Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1972, p. 4

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CitIr Autoimmune cerned with the conservation ol natural tlsh and wildllle Ciadmthiiceorg IIO gBarneyDePlln hank Emil ii III III npmt IIllto administrative board them Board lima Rub of Andrews ow map ven ves ol Ridi ard ll ton mini drownewlwbilerh Jan it wltlr lolid weather and little snow oil season tor this ear Stewart new warden ot Simone tounty tawnsaga authoth has been carrying on vailthed by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited It Ieytlaid Street Barrie Ontario James Robb PublisherOmani Manager Walls Iditer lmaritut sumac mm 1171 raoar Conservation Authbrity Merits Public Support Atattmewhearomudtrtresair rentmoetworthwhlle mlaiaohaa to the need for lion control In re partldptled In the BEAM In develop Irrvln the en nmrnt the has or prrotiosl management tor role the Notlswastga Valley Conserve the extensive neartg Illnesng IIIImp tlon Autlxorlty merits Increasing atteo lands em hashing need tor protec lion pt unique natarral lettuce and tion on up my the ecologyloe am adaievatnenta III rctlrln lnnan of In its whims of 700 ms the authoth was assisted paths Nature Goose oi CInadr ch provided Super con ol the Insuring Expert eooncl also was provided the bi Jay acclion and zone oillce the On de srtmeot oi lands and torcs palltles which lid either wholly or rtly umgglliholamlgpi Within iii If it PMm it some the most scenic land ot the NI on the board now headed by Reeve Al gm Wm yn gym pomp in ten lichen ol Oro who was chosen to newme mum mm lde smmi Under werr oi the Comervation Au ratahllshed In my 1960 under Urn thorities It the authority can establish Ontario Damnation Authorities Alt Ind enlorce re latiqu that are do the Nottawasr IIrthorltyts one pl 28 glgned or egpmtcdlon at our established in he province All strunls and adjacent llood plains in this apaclty it can be instrumental in Smith oi Utopia pointed out area under luriedlotion oi this authority her more oi the most enviable nttura ter turer and lrrdscspeds In the province The city oi Barrie is one at 28 municla resoumrs Including water soil threats tironing bylaws larger area the authority has the unity oi rtanding In the van the field ol environment protec on and duerves lull public support In its development oi parks such as those at Utopia New lowell Ildenrale and other places in the district the Not oowu MEMORY mur 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie kamlner Feb 15 1037 Dr Sprutt dentist Ind exnrayor 016 griiman Bugged Fadgaliohn adult er ca Utilities commie Ar Smith Bell Thlepbone manager ed as cut Kiwanis Club elected president MmRoiioeguBarr wyer appdnted assisted turdent TV Justice Emcee Colic lldrena Aid Cecil Saunders so lecled chairman St Ilarya School Dr Ross addressed much on ot Disease Resolution nior hockey lineup Gus Goring oat Buck Jon Jack Dyte defence Bowen cell llsrold Dtntl Scott Bill long wings alternates Roy Brock nonction Earl he Whitey Walker Siorcybtme an lilanager Charles announced that Ixtemive attentions would he made It Amie Store eidents Wilbur Harris presid ent staledlhat modernisation rogm completed Itltarrlalllotorriu dealer men Wallace Hed er maoa er mph rdrrerdtcenliinauger try Increased to 000 per Innum which include travel uses Barrie potter headed by et Alexander Stow Conn Club nine holes art cleaned all pin machines and nch oorrrte ed by boardrrout ot town on orders med 05 We oisdha omhil iii C3 Brymner Bank 192 laerrl locals Commerce manager will ghter mum of mu men lh Maurice Hanna Dr Jpn 3layed manoronNDec 31meng wvignxgbmwn ltev orman err third medical oillcer at health or Jack Iiatton Arthur Nolan hi arrle Glories 0011qu Carl Adm women lira Warnlca Flora lieGregw than Keanu Bertha Gar side no Parker III will Fraser Bob Black Norah Dunbar Dorothy inth larlon Scott Warden Stewart was host tor annual nounflymbanrpuct at Am erican Hotel Clerk Smpson was toastmarter John ll DoyI led singing with Wally Perkins at piano young man onhay Oh Well at it Is seoond oun est in him Hal gaegnifke at ol ewar warden age llart House director madeuary llplor Little Theatre In address Rents Womens Canadian Club Barrie Colts trimmed Ortilia Terriers 72 in in OTHER EDITORS VIEWS LOOK AT VOUTNS it is prolltable tor is an to reduce tar There seems to have been char oln Illa on rm produ Inlllternaiional the manner In which the gmwnupr ook talks Throu the last Kennedy round at youths Up until two or three years we reduced arllr on Industrial products ago when university It uter were at and in the new round oi tarlll tallre we eir height the armor ol oicrsorre should make etlortr to cut tariIlI on was that thestu cntsxhouid regard larm roducte The government has thus ed as lorclgnerr More rccently the tar led to bypass the lam problem young and the old have begun to be but the government is also urged to aware at their common characteristics quickly reach trade sgeomcnt now unique to thoIJa nest Now business being discussed and to engthelr ties managers and un vcrslty rdnunlstntorr appear to entertain the view that con temporary ouths dlIIer little lrorn their Icider asile Irorlp diicrgnee In the annero sport on py cala car ance Ono oi the most oubtandingpghan aotcrtstice oi contemporary youths is that their standard ol action laces cm phasls on aesthetics rather an to tact this is unique character to ho Japanese people as whole Neverthe less youth toda dlIIer lrom tlrelr eld erstn two esp Oneisthorlse oi tho consciousness at urllt among oung women and the er en loss the compulsion to stud or work lclt by tho yout as awhole up to economic Illlu once NIhon Kelzal Shlmbun with DC nations Aaahl Shlmbun ANSWERING TELEPHONE St Catharinea Standard People who came over to Canada com the 0d Country eny Old Country me recall with some degree oi metal the days when trrmcrr wile looke ettor tew room to realize II that even In the old Country those days are protty well gone Heres the wap attritlsh tamer put It during recent arm interview broadcast on the BBC dont thinir wives are very Involved In the type at trrm that we term he said it too complicated rcal iy and theres nothing much that they can do except answer the telephone mien thcro ient anybody in the Ienn ce TRADE ISSUES The United states trade talks with Japan and the European Common Market on ons are entering the llnal stage The US In Its threestage proposal ho es to resolve shortterm trade issues lire turn remove trade barriers against lam ducts through multilateral talks this your and start new round ot global negotlgI tlons to hit all the thrills on industrlgl products ltditillll 1073 The 115 It plan lng Its priority on the trade liberalisa tion at arm products on which the Gen cral Agreement on Tarliis and Trade GATII also hopes to start negotiationr next year Japan proposed new round cl radii cuts and nontarlit barriers re moval what It calls Ila ilspan round at last years AII meeting and also It the recent Japantill summit In San Clemete llowovsr Japan is reluctant to tree tnrports at term producinlle behave SUPPORT FOR NATO Vancouver Sun The Conservatives under the Iutlrorlt oi their national leader Robert Stanllcl have committed themselves to renewed support tor NATO and to en end to the In tleronco lOEtl andvlte tortunes which has charnclo ed Prime lllinlstcr Trudeaus Government In Committing themselves the Conservatives run cor tnln political risk However it add tintte policy wgich man Canadians will Welcome lor era has an widespread unha lness over what amounts to the than onmcnt ot moral commitments to civilization In Ieallng down our ooh itch to the common delcnco MN llllhg maietrriIMpvurrvunmrmmh McPherson Manning ldltee givhrg lupWIT to municipalities in orn John Patton re tired as locomva engineer CNR at Al evil fh MillwrightMini Iandsle Ilter 45 yearr service and no so tanl Ontario is to no sooner III ml bob lasiahman ls tecretarydresaurer IIIII Jory and note Thompson sales iiiiim mild glneer Ich lonex sal tho ehlekonr and made the butter What our allies and to the delenco oi Western CAPITAL COMMENT PCsMust Find runaway rrucrorlo Eggs Ifgig eras refI 55a rs at EERV mi ESE It as so see as g5 ii ii ii sit or EEEESTE EEK=3 PT gt as Spec ii 53 no plrunhlal or wirin Ways To Gain Quebec Seats FARIIIER SSINGTON Examiner ottrwa hams orrawa Between III III by the the party outoi tha polltlctl wil emu uTo questhuat the Chemo mi will bearllvma guild Wiggie hm also suggests that Robert also it had hi it held out leadercrn oil Will IuIIesr none earn Ilr Dioleobskerr tally dwbtthathectamgrrdln the clrctuntlances the pmonaliea and other eoadlttma Conservative siren III On ttrletnthelastloe one been ta low as IhaIpreIent ll nIeIrIbarI radar blur II I1 in rout lot in tin ol than to cite CANADASSTORY Raid Marked Of The Cold or non nowrmu Out the mart rhoc de velopmentr to modern It took place in Ottawa Feb it IMO rpIclIl rautd oi Rutl arrested Ia men and two women In their homII In modern raid and placed thrm Ia csrrtody when they were held tricolor Inualcrdo tor some tkm later It was revealed that Ithhad beeaeooperatia with hunted rpy ring was trying to get all the toierrnrtlon It am thokapm home All OX IVOI One or the people pond in the raid was British Iclenurt Or the Nisan May who hltl been taking art In nuclear re ontrrtl and aaalk lllver Ont the raid out that be am it led to the rIvutIoa that Russia hrilaln and the United Slater were not gain to continue being the gun as they had been during the war it marked the beginning at the cold war pal Ind how heeasrary Ia tor this Datumtivee to gain heavily then It they have any hood ol tanning the IIle gay repent For number at reasons there It good deal at truth In that assessments But there II also tendency to exaggersia the llilllllDiI particularlyvat it ptler to the ltxy tortures res can oiten be nusleadlng boring but think glance at the iollowlng will be oi rorne interest it it true the Onaservatires tha nowhere to go but up in Ontario They are presently at their lowest point with only ll min but there is belicl that Ontario In almost Ilwsya been the preserve nl billhlilln led errl eleclloru and not lad look at the last it eleciloar ltltllit allows the Contem uvea have elected loitl oi the memberr competed with III elected by the break Tom llgIIrcI which do not take into account subsequent byelections II an average at about we bertlr chosen In each election to litI Conservatives The New Democrats and the CCI belora them trail badly with an aver algs ol lit lIPr elected etch Ime Take the last le elections Itsrthr with 1051 the Conserve tires ow somewhat better They elect are IlPr against its tor the liberals and It tor the New Oemocrala the aver rger oi about it Cooservrtlves tow liberals and all Now Do mocaraia but that improved Conmvh live times during the tart us search In 0hr Rosie Pronto is llaylleld Street llrrrte Ontario Telephoto messI Second Clara llail hedrtrllloa Number our Return poItIgr gIIarIntIed Dallyx Sutdayraad Statutory ilolldavr excepted SubIcrlptlon rrtcr daily by Larrtlsrlrhwc woieliIlIWNIo twirl ropes ymI harrle tilio yearly ilmroa AM my County IIIoo rrrrly llIlIncI NEW YORK AP Ito ol Canada iiIIW yearly marks that mrka guests leave nlhor counlrrcl mid yearly Ieoektatl party Isrin lilolor thrnw oil 100 ltIr Even why mg NuliooIi Advertising others my pm New weregolng Is Oucen Vat West Toronto gum mm You look like someone hares bsiore ilemhcrolihrCahtdIrnirort mu and Audit bureau oi Circulw gray done We to run out at gin Cant The CInIdlan Prerr ls etcluw mm Mm mm lvey1 tpllllledlouiilw smaller Wm pr or on news Ipllc mm on wM garh iscrolled Itor roe rersor euer III on the local III publish lm not only bloods Ilu Id Igmln lost decided to die my hr the Barrie anIIlIII ClIiJIIl mum mm In all or ohm or rmuoart srl ht In all original adten mg lad editorial material cry III to mixedva at coch tsil parties look the win ated by ita employaea and re rodueed in Oh newaptper dow ard tall the wbIlhtr lta dawn or twilight Copyright Registration Nurse her turtle regirlrr ll Im to the theorem gur Till LIGHT TOUCH Guests May Depart AlterTheseRemarls cleeunn are greatly inuenced lions the party tiedled at or two electiodalntmtnd lewer NPI In another it late when John Dielenbxker led elected only it and In Isother Ir liberu siren In ihl prov lhca tits irom low it in rear to dreamt high at Sh But In III ol the it elections the liberals who in more than to rtdings Rather rurprltinlly the CCP and NOP have never had much lederrl Ital in Ontario de lla the act the province ll arty hrdurtrislited and union baa Ixed Only since 1131 it the cut my iceand even In its best chest was nine memberalo 1900 Start War Although ordinary Wold were Ibrglltbpnhmaan aye em own 00 teal letdera to Certain Britain and the US him early Sep tember lg Gouaenko cipher clerk in Russian embassy had carchrily collected tor more itcea olIbr Ottawa Joinpal with evidence at the spyr that he had careruily selected or more than year At that hlI story seemed to be beyond ballet but RCIIP began protecting him when Russian agents tried to tom Goaltenko to return to the embury When Prhnc Minister blac krntle Illng learned about the situation he went to Washinkloa and told Prcaident Truman and then to Britain where be In tormod Prime Illnlster Allies the development was so Ierloiu that On two prime ministers men at the ministers could be then went back to WIrhlngton and conierrod again wluI Preri dent Truman although the rear reason tor their meeting was kept secret email Not to nllx business with piesaurs tell mII lrankly What would our wile be worth it you sud only cubed in your ch pt right this minutrl think youve made ton guest at our dot Fill Ive never seen her Intro to anyone to cruelly it the does any thing in your lap dont or any alien too it only It her more nervous Why should to Into the kitchen with you beldpl Only maids get klrred in It chllllp Hey everybody horeI some late newrl Good old Jim iuIt cord and mid hed be here on the next llylng rar pet Theres nobody can do card trictalttellm Please dont show them this llmthow on can Itrnd on your head the comer Ralph or late Ir already uth hone um in timeout sannrss rarer the agreement between the provincial grant transler oi ministers which mlnistraort in their depart has been the deputy minister ot lath or platter Int Ivereum ylryernpon lager ol Ipcrt tr situation col also viewed In another lithL it one chore to build thorns to mom models or children it would cost at least M000 Imgoeaentosmalrnortto yrsraagowrloIdeomrrtoIrt IIpaNatimlBroadc Syn tern After the war rgotr rooadtosubrtdldngballeloprrr IndlilVrll lilonulliodoa IIISeawtr m3me pipeline Weve also set Islde Ilo million to develop Canadian In his Howards rsiercncedlto at Barrie and the privately own ed lap care centres he says that theclroilirrrlapayatltorput tliml lrot II aboutli at to lees think becous sIII tomdlrnoarrtospendoa mentioned here too Out the city drent at llarrie tr reimbursed to per Lo conclusion lire mlys cent at the earthy Meal Emmr considers it an outrage III III QIiiiirgmdepitvee MERIT enrrn no hint tier who care about their shit are taking hill advant llr llowards rllye obligation II to arm the not the greed under Immowaemol dayesan lit WWW assist centres to harrla enioy Its to race available Some at the coma alum opp Irma let do not Insist points grossly mlslnlnrmsd to believe urea and armor they seem our tax dollars are supplying kaevthsse are children reared them with no more than plate BVlthYNthlylg rpm ol betas John Street hurls QUEENS PARK Switching Deputies ltiasielui For Govti cried de meal To our iIrm mar cling aloas callslor considerable expertise In latter has this let prrc Iicularly none oi It will be value in environment The one real met he takes this branch is that be It now uperlenced and able thnirls WN ODIARN Onertuerk lama The hull shill omhhVIhII en is now TITIITWU Is not costly rationalised with tha rots pre Eododii lrator but to area ll out tor the leIlily it clearly exercilamthil be mint Ihoutd add to government the til mg mpg my At the same time John Thatcher who her this howl edge now is movlnd to tug partnent oi public works The knowledge he acquired do ytaeoviroorneatwlllhsoi lltt at there ttut there Is an upset which applies to them that but Impon SPECIAL CASH Ii tank tnlhacasool ministers lne obiectlva oi the overrr ibtr ls that they are apcdai mtnt In this approach trying to rue modern his The have been the top ads blight this biulnesr methods and apply managerial Iyrtent However one has to question whether what tr good ior nest may also apply to govern ment Whether it isnt special in that so many oi ltsdepart ments are highly teclutlcal II the men to top administration shouldnt have Ipeclsllst nound as much as roadste mcot experience applauded 1b Iomt extent the urns irc tor could tppty with deputies When they are moved VTO aumtbty they will bring trer attitudes to their raw depart raeatr menu In many cases mernx they have Inspired considerable amount techni cal knowledge And there must be question whether it isnt It My warts iul to move them to another branch at government where much oi this expertise will be oI little or no use An example is the lranslen ring ol Everett plus to the deputy Inloletershlp oi the do artment ol envhonrnrnt llr Riggs tor several years MANY FIRES agriculture There were Chill tires This is now highly compli horn in mi WW IT HAPPENED 1N CANADA Mmttrlonvutotoal reprintquth thermometer ouncwrnnvmuo Alltl without our neutrino trust uruincwuv Welliibhttnlramhuuuo rmwoorurnmomvrmlmwcrdiiiluoo Iruwonelmnovrooourninucoowumu Indoor wnwmnmamwerIrtvmwmr dream aruiommramwlow Wolfhound manpower ltlithlltlltNlllWAd IIIIIuIIIIII WWIUMWWOOMKWI mm

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