla Cbld Ayo blown President oi lbs National Federation oi Buslaua and Prolossioasl Womens dubs oI Nifnerta rnads an appesl tor blip its turns or equipment that Is nesdsd AWARD WINNER Ths tle atria wba sccclvad bursaries Irons ths Barrls Club In ml nunsly Colleen Fitzpat rick st Josephs lliIh School OIlI Alston Barrls and District Colletiais Carola Oscar North Collrtiate Gals it to Donald Easlvlsw Moodssy Idrooi and Nartsrst Mishap Ocorplan Coders wars invited to be our little Timber plans were mails lot membership drive In thI turns at Wins and Case Party to be held It the Holiday Inn March II Irena In to pure TIIP DARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY PER II llll As Long As You Learn From Costly Experience cbaafs their schodulci lluw shots illMissouri Dtar rliIIIsurIi dont think youll have any luck with the ssloopapbsrs so youd bstlsr try tbs rots blast at than are raasona psopls and It you rsssut tbs ens In cairn ra ousi manner you lust niitbt tiitlbrltlh iaodrnsr decision DONT DIVE UI Cssrldaattal ta Need media When Ilia la Raulhr Rsrrllm hcr lanalsliaws wits words Perseverance II treat cl ment or success ll you knock ions annuals and loisd esotith Illa sure to watts up arms Woman Marks lOSlh Birthday SWIFT CURRENT Bark ICPI Esther Dalsmaa cclo brates her totth birthday todlr hiss hatcnsss trident ol the ruin Current nursin horns said In In Intarvlrw ursday Ihs has lived Iona ills haeausa she has been happy and healthy She was lot when she was admitted to huspltal lur the first time lira Daisman me to the wllt Current area In IIII til oi her It chlldrcri are still llvnt and she has or Irandrhli dren lit trcalttrrndrhildren and I0 TCDHHDL traridrhth YCD LIVE LOBSTERS Arsltahla Now It DADRIH SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Air Conditioned Mel II to sandar Ital hidar Ii talist CLOSED MON It Iradlard IL 71 11 pm or 55 33 Es SE Es on SE El ggasg Ehs TLIE PEWRIIANCEI Ira mrbtsad7obuaadtbs Ikltts arI assilabia It tbs us ual Iscu downtown or by talc menu the pro ceeds will to reward seboisrv ships Arid bursaries lor this Item local blah schools who wish to work toaard dsncs Probably bscsuu am still Iryint to It the hours ortsn Isad alter tbs nuts am has lat dlltltulw this year in writ ten something very runny Rod Is very hard tsskrnasler and doesnt stand or Inytblny less tbanieschent which It wont SOCIAL NOTES JEAHA BRIDDE CLUB Winnrrs Wednme shirt at Jsaaa Brtd Club were North Boulh lat its Burks and bits Swain Rut bit and tits Schaarr second and his and Mr Bower third EastW and Mrs Hamilsion and and Its and Mrs oalicr IN TILE CITY David Cameron oi Tarts Colts RR Perl Count Ia visiting his Indpsrsall and list Walls ColUnywood St FROM SCHUMACHER Mrs Allred Lillie oi Schut mschar Northarn Ontario II tbs Irier ol hrr slstarlaIsl lira the historic tip II mission to tbs moan ths Ontario Science Centre lrorn limit to April plats Jilly lost that It was Iha Irst tima man had put tool on the lunar Iurlscs Astronaut Michstl Collins stsyad In the discs crew mumbutl Nell Arm stront and Edwin Aldrin sat up various types at equipment on at sail and rocks to brlnr hack to Isrtb WEVE WI world like to announca that we have tell our old location It I20 lhiniop St We are row located at burlap II We hope to see all our Islands and customers at our new location Aries atsrcn siAprts it Your rood humor may attract stroke at luck beyond tbs es pacted Explosion uulamillsr Isltbborhoods compacts as rlcaccs with to hunt brlnrs better it ormatlou larttr questions Taurus April 10May Itls Obssrtully telling all your them does asrly sits the slats Irr chants oi pros and scans laisr In the day Densial tsiay llJiIla ton Sonia tut rusrvs thins out and on can msks In sllisnca when lrlsndablp Caoecs luas Ilaluiy Ills more likely day tor sociable so Ilvlty would be hard to pick ilakarlhs sounds rather news soldI invitations Ile sums your se Lea July Ant Ills Now you an on tho upswing lrotn tbs deepest ebb at your yearly cysts and you can isbrals with an tuyrloln day Oldsr people Its more hap than roaster Vlrrsi adept Dis Lika DEER KILL DOWN Tbs number at dler killed in New York state drnppsd to 19100 La 1011 Irom lull in Kenneth McKmsit Ind Mr ho sshtbited la The Apollo it mission tool cammsnd modulo shits tho tbs moon and ttlhrrrd samples licitarisla Wslllnptasi St Rock From Apollo 11 Mission Exhibited At Science Centre ORI aitba rocks returned by lhs tintrain rock to ba shown in the Science Castro ls part at rocit orltlnnliy walIiI Milligrams The remainder oi the tacit ls helnt used tor selen tliic studies such ll dctermlnlnt whether Ille ever existed on the moon and what the exact pra cessss um that Ioimsd the has oi Tran Hilly where the Ir tronauts select the samples The rock is heat It scaled nitraten Invlronmcnt In order to simulate the attriesphors ol lbs moan It will be displayed In the Science Ccntrsa Great llaii MOVED insurance Slutiris KNITTING CENTRE DUNLOP ST lnssr the hiss Polnlsi midi lore there was no mars than in nonunionMilton Ihs Iarthcotninn Iranians oi Sharon issa Tianun to Carry Stanlsy Sawyer bu born In nouncsd parents and tin Harold llamas oi Downavisw Tbs STARS SAY By JEAN DIXON as not you an Intel to draw at tontluo to yoursell so you may as stall do it well Show your work demonstrate your stills enter roadnatured competition Llhra Sept mm 1in You can cost mate associates bust ncss contacts to mart you ball way both In that disturb Ind arrecmenl But you must tats the Initiatle In nearly every ibint Bertlr yoursslll Crospla Oct LEN Tilt lively day like this has to ba used to the tallestdisplay your Rasst manners and loop mov latiitartns Nev ItDsc ills Abandon the ldIa at tlmslabis with Isaci periods dssoisd lo Ipccillc achltIsa IlI Im swinan da In which at you do also dbs dons with phasls or not at all Capricorn tDsc it JII Ills Put all heavy chores listl ourrsll deals for moss tutors to conditiona Too many people show pravoeativa ran sol iri temis and schemes or any raullna pro Aquarius IDIch lllt CsI hcyund parsooaiiilss strlva not in so delarmlned to turn thins around lot the Iska oi turn at thorn Platte lTIh ISMarels TA Evsry mommt you can spend nelllns around eomparlns ril notes calchlnr up wit anus and views In to tits toad New lrlsndshlps otisr mutual IIIIICv tlnn mystcrics to ospldil Jack Nisan skipped his rinlt to victory to win the Bank at Nova Sculls Dophy In two day spicl held at the Barrie Country Club Winners arI Irvin lett Rick llIrrtlltcn leads Ilr Nisan accepting lin plsy Irum Don Chlltlrk Rosa tron vice and Paul Collre scrond Ba financially lndapandantl own MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC BOUTIQUE llrrla Norman Cosmctlcs to years leader In the cosmotlcr and lesbian so sassorles Ileld lI expand to In Ontario no part at this psollh able network at uoo Cos smile Boutiques throti out Canada and tho ni tod States Omvcrt up Froiilabis unused spacs is your present slurp into prolilabia beauty busi lien or upon run an elusive coarswtic studio You will he required to Invest in lnvonto lite tutor and louohod Im mvssncnta Initial and sonilnuoiu comprehensive trauan is provided For Iurihcr Iniormalion write or phone collect MERLE NOMAN COSMETICS sis onerA noan BItAhIALRA uursnro iirsi tsiatsl lbs bsldoslncts Elsa Rd bridanucmlobs Is tbs son at bit sad Alli II as oi Stroad Tbs Isddint tars lsts It Emmanuel Church It Isarsus strippsrd Avast mil Downsvisw an limit It Plans Include Card Party In Spring Plans to hold card party at the end or April Isis discuss cd ll ths Febnssry maetint at the Ladlsa Auxiliary to tbs Canadian Prcyrsss Club ol Barrie Players will play the pains ol their chairs and arsenic their own lonesome Auxlllar members are look ln shes to this trial tuod ra lay protect liter vies held Iucccsslul sheltl Sup arty at its aaadlan IA is all Jan hit The business mention was chalrcd bay Idrl bun Peryar vlecptssl eat In the absence oi presldcal lira Sur Graham lira or was also hastsss at ihs tries Tits liarc session willhs IIald at tha horns II hits Lynda Illi Ier Ilarshrll avenue itinhilyht oi tbs msetlnt will be IuIat speakers Ilrs Edith McCarthy and tin nhirley uraqu Spcatsrs will discuss their to valvetnsni with Wednesday Nlitsrs club orhltiiltd by tbs women to rav rscrsav Ilon lor retards adults in Ihs IreI Tbs Wednesday Nlrblsrs Club rscsnlly cslshratsd its 10th In varsary TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TBStilt SWEETREART DIAMOND RING SET dSlAthlINO DIAMON IN NEARTvSNAPEO SET as THE RIGHT iDEA ATTHE RIGHT MOMENT IN HER llFEl WEBBS JEWELLERY III2201 Policies Will PushEquality mdurlulhsmmq tbay Its Irrelevant or tin tits speech said he Gourmet Artistttct reect the needs oi at cm ans not only the iavared dos to Inassrs the scum warden were last aroma Ions at these pollelu doors from the part at annual committee taut In to eras4 detail rseomauadaliaca at royal Manhattan In Its an or women sonar NOTES 100D BIRTHDAY Hrs lists Nubia will ba ItharnoAIZln and aetthbon on the news at her tooth birthday rusty Ad The Tllsbrtllcn Ills held at Icrroy United am and the celehiani ins recur ed on tillI Airs Hohla ins IbsIlitb ties at ianaiii Iras ship on Feb hi im Shears risch with heroeurhtsr Chaatleroillcatoo Retina VENTURLTT HONORED cl Barrie lsnturs Club so at tho hours Brtly turn wan Atlas bIanIrct Goodiqu Narrbbrldwclerl star run honor at bridal lhOlrI Goodilllow bu been snub ol the Barrie club inr it ran study strains was brid Artur tits svsninn when members cussed club activities its mseilat will be held In Ls inn It businer raccilat rd urns AFTERNOON TEA kilos Balrlcla Sarlcaat Intro talncd at an aiternocn tcr manihm at its World Reliclin volvernsat Tarth turrln club The tea was held at Shanty Bay rerldcncs The Following Businesses till Int SUNDAY FOR YOUR DELICIOUS is LAKI SIMCOE WHITBFISH DINNER s150 Also asulauts at our Ilkaout rench IARRIB SEAFODDS RESTAURANT Air Conditioned Openlltaunudsyttst It to It Cloned Monday 100 Itradlord SI WWW stall anua MART PRESCRIPTIDNS DAILY and to so EVERY saunas Ii AM toS PM Welllutlcn IV TilAW FREDS FLOWERS mm It It oiroud lrtoo Im ts moo oh FLOWERS POiL ALL It lbs home at her rsrsssia social eveaiat Ior mics tilNlENlENli