mmmumvlor mammamr maheamatomiee III Canadian General Electric Itenlar women bend the Social Ind Athletic Gab III eneruttve thin It In the inIIIIled ludinllefltlddln non oI bin lan PItton bold II the Indian legion OIII new kit II ltmu dent Itn VIM kn Ir ao Smith Iccretary Barb In Inna lrtt Iale Hunter re tint Indian Momma can Ioeead rice Iruiticot Itrn lrcley treIIurIr and till tIIelIyden In men arer at Employee Plant and Girls Choir Places Third lit Festival The rixit their at IIIrrle Ere trIl Coileprte Ion Ler vim no lliilrdly III VIIill livaic mural beinr bout to Toronto can partleipatnrr In LII rorn Lcu we required to Iinr tut Ietectime at their on chalra Toe Collegiate Chet un Id In paste to plan third Then on nine other entrier in Ier IIIII Irern Tortola hl IrIrI FIIII Guelph EnndIlI II IIJ II Burie mote ntrrrhIrI Indude Don nlI Haber Karen Flyerr Kathy Malone Bred Stitmiieu Deb II Schnndlenr Kim Duran DIN liaddov JInI Barth 01ml VIIit Cecilia Iiurke and Item Barber Chen Ilaalnt II Cathy III Ion Director in IiIry him an IdSenlcrdelr ol lleaitll ll coan to rIaIIII an II Ind tII Junior choir will eomyeie on II eventaf III III eoottnuII NI IIeL DAIIADED ma rutru IIIquI tliIuterl Tattll Scudde II Ibo In her knee Iben Ibe Illppod an bar curler In beIuty chop bu been awarded hut our Community IteIIllcnr IEnInr lnrr IletoIl 24th Annual Inauguration Held For Social Executive Irrr ol Employee IIont Ind Community IIeIItionr rIlIcInteIl It the th Innunl Innuyuratlon The 1911 eercutlve ll led by womln orerdrnl ItIrI Edna Pile ten lietirlnr Irentdcnt it like Itunter Vlalletleni II lire lran liurton mend vIce pru ldrnt ItItplr Thom Ion IIIH Inry lira Sharon rnilh trcnr urrr Ilrrv Brvley Sporu con tent Ire Loretta Berry Den Spenrer Ind Clutch ltocdur DANCE PARTY proIImntrly 01 person Ii Ien ed the dlllCl IIriy Ibiewlny III dinner hlurie Ior drnrinr Irovldrd by The Invade Door In Home were Tom Heb Lucu Soulrrs Spot dance winnere were llr Ind lire AI Burton Rue mary Itlcicte Study Shows lnlaw Boosts Suicide Rate unw DELIII InIItIrI blitherrinInw are one oI th rereptloo III bold Ior mm re ol the rm erecntle II thempton Iir Ind tin CIIII Canadian General Electric Soeia and Athletic Club Ind their Iuesie rlor In the trauma dinner Iiurday event The section tor the dinner Ind darth only III III CInedIIn LIIIon BrIncn In St Vincent St The new IuIrterI vbirh wrra oIIieIIlly opened IIrt IIIl provide Imrio IpIcI Ior rush IIrro Inc It Iatberinr ATTLbD RECEPTION Guest It thI reception lnrlud ed Don LecroII Ind litter CIIrI DialeIIno Incl Ste hInI mice Smith Mr Ind blre Lyle Dy EMILY WILKES ttow InIny Ilrlr do all know who entey the wonder uI luxury It their my own betbroern with III the mace they need tor beauty and Ircomlny IrcIIrn tianl ltunter blr Int nd EXECUTIVE INSTALLED Large Shoe Box Easily Changed To Convenient Beauty liide Tole erInI the which with Itickon tum demure inux tilt Ind tire 1ch Rich eon Mr and tire Help iIIcIIydth hit and bin Jake bin Gill Ile ttee tie and lire Bob Burton llrt Milrlle Ruhl IiIrI Edna Patton iaI VIII Trrelprl hir Ind Mu JIeh Turner Ind IIdr Ind hire Don Smith AppmaimIIIly lw pIrIonI were prrrcnt II III tnIururIl dinner whlrh vrII entIred lor by LI dIrI Auxiliary II the CInudlIn union who Ierved In rIreIIenl tout heel dinner Gill tIIcFIydIn COEI tinn Iaocror nimpiy IprIygarnt the rnrton to match your an room or robe since InIIII IIImI mm to have way oi rlLIrrppIIrinz rryht beIore your Iyet concen Snnderr ulr III Iln It alert and Mn Eileen The name at thI rhurrh In conned Ior tIeu ruinnry tIl Iain In Line hate bItI labia letturay uner at home DIX lay it It ltoteheli Mn Ilaalille Ind ln Kelly III In ehnrye II the bIkiay Kltahrn Irranternente are In rhure It lnt one It the ACW unlrr the ceaernenhp el hire III JUNIOR AUXILIARY The Junior Auxiliary oi the church Iill hare randy tabla reduced by Mn th Wlllia Adrruuueo Ior LhI III in to min and Lhe Iquer mm In treewilt llrrinr bln III II Ire THE llAMIII EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY IL rm Removing Guru Requires Time By not errant DIII turn Patten Could you Item advise me how to re move ebcwtnrr rum Irom nylon neylI rat Iurt In one you Ihnk II bed rbewinn rum my threeyurotd Ion In the eu prllIMn iL Well Iueu were prrrten that IlltHGITOltl Ind chew tux guru Ind nylon neylireer lust ont min in Ilrrt Itther pop the garment In the reIrIrer Itor unlrl the slum herdenn or rub the um lh In Ire cube thcn Irrepe nil II Inth oi the urn It IoIIibIe CieIninx Id IontcllmrI work well West the annual In warm ruinInd retire to live your ten rhewinr rum unlll II lI old emu to tern It uhcre It wont MANY VISITOR About alvnllllon Iorrlrnerl run DIXON trtII rum uIIIII In Your good beer age the ere ml blitz tame Irhieu meat II your turn to be beard remrl around abut rut be tIren round Ind Ibnt you want II lempcrmn Irde open Inna IAIrII Mlly Itr Cocunue detrnmr Irreu and Itrtvinr Ior Ieiderntnadml union ttymua movie In IoIIu Patience aim old Denial Ml AND 2II lloney dIII Include detItII you M1 leaned lock belorl ripen lupin not your opa ton on many IIan but may not cIIer nineh in ImrnodlItI return CIIreI lJaII llJIly nit Set ug In In interview In you III to olIIv Inltrr tire bald toned bunt at In my late In the day Ilotll Ith In urn to do Iornethrnr rpeeut LII Iloty DAII Corr meme In cereer butldml burlneII deIlInv urhanrcn Friendt III III In another dlrro ilott not to be drafted to do IDV ulnr tor you It the momcnl VIIII IAII Ebert Sellaullteieney tI our real local IrrIoretnrnu lllttlilllltl IIeeII IIllnm oI roordlnatlun See that temperament doetni upret anythinr Ubn MIL nod Die ereticn IormIItty lntl Ilmncly Intenle Iyovoncber You In Ipt to It In our your head with high stakes on Ihol rhuud be Innocent Hllrllr Survie OIL JNev XIII IIIe broken prurnre In mid out much in really lost DiIcuII career question but not In Iubllc Important deu Iione are not ripe el Sllillulru EIDK llll New enterpria Ire tutored thoulrl be elnurounly promoted Reah tune out travel Iro vIde ItirnquI CI rieerI Dec Nan ix tnuton Ind rnInIreroentJnIy rutrr your Illit Ind thnt ot othcre on well Deuhri Ia needed unseilixhly Vour adrice comet Into good uII youre nacelul In nllcrlny II AIuIrioI tJII IMeb llll lIuIliy you can let people to do thin tht your enter prlrrn oil dull Ipct but Iodly you must do rnoIt II II youreeil lel ileb Him nil EIrIy hvure Ihow mired Intlu eneee Inmlly and home Ir renrement not well Iynchro nitrd but Irtlnry there Ihnrtly ILEIAI JAle ear rInIporI In IrIand oi Itnior Indonuia In In larhloned lrprn IIIIII Ilm teal Pancake Tea Supper Maris THE STARS Beginning OI Lenten Season more the beranlh at tent re trIctuoeIliy rated Puma Needey Ie ram the oecllion the An Ilka mm Women oi Si GeerreI AnrlteIn mrcb lur ioa Avenue Ire Iodiar In eIlIIeI Irean In and paneII Iupper Iron to on tadIy In line hethunt and ntrl My III In mm It tum uraarenenta Welrornin Smith II IIII It the reeter II the church IAEAAR BMW In addition to the III there Illl be blew booth terturtey handiwork Ind Inner Item Toe booth II In mm Itn Kirk and Mn warm Irate on getting there orxanlrrd malor router II Iuieide In lot thewomen II the dinner andu dInrleu wore oor lenrth yearn Ion IIII II rer II ineertna Canadian den err Elect or bill Clare Db tetIno ttrI CIIII Ilartaydeu and tin Lyle Jones Ian one no therI II IleyI plenty to Ill about Enloyior cu It Ior Ire no return cnufdt up on the hope It II tr code are John Richard Allll LANDERS ion in alterlive wenr keeping with the current lub Not too may would be will trry to yarer Space In many It retain IornIIevI Eout terr com begin to In Iode your IIeII or your othv err electric Ither dlIIIarre your collection It IlIsilrk or your mother Ileana Ibo rnadl cine chest Ind you cant Iind Inythlnrl there In llllillll eIIectlva Ind wondertuiiy eonvcntcnt way It byparalny thcrI prehierne create series at beauty Barre that you no Itoro IIIII Ieu boardt cotton III tarry remove III II the or quick coal at Ipray pIInt Put on your thinllnr cap dream up other Irritable Into boxer or true An en rer lon Ior Inmplu can accommo dole all our mention tenuo Ii but cool too rent tor emery RICH Ii enLI Ior ionrer ltrrru eInIorce the clriort wlth him to meet your beauty India am poIIrI Itutly IbIIr Ito ltvu Itudy II corn III cider per 100qu It the no tIon Iota lndlI well down Ih IntornItIonIl Iuleldn iI which cumin and WI IlIneeI Ind poverty Ire other main rIIIInr Ior Iconic toiled our rulcder were recorded Ln rose the year under mm In lama II per cent over The rate oi Ihnut Ilyhi lul or World II th lilurea in MM nccds There are Inoxpenrle by Well Btrl with it per 0NCEAYEAR BALE END Till WEEK therea ItlIt time to take Idvuttare II sen rnInI OMAVIII Sale We and lot at lune Item readily available to help you let your makeup boure In order lleill tool rheelI IIIhIny his lirme boxer hII borer Iny uncnuIlLy IllIIed or com lately In your room and tote Ilony when you need them Do this not youll Inve many Intro the Ivory day all year tony Orrcnlxa dIIIerent met Ior dillerent needr large thoe boxthe kind boots coma lnln marvellou Ior hatrrnra equip ment SIrIny turnbn rollers on mum down to hIlI price We may have lill what you rcouIrI lo rtnlnh the llliitf ContI Dream Sportawur Remember title happen only once year It The Inerstlcatcn IIid tree pcmneIboul IS cr cent It the totalcommit suicide be rIutI It marital dlI uteI rcettlt perimenied container an be In om mum rm mom put to roed one room elllelcnt beautyold Ill Willing VlImli Juel tor you Once month Wm IM by plnlt ribbon medium on on We thin problem and yellow ribbon and no on All rm mind IDqu yo ant It money drove this to Breaking News To Family Could Present Problems to belI underIrIvIeycd to II especially handlreroedl1 iDeIr Ann hadth Inn ceryynun cw II community who has bad trIia dren Would it be ween not to Inimuloelal lemunllobultI leeIltreeSrtm Hymnldwblny mm it It you have to do when retlin an ill Willi weed In title pertinltar IItvI Dlll threeScorer will your Intrupr the ribbon and Immofmi If IIIIlrI LIII mmmlm MI MN III our when will be woven kn mm Proton ed Illneu Icreunled We INTI In my riih person who wntoe it II you truly It bend stock your box mm ef up Ior the Irrcrt ethnic group oI both marred lor nenry It Want it it In Him it with alienIor conditioner Murderanon 1h unih yearn IleyI come to rrrvlrce IIottdlcttplWd WNW I11 my little boer contIInInI city Intblr record In been Ind church rocIIi IilnIrI to mum The Miami bobe Iinl clips hIirIlnI It lore in Ioutbern lndlI Iollowed ether They were very clotl ii lint Ottanilliioti him you like rover the box with by CIIcuttn rierxir took IIrIiIone torethee can recommend The nation pretty plastic Illekon pIpIr Ior Illch always Included their Euler Scat soclo Ior CrItPibd protection Ind Ippeunnee IWM Many twill W9 mm For mailer coImItlca Iii IlmllIr rrlnilotuhp and very divider or eeranrI never considered it unusunl rnenled box 1th type way but week the two couple come Int work well You Itkedtor urnppctntrnent lodin miybt IIIembII one tray with cut highly personal roeiter or everyday mIIeup Irran geared romantic Involvement ll Inother With only lmrllln tween llrI and hlr tieellrutlck or tour paler When turned that the Id hue itidetcanl Ibedow mnnce was between ltlII AI all en yearn gr Mn war It lose Ior thrtoyeuold boy It would deutr will boerd with IIrIItt FIR ESSENTIALS worde The husband Icemrd matter Ilro we the women temltludurlnftbetretn yrov Ivtnuttrlycouidlnrlude retirned to the tact met their decide to tell thelr cblldren Idler tIern wilt In opportunity Il ml liglttmom Ilver wane divorcee no they can about their raletlonnhlplvrould to Ibrervo etoIer lIrIeIl lite it live toyether The husband IIIe hope they didnt yet too explirll and culture Irreod that the children Ihouid IIey Ihould continue to get Ire Convert cardboard node or Im beer cIrten Into bethttme tote It conveniently hold my my mt mum quent counreliior Wlllt lure you vaI IlreIdy recom loolII Ipooye bath uiL my dish even bIck Icrubber lbe coupler did not corno mm Alain you can diryuiae ll orig me reetln contention tn 1an use and IdvrrIIIInr by rott STRANSRIANI LADIES WEAR It nurture Denial thin eonmunlly III III century EAST MAKE WASTE VANCOUVER CPI lot oweoole appear to vae Ian their Chrlalmu card rnIll lnr in too met hurry the Vancouver noel oIlIeI reports that It ended the IVII Yuletide moon with 000 CitrlntrnII card and letterI undelivered becaun they lacked Iuch vital Internration ItrrIt lddttml deelineilone and in name wear the name It the IeopII they were intended Ior TRAVEL STUDY IIiOISdIIVIERES Quer Cll yrnup oI etudenu run the Tholarltivlerer Junior rollue will novel to renal durinn the runner to etudy Mediterranean IeorrIpby rst band the line DRUG HELP HAMBURG Wcrt Germnny theater Sovleldevelo Id drur which raid to have SI In thpcrvcent porttlvo reeult on breast cancer In belny Introv duced into Wert Germany by Itarnburr prrmIreutth corn rent CELL ARE RED The red cetta which rive blood III color are tioooth oI In inch rent oi the Ir c0101 PRESCRIPTIONS me to It thou III III Ilv to Iran Iment won the In cum elect on their children dont Knew thI to tell iltllll CIn you cannot III on how to count tbemICcatitrattlt File bar Belore could It Iv In tntelllrent router WI need more IntorrnItlIa thnIIIrnIlIIutllIndIrn Fer IIImpII thaqrer ill the wonderlnr II It would be Irony to leave thI have to rhIrIty lindtlnhellllvllrx Wan II hildren do not need In to In thin Iod here ItuIIII wInteyd Dear Au tenderer In widow In It one my Will home have new In IInIlon come bunch and money In the built rIIaed tour children my own their one bomeI Ind Ire yettlny lion ment would the la alter or SHOPPERS DIIUG MART ii iii 785531 Free Halve Ildkllellllry 125541 DriveII LorIlIoI rr Imam Imy