Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1972, p. 4

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he Accreditation Published by Canadian Newspapers Company kindled IA Iryaid Street Barrie Ontario James Robb PublisherOmen Manager Vl it Watts Idiior lmevltvr McPherson thinning Editor MONDAY mauaar II rm PAOlt ould Canadian Senate Be Weakened Further John Roberts uhcni MP tor York tSlsnooe believes that the role at Carr adaa Senate should be darn ed ten earragovtireabaihrtea redthe oure oi Commons be war convinced that the Senate should be abolished Bubs neatly be altered his view and con ed that the Senate could periorm usciul adv iunction Nevertheless he held it rhoud lose to islativo powers it now shares with the as hir Roberta dtangeoi heart It based target on the work oi Senate commit tee all be mentioned Senator Dave oommHIea on the mass media Sena orLam aesrc at on science policy and Sense Dari Crollr report on poverty Certainly these re were useiui but one could ask it oy could not have been ropared committees oi the ommoar or or that matter by Royal Commissionr The was question has oiien been asked the New Demo cratic Party and by video members oi Parliament ii the iederal government were to lol law Mr Roberte advice there would be lliiie point in delaying the Senates abo WAR DAY to YEARS AGO Danie Examiner Feb it 1942 Last rear Town at Barrie the biggest rura ng on record 183050 including to dwellingr Thir vdll be restricted in re sent ylear due to wartime regula one yor Donald liaciaren stated that municipal ea ital expenditures would have to be erred ills Worship paid tribute to many years oi service own darktreasurer Arthur Sad Annual ice for Imminent machin oelnbanieaetatlibORovNRD Sinclair oi iisra Rd Presbyterian Church amount on on an Wmpwu Barria Rivranta Club ErrMayor John Craig again heads Public Utilities Cornmlsdoa Tony Dmarle returned to Barrio as Zeiierr manager lie came here as manager in 1938 transierred to Branilord in 940 ltons Club host cd members district call clubs President William Garner welcomed guests lens Wilson Crew native oi Thornton ap ted mans editor Polcrbor ouglt Daily arr Rev James Fer uson lrom Reamsville inducted as min or St Andrews Prcshyterlan Churcli Mrs It Gorrell was iron less at troussoau tea in honor at daugh ier Verna who is to be married to Al vln Robinson lsed Anderton elected captain Barrie Badminton Club Dick livinygsion and liorbio Dyment cw Barrie tan or starr starring at Trenton diCAi senior hock club managed by lltloa Without legislative en it would harelltdarruonto con ea in the advisory role suggested by Mr ob crtr it horrid be orrn oi lttlcal ire patents that no sellre senator could accept Man people are disturbed the last at renatorr are Igpotnie and thcreioro not subject to will oi the electorate Senators may continue in oil tce until the retirement age oi as 10 Kerr longer than the average worker business or industry in the United States Congress is corn ed oi the ilouso oi Representatives and the Senate Members oi both houses must be elected They have ctcarlydc lined powers under the comtttutlon one heady acting as counterbalance to the or the us Senate is poweriul lnlluen tial body Canadas Senate can delay but cannot stop legislation passed by the Commons Perhaps like their muterparte in the as Canadian Senators should be elect ed inn Illetmlille tours well be the ab oiition oi the Upper House consulta ilve role would ardly be worth the ex pense oi maintainig an anachronian DOWN ration LANE president Canadian legion Mr and in John Gladstone Currie have arrived from Brantlord and taken over former McCarthy house comer Wellington at Bryiieid Si ReeveAibert Toner Reeve oi Flor elected Warden simcoo Count At ublicmeciingin library Mail Users olell laiths and political aiiliiatlon vowed to use ro sourecs lor total was until victory won ired Stevenson Rank ol Toronto man ager at Allandele and representing Vet erans Club presented resolution second ed by Alderman Poior Sinclair Lions Club Ladies Auxiliary installed hire Marjorie liaadlton as president hirs QUEENS PARK Bill is launch OJ oi The iiarrte Examiner Right you know Rhea was sub or yarn ago the late hm manning editor here or more than 50 years advised navrr to target the tour We in the early part at ram story What Rhett mam hhyi Well iorgot th in its item So to make the complete thllasOMtlt rriaitam Govt Responsibility It DON OMEAKN Queens iarl lama at The seminar TORONTO Aa interertlng abortion is developing here which might ba rummariaed as who tr going to rpeak tar whom on what tvhlch normally doesnt make much am was able to an ensure that tor the tint lime liquor wotrld legally ha served in the legislature huddle So where was iloh We ch the secretary tor rectal develop ment policy which covcra both health and educatiaai Sitting ln ihlr is an outgrowth oi the to by cm mm mm to organisation at government which has run the creation oi provincial ilcy secretaries or superaunts an LEO hie deuce tar trim Campbell lied Cross pr dent ior 0n dtrrrt de artrneniri responsibil ior what could he rayt CONTROL tAlJii ilow complicated the situation may become tara Illustrated when Aialr inverter one or the aupermtnbtrrr gave news tariotiirsEOlurnbuli resided hire lttcs An ad when they make mm little and hire Grilliths were tncharge oi arran oments Mrs George brown and hire ames Hamilton also entertained lira Campbell hiild weather has hampered barrio curlers at their building on Ciapperton Si Dr Neil Laurie elected to St Marys School Board succeeding William Crone land who resigned alter 30 years as red rotary and member Barrie Collegiate held amateur contest to aid Var Sav lags stamps Pianist Ross Caldwell vvon iirst prize iiclcn Lambert Second hiary Maxwell third Burton Warnica Painsvdck elected resident Bards Fat Board Frank Spry heads Rarri Victory Loan Campaign Enlistments this week Douglas ephens Engineers tidying Olllcerles took another nailvu James Stephens Army Service Corps ron Thomas hasten installed as William Craig RCAF ovum EDITORS vnws STAND 0F U5 In thiswar the United States seems to have had two main aims The that was to stop the expansion at Communist pow er ta SouthEast Asia That is not just brass it meant preventing another rnmunlst part irom coming to power by the use oi arcs in another country which had not rovlously been govern ed by Commun sis The whole broader rationale ot American policy came under this heading The government at the United States wrote to demonstrate in its allies in other parts at the world that it was prepared to stand by the under takings lt had made to them Tho Economist CANADAS STORY gland Speculation Hit ac it BOB DOWMAN llark Nrin warnt noted or being ilrtancler but he gave speculators some good rdviru tiny land Theyre not making it any merr tiherr hrv ten many sensa llle Ipocidaltonr In real crisis in Canada One at the heat up poriunlllca came Feb it rate when Governor Douglas al Drlla lsh Colutnblr act the price at land at to shillings an acre lie was then planning to build the capital oi the new colony at Fort Langley on the Fraser River and number rvI leading rltircna rushed to buy land in the neighborhood Encty one year later it was annaunc tha quearbarough iurther own the river ha In 1858 trier oi exchanging their hold ings at Fort Langley lor land in the queertshorougla area Then it was decided that the name tluccnslnrrough wen prosaic and vulgar and it was changrd to New Wthllltiltiltr it should have become the capital at presentday British Columbia it it had not been tor armve rkul duggtry on the part at aurv poriera oi Vtctnilh This story yriil be told an the appropriate Ev iteloro becoming gnvcmnr at Vancouver Inland and ltritlrh Columbia which vrrrn lrpatllllt colonies iamra Douglas was lacior hi the lludrnna iiny Company When he act the price at land at in ahilltn an acre he may have been lnl ueaced by sniper aboaenajnrlead oi lort remarkable deal the company Lrngle rnd the speculators got tram Orllaln in rare it tobevrtortrgeoddttr fAIfrAanay even at it shillings an lcte Theytvcro very angriwhith was kept in clicct unui teased Vancouver island tar reVen shillings year deal the mainland acre nailed on the colony at Ililitah Columbia OTliltlt llZIl lI lllltNili italllritlrh aapiurrd hlishille marklnac island tileilnlurvel lly arrived at site at Ottawa to build llldcnu Canal IMtllav Graign lslravpphni hluunlnin war maria lirri Angli can bishop at Montreal liltWanvcra at Cornwall Ont went on strike tiltFire caltvort $300M damage in llnlvrrrity ui lo initln lathCanadian tramps arrived in France italCalgary houghi eahlhl lion groundr lrom it llennrit in upon irisNorthern Ontario rul iered treat severe htlrtard liteUniversity at Montreal war Incorporated tauCentral ltotara strike up opportunity it when Vancouver island and ended alter tit dayr their public appearances what are lhry ping to tllk about and more mporlanliy will they be upstagcd by the regular min islets in their plrticuiar iieidst QUICK LIP The problem was quick to show last about knew where their new cities were beiora they were making public rtalemenia liarlth minhicr Dick Potter was quickest oil the markor the lip ilo gave an interview in which be pro red tits govern meal health pen rhould pay too per cent at dociorr ices Then Educlilan Minister Torn wells made quick ink with statement that separate and public rchools rhuuld work more closely together on lacllitiu Even Jim Snow mlrrlricr at public works dcpartmcnt BIBLE THOUGHT iraua answered and said an io them Tblr ir ibr stark oi God that ye brllave on hint when he hath sent Jobs or This takes the struggle out oi our spiritual experience and places more emphasis on what we believe about what lie has laid and done rather than on how much work we can turn out ialllt in Cod 333 21er litre Rome interior in Drytleid Street Barrie Ontario Tcieptwno litres Secoadclasrhlatl Registration Number MM liourn postage guaranteed Daily Siluriaya and Statutory iloitdayr excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier soc weekllv the year ly Single copies the by mail liarrte tame yearly Simeoe burly tiled yearly balance at Canada it truly All other countries tiltth yearly hiolor throw all 51100 yearly National Advertising Ciliccs id Quern St West Toronto rot rare to Cathcart St hlanlrcnl Member oi the Canadian Press and Audit Rurcau oi Circula ilona The Canadian Press Ir exclus tvri entitled to live use its re puh cation at all news dispatch ea in this paper credited in it or iltn Assoc aled Press or Router and also the local news publish ed therein The itarrie laandner claims Copyright in all original advm ttr ng and editorial material cre ated by lir employeel and res produced in this nevapaper Catirifhl Registration Nant her register rr Mr Lawrence reportedly said that legislation would be intro duccd at the next session desi lng with Sunday work iawr lie was dciinita that runs evening Premier Ot SuperMinisters William Davis had to issue druid ilo raid that as yet there was no positive government policy on Sunday laws Thea Mr Lla rcncs made quick retraction in this use it appeared that hlr man who likes publicity was taking an opening tor some Yet on Simdry laws the nbvloru man to speak would hava been Dalton Rated the new literarygtnml ltam sveharhiriatv rence gain to ho coolant to rtetvouieti wtu lba undermin lsierr let the superamlalslerr make the announcements Will there be continuing contusion and will Premier Davis be so continuing rescue mlsslcni For there interested in la poillica it promises to be law cinatlng situation to watch an raranmrnvo THE news Nixon Has Eye by JOHN MOMNC gt Canadian Prelr Stall Writer President Nixons torcign poi Icy statement to the tirdied States Congress has something tor but about all the adminis iraliona irirndsnot the least tor the American voter who will be electing new president next November Foreign obscrverr are nothing particularly new in it but the ponderour and ambitiouslytl tied State at the World message lOVClI Ill IMOITIIOITI IIIIlOltltl OI ground in trying to demonstrate the success at lenna policies in the home stretch at his tour yerr term In additionl it talks the kind oi language by and large that the United Slates aillea like to hear Rursig lsglven tho conven tlonai listing all over the arms WORLD BRIEFS acre uoar rrhnon MONTREAL OP lleae Noel an toyearoid gulirr irom Shawlnigen has been nanrtvi goiter oi the year in Quebec Collard St Laurent oi Montreal provincial junior chairmen made the announcement Fri day Noel wort tour junior tours moments that season and was hunted to the Quebec junior in terprovincial team to strtar tliAhii MONTREAL lCll Grunge Drouln manager ei llcynai Cuntin at Montreal agreed iri day to have the Canadian yuntor welterweight champion mee Pierre Desehenes oi Quebec City in an eightround boring rcmllinai Feb it Drouins ro lusai to have his lightsr go less than to rounds had seen Cardin withdraw irnnv the bout hION SIEEOBTHO WINNIIEG Cll lktnnlptl iilus ltnrnberr oi tha Western Voters rcnarured that Ame can strength will be laptop in Eu rope Nlrpna coming visit in Pairin tr spotlighted hut Jrpan ls tol nut to worry about La undercutting her position TOUCliiIS ALL DARE Patislan gets encouragement to her time at humiliation while an olive branch is held out in india which the us opposed in the into war over liragladesh Sovlct arms in Egypt are de nuanced new round ol worldwide trade tells it proposed in the subject at trade the message is mildly tough on describing the newlyenlargcd European Com man Market as possibly presenting iulure threat to its trade and encouraging proloctlonistsenllment at home but hr an riecllon year this might be interpreted er so to the everpresent htghiarltl toe in the American electorate At all events initial reaction among the Common Market parthrrl does not appear to ba one at worry American voters were re minded tbat the Republicans have pulled hallmillion US troops out at Vietnam while not abandoning the Snlgua ally Tha reduction at an expensive polite ing role is popular and helps en sure that Nixon will nel he cut bid by his rmocrrlit rivals in lorclgn policy llllTliS 0N iDl Nirun nhu displayed tem prrato attitude toward Demo cratic critics oi Vietnam war policy though not entirely dire vowing the harsh strictures put on them by it ilaldemen the White iiousa chlai oi stall the president warned that they shouldevamlne their cum mrnit carciully to make aura that they say nothing that might give the enemy an incentive to prolong the was until alter itA electiona caution calculated to place opponrnra needy upon the Football Coateranca have signed Dave Chaney last All American linebacker irom San Jose State Chaney light by Nil standards at all pounds maimed to records over to in all the widerenglag report maker plain that its authors inciuding an doubt the state de partment and the uhlquilaus Noirmber lttll to the lamb must in MO LthOlNB LEI III kindal ladlegetoutaihar dbtt hath The Eaarniner out early piur complaints aboin leis printing yobs Rilt got wrtl saddled down rommtmlty ailrlrr Rotary Club VON executive church Untied Appeal tampalm chair man ctr all in two years Never could No darth ll be caded West they would have hrd him doing thl winter Carnival loo hatr like avery other place in damp rratlc North America it per cent do the unpaid work rest late ride DEAR DUlEt and missed you very mac undera stand you are new bav cation in that condortahe ken LETTERS TO LET START TllLlTslNO Dear Slit Todayby tiradin demand ing such inereesrs in both pay and protlts we in areas at lab or or rail or oi meaniarturtrs and rolling are only and In stead are produce tiilll er ou theresan the untold millions who need Ind could use all are rordd aver grow and produce The liarl re sult will be an disastrous lhal the depression at the early thir ties and the results at the two world wars all combined will look small In comparison When we consider manr greed it reminds me at the many who irt their mad rush lor gold in the Klondike and in the piles lag the possession at it above all else lost all including their lives Nearly 2000 years ago to men who tailed to govern their rctlonr in the tight oi trots the thinking would have revealed Jesus addressed the wordr Fools and htlnd Matthew Hill in making our demands are have not taken time to read the signs at history and thus to reel he that the that result at our greed will indeed make as red ar iooir and blind Ave higher certs tram day to day Results at strikes oi higher Hlythe world market rlips at way From tools and blindi The much we have oi loud and store The grand we have tor more and more Desi ear or have as poor implore Were ioois and blindi Dccattso ith is re in the light at the words recorded in Luke rant 2011 wed better stop and think liken weve done this All aaua irorn his anther me to thus he got from Allandale iirasa hand and Powella Melody him Wa hair new frtar writer tor at predicting what Eco ihtnul Pisces etc have store tar you on this dates Somme named Jeane on has replaced blrrlilta the horoscope We ahead have one womans editor Dix an in this newspaper but shes lters consulted lasner prediction tor my birthday ilitdar and sea Ellsabethrl it run in rolls are taira toms out to be an austere virtue DEAR aoct Dc sou rernvrm her when vraler tanks were in the rireetsoi barrio tor purposes and vrera tilled the bay by the town int when pressure was low men improvised When the mer LC Morrison was ed at her deck Carleyrt at loot oi minutes but When original Central Methodist was burned or John not an east between Ross and Elizabdh now Dunlap West This would be about an Lobirvr lag lot is touted in modern threes THE EDITOR what we then do will rnora clearly to needy than anything we could say Yours irtrly PHILIP FRASER Barrie ONO CLEANING Dear Sir There would appear to tired idea on the part oi the snow plough operator that Vincent Street has to be ually ploughed rcgaavtiess aiata ot the road The lairst instance at th acy war in the utterance on it with the road bare and oi loose men For some unknown reason the tough was operated lorcmovo ehardpaekcdrnow and ice item the merghr pavement with the inevitabir suit that my driveway blocked rs ellertlvaly ns clown bad dumped couple tans oi broken cement blocks tmth at which little erretut It do not object to digging alter storm am tcss irstle about dig lug nut aaltalmprcgaatcd ash tintier incensed when in sunsh no and with enough pavement to costly and accommodate all the tralile ing the road am laced moving jumbled mass ken ice holore can get access either on loot or to my home would euggeat that it it now time iar some at cretion at our seowcieartng procedures can only speak myscll but it would appear the purpose oi poststorm ploughing all my part oi cent Street is to keep me work and guilt cliectlveiy blacked out at my driveway imprisoned widtin it Would it be asking too tor the town to leave well 0a reection perhaps ii At St Vincent WW 1T HAPPENED 1N CANADA lienry Klningerhavra tirm map oi the political realitics ilAIiv catapults sittttrrettvrvnovru runounomrutwttowct sutrtceootrututtant tvrtutataruvrtrrrte tissssortrootrvvouni littoral tour WOONB ONO WA IiilOtibORith FARMS vaaottouroeovva AvtlbtdAv

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