Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1972, p. 1

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litiC lliillhtiY FEB 19 1972 Will Cooler trnisht Ind moderate winda Thinventures in naidteersa touch is sorta nrorm lance oi showroom XAIAINER TlthitOtiES more amulet Mathias mu My one Departments We routs Year No41 Leaders Tell Technicians To Stay Home by llil CANADIAN PRESS The Chi Friday nidit told the union technician in Toronto to say home until at least tton dsy and stolen leaders binned the corporation tor cancellation oi teniybts telecast oi the NI tlonsi lloetey learns yrme be tween Toronto and Ituitsto It union nonhuman termed the CBCI action reverse toe thi loss oi telecast oi the open Ias ot Parliament Thunder CBC spokesman said roent bere oi the National Association oi Broadcast anloyees sod Trchnlclans would be sated to return to wort only when the anion could tire tour ruarsn treat NABET memben in To tonto thicomptrta their Is risncd shirts linlon members will not In terisrw or tamper with Cth equipment to trim waltouts tthtie NABET members In Weather Slow Air Traffic By THE CANADIAN Plilidd teadierplasued Toronto to ternattoast Airport which was the one bl trouble spot across CInedI day in little at sir technicians which has crippled many commercial tlipbte hu better Iiytny conditions today ltuwever tact oi radar contin ued to hurt Toronto strport which open ti end It only to per cent or cap acity Friday the bit dc arture day at thoweel tor the usiut Iit centre in the count has better visibility tor vituI ra tions todayn at least until in la day at tstmittent snow Snow and rain had sortie ei Iert Friday the tith day oi the on the lob the CHI muse receive quality periunnsoce itom them lhe union will replace union member who calls in slot Similar demands retailer to waltouts have been made by CBC inrnayerneut in Quebec City Vancouver Cattlilltall its and Ottawa where NABEt rs were Ihoroti the lob hidsy cr tioisby chairman oi To route local ll ol NAB termcd the one action locl out DENIE IMAGE lie sold union membcrr lard not tempered with utpment and were not ruilty oi alloy the other three wrestles listed by lite management We can only assume that this action by the CBC tnsoase ment is resents lot the loss at the openlny oi Parliament Thursday hit Bobby sttd Strike rtritc ttoet other air its cross Canada except ounlrwt reported condition near normal without some titrhls were is however lltlt Andreet presi dent ol the Intrttiatlonsl ltro therhood oi Elelttrlcal Workers redlcted There will be no air siiic It all by Sunday lie raid the union broke all talk because at the government post on Spottsmen tor the use altit ersotliocitzzloi which said they been told by the ioderwl soverrunant they will set no am money than it the reenttncrcalerecorttm ded conciliation board on amid bow tons they stay tr illcampany Urges Canadian Shares TORONN CPI im tint Oil Ltd In celled on ioidtyry owned iitrrrs to sell more oi their shares to Canadians and to ut snore Canadians on their rds oi directors imperial is one at the lrrsctt llnltod Statescontrolled compo rates in Canada Dourlas tiscAIlsn executive assistant to company chairman Walls made the com rncnt Friday during ltt appear sure beth the Ontario lcsislre turee select committee on eco nomic and cultural nItloosttrm their Csusiitan directors and managers Is rapidly as posstu Ati nine members at impeti Ila board at directors are iul1 time employees whose career have been nt in the oil indus try he re tltslit ot the also are CanediInborn and cans dian clilscor lls said the companys broader msnayenieni proup tn the Toronto heed oltica and to ileid at across the country is tor practical putposea too per cent Canadian tic llscAttsasrld Canadians ttr ltscAIiso tatd Canada should participate as directors Ind Ontario could best serve at torclmowned tlrms went their interests by encourate ins to Canada and ioretpn merit oi cordident Canadian owned tlrms should be cocoon trus rsthcrtbanb retreat EEAPSULE ninth Tank Truck Spills Sulphuric tloid 20000 co ay overtinvriued tptillns the acid into stitch ottItlol oi the enacts Water Resources Comraluton and tho tocnl health unit and work crew irons Conodisn industries lid passed nevtruiltinr treat into the dllrii Snowmobilets Make iiiMile Trip Noltill DAY CPI Foiuteen lMMildl arrived here horn ENIOYING Three members at thettsr tle Flyers hmlcy club rip it little bubbly as ey celebrate their tlrstever Ontario lloctey Association Senior league title Friday nttht The Plyers din it hereto Ontario Canada Saturday Februaryt9 1971 GOVT REFUSES IN liS TALKS lltr tlittlTS or downed their Stnicoc County rivals the Oritlls Terriers is int altht to clinch tintptaca ttntsh tho eightleans leayue The emitter trio irorn Iatt Ire veteran riyhtwinycr Pate Iy noun Panayabto am manarerlitts Short and am captain Corby Adntru For details on tho name see pay Eaamlner Phutar Man Arrested On Clue Given By Hitchhiker tunonro CPI Spotti men tor the RCMP and provlo rial police said today youth mentioned month eso tor hitchvhutny save clue that eventually led to the arrest nday oi liarteton newts nistrout It wanted in the tinltrd States on murder charge The cpolrcsmsn arid the uni deutiit hitchhlter told them that Armstream accused oi murder in the bombtoy Ave at tilt at the US Army rnsthe saatlcs research centre It the University oi Wisconsin in blad tsun his was lists to Toronto under the surname Weller Custard with Anastronr are his brother Width 20 lteder tclt itutt 23 nt Darby PI and lJIvicl Fine rs ot lltitittl in Is tattle opertter or at speech prepared too Del Graduate student liab ert tassuacht was titled in the blast Police believe the three who start with Armstrous are on the Federal Bureau ot luvu ttzatloas mostwanted list are still in the Toronto area Armstrong was Irrcstcd in bonitohon th ca iromrrorsisllwrilihtiiiw alter his neishbors speculated that mutshot shown It the end oi the Americanmade television series The Fill Sunday ultbt resembled hirn Armstrong was known as David Weticr In the Mmlng house tie wu also known by list name It the Toronto Gear ttorts where ho had bcen wort llS To Seek Soviet Payment 0i Second World War Debts WASHINGTON iAtl The United states will tats iqu we count the ettects oI irritation when Isttta are renewed with the Soviet Union on the litre atsns multimillion dollar Eco orid World War lcndtesso debts Neputlsiloris between the us and the Soviet Union over the debts brote oil it years Ito he Us was clrlniiny tsoo mil lion tor the tint billion worth at v8 goods tent to liisssts durtby the war and the ltusslana were otterloy tron million Public word came tliursdry that the ititrslans Ire wtttlns to resume netotietioes on repay liinrrtnn iuei hetero midnipr Friday nlsht Wlltlliilt I00 trrtta trip in about iii imttt Ittevlsttttt vroup was to present Nurtli ttay ltnyor itnsce louirt with taped srcslinrs irons litur elilne civic oliticiits inlay later sivsuuwhiie enel parachute et hibition was scheduled to be troll onLits Nlpitsinr iurv Recommends Denyan ltpneai TORONTO IClI Nuncitizens convicted ul serious Ictlmcs ant ordered dcportcd should he denied the rttitt ot upricslinc the lil rtntton order the York County trend tiny recommended trl rth The sevenmsn lury said conviction or serious crimes under the Criminal Coils rhould bc considered It pmurtis tor deporto lion without appeal Russian Poet Pushed Oil Stage 5T lAtJL lttnn iAtt itisssinn port ievccny eviustirniio Ntheit oil the stars by protester dutlu tilt oppeatvnre hero 1iii nislri Two men was arrested The incident occurred when Iiiiiiiltbu Well about to start resitinc Stolen Apptce the title norm oi his latest boot beiore an autism oi about tutu oi the itscittcstrr collate Pletdhotuc Palestinians Plead Guilty CAtitii iltririeri tour Palestinian pleaded sulttr tiring the merrier oi Jordanian Premier tieril el Tell They 550 tony Live realm rpm the clock ot the state security court iirt iotnily admitted yunnlny down styeanotd Tilt on the store it hotel in the Egyptian capital lost Nov bl Husband WiDON illeuicri The wits oi terms time minister oi it recovering in lsoepitwt today alter baliir that twice tn the shoulder white Ihtetdttla her husband lrom wiwtclbo itsvstslns here Friday Airs umyn It Nsyct bi wile oi Ilcn AbdelIiusrslt Nlti underwent In emergency operation lot the WW ii bullets Sro data that to year mi DIcIdnnd come to lndia Prepared For Peace Talks NEW DELHI iAtI The in til toverument announced today that it is prepared to have dtrcct pence let with Patist at any time at any level it without any preconditions trio declaration was contained In tettrr sent to UN secre tar Ilsnerat liuri WIIdhelm nndtetesstd to the press hero lt iv the strcnrcst public statement India has made about possible see coutcrenco tween the two countries whch ieu hi twoweeb war ist Do or that envied with the cre atlon oi an ind endcut ludtan supported Ilan rdcsh in what as was iotttterty but Pakistan in the debt which has been maior hindrance to expandiny Us5ovlet trade Appenllni bciott the ttnttse Representatives torelyn opera tions subcommittee Sidn telntreud deput assistant are rctsry at state eellned at that to say what recommendations would be made It the tstts or whether ination or dollarvalue chanson wouidibe tlten into totuldctstton least live months provincial lice spokesman arid the birth they told police he had overheard converse and companion were on tho ttacdonaldCoriter Preew mrmwaommrsordrl troll nossstnt PliOMltllit KANSAS CITY Iiioutcrl roan robbed bent drivein window at tisoo Friday while elitist in the back seat oi stetl erb whose driver was unaware the robbery was tstlny place The Pill said the taxi driver pitted up parsea er who Irted him to be then to the bent to cash cheque The robber passed note to the teller demand lny money The teller rtuttod an envelope with bills and the taxi drove oti About to minutes Itter leitlol out the possessor rolllcebctau ht up with line are no spa oi tbsrobber liners Passengers Arrive in Argentina litter Rescue llUENOS AliiZS IAPt Pu scaoors trom cruise liner that went aytourvl tn the Antarctic arrived in hot and hunitd Bun not Atrcs lttday Iiter tire on plants aboard rescue ship The Chilean rescue vessel oto Pardohrd tetra the lot pesrcnsers and nearly hi crew members item the stricken tindbled Expkrrer which trio onto the roots oIi ttinrtleerro Island during severe storm went era The Pilots Patdo hrousbt thcmito the southern Chilean port oi Putts Arenas where they boarded Arhltier lottiner tor the night to lineups Aires ltlost oi the passengers ep ssated weary train the to or but not two octotcuarsus its at the oldest peo on and we think was id aworuiert trig said listen Burton tor erscit end her it sitter Alice It otvosttaod Catlt tier Preset Perrsrr homes Caths troti hitch sat tie wss steep tug when the uodblad Explorer to Irhlhad been tiele espe eillty tor Antarctic cruises went astound heard crunch and ed thourht it wasittst ice he said Then trotted out the window Ind tnew we were in trouble Two Persons lilo in Battle With RCMP in new Brunswick hhChilLbh Will it second person has died toilets in sun hattlowtth itCllP near here Friday nlrht itCliP said James Allen tin Corthy is oi Port Etrturtttt was pronounced dead to hospital in tisiitas early today Also dead is his it not wlto liter arrt tcan died ltiday richt sttrr IiicCsrihy and tCtll ctcbsntrd runtlro Ii ttoocl lolut about these miles east oi hero htcCsrthyr brotn trots the ho Westmnrland County is It Dorchcsicr tilt Friday Iltcr aoon amt accompanied by his wile stole car They made their way to marshtands near Sac ville where an ltCttP spokesman said police pitch they ruched with the aid at no as dop littorts wer underwa today to deterrtt we whether lira lilccarthy was tilted by yimilre trons the Eaten or by shots lsom arc to retolvrt held by McCarthy Pstico laid it has not been clctcrtsilnrd whether lio Cotlhy was shot by Felice or whether he shot htrnscl ttCltlIre also Itiempttuy to determine where llcCsrthy sot the aeration lie was in let eWIitlIt trial thiamine OTTAWA CPI PIriy trad er ltited the curtain on the next iedesal election campaign in the lie did try however that his ssirrnrueot Is not pita to mateeoncesrioas to the its to comm ntday turtudiny the tradenerotisttoos Itrnny possibility that Canada Us economic retailers will be main theme Prime hllnister Trudeau added iuei to the election this rprins by stonewrliiny up New Democrat Leader David tells read this as prooi that the porcrnnsent does not intend to reveal toretxn ownership pot icy until Iiter an election Outervetlre Leedrr Robert will it itll swim Staneld said tit murmur period on lust when the ion fluidised Instrument policy on are ownership otiheeronorriy wos he revealed Darin it tritnute spccch later as party leaders hId thrir say on Thursdays throne speech outllntns soverurtieat lexistatlre pisna tor the new session he made no mended ot what the policy mtrbt include or just when It would be announced the country two months are that the raremment had decided its Elli or lorrixn ownership and treatment Now we are promised in the lctlb Itom the throne some at In Itiatlon based upon the names ed pulley SEE END 1N Siiilll ltapplly the empty yesrs oi itudesu yovernmrnt would Sharp leels ilqu Pact itiit Should Not Damage Relations WINNliEG iCPi It would he ludicrous it dilierences over the CanadaU5 Iuto trade excrement control serious till he trillions between the two countries Dternst Aitatrs lilo lstce lttttchett sharp raid in or delivery Saturday night What is involved Ls not eonlroutattou between two or stay losophtes ni trIde awrs otcll escrric th trement Is to oblecttve The Iitto pact principal lacunae trade tribe deals with trade which goes to the root ot the unique economic telstlcmship between our two coisntrtes ratt lr sharp This is why the ditterences are dliitctdt to tesultle We are destiny with the operation at multinational companies owned In the United States and produc ins In both the United States and Canada and tuppiytns the North American roar eh Itow Ire these operations to to be carried on in the most elit claut manner with the lowest comtrslnts to trade to the ad svlautugo rt both countries lion soon opoo yr tdcd to that cachet us win have his tstratlarel Says Separatisis Employed 0n Winter Works Projects nsoinii toil non per sons emplofvd in IatcrIt winter wort Em eels lu Quebec era sepIrst ts itrst Caouetir ris ttonai leader oi the Social thedit party said Friday lit CIourIte said the lateral manpower and lrnmisratluu do patiment should check more closely the participants in the mime it sponsors under the wt tntttatlvrs Proprsm lts told news interested the employment oi Pierre utilem tormer member oi the Front do liberation the Quebec in one such protect Is the triest inci dent oi continuing Isslrtwsrco ven separatist leaders with be full inoivlcdte and consent ot Prime Minister Trudeau and Secretary oi State Gerard Polio tier lieirrrtnp to ltr tailtcres coordinator ot ltont utter due protect at ani ery et else wrctr ltr Caouette said it Is ma shame that the iederst overn nirnt is psytnt man to them he was rotor to sort tor the destruction oi Canada Wave Bombs Hits Ireland BELFAST IAPI vave oi NetMere Then to For Copy II soon come to an end he said hir Trudeau who has said that elecliml tantra be ieusht on what can be done in the tur lure rather than the record at the patL delivclrd sirensworded drieace oi his record at the Issue time depictint opposition HP at sonrnInd to tear their own ash and wall in settptiy Canada bad negotiated iinnty and honestly with the us sitar it Imposed special surist on imports last Auyust because at ll its trade deitclt This was lilid oi ne ottItlon that no colitinue wth as demand tor unlstr protecuoa or unreason sble Irrsnyemenu The dollar devalued by Can ads to 1m was not devalued iutther tnrclstton to the US dollar challenye the Conserve ttves to describe honestly and candidly to the Canadian people what their posture to wards the United blates would he in this diihrutt negotiation declared his Trudeau Would they have one to Washtnrton cap in hand and aJrred to tossed upward talus on at the dollar in order to prove their trtcndship with tho United States We didnt it did not sodas er Can need standing wit the trotted states in any way by not dolor so Quick Solutions Not Expected ltoNOLtlLU AP President htsoa boots up on China as he prepared to late oit today on the second ics oi his inurnr can tinned Itsin that no nuts roin lions to US Chinese problems may be expected Presidential press secretary lionsid atter saidtrtdsy that rest wcets mectlnrs with Chinas leaders will he only it start at the process oi communi cations lie sstd that althourtr the trip to China ttseti was sisntltcnnt the results may be rcilcetcd is years to come The presidential party was duo in Guam iodsy Ziexter said dtRiutttliiC rclse lions between Uh and China are not to be etpecied terrorist bombin tilt Northern In this short trip the point lretand today wti blasts in bet ttst and towns throuyhout Ulster in Armenia bomb planted to failed car damaged the post otice and shop In the main rtrcrt phone It warned po lice thrco minuth store the co plaster and no one was injured In ministltten County Per mansstt tuEpoted ruest tell suitcase in otel The visit be came suspicious and cleared the hotel lust brtore the bomb ea ploded has to be made he told tcputl ers that there Its wide tllllli ences between the U5 and China they cannot be swept away etter one week at tetts hssetd But they can begin the proces Its said the president had in mind estebilshinphn on rainy communications it phrase used in hrteiins conrressnicn he tore lcavtup Washington lie ier would ooL rsy whntiotot this might tstc we victories sunirnrrs Tliltlit um Itom thect clubs csr railway treetarunoaratiet to la conncctioa wtthea incl eat to itiot Ctsrt trapped In early December at Port Elstn In which man his wits and colliding their small child were held bos tste and robbed the wrectafe at his car alter til CNti tretsht train watches as city police we seem caushtbetwcen the the who let cinr used It soon and themes pry htns itonhltttus the train Tb trItos engine and its hot car is report has he coitidnt stop his ear dttiou It lie at Vititlla lion pttet in bios sat Cit Mt tn ssttstactory one

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