Broker TofJBe Candidate denominated Eudlltipultiileiiiitltt infus mossesstatic mustangs 1heb Lites an mpom can People th usva at euoosry 011A tcrl Denali been nywold mm hrdsr ms he is soon outdo lo be aodidsis ion Psrty tutt ii lhst hs WISE sites ve your use Selection Man is lIlorellc or only hsss duo in thmmmth tour oi the province last year to lion up undldstes it IIsi iIlls Ontsrio clediur Phlillo Givens who rude successful debut In ornvrncisl this hy eeing YorkForest tilts riding in test isils cleo line said in In interview be sunk so Im his strength with psrty represents tlvubctoced ngtonluior tits lesdrnhlp GIVEN HEDGE pulsingtbtlhlnk Illiytiliitl or sor Isld lhllmmprlhmto insyor who oulthis ledersl rest is run in the provincisi eledlrwr JAM Bulibronk wispokon lecrIl isnntbonchcr trons Esr nlI told he is Inslous to leave his options open but It the mo rst hm no dulre tor the Vernon Stun dim Pill lain Ind Punch eld WW III icslsthss membe iron inlay liiva hIVI Ilse I7ch punctured cornered Neither Itcnded the row woollen Nettle hrosdesslcr hurl antstnn who lost hid lor the psrly Earthth in loss one mm in world dciio hhrly not consider running Islio Don NMhnlIh at New oriy drrector ssld he douhtrd womanizer oi the icgirie titre mid he induced to run tor the otiire beanie he would hm to win provinclsl rest in Iiyslodlttt Party Failed To Communicate Senator Says WENNIPEG tuW Scnstor Ridssrd Sisnhuryl nItionsl mel party president IIld Sun dIy thI psrty hes so in lsiled to commnnchlI the schism merits oi Frims Minister Itll daus government to the people 0i Cum in speech to the sound meeting oi Itsnltohs Liberals Sculpt sunbury nld rumy Lih crsls have sccopted and even srpcsieri the nessllvre thIt hsvr some irons the pressure troupe including some oi the news medls Esther workshop session on orrsnlzstiou II the meeting wIs told ilbcrsis will his to rely on intensive doorrodent csnvss ring in Use iedersi elthoh cm palm expected this yesr UNCONDITIONALLY ousnsursss so own so vsno or BROADLOOM WITH EVERY SO YARD PURCHASED UNDER OUR UNIQUE OFFER role mummwm PERIIF GIVEN ADMITS TIES tortuous OTTAWA at prom pent Onisrio Liberal spilled the been on thlwrekrndtl oi than The libcrpl party hIs trsdl tiouIliy resisted two thinm Being brsndcd II the rusty tied to will husincss interests Ind girls to dernInds lhIl Iourr oi ticslionolmpslm lunds he made public Ssturvlsy whtis wsilinx for Prime hUnislcr Menu to arrive thou drlrrsice to the Duluth iibcrsl convention hunt solicitation tor grssw roots donstlons it Ruskin oi loudest provincisl chslrmss oi the Psrtys lied Carnation thud crclitd to raise money testis upcomioI lodersl clccuyo Iskcd ior donstienr rsnging lrurn pickets Ind dimes to twochtqoes Were trying to hroIden the petty Mr licnkin told the crowd Ths lecrsl WI hns op rrItcd lns many em on the support st to ms CInsdtIn corpontions isthsunslsspmmtors sgilitylndncrdiothsisbub todsy Ind tomonw drug to protect them been the eiiocts at shess says Inthorl mthuitortsotrtress oaths lnidlhsilmiel usdisnlnstthtISstutdtylbosA Ihsdrugthslvillproiscttsho snimisiromothawiso teth mommur 115 reductionistan bee in ll sumo ileyiionphyslcsl rlistens to home Aging is isr turIhocIuss scientists ilsst mnst iurn whether IsturII tory II wetl II determine whether people reset in the who you sspcrinscntsl Ini msig lipever thI IppichlloI to manipulates Trudeau Speech OTTAWA ICP Nixon upeis ed Pricns hiinlricr micsu It weekend mimi tlon oi the murmurs PM by Inn rrr lionle resign Is protiocisl lcsdcr Air ikudcksu delivers slim hliur Iowv ey speec Irkrd haliroorn Ssluedsy ten hours site Mr leon In netmced he would not he no didnic lot oiticc It the next leadership convcern expected within yeIr Iihenhcms ot its irudeIus speech interrupted twice by heoklcr we pies tor Clnhdi III is understood not tht in invite nt hIs done but whether or not ouriist ni Ichlcvcments demonstrslu our ability to loco the chIilcnga nl within their one country sttscts mi EggsE35 it SUSPECT EIID DAEFAIAPI lion than ItInl throng not Bustsdesh spokumsn Inhomosd Sadly wIe ermine tAPt lmon dlvcn mat idsnil cmsdlsns In less spurt Ii Lhip wreckage in the Gull mt neoo million unveiling or union my Is the tsnkcr Foss missing since Erh You An CovdlIIIy ltivlt rosumarns In sprouts MEETING etithe BIG BROTHER ASSOCIATION ot Barrie and District Measure srttrsr UNIrrncuuucw up WednsscIIy retired GitestSpeolcer MR yHrstsv Juoncr TO AltD06 owners The tinal discdunt date or the oi dog itcopcoe tn the lily oi Barrie is hlsrch 1972 To take Idvantnge oi the discount you my on wsrd your money by null or all It thefikess urers Oioc in theCity ilsli the discounted are until ilsrch ion soon tor nine or spsyed female and seen for Itmole Alter llsrch till the rate will increIse t2tltl each STRAUGHAN City Citric roundergt19 tEARANCE SPECIALS T01699 so vo Choose from hundredsfot bales All uptodnterIj ours Deep piushes ls Patterns Scrolls Velvets Twists Shops First Qualities $1 Sitar Regular Lines Subs Special Designs SHOP AT HOME SERVICE Free estimates NO OBLIGATION Easy budget terms no carrying charges tor 90 vinyl Out oi town coll collect within 100 miles CII Collect or R1 PRICE ASIOWAS GUARANTEE UNCONDlliONAltY GUARANTEES To Refund double the dilteronte In cosh it you can cover the some area In the some cerpst tor loss during Mr ttroerl leems Famous tori otter SQUARE YARD SY BUDGET TERMS WE HONOUR CHARGEX NO CARRYING CHARGES FOR FULL 90 DAYS titlillili rru usvvrsvr rm hil liiild ngm sw rotthwvvN was erlo Iio AHIs atIIAvws on ounces RANGE room Dupont 501 Nylons Polypropylenes Acrylics Nylons Evians Wop Special Blends etc isovosroiioun PRICE or sure room As Low AS $use othsruuuniltlunvellahls at low low prices GIANT WAREHOUSE TO SERVE YOU PEN THURS Er FRI TILL SATURDAY TILL PM ro