Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1972, p. 1

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WEATHER SonCurch Heidi Ind IO sndsy in mm it dryers Iiish mm to dcm urhcr detssls Psn It linen Examiner BInII0niIrio EstudsJMy Februsry i5 1m Opens Door iio China Trade wssumosou thPlT Alicr Esteemthinks Wmmreoetms twevstIgI hsieling horn hidiectnsiwhoknots oak thisw wminute meeting with lichens sad prints White liaise dinner ior hint kinda girl name II too iocp1 Nixonjs than at visit Irssscrics oisneeh to with canmunistlcldon round or tour handed in three cities sod Ilrhimiu tilt in the iron Well Ind otth thinneshriun Nixon lessee ihnrsdsy on the llrsttcgoihisjotuw It low hours lecture curling Itsirntts theJthIte Home In $oviet Tlireai Growing WASHINGTON Dr icnce Secretsry Melvin Lsikd oi the United suits slid this that Soviet nnciur er it will inter then he tore cut its Isld United Shin Ipeedup in mhmsrlns missile development Itqu the us will keep strung retaliatory Eightr defence otliclsis ssld the recent decisionto push the unions system it Iiso indlrlirs to itde it should not list on Igrecing to limit nuclcsr wup nos including Inhmsrine lsunchedmisslirs on we mmtuiuiimom mu mlsstil modulus III tshhg steps to noon on the suns looting II the Soviet Union Ind most other Elston Banjon We countries to assertions that liming ot the some snrnt wss linked to Nita4s supposehing denature Inf lists Pruidarthl Pinched tsry Ilhnsld Ziegler Isid WI hope the Peoples Republic or min will he nttptirl in itssirsliy Nixons Ietions allow the export to mine oi such us prodttcts Is locomo lives censinsctlon epsipment Industrial dismicslt inmost monitor carton Ind mills Laird srnsoiirrdtettoo agreement is expected by Itsy hut the Buy rims are reported is ad to including IuhmIrtne tmchcd wupons until they overtsks In AmerioIn lead in this depsrt snout the 59ka buildup is show vsuct FIRE Protein Film Ordered NEON cpl iihe todsy live hilniit oi tel news We It provindsl to with put dui ot RI titer inng Anthony VInnlni III the pub llcI rxht to Inionnsilon pre IIiLt over the prisiIEges oi TV him is invIestlg lie bottle ween Ind dim onstrItan iIst rs outside the mute sdcnce Centre where Soviet Prunicr Alesei Kosygin wu Iddnsslnx hun ing even greater momInturn itll thsnl prhiccttd in hot ors deicnce report Lshd tot loo grus in his InnuIi review in crisis it he ind tmust sinssl lo the Soviets Ind our titles thIt we bus the will Ind the resources to ml min soitlcient strs losers in the 1m oi now Sovict An initlsi unseat muss um Vcsliieresi On GovIYPrdieict irons illusion tineIu River vsiley town lS miles north oi Ditsz VIliims sw iriIl in Montreal on eunuch link to kidnap Ind minder is one oi live person coosdlnstlng survey oi proh ieros rein to this Iress un employment ntezs per cont oi to sionreh7temyeihsrstsom Montreal while he IwIits trini Hlt next court sputum is set its blush Besides the counseling cIss Starts puthisvscnicnces totslllng 11 months or three contemptol court IIEIIIlmJ The survey received meet iodossl mot underlhe local initiatives Prom Ind our lm 11 workers besides the is coordinators msiniy rm the nuts oi iocsi unemployed the protest runs to ilsy rs llsillsrcs ls Ititprocislmcd Wrdmeswsmttu we is and iormcr In or oi the terrorist Front tbndu Quebec Relatives iii 13 Dead Dedde To Boycott Ulster Inquiry MNDONDEELRY Renter Relatives oi the persons who died in Northern irsisnds Bloody Seeder two weeks ego will boycott British srnrnent inquiry into the dent bccetsss it Is neither lhdh dirt pendent hilt impsrtist the relative met iioodsy night and issued statement Incrwssds ssylns they would not Mperste in In my with the inquiry rltIinI lord chlci justice gt rd Widg ery Widgery opened proihnlnsry housings itasdsy in Colcrsine Ohio Ihtirs ehsm loo Dims Iiolluo leit Ind Aime Wooten thclrmcd he smiled trons unimm its will hesin iormsi he next week to determine eurt whnt hIppened when the it died Iltcr shooting broke out doing civil hold rlshts lest morph to lender to so We wentssn in sn in ersntlonol one reistives said through their spokumau iscnes WrI isther at one oi the dead Isl No one can convime me that hrigadier oi the British Arnhv is suitable person to inves Its the conduct oi the British Army he saki sis to crowd in Northhrooh iii ilondIy Annes lislrr Sriiy lotus lo the testivttlcs helwssn errnod liaise Vsnniniordcred the CBC to produce the Iontsxe shotdurlng thcdcino nstntlo shot during the demouslrIlios hy ensuerum iIIrtin Burke The hsdxs heard evidence from two one executivesthr geoe iislknsn vleopmldcnt Ind llMtlIlanm oi thI tic networks English sets its division and Knowiton Nash director oi lnlomnlins in stepice Ststerocnts both Swoosh hihddodnw legs oi MW IE their moon klr Nash said he we con Ibout what we consider mi Mr Nash slid the in has Ihrsdy screened Illiim which we ltd In CBC hrold cuts FBI IIrrests UN Employee On Spy Charge NEW YORK AP FBI agent hIsI arrested Russian cmplgis oi the United Nations on rm oi espionage in connection with the soilestsiion oi classied documcnts on the United Sissies Nnvys new FitA iighlcr pine VIicryttlhlIrkeluv ms seized umdny night In diner Illrr receiving certain doom meals from Grurnmnn Acre rpsre engineer the Fill rngisrccr was working with the FBI hisrkeiov irhnslslos It the UN Scuretuini was held over tiisbt tor Ilklimeiki today spokesmen II the Soviet Mission to the United NnUous declinedcommcot uth the mission Etould have to study the situation its would not ssy whether hisrkciov wcs Soviet msotel phase ei building is pro citizen SHOWING Oli MEDIII the two gold medsi winniis Wrhus Dzsllsh Devotion to duty is one thing extremes Neither oi them took hut these two Si itemrds my eating at Psm Barrett ii Sehsstlsn Ind lohy scans to he el Toronto one It the thoussndl taking their responsihiiiiy to By THE CANADIAN PRESS Amid conditions thIt ths In gntislly byIliectedmCdIanvsliInr sir In much In tour hours in ights decnksi technidsus have re NEW YORK AP Danish Singer Nine vsn Pallnndt In Icgusininnee oi Iuthor Ctllord irvuzy we to tcstiiy hciors iedcr fend iury today Imid reports It errInt would be sworn out for the arrest hi im lnss wile The reports indicated that the Swiss envoy in Washington would dispatch In olllcinl here today in oyster out compiIint against Edith lrvlnx is Is the iirst step toward extrading her to lace chutes oi ireud sod lorgery irviur author oi the auto US Warned By Soviets MOSCOW iiirutsrl the So viet Union has wsrocd the United States ihst the establish rncntlol US nnvai basis in Greece could not tell to prompt correspondio run too irons Russia as non today ihewsrning was conthlhtd in statement made to the US government by the Soviet hasshdor in WIshington the ct licisi news Igoocy sold in psrsllsl stIlcntrni in Ath tns Moscow told the Greek gov ernment that the setting up oi us hoses was dIngeruus stop iruusht with serious com llrItlons in the iinllsen and the tAP Phoiol editrrrancsn arcs looted by In overwhelming insrgin propoin thst wont have ended today strike Airlines were rupurttd either cnnceill lllshis or consoli dItIng hiding psssrugers heck irom one ight Ind idling Singer To Teslin In Irving Case hio Iphy oi hiilionsire Iiow iiughes has stated that his wile using is purport to the name at iiclgn it iiughss deposited In Swiss bank $650M in royalty cheques in tended tor ushes Swiss Iulhorttlrs said she litter withdrew the money Ind tie lied some oi it to another 5w hunk under mother pseu donym The latest issue oi Time msg eziue said irving has admitted hisworkisshoorsodinwiiiing to pierd Iullty to lrsud Ind per iury in return ior leniency hy the Swiss governme towssd his wile Swiss citizen Ilie sistement to the US gov ernment sold the protected hsscscouid not tell to evoke response lrom iioscow espe Players To Miss Final Games Claire Alexandch ol the Oritiis Terriers Ind lcrry Keeling ol ths Owen Sound Croscenu have been handed twognnre suspension by too 0n iloekcy Assoclntlon tor stick swinging dust in Senior sumo Sunday in Or illis it was rumored tods The two were handed mulch miscondurt penalties by rcicree Sand Proctor It the lime oi the stperiod tight The nsspcnslons mssn the two plsyer will miss their ciuhs ttnIl minty wide police lorce and fire selection services to rrplsce iocs iorres Ire delimirly mm ing in Simone Cutmiy recording to reports in county circles indry We would like to the more dclIils bciure wishing tirm Itsizmenl spokesmen indi rItcd its end he wishul more time to think nbout the lull im iicaiiuus ui rhnnzrs lusoiicd lore statinr whether he was in iarnr or opposed The spokesman till he wss opposed in any policy which would impose trnilorm proprr ty Lss rate throughout thr rulin ty with mini rrsidrnis having the same rate so when role Payers ihst wouldnt he lull he answered promptly when asks ed ll be ieit rural people should pay the estate property tax as tes tdcnls living in places with wr icr sod sewer services paid by the municlpstlty tie lodicsicd he would hove more denite lisimttut when he ius hId Author opportune ity to study Iii that invuian Mention was made oi the lethal lncrcssu in school turn tor some rclsi sections hsiore grsnt Idlustrnans were mode utter tonnes muster With Just two Itch ni Ilecirlcily iuit ior home and industry Britain sullcrod more blackouts Ind um isyotls todsy Is lit crisis mam taken to with lingering nIUouol coal miners strike titans oi outoitown visitors who took put in the Winter Carnival ici tiviiles Exsmlnsr Photo Air Technicians Reject Proposed Settlement later nightIs molar and other nevigntionsi old were Ii iected by lack oi msihtmnce One Iirport reported hsndiln hourly 3min the ususi nuns bcr hill is Bill Ahdrccit oi Edmonton resident oi bout me oi the Inicrnstlonsl lirtolhcrhood oi Electrical Workers slid lion dIv his xtuu members voted 3553 RSI on on wags his in he did not know when mcdlstion might resume Weil thI to talk with the ubiic service unit relations rdtomurruw und see whet arrangeman no he made But one thins sure the boys Ito still on strike Mediator Gordon Sirusions Queens University proiessor sold It Kintoti he Iiresdy hId mIdo unh mind about to suman oi rnediItlon but would no iIrthrr until din cussins twith the board internment spokesmen ind lioninn We are prepsred immediately to continue the mingle would like gems so ccives mentr de spite the romeo Howl will it take the Elli lent to pet to the Riders Gunil two met the re sched ule weekend will More than 150000 workers Md all in the out done sotm oi urethhd ni Britsins exports Strike Ends In Australia MELBOURNE Austrnlln AP Power workers in Vic toria Ilhte went back to work tudIy ending strike which put mm Austrniishs out at work and used drastic cuts in pul ii services durirsg the test two weeks The workers tuned to submit their demand for In extrI weeksvncnlion to In nrhitrn lion commission liars ThIn lite Per Copy it Papa the coinity school IdrninstrI lion wss sdwird SimM County council he special committee involved In studying planning Ind Iru chris tits The sotmiy cornice is not morn Is eppming manual gov cmmrnl ior Simone County with rrsotution hsving been passed in this cllcct three you committee has been It ing regional guvcnimcnt Idrninlr trnlion in neighboring York Ind listskuits These wm Irnonr such areas Ihlrh mind sub sisnllsl grants irom the Ootsrie guvrmmrot in help Initisi ilsgt Inning ork hsd count 14 Millions FORCES ministrationbeiors Inn son eminent iiuskoks wss Idisirkt without In Ircn council With trsnsler at such powers Is assessment crushy otllce and hdmithlrntIott oi tusilcs in provincial levels county merit sdrrlnistrstirs responsihiiiu in recent yrIrI hsvs been msisrtlt Iily rcductd hicrnhers oi the turmoil In mid to he unions to hm their future role cleriiicd hciore pro cecdmgtooinrrithpisnslnrtho new cnmty complex to be crin divided on room pruperty It tildth Power Crisis Forces Layoffs Ind one oi every live men in the resins Ill idlI An llmIied mm mm were thrown out oi wuk Elm dry Idlingto the one usiitlnn sweeping Inscrgencymoves ri duccd industry to thrcodsy wrck to conserve met supplies The widuprcsd electricity die mouts now in their sixth dIy heron heron dswn todny wimth to board said is suitslog sliznder deteriorating sittin nn Alicr Prime hiinlster Idwsrd litoih Innovmcod Mondly hi hi that he would meet todIy th union Ind monument chick his trsde Isd indus minister John Davies told sriisment and the notion oi the hsrsh scIi ity oi the situation At present with the dock which no there and IinlIblI tor use the Inilcipsted enoun once otthe electricity crst inandustry is opp steiy two miss It the present rsts oi consumption lhnt ti lliiifhltumu MW CAPSULE NEWS ioreign Corretpondenl Dies In Sleep EisiNS Switzerland lAPl Edger Show the vetch Arncrl eIn iorergn romspmdcnt end consort on Grins died in his sleep early today nt cancer oi the pancreas lie was to Snow hed been ill tor months Ind undorwcnt sorgery six week In Says Claims Paid Two Weeks Late 07rde CF linnpowcr liiruslcr Bryn Necks sold today lhnl the Unemployment Insurenco CunmLuisn our lm two weeks late in prying mil unemployment irrsursnce claims and loss than two weeks into paying 3047 other claims Water Main iloods NY Subway NEW YORK AP break in which writs rosin ooded psrt oi the Times Square Ire lviiay insoles commuters to walk lhrotigh cold wuter ooding subway stations end tying up tune portntlon hundreds oi pedestrians stood up sgslnst wsis and in nny dry places they could turd on the street Woman Escapes Don Iaii reroute tCPi Diane Gail Crosses 19 wns hoisted hars again hlondny night 25 hours utter she hirnmr the ilrst wornod to escape irons the Don toil Site is to appear in rourt isttr iodny on chorpcs oi cscnplns custody and being Imithqu It large BC To Sue Federal Govt VICth CPI The British Columbia government striici hock It Prime Minister muonus higut scrum shout Premier Benth iiundsy by declaring that the province in chalithge the isdurel governments squniizntion pnymcnts program in court Company To Curlaii Operations oonosro lCPl kalroehrldie Nickel hlincs unitoer with rising costs Ind slusth markets today hnnotimbd curtsilsmnh oi operntions in the Suttniry district stnrting April it layoli Becomes Eliootive For BID SUDBURY CPI ihe lairii oi tit tress It international Ntctct to st Canada Ltd sunoloeed last month boom attestivt iloodsy The men Immedinlcly began taking sdvsntsge oi cotinsciiio service operated by personnel oi the condom ds Manpower end the Unemployth littler

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