Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1972, p. 3

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Deputation Night At City Is deputation steer atrtty HINDI with prose tn Ia lar regions In As we as snow there were two developers complain Icg about the trer mmild till Denial lily ted room yrrsea recat tor And last Bell Care Ids prorated MW use leiat II all receipts ta mint the tilt II discussn oarnorm PROPOSAL itenry Bartel represented by acid Ilikl litQuId tor Corn ler We to develop lands welt oi haytleld SLIIIdIcuthoIIIchooIIlta inst had been the cause at some previous mission sir ethnit slid thaeoruprny new wishes to deveto the land by MK the site Ilse ndxlns the anoint el land tor run iamiiy homes and to neutral thl locations tor one diumsndhigb housing It want to add shard 21 acres at lotli habitat allocation and doubts the number It peepia that would tblmanl III the ropns II being made her this would provide an ideal community well schools and atom ga lrnotsut at open space and parts store it about the kids traek Volley nouns rostrum In de Developer llck Stellar cem plIInId thltthe ark allocation under tbs plan does not coincide tn the requests oi the Park and Recreation Cornsuisv lion III slid the commission wants mialrnum III to he live acres yet witth 1M ieet at bats oi his dlvel opments there are three parks oua II small as is acres Ila want this reviewed lir Stellar laid the plan does not taka Into Icrmtnt the clam at commercial pruber tles burileld St The prop rrtru have guns hen III to 20 test in depth and be said this not chm on the proposed ol ileiai plan amendment The plan has gone back to city development committee and plan ntog board tor ravtaw ANNUAL REPORT Navllls Eerie man er ot the Itieorglsa Day Re rnent Council ga Rules Bypassod Developer Says Developer talk Stellar last night chard council to bulk ing It can bylaws and he told mofufptrd Board Tha ohicctloa concrrnI tll drllt approval to two subdivi lien on stage two land In In area without residential dis mtlh mi IllcllI psn lays thst Wltlhd In stage twp can not be developed until sell ddentlel district plan is complet liera we all prosecuan tbs Drowndrle Homes sad the city Itseltlshreskin ltscwu regulI tlonsltrownd etiomessreior emotionally disturbed children and the city wants them out oi residential areas lr Stellar tiled the ohlectloa In December and slid the ettect would he that no development could go ahead without 0i Ip proval Dclrrw the oblertion was tiled thc minister at municipal IIIIIrI could launch changes klr Stotlar said he didnt want to name names ot computer In votvcd and said he was rims Ily concerned that the cty was bending Its restrictions its IIIth has no deavloprnents approved lor stage lands land that not zoned Ier specic purpose and that hss not been previously serviced or developed ls usually in Stage pending district are tor the area Council vie oi the count report the cussed Tbs region was ed II lhI January GERDC eon terrace it asked hurts to review is mutant in lbs tea at moo sad the nastier was reterred to tissues committee DELL DHOEITIDN Jack taste Bell Canada mussger presenlad MW an the utilitys reasons the ap poslng sdpnanent at It you receipt while other mm in the preva are traven Bell our property and busi ness tax but because poles and wires Ira hard to meal the company pays Issue on uptn Ile per rent at It total rn cript to tha astmlerIIlty When mimirlpII Issmmcnla were In no in mo Bells gross receipts Ilrtua III also Insets ktr Lula uld hell tests the II II Incuuitabls becauss the grim receipt can be taken It the end at the year Ihlia norv lull hotnehnlrt Issusrnellls an alter years behind giving the average taxpayer huiItIn do tsy which hell dosat hm with the gross receipts system lie lsid lowing the rnt iroren until lm like other srssroents would allow hell to get the same advantage IOCIII Lennon CORRECKIIIN An accident on Nelson Street at Nsplre Street on Nday at put war threrclr acd dent not New leeldent as was previously re The collision occurrcd Involv Ing teblclrs driven by Eric Rob ert litre at Napier Street Ray Iconard IIcNeiI oi Collier Street and Donald limits at Curtis tourt hllrtlna name was and led irvm the previous story mo DAMAGE Damagewa estimated at IIN in In accident on Wellington St It Baytleld Street on bionday II lsll pm The accident occurred when car driven by Mind Pick les et blelrose Street was In cnl listen with elr driven by Pel er Kennedy ol Disks Street mm at tour yun oi Liberal government and the hint at IederIl election In spring or early isolates were the topics oi dismal II the annual merits or the snares Nwth erl Riding Assoeia tlna last night In Midland Guest speaker was Barney Dan Ion Ime North lellmen tary secretary to pr minister nos LEFT Rat Snowmobilers Brief Presented Their Viewpoint The mayor was accused oi all snowmobiles and In wanted deportation was hlrld stirring what no supposed to be nuraiim period tottering pruealallon in Mosul that night llac hirllod prumtd brill to round utilising the result at meeting oi loosindtllers month ago and milesch Ith the city drier It pending hy lrw regulating snowmobiles un til lederattou can be olllctully iorrned and get llI patrol trlrrtl operating lIa sail the group has get five member patrols in ear rrt iiartn Ist president It the Israel tics lir Dsasuss Richard Flatt tanning prur dent tExsmioce Photo Election Chemistry acting Tha prumisl or threat trdersl election In the spring still hangs In the air according to Barney Damon parliament lry secretary to Prints Minister Pierre Trudeau At tha annusl meeting oi ths blnscoa North Liberal Rldtos Auoclltinn in Midland light htr Danson told approx nsstely to person dont pre tend to know what goes on In side the Prime hllnlltcrl mind but the chlmtslry tor Must election beginning to work whether rl ready Inc It ornoL It was the wrong time tor In election three months ago as said but the tempo is beginw log to hulld up hir Danson attributed the de sirability at In election to the cconosnic crisis in the United States Ind explained that It had helped to show Canadians their vulnurabiiity lie likened the proximity oi the United States to sleeping with In elephant You realise that thee to no osiiy but you seem to ice every twitch POLICY REVIEW To bulk oi his Dansons constituted brood re mt Ubrrel policies through the govern It IIyesr strips to the hourlong speech there was Hills that Helped comment Ila contrasted the export pel lcles oi mm and the US Ind told the subclatian that It vi to Canada to help the US to become runs were olourtrlds problem The programs implemented during the Trudeau rsgtm were not hit or miss he said It was In everIll plan direct Ed primarily at the social sec or Ila touched briefly on the new ball IIcIorm Act laying that It was provided the poor guy with charm Without the use at notes be swept through the govemmcall Improvement in the mess oi consumer sIlIlrs and the pro gram to improve the environ ment and clean up pollution IIIOIIE IlliIIIANE he told the audience that wet lsra programs It holh higher level at government are making an eilart to he more humane and assured listeners that many at tho Inequalities had been changed Weve been Ilexihls he said We dont mind samiutag in mistakes and making the necesv Isry eorrcctioas We set In Illlime record Ior housing with mono homes being built In int he slid We had let protected target at our homes In ilvs years and are well ahead at that target In Senior clitoral also came un der bricl review llr DInson said that old age beoeltl may not hIenougby but ths the best existing cgrans my Ihera In the was Right now Im speaking legion Hall and It serves to remind mu that with our revised veterans legislation we again have the best condition any where IhI Opportunities ior Youth Fragrant which critics acclaim ed as loser last spring was actress We made lew vols lakes and It seemed II It It vol Ihcsa mistakes which received all the publicity at llrst Eventu ally though th press came to realize the value at the prop ram he slid YOUTH RESPONle Through the program we helped channel the kids Into eon slstcnt approaches and they rest pondrd All these things he said lb government has done cons sciousiy Thrtr aucccss is solid reection oi Liberal thinking lie called unemployment tra gedy but said he didnt know what would happen to current unemployment Dales it Can ada was to price heroelt out oi the markeL rera aware oi the problems and were trying to Improve them he said want to work and really dont kno1v anrbedl who doesnt kwentA risotto IIIZZ it or root column 72 This group oi girls mem bers oi the Modem Jars nancl Club oi Central collegiate will be among the ieItures ol Charisma local sIIlrchl ravlsw sponsor ed by tha University Womens Club oi Darrin Feb 25 and it at Central Collegiate Auditor Ium The guts clockwise trans to oclock are Nancy Eison Laura ltiuller Joanne llcCoo key Karen Fenske Erika Fem slle Jill yerwey and Wendy Reklt Patrons are reminded that their tickets may be ex changtd lur reserved seals It slight lea by applying at the Aldermen Take Turns Sniping At Eastvlcw Arcna and she went ed know why they hadnt dis cussed the other IlIyor kooks said city deveh Terms at relereocs sounded like put Idea when the may or announced It during his loan gural address but at last at hts meeting the subject rlIs ths question at whose terms oi relcroncsllka preterenee when thcy overlap City development cortmuttce charged withbsytugupllkrlrent land It becomes available re commended that Monro be out In the 1m budget to buy the 00x rm rty on shanty Bay ltd Dorian Parker took at tence It the sugrestlon that the Ilnauce commith should be re quired to put the money In the budget beiora they had mm to review their priorities Ind noted In amendment that would End the whole situation to the trachea committee tor review KICIIED AROUND lm tired oi license terms ol rrierence being kicked around sha said We were told belcre II was too rich tor the city She sat she could think or better things to spend wound on end said the llnsnce committee would have the right to decide whoth II will spend the lords entice the city prl0rltles Ad Perri pointed to over pronto tn expenditure Il rudv Ipproved last night in various public works re its and said he thought counc had llsht to declds what would to in the budget Aid Rosa Archer said he lullhi go Iiong with giving Ilnanca the right to consider the expenditure but relerring the whole item was stop on the wrist to city developmcni and vote oi lack oi continence In Its ability to malts incisions That motion was detected and hid Parker Immediately aub stilutrvI an srrtcndment to give the licence committee power to consider the expenditure Jock tlonoon ot city develop meul commitch wanted to know it Home would consider the motion and put It in the budch tar council to decide or wheth er they might not put It In the budget It all Aid Parker cheeriullly announ ced that loam we at consid er the matter and do what It lelt proprr Site was remiudcd by linaore chairman Horsey and Ilayor Les Coolie that coun cil and not the trance commit Icc decides what goes In the budget BOIIBSIIELL Aid David hlcCIymont then druppttl bombshell stating thst thence had already discus scd the matter and Igrrod un animously that the city couldnt Itiord it not get another chance Ila said he would like licence to look II this very careluliy and said the circumstances may we rrant making decision beiorl the budget prepared City development committee membcra were upset that their recommendation and work were not getting proper treatment lrorn council Aid Perri laid the committee knew llnanco was not In Ivor sod tar that mean they brouoht it to council tor decision tie said the dictate ol council are that city develo cut negotiate the purchase to Ian on the minimal as it becomes available FINANCE NNSIDERATION This statement was endorsed by cwncil Is iuriirer part ol the report when It was nally passed The resolution about pur chasing the Cox property was amended to show llnanca cout mlttca to consider putting It In the budget Aid Parker condoned to pick it away It the report oi the city development committee adding to the disromlort ct Aid lack ItacLorcu who was answennq querlions in Its abascncc committee chairman Mec IIIyor Cools said he was con nut is cexnrd by what Ippcurvd to be leod vi point on the part at iiuonre commltlcn lie said in land deals the city must some times purchase property when Its on the market since might to she wanted to know why the committee had not considered censoring the old prone alter Womhllsopo longtime city loyee The committee report deal only with the name at meant was only involved with Eastview site and Its terms at rclerrnco do not Include the old arcna request to rename the Dunlap St rink has be en rcierred to tinancs committee llrs Parker thcn wanted to know what would happen to the old city hall once the Callch and hlulcastcr corner we ride veloped She saw the city ticch oomcnt report as an Indication that all city employees would move to the new budding but was advised by Aid hleclarcn lhatthc assumption was made only to give the city Idmiolstrs Inr host on which to evaluate the live roprxsls This hasnt commit us to snythlng Aid ItlacLIxen laid CITI IIALL vlwro voting on new city he and make no vrrlstalre about Is Aid Parkers position when we ttrst discussed this we were talking about redevelop trig the corner as In oIllco build log think you thinon team have misled us All Russ Stephens then took up the torch and attacked the propoacd bosthouw policy III wanted to know why city devel opment was recommending end lng the leases In 1917 Aid IIIcLaren said the city already has lot oi Idratnistrs IudIiorium box otiice this Thursday and Friday com to pm and Saturday item to cm to noon IEInrnlncr Photo by Peter Northeolll Ila commended the mad the government took during the thithrc crisis In November till call inyscll civil tibertan Ian ludlmske no apolo ester what the government dl he said Ive got Ittti hindsight and lirme believe that the gov ernment commuted Io kccp lug Canada whole NEW OFFICERS Following his Dansnas rc marks the association elected Its executive tor the year Robert Harlog president at the associnlion or the past lnuc years stepped aside tor the new Elljesldcnt Richard Flatt at in la The other members oi the or ecuttva are Druca Owen lirII vrceprcsldent Gil Rohiilsru second vice president George Cltgg third lice president Ilrs Audrey Weuner secretary Ind lira htyrtle Bowler trer urcr Also elected were to direc tors suven txom Rsrrle htr Flatt thanked the memb ers Inc the vote oi contldcnre and promiscd Ihut It would he In exciting year We should prepare oursclvrs well tor the election In the spring or early summer he said and we should remember that the Report to expense and will be Involv ed in costs or patrolling to ca lurc that people dont live in the bonthouaca the way it Is now so lamll lcs can enloy the water II the city held it III and 26000 other people could go down and walk along the watertront Aid Stephens said he was con corned about the bit lamlllcs who now entry the lots and said he didnt think the area was little able lot park beequ oi the rlltwev tracks He asked what htselacen would do withth SOAK hll NIINS Id go down and soak my cursor in the water Ind sit on rock It recess Aid Parker chimed baclt lu claiming thnt one at the recom mendations is In client ceiling tor Implementation oi the Kent pcoiell Day Development Plan which is an expensive con tent Mayor looks polnlcd out that the report calls tor speciltc policy to be Implcmcntcd and be praised the committee tor kccp nr its report on the policy lcvct without committing the city to any apectilc course ot action Aid Hersey got on the hand wetuu obiorUng to approval oi 23 units oi Ontario Hortslng Cir orotlon geoccdlolncome town ouscs at Rose and Duckworth Itrccts majority ot the Incumbent Im ountod to only taoo votes It tha Inst elcction TAX NOTICE The city passed bylaw Ilen day which places minimum limit ol to on tax notices IN REFERENCE to our orator Del Cote chairman at the public works committee mad passing Ielerenoa to the great terms at lelrrence de baie that kept city deveior lad Dnanca hopping ttIonday Ilkbl In railing ibr ptsns to he tnsrln tor nssrlna operation tender the operation city devil opsnent committee Is IIIII dis cussing emission plus that Vern supposed to be done year and public work In trying to llgllre not how to bp mala the system despite all IIo said his committh would like to know oI explosion pllaa because driving piles lot now slips II much cheaper during the winter when equipment can be set up on the Ice Iii request wand and these can be contacted when est is cum pIaiaL No said they worttd go and try to point out the cunt oi ths oilenders vsys NOT Till ANSWER ride with you lcouhcrll rum plctcly In the problem oI incon sidcrrts use snowmobiles by small lhwghliesx minority be said but ha added that hI didnt think Iurther regulation would solve this problem Ills brlet suggest that by low In snowmobile In taka trail ers out to the city limits coun cil would crest puking prob lem In the townships which would In turn pass regulatory by an tum VesprI and 0m telling us to go on to hitslants and eventually this whole sxea would ha one to by ass In his hrtet he po ts to tilt millions spent by mowmohliers on machines parts gas and oil iood accommodation and min cellnncotu He said Barrie Is It the hub at central Ontario where mt ut the pleasure II can centratrd WAS UPth During the question period Aid David IIrClymnnI was censured or trying to prelaca his remarks with statement and he got lit Ikarpset when he thought hlr tlc was giving In evasive reply hiayor Ice Cooke Isld council could not Iorcs deputation to answer questions and lie hic Clymont book this to mean the mayor was riding with the snow mobiiers Aid Hersey lard deputation should not be burrs sed and hid lllcClymont look this remark personally lnrl asked It be withdrawn Aid tIcCtyrneots point was that other citizens dcserva some peace and quiet Ind you cant tell one that on snowmobiles driv ing down the street quirk lit Idch crude rwvnark IIIDGE RECEIVES PARKING TICKET Barrie City Police proved this evening that no one is escsnpt tam puking tickeu While Judge Witch was In provincial cotlrt his car park ed WWI the pollen ItlIInI In trout at no parking sign received It plrktng ticket Snowmobilers about snowmobiles blin IeI People complain but theyve never tried Ilrymnnt insisted this be withdrawn complaint council was no place us rumpus sex to wmmchsles All Donna Parker wanted to know how the patrols wuskiwwk since they worrid have he Iuihm on private property III III Mod said the rolrmteers would simply go and dlplonaItIcIDy sew coder gtth call when they didnt appreciate being told they were breaking law it bothering people PRIVATE PROPERTY Aid Psrkrr asked again what they would do on prints proper ly where their presence would technically constitute lxvspm Inc Mr Airhead said then tuft much private property that isnt owned by Jack Sloller and he doesnt mhsd lint ll its easa oi lawn usuallrlsomeona In the area mold is dittrn the at pltlrnas happen Aid Pent ulcd why smrmohrlcrs couldnt use trait era It they were spessling the lib millions on the sport already hIr blow said this would be hardship on some opcrslm lle said midnight eurirw might Interim with partying Ind that clubs might decide to takl thin selects and money eta If our our racron Aid Alctlymont protested thlt merry wasnt the only actor Involved and questioned Mr hIchods Idea that regulatln luwmoblicswwid erode thedv ll rights ol thl machine operv stars What youre trying to do II have us iern the civil rights oi the snowmobilers solos and It the saliva timo Ict them erode the right ol the are eitlsen ta peace and quiet hlr hichod told there are thrill Ibco the coaching by In uoy him but basal itss asking council to reconsiderbecausa he doesnt think the midnight In to ban would be eilective tu thin it would be the thin edge at tho wedge Then youd have pcupnc saying the lib go to bed at It so make it pen to am Then youd have the Idea that Its unslla to be not alter dark so youd make It pm to am spot tLIClltNEI llr hlcheod said there were shout machinla In Dania Ind dos and he most Is raiarI mil nblcctlotho atioo Illllii they would not oblect to sensible regulations such as those require Ing protective headgear or drive ers licences tie said they could Ilvw with the stream ban II we bass to but Its much easier to live wilhirccdomntdzoiceandreru late yourscll The matter was relerrl to general government cornsnitteo which Is wIitIn tor thl bylaw sulhorttcd at lost coinae mccttng Federation is Will Elect Ollicers Soon Olllcers It federation oi Inowmobllers will be appointed at chrrter meeting Thursday at Candles Heights echooL Tho lcdcratlon will establish the bylaws at its constitution and set up committees to handle lls proposed education and lety programs at the meet The tedcration was established at mcctlng ion 11 In order to facilitate communication bolt tween snuwmobllcrs and city council The sauwrnobilers are trying to have the city give Iurther con sideration to proposed bylaw prohibiting snowmobilers on city htlttutl between midnight and lb Mallory ol the inderabora has donated too acres at land on St Vincent street outsid Barrio tor use by snowmobliera under to The tcdcratloa has let up complaint committee which will deal with any complaints tlgsrtb Ing snowmobile in Barrie and is willng to donate an additloa at snowmobile to the police do parlment to aid to enlorctng El tlotorlzcd Snow Vehicle Art Recycling IIoI Economical Yet Aid Garrett ald hion day night that recycling at gun bags under pmont legislation is not economical Ila IIId studies In Burlington and East York have Indicated that paper II the only utItcrlai the city mlytt be able to Illoni to recycle but because oi uc tuations In the market cost at Sludge Removal Contract The city will rctendcr its con tract tor sludge removal train the Icwage treatment plant belt csvsa the prcsrnt operator thinks he can do the lob more econ urnicaliy with larger tank Aid Del Cole said the present rate Is ti prr load and the op erator has Iuggcatrd that by doubling the size oi the tank he can make to per trip and the collection Ind uncertainty citlsen response the progrun would likely end up being 01 pcnslvc Iii recommendationwu that oarrln support resolution ot the City Engineers association to have the province conduct more Icasthility Itudicl to till arcs city still will be able to keep in removal cost the samc This change ls being negotiated hes cause oi the longer distance the sludge must now be hauled becausc at health regulations The prrscnt contract was lot to 1965 and renewed yearly and Aid Cole said the present operator is willing to lets his chances with new contract Ind leader calls Sunnidaie Parlr Bus Service5 Aid Ross Stephens last night asked Ibout bus service in the Sunnldalo CornInUIiity Centre which Is now being renovated lie was Idleod this question still waiting tor its transit study to he submitted The public worh committee has discussed the Idea at having the city buy buses and will meet wttb Gerald stock president oi Stock Brothers lius Lines In Itililste otTravelways the Ind mm mm ls premalun since IhI city to that has tskcn ever lienth nus lines the llrrn openng city buses luv

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