Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1972, p. 10

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OWEN goalkeeper DIve Rtggio makes stop on rrtr Colts erptria Brian Dolls while ternarqu close Jr Colts End Regular Play With Win Over OWerr Sound gsinrd rrrurrtemum and pulled Penalties Barrie Saunders 62 win by the lisrrie Colts over the vbltiof Oren Sound Greys Sunday right pointed the wa to what should be elme semiFtan sells to the Ontario lltockey Association NldOnterio Bustier series it was the sari game tor the Calls In rrguirr season play White Dorrie coach Paul linger irnt predirtiug In easy win in lba semiannrir between the tour illplace Calls and the second plrce Greys he Ieels his club has the materirl to knock oil the Owen Sounders II the boys make upytbek mind theyre going to play hoc key and behave themselves then can win lite seller Theres enmgh there its up to them ell have to gct good grab var too bleger added Ryy out sliding the In to help trim second period at Middnlorlo Is loose puck Junior game It the Bob rte rlub donned the Greys or rlr trees may night Oohr week pomp Thursday The Orillir Trrvelwrys meet the Cult wa tram the OwenSound club Ingwood Blues to the other set at the pleyeiir 600R TWO Greg Ilubbert who Joined the nanla yunior th recently reor ed pair at goals intend the Colts Jim ilrcPherson Steve Ilccrrllt Rick Ball and Dave margin in play trams and ed st John atom to stands ran to their no pm at or up The Bar ular season schedule Exam iner Photo gig Egf is siigg a6 llde Ind Bob Baird they hlrcPherson tied it up late to the rst trame Ind Illheuglr the Greys got goal early in the second the Barrie club held the in the middle It the end oi Ii in the third the Colts 01 three unanswered goals to win gnIrg subdued the Hornets Ids dillercocr between Fridays loss and Sslurdayr win wasthe tenacious Inndsecklng oi the Barrie torwrrds and the solid play at the Barrie bluellrle corps The deleoalse pia ol the llyen limited the Call ub to men is shots on goal POWER PLAYB Both Grit goals use by Steel er Teri and the other by Drrr Creamer came on power plays tslashl izlt Owen Sound Pets trrnon trou hl 1521 Barrie tic Greth tho 1557 Third Period Barrie liubbui unassist rdt Barrie Bali iBanaermrnl ltil Barrie Rryrrrtt iii bren the way the Berrle club In playing John hicilitlrn shot wide at an open not In the tint The score could erslty have put with on teet burl rs mutterparsimonious had still mm Mm WSylatbepenrlty bar era were rwrrdolr penalty shotwhen Grit minim SomrPeroinsloalhnwblr rtthepuckdurlngsgnalnwtb serImble Balld wrr elected to take titerhoi but be blasted hplooter wideottheaet It was good wls hard win on the load Piper mrerg er Jim Short beamed to the pan densolsilrm in the Barrie drew Ingrwmrherthr its the best win this hockey club has ever had We bell them ICU lbs llyerr not two gusts up In the three minutes at play Panagrhko IS Ieet nut in the riot one Into the corner at Mr Gall net It the ltlll mark at the lirst and Iran then nsinule lsta 1ng looks like Its almost as eetdlury lor yoiiu mi isle hrs been Inn provln every time out No ates tor the bestoluevrn plryoll series have been set but It expected It will rtart this going and the Colts gradually Ilnycrrlt got the when Bill Brorn Ind llrn Outing scored tor Owen Sound The win tor tbeBsrrle club was measure ot revenge or 112 loss It the hands at the Greys lrst week In Oren Sound tlblle the Barrie club which tnrlsbed the reason with ll wiry 11 loss tour tie record has been role to win consistently at home theyve had trouble plrk wins on the road espec nsl the top three teams Orliltr Owen Sound Ind Col iirlgwood hrvr to win one at the lirst two games up there his ger said Sundryrtlmt tor the timid minutes at the game It looked like the Greys would state to Inothrr big win But Ryan held them to one gnrl lo the early tram the drrps SUMMARY Flrll Period On llelli ltlbfr Sound Bucklnn itript llzli 1519 Breoarl Period id rnrn llacPhersont tizll away Irceotlr In the Owen Sound end were particularly valuable to the Colts in the last period Ilubbelt and Doll stored directly Lme Seam Brown Him Brrrle lilacherson icur Penalties llatrie Koopmrar elbow ltll llarrie Ray crrit icrosrehegki ltll Owen Owen Sound Lynch thigh slicki Owen Sound0min iCbrirsl lt EhrlichhlsGltslh tCrrlisl llrrrieIiubbcrt thanner Itrycrelll 15 Pcaaltiu Owen Srirlnd Oslo tlag iboldt mt Barrie Banner mao Iroughl Owen Sornsd 0st ting irlrshi nu Barrie Davis on ihaokt mt Barrie thrrtlr ltripllodBIrreertnnill mslort Owen Sound Cut hg ttiuvt mayor tozso Barrie Brn nersrran tInterlerence this was Sound Whitby trough it sum as corn By Barrie liy Owen Sound 11 lllb sunortrrnro assures rrrnnnros Drilliar Owen Sound Collingwood llrrrie Newmarkct Bolton rink irom CFAD Annie skipped by liai Batsmrn won the and Paper trophy Saturday top event It the third virus sovsvus worries Innual Irns Burrirl 31 Brtrte Corlntry deploying the the members at the Tomilughss iltr Iiaiemru lzr ltnrsbali and Joe char Runoenup ill the Iter which Iitrrclrd Tb rinks was Barrie Ulrilhg Club ioursoms stipprd by lantBris tow tErrmtner Photo Winter Carnival Cycle Races Draw Hundreds Of Spectators Despite the letting snow and generally wet weather on Sun day hundreds ot spacialon tin ed the oval track at the m1 Barrio Winter Carnival tor glimpse at the spiked and stud ded lire motorcycle racer In their enthusiasm the tons continuously pushed Iarwrrd too close to the track which delayed the race total at about an hour Barrie driver Dan was iniurcd in the spiked tire practice but otherwire all went wcll Ego Is In satlrlurtury son dllion in Royal Victorlnllospiirl This was the Iourlb year or the races but the tint ycet tor the studded the category Studs are small rteel knobs as re trude about nuettcr at In eh beyond the rubber all around the tire Although much smaller than the spikes they can still cause serious in my to rider II he tells Brt lbr drivers were Iii pro Icssionslr registered rirr Canadian Motorcycling than which so one driver vs lot diiierenl trons thy ii Anreis money were awarded in the MA stars at Sundays rem ublsh In rst at noon and toaiittued III RESULTS Vihrlerr to tie it ilci the category nor tin order oi timsh Larry Restrdo and Don Daili more Winners In the 230 cc studded tire vllegory were hllrk Ilapto Seppo llskiaea Ind John Barre Winners In the open elites stud dcd tire rote were bilclr lisp to Items llautianen and John llance In the open lunior clrrs oi the spiked tire rare the winners were Prui Egglvton Durrle licn dlltt end John tichwn the beans in the till rs iunlor it the spiked tlrc race Ms lily Arrcnrk Andy Bailey not Ariilam Julian heme la the senior Trophies rrrl two so pressstave oi the lplktdwiiie raco Carnival Stock Approximater dozen oid stuck cars competed In the 1971 liarrir Winter Carnival stock rat out wreckum races on th boy on Sunday The rreer which started an hour behind schedule were held In three beats two semi Ian and one Iinal Winners oi the lirst hert Don were Iaul Kntesbaw Wardlc and Kralrckson Winners ol the second heat were liar Wilson Jerk Valr and lien Zampolom Wirusrrs OI the libel heat were Lewis Anderson tron hie Hugh and Robert Lewis Winners in the no cc senior class at the spiked lire race were Dave its an Gory Jack son and Kurt Diliman Carllesuiis were Dori Wardlr Pauilihes shrw lion Somerville Jack Vair and Reg Wilson All the cars tram thrse heals then entered wreckum race in which the last remaining vars still nubile are declared the winners The winners were Kiss Tearnon who tied Ior lirst place with Don Wordle and record place Ron Robb lvo trophies and Will prise money were presented to the winners by Willard Evelina winter carnival committee chair man on the governmentdock RoSburg rsut SPRINGS cuuf AP It had been It years since Bah liosburg was winner the isyerrold greyberrd at the pro gott tour wasnt sure br could stand Ihr pressure Nope by Wilt Chamberlain and liabilities to pull rm to was ready to start shaking but It never happened Ron burg srid Midday rtlercollect lag moon rs the Issuer oi the traooo Bob Hope peters Coll Classic Lenny Vrdkins 12 at Win rton Sriem NC was one stroke back and two Tlyesrold Calilornls lerry lierrd ol VLsalir and Johnny llillcr oi Iirrlshed two nli Rus hurgs Whole total at sit under par by It Rcsburrt bad minds ol 655$ Ii7W the lirst and lost It the b5myllti Indian Wells Country Club course wool It helps without tbrsepulting green which untold here Is wooderlullrn sure that won me the terror er Acomh tipped Jim hlcClAr Wins Desert Classic meat thought could get by holes without hittlne hell Ind out at bounds and did said Rssburg HEARD BIIOOTS Tl As Itng sank Iivs birdie putts rrnglne lrum live to rel In his last rnvtnd iihoie leader Heard and his problems on the second hole hlllioghls tee shot out at bounds into swimming pool and windl up with seven lIe iloished to ll heard and hlillcr who shot it won 535 Ind Wedkins who had it pocketed tithid The blooldii VIdens missed in iblnot rrrle lry Dix about hall loot on the green to prevent playotl Bob llurpby to us ttIth with tinalruund to and in total on stroke better than Ar nold Printer who had 69 George Knudsen at Toronto ltnlshrd with Til tor lit total and non 01601 Chamberlain Leads Lillakers To Victory Over Baltimore By TIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS los Angeles takers brdgercd Baltimore rookie Phil Chen turned on the power behind lrr lint lilallO National Basketball Asv societies victory over the Butt lets Sunday Cheater who scored ii krpt BIltlmore in the game until under the thrceminuts mark Then Chamberlain sidelined portions oi the second hall tor strItegic reasons whipped in rtutl shot tor tibial Later lead with remaining Then riclIiIlirn scored tour at his rmebigh at points among re taker baskets tor In un surmountahle tinted rdvrn tege Dorset Park Wins Tourney QUEBEC iCPl Toronto Dorset Park Bruins won the grand championship olrthe international poewea hockey tournament Saturday with victories over Dorvai Que endOshawr Ont They downed the class champions irom Darrel Irt lit the sendliml rnd blanked Osh Iwn so in the linst Dorset Park received three goal periornvnnce Irons Larry Niaker to overpower Dora yrt Jets in the srmidisrll gnme Phil Raspberry and Gary Dillon added ooegosl spices while Dave ltalhleson and Bruce Montgomery replied tor Dorval Dillon scored twice in the ilnrl game with singla goals coming trons Jelt Palmolerr and Ed llrlliday James Ger rard made it saves for the shut out Oshawa gained the linsl with to whltewaslt at Buckingham Que Class champions Barry NeQurId scored twice and Carson Campbell and Wayne Ilawibsrne got one each while Ricklilcberds had to make only three savor to record the shutout in the other NBA grmes hill waukee Buckr rippedrliorlort Celtics tibial Atlanta Iirwkr stopped Buttnto Braver slim Detroit Pistons wriiopsd Cleve lend Cavaliers libill Golden State Warriors trimmed ergo Bulls tiltso Iiourtoo Rockets deterred Cinriansll Royals litlit and Seattle Bu perSonlcs stopped Portia Trailblazers tilIll in Sundays Americra Basket ball Association grmer It was Indians in llempbls tto Ken tucky lZi Carolina Pd Virginie its Denver 121 Ind Dollrs I23 New York 111 in two overtlmer Saturdays NBA results hill wautee in Golden Strte 1W New York loo Cleveland It Chlcrgo itl Atlanta 106 De troit its lluiiolo hit Phoenix til Cincinnati it and Seattle iii Portland 97 in the ABA Saturday lodisna beat Denver mill and Utah topped VirginiI litits Kareem Abdul lrhhrr poured in It points as Milwaukee broke Bostoirs In evgr nre winning srer Metro Ilink Takes OCll Mixed Title BRANTFORD iCPl Torn Cushirlg oi Toronto deirstnd HOtie Britt oi Ottawa Id Satur day to win the Ontario Curling Association mixed champion ship Crashing with his wIIo Susan DrvePhtlIips Ind Drodee liosos nished with record ol two wins and two losses Britt iirrishcd with ulntlrandlhrce record tied with liurrny Rob eats ol Unionvliie and George Parts at St Thomas Roberts bed chance to Iotce plryoll but he lost s1 is his seventhround match with Bob Wilson at Scrlortlr In other SlVPkierllm games Perks whipped Nell Weir oi Brrdlord tot rnd Peter IIunter oi Petcrborouglt dclealrdt Bnb Dolrshrry olWeland Tito 01ng rink will compete tor the Canadian championship at Thunder Bay limit litl1 Oakville AeIllesrt key shot horn the bluellnr pest mllrim Gui rat in tin power wtlh Barrie player when Flyrr clearing pus Ire intercepted Ind dumped is inert ot the Barrie bet where batted it in The Plrerr Inrecheektng irons thrt paint on and lbroush tbs semd period krpt the Hornets any good scoring uppers ties In the third with Sly Igslrr in the penalty has Test pass do ilected oil Flyer skate in trout oi net and went by Barrie gart keeper lien Payne It the we mrrktolietbescsre sponsor stores he denied Marshals set up Robinson to the riot It the 151 mark and Robinson mrdr no mile take picking the earner no Petr singled to regain the lead With eight ndouta to go Non rhrn intercepted Grit pass In the Barrie end and rent Robin snn rwry It centre with one Grit dclenceman hack Baird caught up with Robinson rod tipped perlcct prss over the sprawling Pennington to clinch the grove By use CANADLIN rarest Orililr Terriers edged closer to second pm in Ontario NoekeyAssoclelloo Senior trotmcing Owen Sou Cree no The home lcs victory moved the Terriers to within two points at Grit Hornets who were do tested In other weekend play only otirer game tween Oekvlllo Oaks AM the Aces at Kingston wrs post poned becnrue at snow storm SrturdIy Barrier IIyers downed the llomets at Gait the Ouinlcs wellopod Woodstock smlor ll STANDINGS LT AP Zdlb Hillihbt 25M Illimtl tilt ltllim ibld tiutltlt lJtl 51M lttt Olliiilzt itll 1in ltil Owen Sound 2120421 Rrrhits Saturday Barrie tell Owen Sound Kingston Bellevllle Woodstock Relrlts Sundry Oakvlile at Kingston ppd drillir Owen Sound Gsrrrer Friday Orliiia rt Barrie Belleville It Oatvilte Woodstock rt Owen Sound Kingston rt Gslt Brrrls Grit Orlltlr Kingston Woodstock Beilsvilis Quebec Drivers Win Winter Rally TORONN CP Fiat its drivers by two Quebec driv ers won the 20th annual Canr dian winter lslly Sunday Jean Paul Perusse and Lee Bartholomew nl Laval coin plsted the labour itotgtmile run tram Toronto to Ottawa and back with penalty ol estima ates it seconds Second was Datsun driven by Guy Vanler and tools Belrn rer ol lioolreat with penalty at It minutes is seconds Third place went to Toyota Corona lbilil driven by Walter Boyce and Doug Woods at Ottawa MI Canadian rally champions who had penalty ol 33 minutes 51 seconds The rally started Friday night Ind took the 7b starters through the backwoods oi Ontario over snowy and Icy roads Filly seven cars Iinlshed Bartholomew isyerrold me chanical engineer who was navi gnlnr tor the winning tram said the ride ovcr the icy back mods was liko two days on roller coaster MORE SPORTS 0N PAGE ll list the Flyrrr were not to mm lirst Period Barrie Prargrhta runs ltrndrlrl ma Barrie Aeosnh Means key Smltbt me Call Cresrtnan Speyert 401 Penliliu Grit Smith homo thigh rUckI 1115 hererd Prrled yNa scoring Penalties Barrie Adams Grit lilml iboidl lz Nectnskey bold liit tbrlerierrncel Barrie Sly thigh rtlcki Third Period Grit Teal iSpeyer got ozss Barrie Robinson ban Thompsz 152 Barrie Baird iltobinson hlorrhan 1155 Penalties Grit Crerrnrrn itrip not SHOT ON GOAL By Brrrie standings Eundsyndnlght bl rssss ByGrlt rrrrs Terriers Trounce Crescents 93 Finth 72 It Belleviilssn Owari Sound Crescent out visiting Killva ices Gary limit and George sparked Orillls with two Iptoce Carrie Vaughan Itelcittr Al Osborne Gary ray and Grant ltoorr rddcd gles Prul Rube Dave Ind blryo Psnuette replied be Owen Sound Lorne ODonnell turned Imrrgorl pnrlnrmance ville while Davey Jones handedly scored the others Gerry llrrr an rod ham connect lor Woodstock OwenSouods two goals scored by Don Vipdrsd convery tIliIod Kingstons reply Friday Orlilir plays rie Believille sl Oakvllle stock rt Owen Sound too It Gait WHii Exec Conlideni OiSuccess ANAilBlli Caitl lans who have been and players who mistreated In the the World Hockey tests will propel it racial success Thats the view or seen hoard chairman tonr WIIA lrrncbise league executive member This league is long overdue bearded executive Ieiike grin think are going to be pleasantly prised with our concepts Dcneau said one was sudden death mine tbe outcome games they llockoy League can In ties and Denaau thats cheating the How many times pay $1 or It rit hours oi action and winner llis cummenis the WilAs lirst and one ot the results limit was the selection number oi loreign THERE ARE WAY There are ways those Russians out the WIIA said Krnlny player trve Weve negotiated arrangements tor tennis in other never tor sport United Stairs Nine Europeanplayers were chosen by lrsnchlse and manager Scotty one oi his Russian VII Kharnmolv greatest hockey world

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