at ileum like is sir not tags the to mess Is that works mar the natal llicls has her with at arrro both par are lee viii that In the thirst mind its and it not so aptly outside rruwrrr that at rep to vital dd lay pm priest in its the tax the lsrrrr in its Itsllcn hate put an on lim Iallcr st hm rrrltrps as no this Ir renal at were In think it you tell Isl he illtll our platonic losicat done apart think it ierninirra dual lights on ICielb aid in rpui next iitlt buy our three III any Ilnir til missed you berl time at Ye have are mks madam armors an rs rm BARRICADES STARTED Soon alter the announcement that Bernadette Devlin the Westminster HP was untrue ed to six anonlbs Imprisonment ntwsrroonoor Injections Against Flu Not For Healthy Doctor tbs modulaobcushas plant said lbs crew and olllcers were tram TORONTO tCPl Dr IIaI twill Tl Pitt as men en 2th waiivnoderidla uth It on Iglinat min be as badly all asllthcy sot atlullseli Dr Duncan said the vaccine In use Is not very Irod and many people cutter reras re actions its told the University at To rentas school at hygiene that the reactions can be broken down Inla two classes local In nblrh the arm becomes In ilamed and It sure tar halt day to two days and ayatemle in which the whole body can be Illected In the letter ease be said people Ieel generally unwel may be laverls and et beads ache which can last roni aaan two da but vaccine was advisable Ior some peopleelderly people who can get that Is er turns to pneumonia those with heart trouble and those susceptible all year and every year to the tin Legal Attack THUNDER BAY iCPl Clly aallcllor llcllltrlck said Friday city council could be subicct to legal attack It tour Il dermen disqualillod earlier this week participate during to day appeal oerch Itr IIcKllrick In written statement to city oiilclala Id vised that the aldrrrnen not take part yet In council proceed as The tour Edgar Laprads George lovelady Bert iiadans and Tom Jones were ordered removed learn cities by district court tudse lloillager tor having entered into contractual Irreementa with the city Kidnap Probe HULL Qua lCPl three Quebec Provincial Police spe cialists Irons Ilontrcal Irlday took over Iha Investigation LIIIO the kidnapalarms iicla live months are or loyesrold Gilles Leblanc The special Investigation was ordered by Paul Denali assist IIII OPP directorgeneral The boys lather JeanPau treblsile had complained earlier that Its was not aslhlled with the way the investigation he been conducted to tar Gilles disappeared alter he tell his school Sept man who ldesltttled hlmreli over the telephone as the boys uncle sated that he be sent home lnr late mNilothii esIl demsndlns upon ransom was made to the lab snc iamlly late that day Union Rejected RIJND RIVER Ont CPI Employees at Wholesale Homes Ltd havorstectrd unlcn mero borshlp In vote conducted last tea oltlta Ontario Labor Relatana Board month under the swept II the Labcrcra Inlernntlcnal yerterds local youths oi the youths pull PXIiOBIt started making barricades and shocking Friday so at the as employees Pakistan were opposed to Joining either Union or the Lumber and San nilII Workers Union Beagladellt portach on OTTAWA and other materrslr they soon reheated upon arrival at houses with bricks etc Here the British army IAP Photo spokesman tor the it said they decided to lump ship in Canada because it recently rec ogtsltesi Blngildrah lormcrly LuI Palrtan which beclroo an Independent nation in Do rember alter civil wsr Ari lmmlfralton department otttclat said ate Friday the men would not be tossed to return to the vessel He said It was hoped the ships Igcrlt would male as sacraments lit Ry them to Carriers Warned dlan transport commission has warned to lorelgn and domestic TORONTO CPI Abaat so demonstrators pirksltd In Un employment lassuranra Commis stnn nlila hen Friday to pro lut delays In payments Aborr la demonstrators bexan the protest and then recruited other irom among the isnes vi SAN FRANCISCO liteuteal StrikinWeat Coast longshore men apparently have voted cverwhernlnsly la ratlry their work meet and end the learnt och strike In the United States This is tbs conclusion reacbsd trons comprehensive Router telephone survey at altldsla represendns is at the as union locals In 2t statkebound port In Washington Oregon and Orti Iornia iblls the oIIIrIIi results were not be answered until later today oliiciaia In every malor union local told heater that they vrrre coalidenl that between $5 to is per cent at their members had voted to approve the alter merit Signlllrantly the Portland Ore San khanelsco and Wil mlngtun lion Apples locals which otllcllls beieved might sessiny veto the tentative work agreement voted to return to up paving stories people with mpILgLI and poems Commission seams said that in order Ia rut red tape to cheques have been ordered Irorn the Beilevtlla payment centre beiarl the claunanu dossiers ass cornplete Dockworkers Ratify Contract The roles title tastrndnula personal ap at by longhorn lnena Press Harry Bridrrs Ibo unsuited to locals In labs Angels San Francisco and Portland Thursday to Ask Inc the meanbcss support in the vote The settlement spousal pro vides mania or pay in create to to retroactive to Dec and another to relate an hour blanks July The proposed contrect runs through July rm longrhoremen lust waited all the lots last July but vrsre ordered back lot In May pe riod that ended Christmas Day when the White House obtained TaitIisrtley lulunrtlcia The visitors eoarllnued to work alter the Initiation expired and then walked out again last month The Itrika bu caused nearly t1 billion In lenses to countless busineser and tsrnar that rely on Paeliic Ibipplhl economists work by an estimated roper rent yes vote ANCHORAGE Alaska tAPl the Soviet ships aclrrd In United States waters last men departed Adak Island lbtiiay ust 30 minutes belorn the II slval at as marstrnt attempt ing to take one at the vessels or arrange trans snatber vessel guard reported CPI tae Cana back Into custody the coast The strips also tell helps the arrival oi three herring ileet ei itccra who were tired here Thursday alter lacing charges say Seized Ships Leave Alaska suiting Irom settlement at crlm last and civil charges at coil Icllvl ea In no sisters ilowsrer US beaded tor AdIk Island Frlda on the suns plans as the lbre oliicera wen releaesd Iron 05 eultady alter paying ih room In lines and inches In an culotcourt Isreement ae duclln Illegal Ilsiterlta support marshal Soviet ollleera to serve papera UIC OIIice Picketed Over Payment Delays The can cheques an stared bJ hava no namu as amounts The computer rcntra at hello villa has been blamed lee delays sbirb are drawing criticism LtllltIIST Nb iCPi Unemployment Insurance Ohm mission rhainran St Der finches oi OilsI ca Interest to about soc unemplo nrkcsa here Friday measure the cam minim Ilii take to speed up payments claims sir DcsRoches pertained the unemployed including nanny aha staged taroday ailin at the commimlon attire here this week to protest basing pay ments that In Inaurann nitrcer mid be added to the local air tire to help expedite matters Tao Trtncblanguage orgsntr rations in northern New Drum Iiek have given aupport lo the unemployed The Partl Aeedten the racist cal party establuhsd recently to support Arldian allot aald Psi dsy it visa easy tor government cltlclaa to blame machines lor problems but that the Inrkers were not machines Ind did not with to become machines ban the Itencblanguass at gional council said the workers isth to resolve the shutters peacelully bait In choice be tween Helen and starvation they me iind the tint atterue tire the cutest ta tullou Photo TIDE and opium packages anywhere In the sun TRAVEL AGENCY CodeineRequesled Druggists Say THUNDER BAY tLPI Sev eral drussIsLi have told RCMP that students and teenagers enter their stores and ask ini large quantities at near paescrlp tion medicines containing ml Cadebis is used In many coirsts medicines and pills pain killer It to similar to but weaker iai action than morphine TRY MEXICO BAHAMAS MIAMI BEACH DISNEY WORLD or JAMAICA Ask about our attractive prices tor vacation We think youll be pleasantly surprised JOHNSON SHOWS QUEBEC BUILDINGS This as stamp shaving the historic buildings at Quebec III designed by Reinnard Derrrtia It will be Issued hr the Post Ollie Harsh it it Plus Spectncular SKI Short Oatttol PAL LIST AND IENIOI CtlllENS CARD ILSFEND ED IOR Till ENGAGEMENT NOW PLAYING Leo seamen Pioneering Spirit air carriers either to live up to their embark on chartered ights or taco penalties that could Include cancellation oi Ito cores in Iiltt case at domestic IlrlIan The commission made the warning in telegrams Friday to the carriers The warnlnl tol lawed recent report that re turn charter group irom the United Kingdom was reiused permission to take all tor tan ada on the grounds It had not lived up to tilt cbaner regula That ath Soviets oi Illegal tlstrtnl Icltvlly attorney tor Alaska Kent Edwards said his al llrs no longer is Involved In the cars and does not know how the Soviets will return In their ibn coast guard laid it no lancer bu turtsdletlan In the matter and the cornmaader oi the Add Naval base said he has asksd military authorities in Washington tor orders on what to do with the stranded to detain one at the vessels In new civil suit Illcd against the iovlet government by Seattle rm It DUNLOP In BARBIE 726451 non ll DUNLOP 512W BAARIL ONT President Doug Corbrldse oi tbs all may bring hunting season till THUNDER BAY tCil llunlera timid show more pl oneerlng spirit says Lands and Forests Itinlster Leo Bernlrr Spelling Friday at the oven lng session at the Ontario Fed ersllon at Anglers Ind Hunters lie arid the success rate tor hunters is low because too many stalk IIIRI Ircrn roads and waterways There are vast wilderness areas In Ontaria that are vir tually hunterlies with plenty at me herald Ilany hunters should consi der travelling little tarther or their game and enloyln the sd dlltonal benetlla cl wldcrnesa seclusion Ilr Ilcmlrr said there are concentrations at two to tour moose repays mils In the Trust lake drs area near Red Lake In northwestern Ontario lions To Hunt Doves THUNDER BAY CPI Ontario Federation Anglers and lluntera said Friday this on maumtnx doves lie told the opening session at the ledcrsllans annual meeting the last open season on insurer in dove in Ontario was In rm and drew contraveralal use lionsSonre groups lnalsled the dove should be retarded II bird rItAer than game although there are open seasons to most states oi the US lumped Ship SAINT JOHN NB tCIl Ten Iinn udeth crew members on Pa talent veuel In part tiers lumped shlo Iltdsy say Ias they were sIrIld they were Alex lielklehan manager at IMPERIAL Anarniovla intrastate who hate warmovlial Rt REM HeldsyMspsanr in danger because maturity at Now Playing tllll II IIIIII GRILLED Citeincitement lakesJew 185 Dunlap TZB5l5l OQs FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS Monday to Friday ROAST cillciini with dressing 0R BABY BEEF iIVEit with onions 175 Children under 12 $Ii0 Complete meal Includes Dessert and Beverage Patton shown ones at 630 pm MASH shown oncootgilO pass MWSR Is what the utilisation at iiltt screen Isallalout Riehssdenlslat Ills ltllll Iatllhlt iltlltlli IIIIRIII limb Aalrsolrenlngirltioduellon OeltibyltELUxL tradition The two ships and the three bI BACK IN BARRIE BY POPULAR DEMAND TWO OF THE GREAT MOVIES FROM IPTI wnv PAY nuns INCREDIBLE VALUE Folks $300 BrutN WILL GET YOU INTO BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM HOME Many plans to choose Ircin You Have Let Well Build This Is not shell lock whats ssrnstr inmate roar OCOBIPLETELY WLNTERIEED Ineludsd In these homes nsua awn ROOF mail FIBRRIILA onovrur ouzvo anyone INCLUDES FREE DELIVERY nnn screens osxrrrnron rrronesr unitary ERECTION PLANS 864 sq in 22 39 INTERIDR DRYIVALL INSTALLED orlunnrno PIIIIUIIBI surruaro IIOLLYWOOD STYLE KITCHEN CABINET IIITII DELUXE BINK OINTERIOII AND EXTERIOR WORD INCLUDING HARDWARE ALUIIINUII RIDING INSTALLED CHOICE OF COIDRB RENT RECEIPTS have no reaaia value hornnr Home Is wath thotuands titers than It coils tie your own landlord build Inywhcra city or country Dont or bother you Consolidate your land home and miscellaneous payments In one easy trionthly plant WITII ESTABLISHED CREDIT SHORT OF CASH BOMAR HOMES Incorporated Postal an has Toronto it on BOMAR HOMES iNC Pom All lies Toronto to Oat Fer liiIovmatlon Cali Toionto issassa samurair Irocatlon olIot NAME umrurnnun ADDRIXS CITY rc IELEIHONE ddsssssssfssssdssssssssrfsssss