Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1972, p. 8

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PRAOIISING IOII will not sec Quebec stand alone without iricod or shy to PLIPPINC llllCE One day to no to shear their pancakes latch to pm will be run over ttIyIrd Iueeday so Wendy cItiIeh lice tor thueceud annual coitus Ind racers must ip Ir at tin Cindy ltstten II slum tunedsy paanII rue pincstu three times in and llarleina Theda I1 tttp unws nun It brsmpton Ont The net Photo Judge Rules Alderman Had FinancialInterest TORONTO CPI Atdaman Ben GryI violated thI hlnntclpsl Act by not declarlnr In Indirect iinsndst hrlcrcnt In redevelop mcnt protect be voted tor last year Its Justth Patrick Calli nn ruled Itondsy In In noword written truly ment the Ontario SupmnI Carrt jurist Iatd Itiiermeo John neweil Ind ltIxI JIttIry could rue Aid Gryr isllow member at city camcll tor images it they tell he had subjected than to Ihnttve proceeding dorm th eightmoth legal nettle The lists began June it when Aid Scull untied Aid Oryl ol tsltinr to disclose contilet ot Interest Irtriny tram his Web possession ol 113M tn martyrs Involved In mentor and development applications to the city Ald tityr publicly admitted Noonthathhadhadsn reorient Calls Convention QUEBEC CPI Creditista lender Curd SIrruonI In nouncement oi My lender shlp convention in midMarch In to the um members the only executive by qu prise Party pmtdcot Phil cassette told news coolerrnce Monday that llr Samson is uncon teItcd chtet Ite Isld ltI Ihpnrmal to hold ieIderehip convention at the urns time as the Innuatparty meetlns and that any contest Intr other than Mr Samson will have only three reeks to pro pare themselver tor leader ship convrntlon Mr Samson said In an inter view In Ilouyu Sunday that whether be II candidate iot the leadership tiarch itlt depcnds on what nlhcr candldItIs present themselves Ind tht rup Eoet he rcis Irom party mem Wins lottery CORNWALL Cll John Iiitchsll 11 ot Brampton won the trooper lirst prise In Nine mens Club lottery today Jean OBrien Port Credit Ont won the 0000 second prize The Inttcry is one at the tar eat it many operated In cuts since they become Icpel under the Criminal Cote Ttrlrdvprlrc worth HOMO went In II Intern at anohta In Brsmptnn his liltchcil In emhslmcr Inld ho dose not necd to pinch pennies now II he has born rlolnr tn Iiiord Illnrrh II ucddlny Suit Dismissed NEW YORK tCl Susi krtcheWInhuscd compInyI IIqutt reeling In Iccountiitl oi Ind share in the proceeds trnm cnrulrutllon and operation ot trait pulp mill at Prince Albert was dismissed Itonday In New Yortc Supreme Court inch oi credibility hsriicu IIrIy In the piatnllllr mntn wit ncss compels rclctllun ol the cue tustice lrvlul SIypol ruled In Icecgtlnr motion tor dismissal me by IIrrons Ind Whitemoru Inc oi New York The plnintttt was Suit ltivcr Fomt Products Ltd Ind III main witness on Keith ltnl colm now at Vancouver Sunk Itlvcr presidcni facesDelicit PARIS Ont CP Csnsda been must tthllllou hal IoeeotpIyment detictt well must unemploymen within three ycIrI it the United States is allowed to rescind the auto pIct with Canada IIyI lIrntI LIX chdcr oi thI WII go win ol the New Dcmocsstlc Irty hir laxrr Iald CInIda must demsnd that Canadian Iutomo bile production be lured to the domestic market it we no coin to continue In producInI nation In told meeting at the Brant New Democratic Party xtrttny Isroclsilon lloudsy ntpnt ihst Ibolttlon oi the win pact Ipeemeot would aim the my tor returuln meet at the Iuto mobOe uction capsctly In CIhIdI hack to the US Legal Victory OIIAWA tCiI man who up be Is In Eryptlan Inny deserter won victory hloday In larnl bIltlI here that could keep him Irons actor noted In his home country Mr Abdel llarcs Aiy received the support at the Imntlprrtion department In his request tor reconsideration at deportation order Newlyalnllrd evidence tram Egypt Ipparcntly supports his rlIlm that he tsccs exrcu llon tor dcsertion In June taro Federal Court IppcIl srainst the drportstton order was Idiournrd lloridny mornmy whrn counsel tor the imrnler lion department IIid he us not prepared to Iryue the case In the tight oi the new evidence Ite said he would ask the linan yation Ippcni board to review the use Study Begins IIONTIIEAL CPI The to Wincmbcr Provincial Peace ottlcerI Arsoclstion began study Icssionr in It centres tiunurhout Quebec lionday as they continued to protest lat slnr contract nexollItlant with the Quebec overnmenl In hlnntrenl chlet ncpotlrtor Neel incII told rooo union members to expect their hattII tor wage pIrtty with Metal prison guards to last Ionr time lt in Quebec City IocIi prcal dent Andre Lenard discusud with about too union members the possibility ot torciny menu here who no sitii worttny to leave their posts They Ilso con sidered demonstrating In trout oi the techlrlure Says Enemy Aided tilAhit DEACII III AFDCIO President Coarse ltieany nrcttscd mnlor Demo crItIe presidentlsi candtdrtcs ltohdIy nI helplitl the enemy In North Vietnam through their po tttieIl criticism ol President Nixons peace etlnrtr dont believe thIt Senator anund ilurkle Dc his or nny oi them other candldIIra Ire consciously Iidinn the enemy hiean raid at news coulsrcnce do however acres with the theory Out the thlnrr theyre dotnr III llllltll the enemy Addict Programs OTTAWA CPI llcatth little new programs Involving metha done Ilitl ImphctImluI us later this week his ditch coo tlrmod lioodsy thed Ingrmrsrccrneni L1 all pecle to as on opoar tn the Inn to report oiuthe lio Dsin Commission on nonmch rel urI oi drurr The chain rcpert lcrum munded establishment at Otcr John Ilunra will Innuqu methadone malntentnca pro pram tor heroin IddtctrI pro poaIl thIt drew support Monday trons the cInIdIrn IledthI AI eoctstlon the lzdrln proposals would involve more Ilrinrrnt refuta Iion ot methadone In addictive drug thIt has been used expert mcntally to wean addicts tram heroin ltlcthdone blocks the main tor llrroln hu Icso revere side etlccts Ind Is Idmtnlstered less trequentiy Plan Considered OTTAWA CPI roiunlIry national term presram ter unemployed young people II under consideration by Ellie Secretory Gerard Pcllctler An ottIcIIl ln htr Pellcilrrn ottlee IIld in an Interview Ilen by the ubite dbctosuu or the ich at weekends Ontario leerIl convention means hlr Peltetler wants public reaction III told convention dclrpatn mam would lovely unbortroyeer tnloiur period in lied oi noomiiitary youth curve It Iottld be primarily tr may people leaving high school and could provide them with rmirrrliiy scholanhlpt or education credits for thrlc pe riod oi service Assistant Sent OTTAWA iCl Prime lilnv Ister Mill concerned Ibeut the eltectl oi the proposed Rho desian settlement sent his spe clai mittsni IvIn lteId to three nelliaborin countriu Int month to study rituIlIorL bouroea In the prime minis ters otlkI said Monday that lir Head now back In otthI lino cIrrted personIt reprtsls lrom hir Inldelu that none at the three eountrieengerts TInsInlI Ind ZlmblIwould wIIk out ot the Commonwealth over lthodeslsn settlement Bennett Smiles VlCmillA CPI Premier Bennetts resction ItondIy to beinI cIiIed bigot by Prime rdlntrter Trudesu was Just lay smiled and Irrrtlod Ind llIlilbtirI hlr Trudeau lIbellad the So cial credit leader btrot In speech Saturdty to the Inner conventions ot the 0mm Lib erai psrty III IIld hlr Bennett believes there are too nton French peo pie to OIIIwI Ind this great CanIdtIn even takes the urine cInIdI oil the transCen IdI litrhway In his province Ite doesnt want CInIdI to be present then Heritagollotling OTTAWA CPI CInItlII culturIl hrrltr II rettlnr away Ilys NIt In Stoiow director ot the Nittonsl Gallery conservation laboratory In In Interview itonday its history IIId Air pollution Is darm Irtny vslthlr printinrs and sculptures to Ottawa and other urban Irear Sulphur dioxide and other pottutInts cmhrittie or tIde dyes and pluuenu corrode metsls marble and stone rur tIceI When think ol the value at the collection In the NIttoaIl Gallery It metres me shudder Ilr stoiow Iltn laid the mid toer National Gllkry It not proper hutkltor In which to Minn with the tedmtm ernmrIt Premier thltIrn Darin said Itenday htr DIin told the Canadtsn Out the two con tmmmmwummtnrmumrwni CouraHearrriaa OiPolice Puncth InqilirrtT1d trIl when urea on several try on In continulnl tenantprovincial dtmltau they speak In two lsnprarea but with one voice Onllrih and Quebec Inc he said that sharedcost prorrems dImIsI prurinctIi priorities needlessly complIcItI our hudretsry planning Int blunt the Itltcltvrseu Ind ethrienry or our own potter IIIIIldthetwnpturtncuIlao wee to cur minnst IN thIt lhI provincial Interest to too often new or martin Indtedclrhal nder ulr1 win III resm dutyohtstielda ot nation In or NithtnkwIIlsoIcrrIthnl attentional elhinnd tnte IpmvincI moo Ihlr DIvII said the English to midi times that Ontario Ind Quebec wrrerolnr to up in Ottawa Lllt tying the OttIIrI must be tint events have own th posits he said When OnlI nod Quebec drums with tech erIl policy their intent policy II very likely to be wronr EXPECT ELECTION Ill added thIt reiIttons with the Mini governmmt Irr Im proving Ind tndlcsted hI IhlnkI In Impending tedrsIl election is the rum AI mIttrrI IreJroccedtu thesI dIyI In the erIl pr lIl It would IppcIr ihcxe in new and rrlrcshtns wuiinmrss to Irrcpt our position on certain mIttrrr nl rrcunrnl contro vcrsy between us this ndrht indicItI event ot some nIltonIi im ride the not too distant uture he said drawtnx laughter ltlr Drtls slmnrt bed to his without hlr prepared speech bo cIurI ot travel problems The speech was to be flown hlondsy but by his mornlnn the sovernment piano Ip erred unlikely to be ah in ma the light becltua ot poor weather and the continuiny rtrrta by electronic technicians Airports were attectcd In both lloniml sod Toronto Canadian Plane Demonstrated WASHINGTON tCP Can Ilonday at Ito the tilt win Vertical short takcott Ind landhrr Ilrrrstt tor the bencllt ot United Stairs Navy and de ience dmrimenl utllclsls the Americans had reoth the display oi the cult which is HDth oi commitment Illsltt bid with wine vcrilcnl has iatrolln Ind landinu Although On ottlclais were noncommtital it is considered the cut could have role in the navys sea control ships carrier types lIVESTOCK stockyardr ItondIy Vest all prices were strong but prices hiyth ml there were no rIrIy nice on Iltrep and turbo due to the special weekly rate at pm IIInybtrr eIitIo ttlr Choch Ilccrr tied rood 3min me dium use common nearer choice heiicrn assessor good Stilt rntdlum 3w common 212150 rood cows thin with nice to 11 medium insecure mourn Ind cutters rm Md heavy boinrns butts Ms with nice to sons common and me dium THIN Replacement eIttiI tour Good lisht atectert and teedcrs ms ood hem Ihortkcep tecdeu till stock Iteer cnlyer IHI road stock heiter csivrs tut common Ind medium stockerr and leaders mt CIlrsr llli Choice chlern Ha with top choice It rose retro sou mrdtum real com mon that harm 2221 lion tilt liIsI price it list currently It Toronto 195 stars and boars rut Show and tsmbr ttar MOST IMPORTANT People never rend Imull mill or do IltoyI truth VlltlIbil IIL we Hsrta press had pre Ida put on demonstrItlon helicopters cspshllitv ol borer iny Ind ptriunrtinz vertical concept Ilmrd It pitting str cratl Ihoard ships other thus the large and expensive Iircrart TORONTO tCP Slaughter cIttia traded on tntriy good demInd It the Ontario public POLICE POSII Police push rtrihiny minerI illcd tokerpthaenlrIncI clear pickets out oi the path at In Ipproacblnr coal truck Iltrr German chi and docked It Brtdyrwstn oodr with roll tor the htkilshda slice bat TORONTO CPI superin tendent ot aducrtloo tor the Leeds Itid Grenville board at educItion was the victim ot rt cious Ind untmurdcd rumor In controversy over public In school It SweetI Corners public Inmriry IaIs iouod County Court Judre Cordon Nicholls oi NIIrIrI South says in report rcleIsed hiondny that neither the superintendent to Neil Elite nor my other oili cIItI or board members wrru yullty ut Iny Intentional wrongdoing lttslobehoped thIt there his been no Irrepsrabie damage to his proIrsslonIl cIr eer the ludre says At itr Ellis EducItion Illnlster Thomas Wells IIId In statement he hoped It now would be possible tor Iii those concerned to Inc In harmony WASHINGTON iitculrrt The administration wu taken by surprise Monday by gov ernment prnclI view that crim lnnl penalties should be IDOL lshed tor private tisI It must yuana President Nix national commission on maritusnr Int druy Ihuse has concluded thIt the cost to society oi heavy pen Iitlea tor martian Imoklnr outuctchs the risks ot more lib erIl lawn reliable nurse said The panel stopped well short oi recommending icullalns mariluans completely but be lleltl person timid be per milled to smoke It In the prt vacr at his home Us In Imnxlny about tsce source close to the panel IIch The tinishlns toucth III belnr ut on the rrcomrncndatlonr by are they are submiter to Nixon The commissions view on the SIlilltEIlS it was later screed thIt ships cIrrytn cost will be unload edbut twouldbeicttrtthe dockside untO the nItlonwtde coal strike In over Photo Victim Of Rumor Inquiry Finding the report reveals Isnria proposed demeutsry school in the community is miles mt oi Btockvllle Judre Nicholle hesrti tutt rnony during ltdays ot hesrv tors in October that Sclwyn Cooke the Irchitect whore plInI were chosen was letuporIrlly suspended by the Ontario Anroclatton oi Arritls toctI tor violation Its remis Ilons otterinr tn chIrrc no dcslpr was rejected by tee It the board Anothcr Irchltect ltorIcI Roberts obtained Intormatlon iron the department at common Ibout the cost ceiling tor the proch which the board itIclt did not the Ind lsler wrntI to board members rompltltilul about their method ot choosing hlIr Cooker Commission Surprises Oovt With Views On Marijuana either that recommendation person criminal An estimated It mliilo rurvcys Iound icel it should continue to be part It or even plus it to trlond sources sIld commission does recommend that It be lsgIllrcd will not The panel while opposed to Ins marijuanasmoking iutty legal runrsu that use at the druy rhouid no looser snake Amerlcrrrs or one in eight oi the entire population have Imolrcd mIrlluIna commlrslnn The commission was divided In how lar it should so to rot ommcudlnr In IIslnyel the wartime Ilwr The maturity crime to now it sell it irIns Casnmittse Istiowtns clash be tween kmonslntors Ind puUce while Soviet Premier Alele Ko Iydn wII Idrimslny banquet It the curtre Natty persons were arrested doctor the dem onstration In which Ity policemen were tnhued ur Burke raid um police HAMILTON tCPt Errry dsy CanIdlIn courin Icoult hundreds It deteudants thIt even detence lawyers have to begutlty says It IL Kelby re tlr RCMP deputy commis sloner The reason he told the Womens CInIdlen Club lion dsy ts thst Canadas IIIt Iyp tern II piIrued by antiquated rutu that laws criminal Iver lawabldtnr cittscne hlr Kelly who toc two cars Iervcd Is Canadas rcprrsenlr live with Interpol cited tht he considers IT three crumpch where CInndlnn law Is weighted inc much In tIvor rd tho crlrril First lhcre use the rocIlied rule at silence the rule against Icillncrimhrstion its cold the rule ertsblished In English lsw Veteran Receives 2Year Sentence In Shooting Case IVINDSOII Out tctt crippllcd Vietnam war medal winner who went on shootrns Ipnee against motorcycle chrb becsuse he thought Its mcmhcrr had molested his girl tricnd we headed twoyrsr soy pended sentence Monday in pro vloclnt court Sri David Souclr It ot Windsor tormer Grscn bcrct pieIded guilty to possession at weapon or purpose dIupcroua in the public prIcc Court was told that on thy it Srt Soucle Irmcd with yn cllihre US whine hnd triend drve him to Satans Ciroth Motorcycle Club herds uuartcrs where he tired mun her it shots at row oi parted motorcycles ProvIncIII Judge Bruce itchonIId noted thIt the silence should any hit lrnn or Srt Soucle winner at the Silver Star and Purple Ilcnrt but lured to Imptud scutcuce Guilty sequined to 712 time police Id Into ihecrowd hat CBC etily ctsls have not decided whether lodlnwthelnqsiryturlewibl lllrrL Commission cenan Smith nit however he could snbptnI ltnowltou Null dim tor oi Intomalton propens Ind Dionne IIIIImIn CIO riceprotdcnt in mm the trim is produced Earlier Hondsy Albert Lee xtudcnt It Ityrrson Polytechni cII Institute and parttime pbpu Iousphcr rIid he saw police mIn ItrlkI drrrloustralu Icnns the collrrbone with what he drecribed Is irralc chop Policeman Says the years no prcvrnla the court trout ohtsimnr III tarts rurrtwrrrdlny crime with whim In accrued person charged it sometimes Ioccer lodges to male decisions tilrnsy evidence Cnnsdnr new ball bill also suits the Irlminnl he said This law which went Into eitcct tan neutron police to release perv Wu Ircunecl at even rtlsilrcly serious crimes until they bau bccn convicted The principle brhind It is mmmcudnhtr but Ippesrs to have the etiecl nt strucijrty police no third criticism in ten cited It Canndss Jury system hlr Kelly ruucsts It might Wise to roam the rule rennin tar total unrnlmity on decisions to verdth by mstorlty at this woull make It necessary tamper with at least three tury iLotti to could hrurr in rep Announce New inn Nesting Substance Shrinks Piles uhtnIeIIaeMHpruui armanIu mind on rubtuna re vasr canons mom lndsutndptium to sue Itter case while really relieving pIin Iutusl nductian irhnntan took pIIcr rim Imponlnt at Iiiruqu nenwthnrnuyhtbstthieimprovy mentwu maintained ovcu patiodl otquv months Ibir wII IccompLiIhId with new healr InhItIneI Bin whreh use hnipa hut in cells In utimuiates growth itsttlw anBioDvnelsodrudinoiub ment Ind surpoeitoryiorm called Preparation ArktoritItIlldrul Itum Suthiscuon or your mom use ut mIrIIuInI was tincsv pscltd brcIusI ltr makeup II mIlnly conservedvr Nine or its 11 members were chosen by Nixon who hII Idopted tlrm position Iyulnst more llhcrrl morljuans laws ThI tour other members were appointed by Congress Shortly Itter Ippointtnl the panel in year Nixon told news conirrcncet Even it the LOIA 11th most economically tmpor tint lrult rrown IncanIdI tr getting married Title hneltet holde Orientation and elite erpnctelty helplut tor you Call your Wolcomo Wagon bertoaa todIy Phone mam qVttNliii lrom tendon Ont Aouirs ssso Intended sAcrro CONCERT ERIDAY FEB 18th AT 800 PM LCO Ire Featuring Bill Pierce and the Cnrpenters Union Bill Pierco versaillo pcrtormer lle Is top popular Nightwatch Is syndicated on more an 100 stations to is sensrtlve outstanding vocal soloist and tortured singer on radio records and personal appearances The Carpenters Union tr an outstanding vocal and Instrumental group radio personality whose TICKETSAVAILAIILEAT THE noon on or rdouruc rzsssiz 1268413 1287569 sruosurs sins nunwned Much Institute

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