EB llldcJIVIIJJI Se8 771 Hangar rotor iJAultAml It Too dos rtres liec arcrail times at three dogs tEssadochho ens hoisted am Satordu sod tiled Sunday la the Class grto hers second place lor the event The riau II inc terms Dog Sled Race lull YJUKINUl brawn maven It in Guthrie Again For the sexed straight year Guthrie school was tho Barns Wtoisr around Iehonl broom bail champions IoIbstn victory otcr OshIcy ark arth Cvurries yuan tetra almost sleep at tho compels provided the achnd with clean was buicn by St tlosslus at in tho LttIi game it was the lint year lac ltmloe hrovmholl with ice conditions imposed during Sundays matches the ra tlrI patina oi play changed irosn Saturday to prartdo can slderabia urtiemrat both tor participants and spectators Competitions tor the charitile ship began in its schools durin tho second week In lunacy to by Saturday eiahl terms had earned place in the semitut to lha game were played ae eordsag to twogsmo booctoat ilicials llorecast Bigger Event By hieKEGNBY Exatniare Stall Writer Worm weather and wet now dont roots the best conditions lor radial Col tourI but God Cooderham raoo marshal arid the trans In the winter rorah val IvrotI still made loisiy good times 1w categories at learns raced under its auspices or the Northern Sled Dog club oi North Bay Thmdol sleds raced at root both days and It put the ltrger seven to tidal teIsas took to the was The Isnriler learns raced thmgmiico sad the Class teams raced Icroeo tho bay to Johnson Scott across Mntry to little labo andka to the starting point on the hay iho Ioncrr mam was shoottlo miles Jack liabon Footnote look the overall award with total limo tor the tan days rarer oi two horns eight mlntrlu and ii accords The out threo spots were Letters by tho three Amen lean opiates In the racu Al Dress oi Geoeseo New Test Cilil liulehlas oi Paviiim and Joe DIk tnriu NV Thero were it Canadian learns In the lanes moat Iran the North Bay Sudbosy area la the Clan events inc thrcedog teams there were his learnt raced Sauxday and only tour canto hock Bentley Marlon Soper ol Chantry was iIrat overall Judy Galbraith oi Toronto second Al Christie oi Stordlvilie was third and tensile was Bo Weisser ot Brampton llr Gooderham laid the our beret teams was about what the norm expected and he sIId theyre hoping to hold rsces here to lustre under internation ed Dol Rating Association lie said rare the that would Ittrhci to or do teams and prise mney would Iitcly be around 500 The dots raced mod tram Siberian and Alaskan Iitmhies histasoutes rad Sarooyods in teams at bonsai and labs The dogs wero Ill Italic and even Irrrail children had no worries about settles on and patties the stated out learns The dog teens were mark rd codrsat to the rats at ms rhiner that pervaded tho rest oi the Ice Itlrlaro the dogs did have some problem with the machine operators many at whom were seeing around but atdoihoiencesanihoirasrld prcaerlted rest dsngrr to teens leaving or nursing Auxiliary policemen did their boat to wave down the snow mobiles and on several oeso atom esrna riots to gettist run down lhemsdvoa North Bay Defeats CGE To Take Broornball Title North Bay Aunt blaya won the Ml world broornlllii chInI piomitlp SIMIy with vice tory aver oInIdlIrt learn rrersrle at am In the Rail mount the Iuodayoveot It was the first year oi coho petltian lor the North Bay aortad captained by Denis Trit choanha tram swept throuah thek series undeieatod to upset last oara chemists Tit ltrmn team took home too tor their win told at as terms entered the competition each with racy inc degrees oi polish The llilidwetther Saturday prodm nilodeeo water in the rinks which seriously ham pered the ratios at play and caused the wlthdrawst at teams at isomtiatorlooaodSlJIenr tor coil otter chm played only ooogsmo Cooler weather Sundayueah ly hoosovrd Icorceadluoao aiiosdod some diwisya at broom bail worthy oi the world championships Throughout the two days at play Dara Forbes goalie tor the NB team allowed only two goals in iota games and counted thre shutouts As lihaiista in the moth tioo the CGE team took homo tilt and create liead Iciem OW Henna at Toronto breasted the games tho aooreeo Marilyn Anne Mario Valiqtlolia Ran Donnotty Linda Forbes Shirley lleodsiobsoo biay lienwell anti ad Ruthlpr Wally Corruthrra chairman said that tho deplorable condi tion oi the too on Ssiurdsy cro oted some problems and on Saturday nlrht It was dotshliul that tho llnaia would he held Bearer the tram Isorn Club hing took the romolatlon tro and too prise nvraey rollove story over Boyle thdtrstrtes oi Saturdays Arena Show Was Biggest Best Ever in event BARRETT lEaarrtlrrrr avert mu The Barrio areas are tilled slnroot to capacil Sstrnday nlglh Is In entbrm lie crowd turned out to see the birgest and best arena show the Barrie Whiter Carnival has over oil eresL Titrth began It 30 pm with six ptcweo hockey learns playing acres the too At 1130 Bob ester and tea heetos the Diamonds started thareprlar arrow at topnamo sisters lrorn Canada musing the audlem with comedy rou tines litsis Nlmtlngair the ins Canadian Junior Iodies champ ion and Robert Rushers then performed grareiui solos David Porter arid Besahsrs Brresowsbi also placed second in the lm Canadian dtnco pairs competition pleased the audience with their perieeily tinted routine They have only been dancing together on states for air medias headliner oi the show Don Jackson the tail world Ilgtuo stating champion arid Olympic champion put on laminate drmoastralton at school ilgures basic edges tits tattoo and stand and backward spires In the that ball at tho rocmn In tho second he Jackson wesslng red alert received wild applause ior iantastie nu us let so The ltsmtses Precision Pat rol In prongs yellow and whlto unliornts went through corn plicoted band chill on less than the best ilooc conditions Tho Ice had been covered with THEY lOliiiD ahdeelts oi cardboard tor tho Teenage gLls from the Win stomttes lynrrlsstic Assoch thorn in red gym outllti showed assuring Iiosthttlty they went through routines on the parallel and movers bars They also did Iorwasd roiis whichwent into high lumps rartwbeels back hand sprints and aerial waltovrrs which went into aerial cartwbeels ii NEWWiiY TO GET TO THE Ciiliilllllii lwa Torantonsra decided to avoid bishIIy problems on their way to the Barrie Illa tar Cuaival this year Bill Rants and his brain ervlsselaw Waylo Greases drove up to Barrie Sunday morning aver caaceIclon roads snowmobile testis and Realty across Labs Simcoa on It or iloada Alis Ibrrerwheel hire rolled to snow traer hit Margin laid it took then hit hours to mate the trip because they lrpt beial stopped by interested Ilah men along the way Con neatly they were too to accuse match some llshl snowmobiles had been their original Int lion not had aood lines at the carnival anyway Mr lIIegII III his wa hack to Toronto on Sunday night well and bad rooIlderraIa err moieties UTIlRi SENIORS th members oi tho senior trsm tram Guthrie reached by Bill BIIrlt principal were Jeit Jorigrnao Greg Cation Csry teach John Beer blurrey thi oheII hisrh Cellos tiark Rut rr Eric Grooming Dale Amos Larry Itoss Larry hlctbraig DI tid Campbell Daany lIaItIns Drtid Gottrley hlsrh llcthrslg The St hioolea plaice term coached Bill lincAieer do ieatcd Go Ies Junior team with sold combination ci good peel lional play and line cositend lnl trom Blaine hlarbcil Iligh scorer ior Si tiaalras over the tuodsy series was Dents Thannassa IIllI thrro goals In later pantry lho memsz oi the champion ship junior team were liark Olynyr Dennis lbannuse Ds Id Beaurrhosnc Staten Rin heard Bislno hlociveil Greg Brennan David Quinlan black Dosage Jlrn lilies hikhsel Reid la the Junior consolation line Il Itillrrrat rdgrd Wernica school 21 with the winning goal being scored on penalty shot I1iem products two series championship and Results bite at the Barrie Armcury was everything It was ospeelrd to he loud loot atarnping night with tcliout saIIaIl new gaeeEW nin crowd drisrtag beer and drop tag to the music or relen pieea Onasrpabpah hand irom Bass Borden When peopia Itiied with Uhtoberlest Ber FRO LEFTI Call it lton Man Wins By COLIN RRIGill Examiner Stall Writer Upwards oi soo people watched as Barry Restart oi Ehiiun won the Formosa tip at Seturslsys Ontario Snowmobile Racing Fed erltlott hteet at the thesis Ier Csrhlvrl Siewrtt tool the top points trophy drivlar Polaris tilt score was than close retold wss Budd Lee at Bertie with tears paints Lea drove Speedway tenarts high state some irom too IirsIpiace alas ta liiodtlied Ind competition Ills Icoro was retaliated under OSRI bInA dicap rules lie was oornpettng with 15 cvnlrtltltts almost dou ble the number entered In last years meet NO ONE llLRT Under the supervision ol the Klondike Park Race Team oi Wasass Bush the races were run eiIiciently throughout most oi the alteraoon No injuries is reported and only the track Jill NRRIOALL great control BirdsEye View For Corrigaii lirny go to winter carnival hoping to attend almost every ev cut and to are everythlog that goes on Few people realise this with but over the weekend rIgaIi honorary chalrms carnival coma closer to it this most people III was present at almost on ery event and presentation and bed trust row seat Best oi Ill be was to the desirable position at being among the people re sponslhle Ior mating the decisi ons aiicctlag the outcome oi the ramival without having to be one oi the deci makers It was little hectic It tim es he said Sunday Iiternoon alter the last trophy was we seated and tools were weeding their way ornr but It was worth II really got good Insight on how much work went into mating the wholo show the are rest It was he raid the sums her at people behind the scenes was unbelievable over the two days oI carnival weeteod Corrlgall made an ap peasanco at the oiiiclal opening ceremony the Rotary ball the teen oucen dance the Kinsmen Bavarian night the arena show and tho events on thopbay During the day be strolled around the rounds watching the events chatting to visitors and being available to carnival ole IicIols ior presentation or In oIIIcIaI ceremony II was great carnival he slid Voyageurs Paddled To Two Firsts lIJ EILEEN DIXON Examiner Stall Ptrlirr ltlwu clear sailing all the but when the Voyageurs unit oi the Barrie Sheba SiIine Club Nddird Its way to win two awards In the winter carnival parade ber unit won prises Inc the ll intry in the manometer litittory and the heat over Shirl Finnish portsea by xvivac Howell was atltba hehn it moot came Ills pass if wore costumes dc ictlnl lit and the Ir itioaai Mkbcmdian eotrrntrs do lientbesl oi the unit who pro tioipsied were Jack Wolltvtrr president at Barrie Sheba Shrine Club Bruce Peacock president oi the Voyagenca Urtit Torry liacris Bill Nora and Jim Wales oi Everett Irv Eilement and hes Bertram PARADEORIENTED The Voyageuro unit iormrd lppavximaleiy three years ago by the Barrie club and has it members Its prim ary iturctiort is participaan In all Sbriacrs parades The ca nor which was drawn by VIII is timely alerted to wheel DBSP Tbauntididooteoteriisoth or new ronrprised oi mini motorcycles with miniature canoe built around them duo to weather eonditiostr rst prise in the elementary school division was awarded the Kempenielt Division oi Rana crs Critics and Brownies he came so soth entered oats Their Rout depleted winter rls trending snowshoelag alloy and too skating on riot which centred Ibo liost ileocgian College students wail ed oil with Ilcst prise ior orig latlity In their iloot depleting college campus lite In the big aohool oral cohego clssslilca ties The Coilingwood Collegiate Iinehtaa Brod turned out to lull larva and should be com mended ioc Its musical talents Sheba Shrine placed iirst In the non commercial cissslilcu tlon However there were many floats which showed lot at wcrk and ellort laoitsilng tho Barrio Boomersrsgs ol the Call adiIn Fondly Camping Fedora tton and the Barrie scuba div ers club Weather roadsqu were Idesi with the raturu hovering in the the cit encouraged as excellent turnout oi parade waicherw Judlvs were Ross Stephens Ken liadntsn anti Eileen Dixon at The Barrie Examines the sound system can the It rnIn ltlondtka crew any prob tests The warm weather combined with snow betas pushed onto the ico ruriaro made track eon Its absence didnt discourage the spectators however and lor the better part ol the alteraoon It was diillrult to iind root at the snow learn that clrrled the track The winners oi the other it classes tin order at Itnlsht wero WOMENS ii stock Kins Joweth Arctic Cat Barbara uo brmrba tarmsn Sharpe ouette Stor Carmen Sharpe Al ourII Ilcien Clarke Rupp Lynn lbebb Shldoo stool Lyon lebh Almitl te Ktmher Reva Iieks Clarke Rupp JUNIOR Stock Susan liaae Polaris Rickey Frsahs Shidoo Randy Marlin lloioSIJ JiLtd STOCK stoct Bill Bonn Rupp Ales Lauren Arrtic Cat John Sherry Rupp start John Sherry Rupp Stan Sbrard Alouetia Bill Dunn Ruop Ito Auckland Ruth tree Morrow Rupa John Sic Gulro Ropp stock Leo Morrow Rupp Doug Auckland Arctic diliorts slightly mushy during tpn WWW lto alteraoon snowgroom was used periodically to put the track hack into shape Reg Stnclslc chiei steward of the meet said that the problems encountered with the track wero to he expected when Ice was used as base An ideal situation he said Is to have dirt DJJS enlist in the track ll the air grounds The presence ol ico un tier the track discouraged reter drivers Irorn entering The sound system tailed mid way through the competitions and when mother was installed short ly alter it too caused problems MENS MODIFIED tIodiIch Barry Stewart Pc lsris Larry tIIno Polaris Dara Crossrnca Polaris llodiiied ii Wood Slldoot Dan Bootbhy Stldoo Wally Liiz Polaris liodliled Berry Stewart Polaris Budd Lee Speedway Bob llammcll Polaris Ii hladiiied Budd Lee 5pc Dan Booihb dylenUoideclo rrs liodiiied Larry Wood Sti doo Gary is Iood Speedu Richard Boyes Shldoo Busy Session Faces Aldermen lit Tonights Council Meeting City council meets tonight at pin and the heaviest portion at the agenda is expected to come irom the in committee re ports prepared Ior adoption Included in tho reports are recommendations at an archith tor the new public services cone picx contractor or more Addition to the sewage treatment plant and proposal to have all waterlot leases terminals on or bolero June to mi The reports also note the need the boat servicing iscilitles in the city with city development recommending Idvertising tor developer to build service con ire and the listener committee recommending Icssiag the Car icy property until new centre Is built The public works committee will rise ask council to endorse resolution asking the province to subsidize the pilot program or nutrient remoin Irons eew ago The province is only rub sidizing nutrient removal scheme on the Lower Great Later the city has been inlormed LOCAL AND GENEliiil MART MOTORS Police are investigating breakup at Intel Motors on iiart Drive last night in which 12000 worth at tools anti iruvlt vet and at were stolen DIII schooner reported that thieves entered the them through side window sometime between 1030 and llzti pm TAPE DECK STOLEN William liamrnand oi Barrio told police Stutdsy ol the their oi an eightatcact stereo tapo devlt and tapes valued at illb Ircsn his car snmctirno since Jan 29 ltir car had bean parkcd bo hlnti Iludds restaurant on Bay IieId Slrcci SNOWMOBILE lllsllsll snowmobile accident on the property at Oiiord on High tray to Saturday caused an cs itmntcd tilt damage to the may china and tits damage to leave rruti bruise The driver oi lhe vchico Earl Nceb or Stays that on under the tint cd Snow Vt Iria Act with tailing to register the vehicle and with operating the machine with out Insurance The mishap oc curred at too pm MINOR INJURIES two rsc collision Satur day alteraoon on the Towers parking lot caused an estimated stoo damage to the vehicles passenger one oi the vehicles Thomas Burro 71 II Singltamp tort suliered minor lniurlcr The drivers at tho vehicles wereis err oi the vehicles were Gibson oi Wrsaga Beach Ind Donald Comer oi Barrie 0R0 TOWNSHIP two car collision Saturday on County Road it near Con cession oi Dro Township caus rd an estimated rioo dam is to the vehicles involved The ersr oi the vehicles were Perry Lav oi Toronto and Brian Kear ney ol ilawtcsiorc SNOW VEHICLES liia snowmobiles been stolen porn the sits ol the winter rar nival Sunday George Cornwall oi lcspra Township told iico that he hit his Inotvmobie It the west gale around noon and when he returned at NO It was gone Roger lisdtl oi Bethaven sold his snowmobile was stolen rent the bay tress Latevlew Dairy EDENVALE Iwocar collision on High way to cross the Nottawarags Bridge at lldcrrvaie caused an estimated loud damage The driva trs were George iiutter ol An cu and Leslie Cotter oi Tore on or MINOR SOCCER Scarborou clinched both the champions and consolation trophies In minor soccer over the weebepd The championshi team do Ioaird Barrio to the Nos solution winners odrcd Newman let ti xsmst BARRY STEWART right so eelves tho Formosa tbsp irons John Poxslrymhairatld the Kinsmen tier that Ipoa cored lha night Ted Iceman tlisnsrtlnrr Photol sIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iisroId Johnston oi Formosa tEnurrinel cantor lioiiiand Wins Five Races Doug Iloiiiaod oi Bradiord cap irrod trio rstplace trophies one second at hbrndsvs am Ieur snowmobile competition at the Barrie lvlnicr Carnival lioiiIsnd can all six races on In Arctic Cat Norman Stoddard nd Clrn Quits each took home two trophies on the some more oi machine Barbara Lloyd driving Yamaha won two that piaro trophies tn the Ladies and competition and placed Iecottd to me ladlcs race Only one accident accessed during the situation driver wIs treated lut minor Iniurles and released Irons Royal Vic trvria IIaspItIl Weather conditions Sunday were somewhat better than they were Saturday and most races wero inst the tanndike Reno team trons WIsIgI handled the Sure day races with the same case and eiiieiency they did Sets tinners were presented with their trophies by Caratval Charr man rtIl nrd Evcrioa Tho trophies 21 in oil were donated by Barrie merchants IInners oI the events in order were Three People Slightly Hurt in Penetang Street Mishap There people suiicred minor iniurles in an accident involving parked car twr Pcncinng Stml Se urday at Mt prn The accident occurred when cor drittn by Mick Ic win ol Painswicl collided or parked car wood by tild dcls Garage oi Essa Road Damage was estimated at $900 to the parked car and 000 to the car drich by llr irwin ed were llr Irwin Jeanna Rolls oI Daphne Chestnut and tlirh at Long oi John Street SiiANTY DAY Damage to vehirla owned by Woods at Elora wu Saturday It tsrr on JUNIOR ll Calvin terrain Gary Marlin II Bruno Dav Brit Ted Nacliliiaa Calvin Ornniaghdnt lbtI Bshubsro Lloyd llary Hence Linda Lohrback Barbara Lloyd llaureen nsonBonnioWiJlnson lisry liurst Bublll Lloyd Bonnie Wilkinson CLASSES Randy Martin Paul Norman Stoddard Doug lioilland Glen Coulis Bill Gathoos Stock Airs Lawson Dot llerhert Iierva Johnston hIodiIied hoop lloiliand Glen Couits lira Eli at stock Coy Brooks Sun ley Alex lswson Modiiltd pout Iioliland IorrrranStodd uoyd Dow art it Guy Brooks Ale Bob GlIhurst Modittcd Ian Borne Doug ltoiiland Glen Coulis Stock Doug lloiiIond Nero man Stoddard Jay Kerswell hiodiiltd Doug lioiiioad Ron Iloss Lloyd Dow as estimated at not when It was struck by vchicia operated by Jeanie liccrina at Toronto Daml1 are to the Bruins which was estimated at toot The ntlsbsp recurred Sunday ritemoon an Con at tlro Townspr near Shanty usy THREE CARS Damage was estimated at case In lhreacar accident on Brad lord Street at VesprI street IiIE2llilhllllllEALliLlilSEIEII The accident occurred when ct car driven by Gary Samoyioii oi lslingten collided with driven by Peter Williams Brampton which tbcn collided with car driven by llelsln Palm ol Noblcion Barrie Realtors In Toronto iii Provincial convention Mildred Moore PRI prcs Ideot and John ll White second slot president or the Barrie Real Btata Board are leading over soo delegates sod wirea irom across the province During the threeday meeting spe ass and panels on warlooa delegation to the Outlets Ai aspect oi the real estate Indoo cocIatioo at Real Estate Boards both annual convention try high point at the canton lion to the election oi the tan held In Toronto this year irons allicers ttrrrenr OAR Sunday to Wednesday the con sideat is John Dollie ER oration expected to attract Smiths Falls ha deieliates will bear society 01 no