Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1972, p. 3

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STROUD APPElL Few Volunteer iFOr Fire Dept mm mm mm til crertieaaslres were mailed mlm to nice in theStroud roeI hog MM only live ere returned It the vI replies it was tell IAIN BATH SHUNT ion Barrie Boy 2nd In Speech ContestE one in ere no will dis us open on lo Det Ah De In spite II midenbla met or publicity at the need extra Min At meeting with the town It protection mice war mornth ended lbII rbiel look late the mike one Films On Animals The Library PAMELA IITULTI in you ever wondered about the bro II at our lrlendsi ItI hIII saierrl trresting that on ulnula that Iboitd do It trio is It num ber el iltrnI on the rublecl ol IniniIlI Among his prostate tires is Boer Ooira This Ii lllbm NIll Armani Eh ll gear terer ype subloct II the black berr ho Israel in ercltecl more humrn curiosity laughter Ind respect bthre Illsh Nata AmglIn biect er cover Isoie remarkabld Another Weill Disney in tile iurel living Albino Series Deer Family This is also In role or Ild ls Itmiriutee tong DiAloctive ireitI oi the wild rrtoose pron hora Intelope cIr thou Iad tetelled deer Ire examined The trim discusses their wintering Ind leedlna pro Items The llmd That Thou ht lie WI Reccoon II eilnlte tItorite Irrtong the little people it Wait Diane leIturettr Thlt Iilm leiiI strange It Iypeln lo deli the ills nrture ll cre Ire two Willem tics they the bound the rreroon Yet this is not story Idet two enemies but start oi love Amnfpuplvloslnndmh reluge wth mother neuron and her son The two soon be come lut lrlendi strong bond is termed between we bro thers TlIny midadveainm lol iow and much sonhialon as you hassle ilm tor children have your ehildre you questions about Inimal which you sonretlmu had ternsd diltlcult to uptItnl For example gay do Inirriaia move as thy it this is the erse then your children should see Animal hiovle This enrhInIlng him will motor all at your childrens question Ibeut how sad why III imalr move in their own rIlcue IIrntrnner The mov means It animated color teen derrioIrtrItrI how it run ilIh swim bird tly monkaye climb it is about little boy who discovers that he crrutol compete with Inlmrtr by moving the they do There Il may more ltims Ibout the helm bird tiIh gees mire rIbbllI oc opuI rid monkeys which no vIllI to you through your Ll Iilsn Service LOCAL AND GENERAL NEW WORKSHOP representative oi the Terrie and District Association tor the Ilentelly Retarded will Ipperr beInra the lnnlIIti Council to prev Irnt deiIlls oi the naming at ghe new Wnrlubop en heytietd trce ELELIIZD pinrcron iour ItIrrle lumber dealers attended the convention II the Ontario IletIll Lumber DealerI Av=nrlIton in Toronto iIIl week rn par el then hob LecIrlr vnI elected director oi the II rutiItion The others attending were lorne Cerrutberr hrden Orlllirt Ind Charles Griiten representing Atlrndrle lumber do DAMAGE twoerr collision yesterdry Illernooa cIuscd In eItlmIted not damage to the vehicle In voivod The mlthep occurred on highway it between can Ind tel oro No The drivers were IIIrgrret medium at time bridge Ind Arthur John Noll ei brerborourlt CITAdll AT ANGUS DImrge war ertlrnItcd at site to two which involved in col listen in the Angus plIsI IrldIy Ilterneott The driven were Aripone IlIlIrcIyt oi Angus Ind sire IdIcDonIid oi arse lion en TO ADDRESS ACCOUNTANTI it liowud superintendent at tho Ontario division oi the TorontoDomInlnrs Bank will address later meetinpol lhI Georgina IIIy District Irtcrrd Accountant Associrtlon Thurs dly tithe Dyconir inn WI Ilc Ueecb SEPARATE ICNOOL committee at the Simcoe County home Crihoiic Scori Ite School heard is about hrll va through budget preparev tionI Dlltlcuily In completing it Start New The Dorrie YlleWCA be ginning two new programs weeit directed speclticIlly le wnd teem The progrrms Ire In Teen Sruna oath and introduc tory Weight mining The time tor the sauna bath ler gtrlt Ircr Tuerdry pm to pm The same hours are re tcrvod lor boyI on ThurIdIy ties in the duty in tent sce ornmendetians trash the province lrt government Under law the baud can IeruI the municipal ities some at the required money hunt on last years lig ures unlit the budget he been completed The bond er IlIo authorised earlier to burrow up to outcome until the budget is ready Thus in this year to count In mounted to more thIn remote INTUIER CLUI Scott letter we elected ore sident oi St Andrewe ind Iter rle Venturer Club It the clubs Innin meeting Iii teem re piece Albert PIppeI who II Iumrs the position ot vicepro Ildent Robert Gore was elected IerretIrytrerturcr In Thomas Otlon wu registered II Ven Iurer coIdvlrer The Public Is The Press McLuhaniom 0i PMs Ollice OTTAWA CPI new hchuhenlsm is held clrcuirted by some delete it Prints Illn lster iv eIus attics The public is the press llIrshIi IIctIrbIri cInIdiIn theorist on communicItlonI Ind sometime adviser to Air Tru deIu uttered the world die The morning It thIt societies are shaped more by the NIture oi the medium by which people communlcrle than by the ren tent ol the communication reIldeni thinker in Air True deIuI cities in tilt devlsrd thlI McLuhantilts serertl The process it the product ThIt III to describe lsderIiprovtn clIi coruilluilonrl tilts th thrIsa meInt thrt long WON Programs evenirigi thi The weight trrlnlng orogrrm will be conducted on Mendy tram one in use and on noIdIyI trom pm to pm The pro runs will be under the superv sleet et Grry Keys new Ildll member It toweeir terrnng expereace rem on lvertity In the United EtIteI PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS oCHAPTER 530 DANCE Saturday Feb Zdth or 800 pm Knlgltir of Columbus Noll Deier St ALL PROCEEDS FOR CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES Music by Page Dress is Casual Refreshmentl Oltiil MEMBERS $200 GUESTS $300 tchniclam ill on at the World Vision Sac red Concert IIet night It Barrie CeatIIi olleglsle but in the best trrdl on it the rim nIr rte yeutb worker Bernie Smith It in It the int rebut the Trlhlaclppelle more who United Slrtes wet grounded In Gilcego are to lllght cancelI dens Ind the poor veIthcr de lryed the arrival oi the Crrpcrt terI Union laglon will hold an open hourr Sundry irorn to pm Tilt cAhPLtTEIid Union lrnm Won Ontario pcr tornied Inst night It Iirrrirr second rnanrl Secrrd Cooreri It Rsrria Crairel Oolicdrlr PRO LETTI John Stevenson Uocet Iieaerrt el Itspie Grove out rather have tab which School was the only Barrie em LL ice but patented chat teent to place near the top in age the runs linItr at the Oral Cm Runnerup In the in resolution Festival held It At was lMllil Dekrlu oi Drill ODCtt who Ipoh hirik bioere llIyee tic Cools muteroiceremonirs Urine Overhoit Jim Dell and Karen Deli lruniner Photoll Concert Almost Cancelled Because Of Weather Strike nymuw unloui Examiner Sldll Writer Inclement weather Iriti the litter TM Cooke meslrrol ceremonies explained the dilli edition orgInising committee was boring to tindtng the where about oi the periomien Ile mm may Air Smith to lead the Iudionoe or ice in reve hymns and readings until CarpenterI Urdun could in their way through the Itorrrt With help trom memberI oi almost larccd meet the show wes held were dbpersed throughout the hilt PeIrce Ioleirt Irom tha Iridium me either went on Any thoughts at min only hIli rhow were quickly trpeih ed alter the group delivered rousing rendition It recent hit Save the Country Tltcir tinting In almost every number wav lllvelres Irtd they showed considerable versatility both in their instruments Ind voice controL Legion Plans OpenHouse Ltd by Elaine ltvrrholt ptnylng smell arise the group ItIrIie breach iti CInIdian Ihiitrd costly lrom rock song to The public ls invited to recoup pIny blIynr its Cooke on tour at the new building which was opened Nov Facilities include mens loungI genres room band room and mixed lotuige hroouct hit on the second level MUMEL mpgpg hes prIeity tor e50 people ronto hthnls Iiusle Alter the tour rttreshmenls rgfurmm mde will be served The building will 1me mum Mr mm Wnd In Ontario This year the 5PM lhiltol nutubcr ui participInts The building II Ilingtrei It me ever hove bcen entered The Steele Ind St Vincent Milan Wllv Mil ANTON Enstvtrw boundary School lerrlaio bands and choirs the brought many honor to the city The senior and Junior cul lrgiatu hands inerton todry In Toronto but alrctidy the icntor Woodwind Qutotcltc obtained lllbl ildlC in the open riIss woodwind ensemble Incl the llmwv tirrt place In woodwind lihimlm rerrthit tIny instrumenttlont The unlrr woodwind trite lNew Ilr Tinderus olilco haI come up with the Ilogrn thrt the publlels tile him version It the phrase Aliyah vntiy wII coined by Pierre inger when he was press crew it in President John Barrie Places In Competition limit in received In honor rblo mention in its class in the National Fire Prevention Astou lailen contest results With II so received In honorable mcn llunlnslaclass 3M kl In 0ch wnncr or Inn is opp Theelplelseotledllrrrnrr Will Will publlc option meme the Ontario which the tool the only polillcel reality tor us ilrIt piece tor municipalities be the pres reaction to govern tween tonoo end their popula nient pollclel Ilvi Ictiorir lion COME IN TODAY Anwa its meaning in 0i rnIi otthcra lInnwIyol Inowlng tht the public lhlnitI but it Iiwryi Inown what the press thlaltI Deyeu test thI list out oi water when Incense tart time roll around let GDIIPIETE NIIIIOCKhIlpputyou RETIAIII In hipvtilvle twists of mm preparer cheek and clearance your mm return tor oeeuroey Try mm vs Youll titanic your lucky my Mm uIIINrI mllmu Irangli or rmtpemlrsmi WWW uttetternittt hsltdhusoolotlutialsrhtarrlts DUNEOP UPHTAIRSI Ill PLEASANT IILYD lTAllitlEl NEIWICK TilAlli OATOR MON T0 Till AM To Pilly SAT 10 chairs and North Crnlrel Coi ens DC Carol Kings Youve Got rstien et Iroper Omsmenis FriendAttlmrstheirhsrmony tcsturing Karen Dell Itning reminiscent at The Mentor The PIoIs especially II Illher uprano with help irom her ro Ilm Iod bassist link it John Stevenson on trumprl entonslsatrd his talent by giv PC Wonl Run Neg In excellent rendition at in GreySmcoe OWEN SOUND IEP Percy Noble Progressive orurrva live member lur anicnl tor GreySimeon will not sect rrci ettion in the next general circ tlon The Innnuncenrcnt wu made led by Alex irrie president oi riding tinn ir turtle IIld Ilr hobie or has decided to devote more time to his private lilc llr Noble was iirst rlcrtcd in June tier in the old toastitu ency oi Grey North Thatrldlng dbrppesrcd in the rettulrtbut tllont It preceded the tail eiao ton came third in the clear it years and under tnot icss than three nor more than eight players Ceatrtt Coliegielo cbo under the direction oi llIry line were thrtted one ilrsi one second end two third prirrs The Idludicetor Itunron Iotwlt burn gave many compliments lo the work being done by lhcill bring people The choirs cntrr ed only the tour alarm Eattvlew Secondary School rhoira brought plaudits ruin the Toronto press when they were to worded two llrvl prison in the competitions They Iitu placed accent in one class and third in leather The choirs Ilso coup ted In the tour cIIsrcs only Both the Centre and EIstvlow choirs entered cheese that wcre cItegnrich Is prrts tropism Iito tenor and bass or male voice or III girh lttny students item be area entered solo clsrs Chicagos hit Docs by body Really Know What Time it Is The groups curiildcece on state and quiet Introduction to their selection indicated both love tor the music Ind degree proicsslonaiirrrv rsrely seen in group to young Mayor Coats told the Iudirace during briel lnttrrrdrslrin thrt lhil prriormces were not only ntcrtalncrI hut uer lan Stewart representative at World Visinn oi Canada dir cursed the ngInIIIIIeII hint it work throughout under olrdgcd countries in the world Collegiate Quintette Wins At Toronto Kiwanis Festival also breunht home honors hunt the lhnlltlrl lroni Stntcuc Dean Frank motto headlines Is he cums Iirst in his three classes or Vlulilt vole lio entered the rompeil rt ion In year And under to tits and under Ind sdviinmi viuiin solo in the piano tlldiu Mich ella ilnrper some third in largo class at El anpcllloia The rerripclltlvo class lor lInadIan contemporary composers Il tracts the best pisnislswho whh in colorch their repertoire oi our own computers Anne Cameron placed third in The junior concerto close to ycurI rmi under ltnvlit Golder lurmrrty at Churchill vhd IllDlPil lo Tor onto that pose rIn ttrst In the itach class it years Ind under The innate IestivIl continue elt dry today and througbt next listone itanUng Iiemorial Col It It lnsututs hide the second te Kelly ONeil at St Dorniniques School in Oabviile in the elementary school competition The secondary school prrplieil speech and impromptu speech section were were by Port Cre AE school Itudenlr Bill hatemen rontener inrth cslriIi raid Umell speerbdn mibotTodIvtlnt Emenied It the sire heels in srrie last month are reie ice but was overshadowed by Tim eriya speech on iterher lire Ratemon criird her Iprrch dei liul ml to oi hunter ire Ind leie The winner oI the Ieeendrry Ichaole Yrrpaml speech recv lion was In hicsrol who their on llIrtlIte iliI speech was lrIlohtlsccd stIlement on more siege spiced Iith ouotrtionr iroin poet Ogden hIsh RLNN LP The runnrrup war Itsygsrrt Dorison oi Orangriitie Second Iry School who root on the Joya Ind Sorran oi Dirtin en InterpretIlina that could only have been delivered bv someone the had been through it Dorothy Todd oi Purl Ehrdtl secondary school who won the impromptu section with speech on Suninser iebe reached hit topic lrdrn somewhat dii lercnt angle With only minute to prepare the speed told the audience thrt she BLOOD CLINIC lS ARRANGED first Cross Blood Donor Clinic will be held Tuesday In Tkinity Perish Ii oilier St to provide ltIrIleI Ihare oi bleed ceded to the am The society provides blood ice ol chIrgo to hospitals Ind drpcndr on denorr to maintain In ItiequIte supply Al the last clinic there were toe donors and organtrrrr Ire hoping lot too in Much The local brrnrh holds tour clinic yearly Ind ll res IItIquIltyvery ood Ibr leod danIted goes In the re gionsibiood bank Ind the Rare rle hospital Ible to go blood Ind blood products herded throughout the year the topic Shtwriel College Athletic Scholarships All lm am given cheque tor Ill each and IN lor their rchtol Ind mIlkr one tor themseiirn All who participated melt record and pen and pen rt The three winners plrhrd It Allistnn will go to the Oninrl itth at Torontos King Ede Sheraton lier liarsh ti to con pela Ior crib prizes teagin trom not to llod and laycettes Plan Fire Prevention School Campaign The Rattle lIyrcttes PIT plannin lire prevention carn pain Imlti ETNDIN lib Iii clementIrv Ind nursery rchool in Darrin in ApriL Wortlng in cooperation with the tire deparuncut Victorian Order ol Nurses Ind public health nurm the Janelle visit wheel to hand out Duh meet decal and In recombini ing letter or the chlldrrn to take home to their parenta The letter will explain thrt the decals pnuihiy In the shape at belt should be pieced on the rbildrenr bedroom window so that In case at lire iiremen will be alerted to these reorru lirsl Pita are being mule new tor seeo decals to be presented children and invllldr in RI rc Sum hricter Jarrette reid the club got the Idea Irons Ilrn llIr prolrci started by the Joy cities in Kitchener EMERGENCY NUMBERS Tire trope lily Police Ambulance lcrrles ureter our rsuut III true true NIsee use It It Ireldenre ttInnIdv Incourt reroute tu bend at In KW It bretm vvitiirm rem timid Irrvke It strut Prer rules woven trio Th0 hrrd Avetwe Agincorwt on time rearu IIIv ll It In mm Al bill Semis Ivuoe ll lieu or rioan mum to ehltliy IT vow choke Tl Why not premve what you are erecting hy Arlva good Estate Planning hIslIcst Iad ierIoaIl ills in suIInce Equity rad Tu II rrnpt Pension PIIII Neura Ro mm relieble disability Incense CIU North ArnerIeII Lite Assurence ConspIIy IS Dollop Si Eve larrie Pboae moses MONEY BACK militiamen UMOIDNIDNAUY EUIRIlllEESlO GIVE SMARD OE RRDIDIOON Willi ElERYSDiIiiD PURCHASED UNDER OUR NAME Nil OFFER anoreruoursrnvrct ERIE lSNllAllSIllh to dhllgIllto ttrytvdgritrmrItoesrryltgetrigts irrililitotrlr titniirvnerllrrlitetltiirut uninsuuunrttiurs nonsense versionllsttlsllyt set lililil Illtlloitlllli KIM Alllllb lilllil ME Mlllillie Iiimllllie illIi All mile IiIAN Ilbill lilmI Ililttlll IlliiltiAiIiIllI illtttlie IIL All INCLUDED ZIOIYDlFOROUR PRIOIOHIOtYD tttwtuitiuivohvrtttntesicett YllllLIlUPPLlllLlll Mr Drerdleem Ibeelutely sure you It the ilneri qualities II the lowest prices Inywltrre unecndltlonIIIy gurrenteer to reiund double the dlllerenee in cash it you new cover its Im Isme errpet tor III durlnp Mr DIoIdleemI lemousT er otter in the OPEN MONDAY TNRU FRIDAY lli AM TO PM SATURDAY 10AM T0 PM 220 DAWIEW DRIVE new rerun

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