III cit its to ai to In ath do well the busi cm and hack to est letter lrom Queens Park II Wormwood Buchardenalocethsbegtn clurlln the Toronto area have under gene winter indoctrination lrtirling at Canadian Forces IllNILSlNC lStatlI Slated to he the guest apeaksr It the annual meeting at Sim Coun ty Federation It Agriculture here on Friday Feb 15 Bruce ltylor has come out in tupport oI rec ommendttiona ta coordination oi rrpanaloe at beet cattle produc tion on national baIlI Aa delegate to the Canadian ledarauumt Agricultures arr ruIl contender be opposed hamlets which would vero uuesled the tenant monument in to anchorage increased beet cattle production In Canada Ila bad the support at the Ontario delegation when he argued this wasnt practical policy Ontario delegates ruccessiul convinced IhI convention that the future western beet produc on than would llnd its mind man his In the west in the and depth and lhIt eastern heel re EVcns Explains Rules For Farm Truck Fees BRADFORD lStaill mul tlicatlon lor iarrncrs to be elig this tor reduced lrrm truck lic ence ices were explained by Arthur Evans IIPP in his lair in discussing the announce ment by the Ontario department nl transportation and communic ations hlr Evans explaracd Iha redured lee was tor larmerr el igible lor grant under the term tax rcductron program 35th lermcrs ocpr property assessed as term and Il acres or more in size be titled term al less than ll acres may quality It It produced an income at noon or more the previous year he added DEAVIIR TRUCKS The new lees apply to trucks registered at aooo pmde gross weight or more rated by larmers tar persona transporta tion and transportation at their own products and equipment Some examples ol the new lees were given They included coho gross weight tnlck reduc ed from til to OT H000 pounds lrorn III to Ill troop pounds Irom not to I100 Similar reduc tions apply throughout the lee lchcrlule the Simcoe Centre II preeentetive explslned Ihe progrem oi reduced lees was developed alter consultation with the Ontario Federation oi Agriculture the Ontario depart ment oi agriculture and lend and other representatives oi tire term industry raid the lormer Slmcor County warden who has been member at the Ontario legislature lot 11 years SELECT cmrsrrrrrs Attention also was drawn by lllr Evans to the Ontario leg lslsturar select committee on economic and cultural netlnnsl ism which will seek answers to line basic estlnss belorr erwlI inc Ilr bear late this month The chairmen Russell Rowe HP at Northlnnberlarai detail ed magnesium tor Mr Even as Do torelxacontrolled corporh tions operate In manner dlllrr ent irorndomrsllrsllvccnlrollel slot at the year All pdlses oi Arctlc living are taught them by regular Iocee instructors la iiFederatlcn Delegate EOutline nulrrrneala will become prayer rely more dependent on micro Cram production be stated FOR lith lUISlDY Involved hlmscll in mixed larming at Ermlrklllen In Durv ham County Mr Taylor is also an egg reducer as well In rat llomala re tied the conven tied support the payment by the smatponlubolrd altosldln cm In Canada or local tartar hen marketed throu governr meal registered or approved plants Irom March to lily 1m The subsidy asked would be limited to the marketing at 5000 laying hens or $2500 per ro cer llr Taylor also stated that the convention lrvored recommro dation that asked the ledcvtl gov elgn Investment or are Canadas savings broadly adequate or could they be better channelled To what extent does Canada need to rely on imported tech nolo mrnrgerlel mar cling connections What Is the impact at lorelgo investment and the Irnrutlnr RILYOR HOCKEY ORILLIA lStaill Alolit and minor baatsm boyr hockry terms lrorn st Brigidr pariah tn Torontos east end will particl ptte to torrnemenl win 0r Iltle terms on Sunday morning Feb 20 to PLAN which not Rattle lunlor lIlr directors wlll be meeting on Monday at It pm at the Simcoe wry Federation oi Amisulture hoe room fl lanlslil Street to dls curl plans lor the rm exhibi Frre List and Senior Citirrnr Cards Iuspeaded tar this In gsgemest STARTS THIS FRIDAY hill Beef Policy skills thrill corporations and Is this good or be Door Canada mail more lor tl DUNLOP SLW IARRIE ONT Midland Benets By $17715 Grant MIDLAND llbtliI grant rl tlt1lt has been appeared lor Ilrdlldd under the iedml gar moot locat initiative pm gram It was continued here Raid discolor gen era It Ontario report at the do parlmeat oi manpower and Irn urination rammed the grant in explaining the program is part oi the lateral apceial employment plan which la to promote worthwhile com munIIy projects rad herein It glm when unemployment that hr YMCA and Yx lient club made the application lnr snow removal extenuve ground mara ledaocc reaovttron and altera tisaas The project Ia to create LI labs County Council Started In 1343 lIlDIlURST lSlllil Aemlllua Irving was elected Illt warden at the separate District at him too at the Inaugural ol council on Feb it till it Its shown by records at thI archives here The council continued sessions lor our days selectint cornmlle tees and making recommend lines petition lrnm marl cxv rirrt asked or better elctrmg It roads in tdonte Oro and Drills lor delivery at mall later to thy at the ram year John bleVIalt was appornted llrsl clerk Notice was read at the lust session that letters patent on Jan ll llll under the real ol the province were Issued declrrrng the county at Slmcoe to be up arala district which placed Its EILIDIORD lStalll Pciii lul puller In lorkdtncoc Irll elsehere are beginning In organise tor Iedcral elm tron with the menus lab rraLI and New Democrats all at me Dimn Lhe new session at Parliament rust opened alter the all week recess John Roberta ltP the lateral member the this Irdrng suggested It las doubtful that very heavy program at legislation will be presented to lhI House at this tune MASSIVE TAX BILL Briers the recurs the govern ment pushed through its mantra tax return bill Ihlch tool It lecI on Jan lift and will apply to tax returns made out belors Apnl so next year For the tint time they Introduced capital gains tax as one means oi raising more revenue to keep up with the steady Increase In tax Iplndill In recent years in his latest letter lrom Ot tawa tlr Roberts said the two most Important polruut events dlrrlng the recess were the gov ernments cabinet shuttle and the tinned States reiectlnn at Canadas proposals on trade to hlions between the two roun trier The YoItStmroe llP comment ed that three key ministers were moved out ol sensitive posts with Edgar Seneca lravrng the de nsrtmrnt hl ilnance alter guiding through the controversial ieder al lax hIll hil Brrlord leaving the deprrtmrnt oi consumer islrr and Ill Macktley leaving the department oi labor administration under district turmoil survival techniques as the cold erther lasts so snows lng andolher winter that as many reserve roldlerr warlarr subletls The weekend as possible may tItI Or Ill coumr will continue as long log National Delenca Photo CONSERVATION VESPIIA TOPIC hllDHURST Stall Con nation will be the topic div cussed It meeting at Vet pra Horticultural Sonier which is to he held at hiiditurst lor ettry bail on Mood Flh it Currently the society has asked Vespra council to con sldcr suitable property tor pleating irwn ll In too hard wood trees place where the growth at the trees would be oi educational value to students was suggested Reeve Carl Dotan asked members at his council to give ernmeat to makl Ivrllsblr to egg producers with required rlunage lnent skills low interest long lerm loans or up to It per bird to maximum ol 10000 birds per producer This industry has come through period at disastrously In prim which has resulted in the dlsappeartnce ol opertta lng capital Incl an inability to ac uirl crrdll even at high rates croutonsaid ea on pro durilon ll any industry needs help Its Ibaru Why and they need It now member ol the executive ot the Ontario tederallon lr Tay lor has accepted In Invitation to be guest speaker at hlins ring hall at mcellng and ban ucl oi Slmcoa County loderaa Dora The annual county elcctlnn will be held at this meeting TORONTO DNA Stallon Ion Jr the Ontario Jockey Club director at thoroughbred raclnl bu announced that till stakea program tor the lirtl hall at tho rm noraughhred reason has been approved Phase oar Includes Ill oi the xtates races lor the Fort Ens some thought to the proposals spring meeting which opens on The council hrr bun Invited Apru la and tor the rummer to read representative to the aerating Murrowtuba coming Ineetrng ol the society at Woodbine Phase No It the stakes program will be announc ed alter It has been linallxed total at nine states races are planned tor the Fort EriI spring session All ol the stakes trees are Item added The Queenslon stakes on April tn end the Woodstock stakes on May are two It the more im portant Fort Erie ltxiuxes In that they are stepping stones to the Queens Piste which will be con tested at Woodbine on lunI IT The Star Shoot Ittler tor three yearold Iiilies on April 30 Is an Important or race tor Canad lIn Oaks idates the Queenr Plate North Am erlcrI oi de It uninterrupted stakes race is the highlight oi the riches program at Woodbine but the schedule at at stakes includes many other prestige events such as the doom add ed Canadian Oaks on June the Plate Trial Stakes June Dairy Meetings Planned in County ELMVALE lSlalll First hi series ot meetings tor dairy producers ln Slmcoe County will be held at mighurst hallon Thursday evening Feb it wII Innounccd hows the Ontario dr partmcnt ol agriculture oilch here The Craighurst meeting has been organized by the Dairy Herd Improvement Association and llurray llunt dairy spec lnlisl rent the livestock branch oi the department in Toronto will herd the list ol speakers Management and milk duality will be discussed at meetings ar Are Canadian culture and soc rrngcd tor Thursdav lrcb it It lety becoming Americanizedrnd Thornton hall and on Friday lg 1p mm teb at EIIIIvale community Should ownershi at land he hall restricted to Can nits Films and slides will hr shown What rulhorII and responsibr It the latter two meetings with tlItIes do that eral and provm Dr Nelson oi the Ontario clal governments have with re VIlerInary services branch one ct to torelgn awnerrhlpt It the Iprakers Other Ipeakcrr WIII policies Ihould Canada expected include Dr Roth Opt to strengthen Csnedrsn Incl Dr Hacker Preset enterprise economic and cullur Pembcrlon Carl Sutton and Ii daveloprnentl Gutsrher save now lainlounanaerihly balance IIonIi corporation on resource development Does the presencl at so many lorelgn controlled corporations pose threat to our sovereign DAVID LEANS FILM DOCTOR lei wvuuvuouueurrwmot on our souus SAVINGS accouur The Municl Savtngedr loan Cor ratio 58 Dunlop treat East Barrie Onllhlto 12 Tell 705 7267200 Please call collect Our hours of business are Monday to Thursday 900 am to 500 pan Friday 000 but to 900 pm Saturday 900 mm to 300 pan the municipal savings loan corporation Aaubeldlary oi Municipal Bankers Corporation IBM Limited MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT tNSlJRANCl CORPORATION dd DUNLOP SlW BARRlE ONT air Roberts commented DISTRICT NEWS Till RAMA sxaruvrn TUESDAY FEBRUARY 15 lml Pass Program the rodeo added Dominion Day Stake In July and lot more added CanIdIsn blaturlty Stakes on July Alllslon To Get Spring Seed Pair ol crop improvement directors en key attention There also will be discuslon sessions with the sheet at the new In Iowa on iarm operations among the topics it is hoped lnlorvnslron will be given on the new ledIrel capital gains tax as it sllecu iarrru as well as the Inheritance tIx lIwI oi the Ontario govern ment Cash crop opportunities tor llrmcrl In another topic listed tor discussion Lt planned tller Weed control har vesting dryrng rod storing at crops will be discussed Plot demonstrations and cheriil on crops also are planned again this year women or acrneuv awawosI IWWWMAWMMW GO anon IIIIIIIIIIIIIII NOW PLAYING 7PM 9l0 PM Ill Isutn Dale lot the annual spring reed lair tor Saudi Slmcos has been III ior Wednesday March it it was Ilia pounced hers lollowiog meeting Exhibits at reeds will be giv Dch al thesa moisten had run Iota heavy rrrtrclam runs the seas ulnhilabmnl at the country to It Is natural to Mord there than to alter rupee abilities as more to placate lha btutneu community llost speculum hsr centred around th late at his Turner the be corner the new minister al In SOME SURPRISE There was surprise that swung pahuclxa Ilih hope and ambttroea to beware one day prime minister would ampl portiolle Ihcru II II diltrorit to win hrendx but easy In mskr mercies ttr norms conceded In discussing the John 1mm Ihill alter menuosrng that many people regard the home port lolln as political graveyard Outlining his own personal view his Roberts Irld he did not consider the job at minister ol lintncr any more dangerqu than that at many other cabin et positions ll Is an enormous ly important portiolm and can trlnly tests lba capacity at any politician who luls II he said adding The man who does well there develops III extremely thorough knowledge at govern ment and Ils operations am aura llr Turner wrll coma throuda the test Ith ying out on Movie Election Preparations Begin In YorkSimcoe lass enthusiasm war drawn by the Ykstm member seat the mun oi klr Hackney out It the pod It ministers labor think his read than bu been extremely god be laid Itatrag be regarded him as one at the best IrIlIairtrn at laba is the history at Canada lie was gut asset in the torment in Its dealings with labor unions and union mothers Nererthehsrf be added do think It is good idea to shill nunlslesa around periodic ally Aller two or three years In job minister bugan to think too much the end tenant and no longer Ilka politician in relation to the acuvrtiu at his department new challenge rumliaise iiiutt men llr Roberta suggest ed rutmg ha kit It good idea to stir things up by shilling men lrorII one key part to anoth er 0n the whole am pleased with the cahInet tbullle though would have liked to have seen more iresh blood brought IM the cabinet It lhII time ha ced cludrIL lliLRtll MEETING llOONmKE ISIailt Allv nurl meeting oi the Moonstone church the hero arranged tor Sundnl Feb 17 Game Each week yet an Invited to match mule ms to writhen mrvle The movie II are It the advertisement In this ltatare Ta leekty urh prise simply Ile the advertisement Itar yrII behaved played trading role and read your Iatrtee to Star Editor The llIIlIl brine and the stars tame appears ll be eligible the showing the movie In PLAZA BUTTE barrio Examiner The tint comet answer draws rreh week wins the tut rash prise LAST WEEKS WINNER lira Illliu Palisades St Rose St Darrin the TIIII teat III NIr Dvrlen HOUSE Leclttenr tr Inow ll Esta ltd Callier SI 7le mutt 1205371 81 LOCAL suv rassrr Smiths Form Dairy lJ Prarlang Coma Try Us At RiVER GARDEN RESTAURANT Dining Room Cotter Shep OPEN DAILY mllra North oi Barrie llwy ii For Reamlion 7161009 Jane Fonda Flowers are tor EVERY OCCASION netsra 12H MURIELS FLOWERS nytield It UNITED VAN LINES ltmda limited The people who will look alter your moving needs DUNLOP 31 WEST Setiy Idlers CALI CAL NICHOLS Movers and Storage Limited listMil Jlm brown Ovlmtm IIIII oaInyII run one ltll II IIII IIIII rsre W0 McLeodI Texaco III at Mllll et IIIIII hour Towing Service Coming Soon HOT HEROES JOHNS GRILL Al COLLIER 81 Harris Phone Tit1631 Your Dnlar For The and Anywhere HENRYS FISH AND com The Carrie Plan 71 MARSH GARAGE SERVICE DALI SERVICE tutors Twwlag Tud Roberta Phone Tltllii rastm 71311 Garage ltcpalrr Available dRIlRS AND LVOWIIIORILIRSI DROP IN FOR ICE CREAM POP AND LASMIINUTE GROCERY SHOPPING Open Days Closed Ned DALSTON OrnIrIl Store Ilwy rs result Dee Grant Largest Irlcctian Ii lrtgbaaaa Piotr complete repair service In all Inan oi piper MIDWAY Variety and Caller Shel ill Brtdlard must ltartira Headquarters GlTlSIiMT ARE DIFFERENT avrllnhle new GARNET HOBBIES in Dually St TEAbill IarrleI Mort Fascinating seen OII Switch BREAD for SlOS BARRIE BOROEN SHELL Iiwy IO 1W Open us In It pnt Expart Service thronahle Price atelier Lokrview Fried Chicken Restaurant Danlop East Woellngheuse Color TV BlIek While AGS Stereo complete line BARRIE TV SALES tr SERVICE CENTRE III warren er