Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1972, p. 2

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girgrrmrel Georgian College Arianges nilAnd Fourth amualopenHc The Adult Deco tieaei P5 at Giorgia College at Attila ItklngrIillbetheweetI etc wttlhe wnllousvlelertuolntbedo Elamwanm kwarlb Ilagktoode Tim ltIaLlo 5m TAmtl tor on diolr term uletb Ilrl he mean in Ii IIIllIr lien gum practice members at Iple Grove lotrnnedirto School ouline Itehts to Tesch the World to Sing Prom leit Ire Choirs Plan Concert Spectrum Tl will give merri bere ol the Maple Grove School aroiI chance to Teecb the World loSlnI idling their theme from the tune thrt has become household ions The program Islam the Tinis trove King erd School and the EIetriew Groin will he presented ltrrch in dental Colledrte ruditorlum electing It hit pm The bimrmber Iieple Grove their will feature retort George Idwrrdr Ion oi Tir Ird llirr lim Edwardr III will ring ZIsiview Crioir will visit Paul Iser illgir School in Miami luck in lily To me may or the trip the group lpbavciilng Ildcweiiu clean buses and babysitting II students are pooling the ploceedr thee selects to pry bu ten and er expen concert cIlled Spectrum III the Central Collegiate Kl INditortuni Irente ot choir member ttlng into the act help gealre llllldrlllitl editing on To Rare Money Fer whistle ha tune trom The King Accompanying the choir will be Huron Davie demure oi Collier St Church Osolr Irent Tin Ellthth Riddell le rite Ild In the rrpeclly Strident III sing my Cal end The llerdin bong Choir dlr JIcqueine Ile Nla IIId Ihll tescising the choir not trittorln bill also to en loy euuree rity sherrld the choral riltht will gIVI the rud Ienee chance to beer the rear ltlea trim children to Idole cents Ind iinrily to rdullI Werlrinc US Trip publicity ermprlnil Ind pro mating Iria oi the record Erit vlew It oatIrio Plrce PIrentr Ind Itudcnu liIve worlred togeder on everyih rig treat snowmobile slitle washer as well II sitting in the MM hours ne ed to pro page lor the Spectrum 71 rep or llkulnoll warm It milit rid Ibo would come inqrilrirrlrom Inypnn is could hire Itudcnt tor ome prolch Ind help Iupport he trip Iouth People Want Heavy Artillery But Grown Assets Has None biiSSiSSAUGA Ont CPI lloncst Ian Smith iriendiy laderai IIIeImIn with bIr Itn bIrImcnt werehouse in town cht at Toronto has problem oole keep trying to buy my Irtiilcry tram him end be her none to sell Air Smith is redonei than me It the Crown AeIetI Dir pore Corp and he mIntlertI healthy rIler interest In movtay the rnerehrndtsHtS relr geretorl re wrist wIIches to cirrlrtelr Ill electric stoves to name law oi his lines The trouble is he rrys thrt people keep ceiling hlrn tr ing buy basooIII dlvebamEcrI and Ill msnnrr oi mllltery hardware that the tedorri government on longer nice hep getting crlls Irons these guys who tInkI Ightcr gs DtINWIlli crnt Icll rm Law May Apply hd one guy cat who wanted Second World Wrr brrrIgI briloon to light lorest iim Ills plrn to tilt the balloon with Roll it over the tire th Just how you get brrrsge balloon lull oi writer all the ground was never adequately explained by the utter Iilthe rnrnIch lama lot at goodch out at the were Roper You mm It tve told For Ineleoce he recently unloaded bunch ol hunun Itcietonr The Dutierin Count berrd oi educetlon ictt them up torrentbot lid pair alter the Cree elm iorres medleri cerpr do cided It didnt need thorn Alert at his Inerchsndlst rounds hits bergelh boo ran but III hmith the dirt to ern prospective cue tnmers that the goods are rncrrtly used and used hard rotunda no gue niece To Youth Program OTTAWA OP conict mI beIhIplog up between ltd In em minimumvwrpr lrglnlotlrm and the Opportentt cs tor Youth prelim ThI relrtlemhlp between the legislation Ind progrern is complex Ind some etilctels try the In unsure whether the le irllors Police to the youth prolectt others try the Iegisie lion is piicable but the pro mm in not cenirrvcne say gegtrlstlons Under the youth progrrm the secretary at ItIteI dcprrtrmnt will provide tto million In grant thiarummer to itooe youths inr nonprollt projects ilriiverrlly students will get maximum eve werlr wblie Wt rab ItudenlIwlii get motel legiietlnn provider It Ill persons it pure oi rge end one In wort urvili tertrrrl mutkget It lelrrl In unmet llltl Itointrtetmr GLASSES SAM DAY ea elude eitlee only TilR CROW AM IIZAMAIIIE It Oill CULITIJOL him DARRIE OPTICAL ClegpeIteI It iehteg mlill Wilson John IicCertner Ethan liIrvey tori Van Vrlkenburg Ind gulterlst Greg TIyior The Meat Ictlvltl portal tub ll one And lush been set week will be Is the evening except lor the weekend when there will be several mm estate The intact have constructed to ens to use per PIeulty run end met will welcome IIIIIorr tothe uhihlil Ind weekend IarerleuI lab choir will perlorm on March during Spectrum 71 II Ceo trel Collegirta tklrIrnloer Photo TY NEWS Till RARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FER ll 1m Cooler Weather For Barrie Area melor disturbance on the east coast will bring increased winds Ind cooler lemperrturer Into the IiIrriI Ire tonight It comprnted by rcItlerod snow urriee aneprtst melor storm de Ielopiog on the tern Iceboerd Ind moving no eIrthrd will bring Increased winds to prrtr oi Ontrrio Ilervy snow lIling ev er erttern Ontario will leper olt nuclei the dry red chInga to tew mu Mufn topr colder eir will be drawn routhwrrd errors the province Ind temperrturer will tumble to well below normII Territo Iirlniy cloudy and lcw Iowilurrier Why Some clearing tonilht Sunny periodr Ind wrdy Sundry winds in ereIIlng to annhwerteriy to to it this Ilteraoen lllgh todIy In the upper tor Inw tonight in the tower trenr lligh Sundry in the lower its Windsor tendon Itemilton Lake St Cirlr trite Erie Leie Iluron Nlrgrrr wertcrii Lela Ontario IlrInIy cloudy end lew Inowilurrtes especially near tote liuron todIy Some clerr ing tonight Sunny periods Ind windy Sundry Winds lnrrerring in northwest to to to this rilerv noon lilgh today in the upper 10 Low tonight to the lower givers lltgh Sundry la the low EIttcrn latte Ontario llrlibur ton Snow this morning trprrtng all end ending this Itirrnoon Tonight and Sundey cloudy with test rnoellurrirt Winds in IeIIing to northwuteriy it to it this Iittrnenn or evening Iligh iodry around at Low tonight to 15 lllrh Sundry in the low 20 North Iloy sudtmry northern Georgian trey TImIgIrrtl Coehrrne Cloudy with occl Ilonrl light tnnw today Tonight Ind Sundry elderly with cut taowtlurrler and windy thde increasing to northerly so to re Temperature lhlI mornln in the mid tel dropping repldy to shout trio in Ibove by noon lieI tonight rein to to below lilgh sundry zero to to chose thlt Ste IIIrIr Altonir White itiver western erer Itry Cloudy with oeertlonei light show tedey Some elrrring overnight Sundry mrtnly cloudy Ind windy Winds north weeteriy it to to High todey me to there low tonlrhl About to below High Sundry nerr veto Itontmt Ind ottrwe Ilesvy rnow wrrninI Ind blowing snow Snow Ind blowing rllnw beginning during the dry Ind pertlrttn tonight Ind lundry strong ndt tonight Ind eundry hepected Icrumuletlen in to Inch Trmpsretum rem ing DENNIS between it and so lodsy Ind Sundry Toronto tCPt Portrait temperrlurer viiillr low lilgli Todey Tonlllsl Sun Windsor SlinlI TD TS Stiltomrt JD ll TS tendon TD lb TO Kitchener so to Imminent It to Owen Edund li blurkols co to Mention it to St CIthrrineriI ri Toronto It IS Trenton 12 ll Kingston 31 ielcrborough no Nlllaloe North Ray 25 Sudhury IS leIrNon ii Tlrnmlnl lb NIpuItIIing Merle In ChroieIu White illvrr no Govt To Support Western Seaport IIDIIONTON ch The Ai bertI govemment will support scours thrt ihurrhtlt til be developed II mIIn weltern nevi blowiwIIne Haul trout in prov clrt grll In starter and rlIIsroecoI They will also provide two ionisation will use provide Ioiormrden lion and student Istlvtties Adr mlulena scanned will be IIIoet high More tea The eudensadeotlltteasoi och in The late is more ON $3M thd where near ol the weeks Icllvilil will take piece The rllieisl rotates usher right will will til Inll pIrIde iron the hell to the boost lollowpd by cbob eunmt liet chocolate and rookie inc all partieipente will tntlow the Third it will to bogged Ind Inothoe rIeeI Ind downhill Ililng Wednesde Ivealag will core rial at neveil scorer game teiiowed by rolling race proved the grounds ThursdayI events Ill genre between thI rs Iidcnllal stall and the secure lion sleli Ailerwrrd there will be hockey runs between the OrilIII Tire De ent end In Ilietrr term Itelt and train The biggest nit oi the Cm deal will be Priory when dance Ind the cheering oi the Plhtlvrl gone once or pp omennerw root tlgltbtemmper oi the beard grievi it in WW sum Mll INHAlleCDIOElMNOlmOIMlOD eIiII tor sleigh Ildee lor the mam Ind Lint llth the siteroona teeot edrrwlngeToerI IN Irid In outdoor singsenl end crnspllre lo the evening Sunday the tint dry will tea ture snowmobile rides tor the Asge trrlneer end movie in the glue lowing demonstration by evening In attend and third yeIr Irt Itu Cernlvrl lnIIrI rog eh nude tor Ill plrtlclpanir rare The hotel Ind retort operrtlon nlmldnm liliilliiilldbidllid will include lront do nota The public In welcome to vlrit WW ill in room Iridt dbaverI chlnl Iron in la web Ulstltchenrr strident will be iitltlrlrtl $2500 Grant is Welcomed to the technology division Illc lists will dsrmrutrrtlonr by By Association The Iiuronla Iburlel Aerodr progrenir and evening retirees rated at merry locations ghoul GeergiIo hay hogs Elm PIANNID Alt division oi the college will provide eshibitr Ind displrye In the businerr division complete IalorrnItleI ea presume ottered will be ITAUIDIIIDO cede group business msehla Amen to ill be compo ler it used to leach dry processing Visitor willbe come to operete the equipment Ind censmtrnicate with the com puier Th udlo vistrrt torch lyp ent will be demod ie the rim lrb sin taking dietI lrom inc corders Ovubeed protectors used tor leaching ottch pieced irreI will also be operating For the tint Urns the public also be dirpieyr in the cerImIcI lrberrlery and silk Icreenlag clusreems cIIi highlight will be students in the threeyear en gineortng technology procrImI II well II by rtudent enrolled in the lwoyerr technleten pro gIImI CDNTTIOL DYITRM or south note willth tour chennel wedselse to system designed Ind corutruc trd by the students control Milnth eercrdsy la Chsthrm IyIIsm tor In electric cer end by Fred oysrrxecutlvr rte mm mm Internttlc numerical centth lor lniorrnellob deoertnwnt The province in the entire hln mu video grants oi tome to so on It leurlIl councils red is Ironunt II being rrlsrd to EDD ltry Atkinson oi the local Ir raclrtlon raid the provlner now gives the rents great plus to our boards IhIrId sdvrrtlrlng He expects the Innottaced In crcIIe will go on top ol this it move in the right dir ection hr Irld We think more money shouldbleh speatlolrontlete In ourlsu oer Iv lite ituronlI Aeteclrtietth totlrdl budget at IboIl THEM II EMERGENCY ur Tlll strength oi mItIrlIlI equipment will he oprrrtlng well Is tire weighing bar up will lihulrsle the use at serious DAYEMAMDEN In Ilrlttl iord St lintyer Itudent ol the tbreoyerr ert and Interior dctlgn program It GeorglIn visitor can weigh tbsrruelver ci IctrentrIily Photogrrphic and static dis play will be rel up Ind the closed circuit teiIvirton Iywtrm will be in rrllon tierotigheut the cells niecrcen will be series television production preprrod by thettudeott oi the cemmunlcrtlon arts program There will include drrnir sport documentaries rod newscasts The ceuntlnvleg Idtlcetlon divi Ilon will have display in the resin building where represen tItlver will be IvrilIbie to dir cuss the vIriely venlng eo ser ottered There will be Id mmrtrIlion oi con time lag mIny micro cries loom It eh Inln automate rd touch typing polo rIphy rnd rd Hit will or re vote iiuslrIIe the more credit Irsd special interest urIeI ottered ugh evening rates Indlhe to or School oi the Arts in nisrnntuiwtt This retrelntng services division will teItirre displI showing thI Icrdemto and till lrIlnln pre Im II welt II inlormet on on in rendering Tllldl Geor giIn college Photo the management derelopment Ind tndurtry rrtItrd re Ind inltrinIlioo will be mile to An empio ment lhiointIlion centre wii operrted where potenliIl college Iiudent end Ilbis employer will receive iormrlion regIrdlng lob op lunitiu open to rIduIlet histories et Kl urtee who new euceur iy employed be Iveiiebl and rpeelIl pin to espltln thereo rItle tducrtioit preterm will LIrt err Ibout leer visitors alters the collegeI bottle PIrking will be Ivailrble Mr main campus grounds hilOT MINES CHILD DARTMOUTH Three membe Nl llln local motor cycle rested liter rootirt lIia Wednesday in it too yerrold chiittt narrowly ntssed nlury item my bullet ectlve Sgt lenltei Ilacltentia rid the pee will bechrrged with pea Islon at werpon College IkatcheI tryout dub gs were incident in hrlei to the government the Hudson ttIy iteuto Aesoclv tlon said it would be rhea tor Alberto to use Churchill miesd oi Montreal or the lower that Lritrg II trIding port outlet the Illbrldlltn her riled the lederrl government to provide deeper Irbor and more ngln rivrsge row It Churchill nuuerns AinlsIlIIre lervier meter OPP metre The Annual Meeting of the Dorrie Drench oi the Canadian Mental Health Association lots agency at the Barrie Unlted Appeali will be held at pm on Monday February in the Board Room or the Childre sAid Society 30 Poyntl Street Dorrie The public It invited Watch tor late 12 TASCONA BA iiB DARRISTIR SOLICITOR TRADEMARK AOENT MIMIIIR OF THE ONTARIO AND BRITISH COLUMBIA EARS wishes to sweetener lhe retention oI his law practice lot 9i BAYEIEID IIAitItII ourotito InnuIInInIIusIIIIIIII The telephone number he been changed lbl gritroot tlillllllitll Dwtillurui It could cost you fortune water tap carelessly ieit running It can happen to anyone and chances are your insurance would cover your personal loss But suppose water or fire him your apartment Ipreada to other arm You could be liable for very extennive damages Apartment dwellers can protect themselves from such risk by means oi an alisincluaivo Tenants Package iremhioonemicoi This modestly priced policy its destined especially for people who rent and its available through your nearby independent insuraneoi Igsnt 7Bhouidntyeu inquire about Econornieaia Tenohle Package to oy ECONOMyCAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY IAINiliiliii Iiil Illtll Oilto KlIillllIirH tilitruiti HOME BUSlNESS AUTO STEVENSON co For All Types et the met in Dunlop it rrerrot

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