moment no DI meteII Ioud IIIII elIIe Intonation about In eye ceaddon railed innocuous daughter III rLIIIII IetI ItIrt Itlh the eernea ItI the rovertn oi the centre portion oi LII neball Kmioroaue in yroiruaion cl Dart oi the rornra due to venture II III time iinre wthla mute the Imoolb rIIrt curve oi the eyeball obtioInly router viIuII diriortion tintlerry IIrm do not ml IIy comet mien In we ll title to contut lenIeI hm been uted Otten the herd roo tIet term are not well tofu Iied but it In recently been reported that Ian eontIn Irnm III tolerated ourII IIIIIlIc lorily The roll Ianu my ill IpeclIrlII In Idlitinn to et beet reeutta Dr IntelIr had checkup recently Ind Iound have high blood tatsIt rounds II tIlylyeerIII They IVI me diet Ior tIltrI or III trtzlyeertdre They are lIIty rnItrrlIII contthn allied to ehnleetcrol Ilthouelr not ex CIrtIy the arm end not learn the cane type II diet Carbohyv drain altould be redund in lite diet to lnurr lrlyiycerldre Dr IIIIIIeIIIr Setchl yearn were hid IcvcrIl male hormone lbw III medical rendition Al mull now hora to rope Irithtn Iiumlnl Imovnt ol hair on my chin Ind more my lint uhlctr II rmbIrvIrrlny Can IernIII hormone IhntI re tllu thin or Iirouiri mori In electrolyIIIIhln ILL AIIrr use nl male hormone has ceased the halIIneII rud uoliy dirnppcm re alter rev MerIi Iran would be at the opinion that that lonrrr In tutoring the thunder TELEVISION InumwrnInnreInumroIronouro 1uummronourotrrrttnlrou czlznunttouull MDRMNQVIEIVIIIGr MONDAY no FRIDAY 11 Menu ANm YMernln thew mum at the Air Hmllti POEM mu South data Both rider Mannie Remember however that hair growth it not traurull in Ioorrn put meomule the amt tanint Irero one tool rtdual to another Giving Intuie borrower IIII rot aeeuurtly mene this with Tendon ii were you Id Mulder eleetrolyrla 0r bimbo Int II that lill Ior Ior you Dr nIIIeIIIr Lly danthtuv InIIII Ind thrrneueid fund Ion between them drink III yelled oi Item hire daily eubetltutiny II III lulu mill ctr SbI me her doctor hII told her that her hence are brittle Ind Inr Iondrrtel ubIthtr tbLI errant oi onnre Intro over period at yrIrI might rootlllh Itta to ihibIln 00an yuleI wouldnt qu the bntlleneIIbul II the In been drtnhlny It II III encluelon or milk Iho my bare beeorna detlctenl In eIIeIornInrt II all need rIIclurn III etronr been the HIM thought mIIeI me wonder Ibether the little and III my be lacking clun IIIIII not leod ha whenever dreIIrer II oduln QxII roll be II III The Ilnaur Han Opportunin Juvemle OIIAWA ICll The new rhIIrrnIn It the Emoomtc Court rilel CInIdI IIyI cInIdI had olden epfoviunlty to In rveIre domrrtc control at buy me and ludurtry through new In lnwl Dr Andre tteanuId It 3006 rhntrrnIn elnre Jan rIid III ovrrmncnt there not to Idopt recommendation to the Carter rrltyalcornrniuion report on In In that would thI learned economic Independenre Im Irlrrrlnl to the Intern lion ol corypntion Ind Individ ual taxer Dr IIIanuld reld Iror or Cl etc 1qu dime tint vrILreI out It Canadian lrettinr million Ind it II ted IIIntreII raceway Ire cu VI Ion omitted Ipcrllla Ihorteomlnu the totalityth mere numbered In CInIdiIn owncrllllv III had been thI drivlnr tom behind Introduction In ml oi the CInIdIIn Juvenile Circuit mice It eertoua nemyl Ior Cenodlanowned twoyeIr old tth Iem em NilORA lJack LIIIiM Men 61 Allen farm and II her line mulled the Ippcoranca II Iurlt hh calibrI vIce horIrI ll SonIlor IIpInrlIr In lnIIlII year clump Ion ol the mica Chlel Armlmr Country Don Dye llye Pei Dim Plot llyron Dam Ind tttytr Ideal Ind most recently on the TV public IlIeIrI they Question Period Sundry PROGRAMS like SIrIII Out Silent hlIlority Ind EB11me In ItM alarm mm In on the detail II with the and learn Series reIIrleted to two yenr old rIllIeI aIncI winnera llthendl aunt IIoea Illil TCMI will It It IlsaA myo orrrcr nouns MM trumoe but IIIIIrInI III 0min teedtiny eI IpIdee with thI Iuettiou II Ibetbrr In uh the Mt boplny thin to tell or Ibetbee to cash till then IlnurI III Iui Ioplny tIuI to tap the dIryneI obierrl room on with dlrtrub frequency III the Mill rule in that the decIIrer mid min the Alt rIther than ItcuevrrthI II IrnIIIIantle firm eIub Races Arranged IVI Included Woodlth Dntnh CONTRACT BRIDGE ly JAY return II concept doll and it Moot be Ilbmd ta override el tIetIeIl eoollderailnna our III In InntcuIIr rare The IIeIIILIItthoddI IIverIIIth In In only Ilium to belie III III deciIrer mu IIIl pIrIIqu tree to veer train the mathematical oddI IIen the tin turnltlml ladiclll that lbil In the rim thin to do run tAII deal In WIII late the Hi Ind when Decllrer ruItI rub III It trumpe entert dummy with eIub llldlleldl the II II wha correct yIIy II to Ito eIII the tart II III dIeI he melee III reatraet II he does nI II you do Declurr Mid realm that it he put up the III and the queen doet not tell he Irll ml II III mluloo ttnlcu be Iinda the elnbe divided Itut II he elecII to home be tunes the round not only when East In the eueeu but In II III Wen III the queen and the club In divided either It or II In the letter Inc South cIn nIIIIIsh In exlrI elub triek by ruttlnr Ira 0i dummya tow rubs eventually uetnr one It tnunoe II In entry to rub the Circuit mond illonom Time Avrnbre Indigo and Sam Princess Mention II Armbro Indt Interestinr Ibt winner the mo Illue Bonneu to II the Month rlreult had been Arm Ilronr IIros Rosemary Front later to mow Arrnbro lntliau in i001 dlvlrlon winner It the Greenwood try It Illl Ittly Ior In tor IIIrold IIeKInIey Indt no in lust one at three Itsooo luI winnerc Iioaermtry Frost In ll produced unndcrlut cr Im II at what Grunt Girucre It to mind all along Cominr up In the rm union the IIIIIrI will In tar Itin In Ierlcs ot IIr texts bertnnlny June so at Western Inlr rncc IIy In London Ont IIIch Ini low no Ito II It CIIhIrineI Gun den City July Connnught In IJurcrnI Que July to DItavIII IIIIIIuIarielon Au Inc It ltpn IreII ltluI Bonncu urtui re Ind winding up Sepirmber II llltlllt elleu In Ptc Aux lrrmbica tItonIIrInnthIcoltnod geld II lovenile circuit HueenT IFYOIJ non sropntar uowhprvarued GOINGID LEAVEl Winn II Wiucwtrrrtu NOVBOWNCNG lh II ICIetIIn Kanoam Hymn 0m IImlr Mair rrIIrrtIr IrIrI III Irloora III lzdliiwlw oume erIe Iwmt It Would your mum III II IWto II lMill WWII FDII Klilr HIMmun khooin Home NIIII taltA III 7Phll thue teru tcmehmlioc MY Thm TIM FEBRUARY ll EVENING Hod MN IIPmll Illbr um hI out VIII VIII Hum III III III tmth or com awrer Ietm HIIIII tIytot HIM Hattie rum Emil ITI lolIIIII II the clock mm the rmretmwm Incrll IvIIIcn For The In IIII VIIIpoint NUBBIN IIII TIid vIIuv Him or concealMu Myn Iwy Ihlbll Idol IIblittmd llI DIIINI OI Jllnnll lMnd SWIG rrrv Motley taut cmtr IIII nanny Iyiet Mean Mun LImIqu HAIvroI WIIby MD III Iliohnny canon Whentheboaanboutln cInbothrdoulbere Ilelpl Thrill break Iylire lrtcciingi Iventhinel Him wutw Innvlr IIIon rm 9My three 5m Illlll run Int idiom mm WWII or Intel SHIV Hm IJJIIIIIII Vanoyla IIIPrI rlImII oImv fill IVelrlrmim Hm IJIIDIEM my II II NW TM l4th llll llll IRIWIBIII IINI lot TM Nile MilCIIII IuIMll tNIIII lClil MI Moll more Hallo drink TnitdlylAIlVIl EmmyIt IEIIIwIIIIIl tlrlt II Boutique IVIYTVIXI eI Ira Ibrglerele rIrII Inareentry row known It lMIIWI welby MD Timighl ee ldl Mole ItoIlle loll lieunit FlillllUAlIV ll AFTERNOON Admiral loam IlwcThlrty Valenti vmhml wu My Lm lirll reminder vvwrnm owe lIMevie mum to til III II III at IM mm LA V4an arm at my lMduil lVN Iron IhmIlIl Cit tamI stem Luz Iternl II Peer IMVII MMIIIII Ilynte mother In 31 Dow radii 1qu own Il emote All In outmo no aunt VI Dill ll dIINIld rrllIu 1M mu WEDNHHU ultra mTthlld 11 II wIItm 5mm lolllurk DIte IlIWIILN IllAil Abul Vlul mllltwttrned mo Su um IJIII um me Tllll le yrum Ilvlnvr ubkllt For Vamrtlmt INuwele II nlllml VFALBUM et JIINIII =Irmume Inn more ILrImauI My Will run ymm 14min my Mamie IDuldlnn JUN wunuusuhv IIIIIIIUAIIY II rzvuurrm III 3mm VIA DIII lrjdtdlaldlllm III tr ltNm tlihlh Son mldmvmm lev WII galMM qunIu some ll PM Itidm llvwmn DINNERJ eNrue TanLIIraLL WINGEIIHIS nravma THIS NuMeea WILLSENDIDU IHH mo Irnm On Meleh IAt warn Tum Mlilooin doomht ILIII MI out to Hill llemlu tldou ltluht lellIlndI Im IAnylhlhq You CIR II llama or lm IIIIIIIIIIII trenbere rm Morten more Iro Moll Till 1an Dov leu LIvI II may SIIIMMId Vhln LPlul III yNewlywel ImI lINlml It Ihl Glme Ttilul Hitmun Court Iutvolnle GthIm tFImIIy IIIII llttnule of minimum EV VIP Viiti ilIItiIIP MMVMEWL VERIIWIIIIIIII vtvt vounortroruenktlerrurruturt Ito MIMI muv return no IPIIIIreIl lunettm Mantle IIvtrw Ilvuth DI CorrelateIll IMlhl HA lIi ll lihlrdlh Intanuenur I4 ll II lohnn Citron IIIn IIIy tltt III IIIqu lovr lIIIII Video FNIWI Ermtgw Adem endured Il Nervoun twitch BUZZ SAW ER DAILY CIIYINQWIIImrea how II were In anontun tI aonovnnoovv tine letter IllndelorInoIh thII aura Veil ttuttatriltit iii IIIIIIIIIIII eodeletten Itoerae nomenclature VII RWU Bill Mil THINK DUN NVKKVT 0D WV HDTUWUTIY VK JNOIY EMU WVX IN OUR IIIY EOE ll WEKINMIIVO MUN YertorIII to ootrr IIIII Auaztua nowmcrr Izo TLE Aliid VllllEN THEY KN AWAYrLWIIAEL Aliilil You now to utttturmnrutrtiltut In lIrVMeImI on pream oi JIIMI Hm IIF am Iulloll Mllrti IIInil lComldy rIIezIr Im uoIIIy IlMavil In cmtt licttsrrotwott tuuurvaruu rtuuvrovutuotttittltttti lItolIt WANKV W6 OWNED uMIIII trhe ioldel And III III mu inlliv lmwmobill newt Illtl Helnl LOWEELVHI WONDER 0551 HELP IF COULD HIUE VOREGEII DRIP 0F MILK IN II IM Imy vmru rot 4am AI lhl Ion Vim dltli centre 7Moyie IMIIII um um WIIIIIII VIII rueMoan urmo la IVIII Emalhtn Illtl Wu All tr lINewl woman Ioovtr nu Drmvhlo IIIIIaIl IIIHJTW 2mm Ma It jAIICIIIM Mom IIIm Milt rmm dam gtMueur watoy MD iltll jilghilGliiIvy will rm mu MIIIemmy Ilhl IIMHIMII ll BARN EY GOOGLE lm Ilium erte tell Vibe Truth III Mary