NEWS Mill MIMI MONDAY mid II Drsnnrcu our Policies irritation Condemned Bully IIAWKESIUNI ISUID Trudesu Ibo rememhued thet in hope lhIIIndeIMhtD rigorvtsd neintonoi the no htr Benson did not hILIneI hm the might larger the mural deou gore iur erunorruo hints on one oerIslnn Ind In lion Art tt III mutated ml on little lhlrit the lnrreuod out overwmlliion had Sutton without Itnppmg lnllI to he moved irnrn iinnnro he Tum$30 tron or tulemploymrnl III run reuse he ho to he hlImod tor if Simian tuned in the latest report to lrytrlg to stop Iniitlion hy Ire mt De North hunton rnmlnutulr by nothing tun Ind then loom lm info Dr to mom sir in Iolto oi being mm by burbmmhrhwvmltt Mm hoe hill both rrtInIrrment and Th mummy Mb tutu EWMICM tnhor distrusted Dir timid With thousutltrhnury meet her Lniled mirth toll on cu me my my um mmde Md Sim cm MRI to llIrne Ind uriudes Sneadu on the rhuire ni mum hm hm Wm mm klriltnd Ini Penetnnrutnhrno iortner tutti rrunirlrr John mm WM viewed the latent thlnrt titulo Tunoer tor the hum IPWILI held on Ind Wat1d cmit lie on desptrnie Iltrmpt to trip nrnt Dr anerd mmmrnied WI The tdunlyI linInoI Ind rel IAN With the eierwrote It he thl Mini Murtmhhthmldl erIl Idmloirtrsuon Idmtrlillre gmphlwedthsllherhengrnltll Irenon ihlnnlyprrmnhd lohnid these unions It the ol magnum by my ygmu mm eduld ehIiienrn NIL Trudesu lo Wllu at Totamnlin expected llldlnhtn oi thl UDGHI Con is to pruned report In ltI mdrrt nmruvslosrn Pmr the mi out the 0m cold 0min recommendetlanl In In pene mm In ur Tumor Ill wool in mm Wm WM hir 1rudrIu nonunion dint Wm Mill Iid To Yeuowkne mm mm trout tuition polititslly west oi NW 0111 ll John all lmt dilierentd ou in 0mm mm mm to dltItlonIIrelhIt Ilmreouly Mm malnmn Wm mm mm tI nurtmn IStIlIi inn titan will in held close to no niifjnmnm Em mbg Amb mm ii lililr3ltnli lieTa mt In mrnlltrthnsst isyeers Bey mumm IiiWm written friend Ihnut it in gum 301mm TRY INDIAN Cowman gfgmhir Wudm Uolld mom rm ld lishtdire lty titliiohtht eohmpltt Bore hordenvlsitm to sin rind in tho toothouse Deb Ind bully anther Ind yem um hm rnmmr eleetlort rempeln IrI Mlh NM LI Iimply not comlnt irom hlg irus WI Ind problth In to mi mem ellotl on Run htlpre the interne Ann ol the Leno nth oi hrld met hu in the im mum UM um mud lotus he told in this ea In outdoor exernLIe Thowellhnowu UtopiI resident we do not met In Jets mm mm yd my sh ior us end the Iuthorily will tn designing toning hylerrr Dog Tags Raised dent amply um Wm MWV mr toms oi the most enrlohlo not 01111 Mm Ind Wt rd we should rive our sulgport out tortures Ind londsrspes in 0min and Idvies whenever put In TUEOIUIIIIU vest Irreoges ol open spree this in the repldly thenging world NOW PLAYING motes ior out pItrIuIl lor the old ettnhlishtd community CHMhm EVERETI sull on leg rm mu Minis Among the Iltrrons ekltsnntitniotrtneoruhrttd Redmond look hungnly on no Inter the onetime neon Iiittlend enloy blueberry the helped to thI Ihile An lPhuto by hound MEI virontrelan cletl Ilmll lodun mound onto me on llmlrm nruu ruler mmrmmgm tbs Invrmmrnttnoiu polities tremor hm hm SONGS 18 Years Quebec IlrI II dilitiibed he urn IlneI inst November bout name nl lilr Trudtnus pol Iod III been hoveran Irvuod As Medonte Clerk loin in Ipltr It the rut th it hId received lihrrel llnenctIl the so to tit heinw mark for ml me MOONSNNE ISlIllt Clerl support under regionnl eronomic Mr Milled went on to my treIsuror oi Iledonll township explosion prnIrInt oi the gov he mounted to get his rsr en ior ll yeIrI Howard Rohinson entme Dr Rynord noted one time rottth ItIr Ind gloe ItIrted not dry hut the wheelI were into toild Ind lItIr melt ls tho Imnd pun ml it Just wouldnt move have erntlnn oi hLt ientlly to hold Ihin mm PM mm iound walking Isnt too had hey municile post trr ol nsllrnIi delenen Dr lty in thin wrnther it youre To lnln Robinson who NEW LOWELL Suilt With lot Retention into logiut chin oi ester ment lInd Ind riot hard turned to the rum llonl In over intreuulg IertnrsI oi nets with pertiruler Illean to orres olvwellnnde lnthe hlioe Emmlhmikfm lnr yrIrs opernltd rt gcncrsl III reiorru WW 1h the problem reldlld to the prose opeoIpIrIplInnior ling stmp ths tuthorily hrs and Md WEDd lfrklliirg method at mm rum to has ervoiion Ind ledml at our to Catamaran Authnty Ihntrrt yreIt dell oi inrelight an 15 Ilth tell it lhrourh the House solutes end the pmlnrtlon oi hm Wu yd my chmmanl tore go optothr or on nil 1I Rwhlyenrs Vrr tho environment we must rut perlmu rt 11 your at resoqu Under the powers at the Con ildidodwpalnyidgnliliisliid tnmh Mam Nam 5m id in You ow mm mmmm with mm mm mm MI the Ind It It CW hockey Ind hell or liiodntlnne rlrnir idtiiirl irlnulilru he open W0 lender rnanl ohllgIllnn ol IS mm en rsiohllnh new on ditching goli rllth course It tenrrlt ii th kl Em 5mm Milne We Ind loreeteruletinns thIiIredeslrnr orllllIlltoventhrcnohelo roe linldtielsdll lIwhtdlthd 71 port to the minimal V11 giving our utmott lo the com mum protestion oi our lIy here he sold menlinn limntlono IoilhIll oh on tons Conservetlnn Authority ham mnlty he told the it mm mm Ind IdlIcent loud in he goes lnolshulil tor lrt Iddlllnn to his duties IimeroRliliihixymdllidhndd clerk he he Vheen Itlive in stand tuggerted the Ortllin rur to verrnulrommurllly movements in peril who runs lirstIettIIi llP ly we up he lnslrumentn hloonslorle Is well Is to lit in 1937 when John Dislrnhnkrr giyirrd support in nunlcinolltlet who wet iornter enuon coun titu someone rite srlll region In iortuntto in hrving WM 10 tillers proper plotting it need recreotinnol purrposes hI poInIe hounderlrs Ire no longer mean mm mm mm mum in lor lhl township oi Tum lnrlul in some resoertn They oniio hove heeII rsircd item it to rertnlrily Its not in respect to fgglpb whgvmig gr dog and to ROLE mm the trowel Ind rerrentinltst nt Wo Ire now irelint PW terns at today he tIld MI Where there is more then one sure mt city dwellers thIt como yet he held pointing do mm mm Ire looking into this watershed PARK EXPANSION out thiI new term nilern re lo enloy the Imrnllles ll hrs to Much II who people use the uewod donilenr ohfqdnmnm dittllltlttlllittliil into it her lost condence in 49 II trHull ludrr oi Either Petty ThI helth toll Iiglf POLICIES two men the Dr Rynerd could recsll here ever made it STARTS to the prime minister titer an In Vtiil ns minister at llnnrtre IhlI wu yeIrI II who uses were not the hu en oi tnlIy They were Sir Cherlu TUer Ind It hermit lion tleslotd wts moved in the WNW mm mm Cirirrstrrrisirrr lakevsew its human 1135151 FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS Monday to Friday ROAST IOM TURKEY with dressing min In smttnI report convenience oi tho slty lilthll Mum mummh mmmnm VVVWWW us Int It In 9an or mm mm my limit Mm mum mm imam Writ iii on oi nrttytogtttdl nrod Inert 1c II In do urhln myyummnmwnml 01 do lnItt people romeiu the countryside to minim In my mm Tum mm AVV ihtimililtioilrili ililin1dl tine ROAST lEG or PORK ludvplnnnlnl Ind dovelo moot 35 with aPPllluue doanttely Ind with 10 int costly PLAN NEW BUILDING the allure uponsion oi consol right PZNBTANOUlSllENE Stall vIllon who run he to the Id lit llttlitih Dd list In venlIgeolhoththItoutulsn rolerdrirnllnu ignition the people in the MI w6Nm 0F mm mm it run sense at progrlrrt has been Ipprouthed untested liOiiZlDtirlllW AURORNIRIIILTW ti lnr demolition at existing site intend Irduisliltn the tumor DAVIDLEANWLM ulc my mum new lty can be In rillrlent spent WW mm Ind erection oi new building hotlug CECIISIDIDIIIIMUDIWV to them lm Th mic wnmuim wtnuvlslottrrtoullmot been mm my mi mm Complete menl inclndII mm new mum um mm lltld 0m DIyI gt lwm on Dessert and Revenge Children tender SLZO 11 mllllhiiiilmltltil llrrrnnortlrll clutching up among thoserequtr the Ontario government Ind ed to rerlsier llslr hole with the many concerned nelurIlists Ind locIl district olilee oi the On citizens llr Smith stressed INII VV tIrio department oi lends Ind ln toklnu tho llrst Iirp towhrd totem uroroluervhtionoiiicer my ma mm 01 mull an aka in lii room removo huts hr NAM 31v the in rexistrIIinn the owner will he 1le number which he It to outred to piste on the ouhlde 0i the hutht numetuls not less iitIn two IndIholl inches high torchlldrenwlthloorulnldlsahll gtlldllllllilwrltem trim need ntorI help than teachers GRANT ARIIUVED DRILLIA StIlll Asiocletlnn on give underline governments vysrr 114E loeollnltietlves program The owlsV 1VVssdb ANGUS lsutltrln hir km on Club mm Md In my norm My Dine and Dante from to om 1111 Buigah AD ma TERRACE ROOM liloodzy Frlon 100 pm to pen it It the lions club it on Wm 90 numb yo yummy mum ENTER mun mm HOT PET WITH MAST BEEF entertainment Is niltEMEAlt 1rth BILLY JOE BEENNISMITemdh is lltlo KING Duo ten ed threeyour term which tly Entertainment will pg mm but otlnIted pieIsIol ihnrinutI drive mill or 15min II your titer the next munldpnl 0N TRY OUR BUFFET mm 13mm my IIIDE AWAY LOUNGE DAILY 150 Dunlop Berrlo tloilmlelz TItIe Week In ourLounge ttntuop st mm ummwm MO 39 Allis mindfudat dDagny reestzt Iv clitoris hoy lteiih Dermott Ind WIlleee liolhert Former member oi the Ink spore mmffld IN OUR LOUNGE COMING ATTRACTyore slinging Lunch THIS WEEKVONLY LIVE gvppyNIGHr RECORDING ARTIST Tom W3 and mm or the FEMS TO MARCH 4th JoHNNY NEIL rtrttctlst nelson DANCE HALL NISUUY ConlereneI hooros IVIIIINI It on route DUO tor the host in Folk and Country Mutt Mom thru Sor DWP Itsout my ehnrter nlxttt wns held lost OR The ioniullc 9m pM 10 mo My mg cm Air Conditioned llI cents heads on council The GOGO DANCING HELD OVER CouplIs Onlyl mm mm mm WWW mum it HOTEL Phone um 0T0 mutt Iict It st rut hunt ion