Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1972, p. 1

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Find Best Describe 1972 Youdlurrta Wielhatlleanwuo thatthell asked ysntndta newrodlbeydbetoweda Mbimmmdrot rinlrweecrurmadedbyamort Perhapl the most obvious player MM NmnbkamIctmhtlndepra lrumulscb themaaltha errata us no boot Partnttaedlmtytnmbelwt onchtnssdrsrlmceavertbarootu berriawonwryPIrkiurtotIprlntaIsId Irollnrthsuoodwuthctsct NitIIpoclIlanboddeavuonmenLMbptmsomdutbs IoecunmespuhlchthsdmhmereI thattbeltrystcrncnnlenntbe in in IIth stood on the rs around orcrbead moonwalk Ssrnday moved to snow snr Imhrtltoorertiorlnnndwith heard Mg my my of may min at enunbrnks mated charged errors maneuvered nauticIdlhIt me better trIc takuharo Dr dosed aside on ntlusnawmbtluandullopp elaborabwmutup our use Mucus room lion Mpamonastooustum In ten overhead Announcers were Wilma It In part that even two wheeled rebielu my may ea In phrrlurcuoonststcs The cwktrucbbreebeckrpcedlaa Managerng mm Tonian Ltc ltyTON Irwin ulcndbeatererarethe align betasMd II dear nthomIIyquWlplcharpl lI whichede III Male mainstream IO In Ina SD Immutaxhugdhrg mil Ismuyur to units pearlarltmrlmsll Itlleent Indicator III the Itacllp mva BILLY II the pstteblol or the line list these arms were only steely wilful1 throttle the re temporr For the most part III manger streets went all as scheduled All at yet all pretty well The warns Ieeiher made It In schedule Iltbtespa Stmdsye easy on marchers la the opening motorcycle and ur mes not pared but did not help spec little behind because ornntsen later on the Ice The braoruball EXAMINER TELEPHONES deation Gaultied Advertising matte All Other Departments mm ytOtth Year No 37 III lo hoan ho Medical Association Otto lillawilllinishtbaaecmiuiabaniee indoors Iomcllcnl this week Care Itival Chairman Hillard Even tan Iaid These In minor setbacks did on ltwtboeubnltkothcirsport mid Isa Alarms ot the Newmerkct hm tbebresklasts lathe some top thrwrh to the wee boars without mission emits cerooltohelurdaylndoaalup Suggests Make No Sense WASHINGTON Ilteuter Strikes no topper mate seas US News and World Report Ind ouybt to heelitnlnated lIbor lender Georte hteIuy kill rested Sunday The head at the lbmtllloo mm IMO eeid In are nine Interview be tIrorI MAINS olusotully arenas Rejects Legal fHeroinV OTTAWA lCPl The Drum not laced tho strut problem dlIn htrdtcel Association has uarcly sharpl relected the hamlet tors and hospitals are co lona proposal that her InIktny rIpldIIrldes In mcellnr Ila be used loyalty to treat Id problem that had spruns sud OlCLICCCIllSI tho chances pl deuly upon not only the medical abuse are too great protection but the whola ol cools the annotation la Iormnl re sts the ovulation nit Ictioa today to the Jan to Lrlt It Ild Part oi the Letlsln DIln rrpprt retested as unlalr Irpor Includes his start one the commissions contention dctoxlitcsllon guide The torso that the medical protection has mission under Dean Gerald Milton Man Charged With Murder MILTON Ont CF Arthur Joseph Dawe It at htdtors wIs charred with uuocapital murdcr Sunday in the shooting death at Robert Pewircss to whose bodv was Iouod in car Police said DIwe war Irrcslnd shortly alter the bodo was discovered early Saturday morning Soviets Launch Unmanned Rocket Moscow tAPl the Soviet government launched another un manned spaceship Luna toward the moon today Tess annotated Ihe olilciat Soticl news agency said It was sent up his lurtbcr exploration oi the moon and nearlunar space says Movement Could Cot Votes llAllILION CPI PIIrl Ilellyur Iormer Liberal member at Parliament who launched Action Cansds other more then one million votes it it ran lull riola ol candidates in lcdcrat election now Mr ltoltyer said at uniav the Radial was mide in prleIo poll coaduetrd rcccntly Briel Urges Merchant Pleel OTTAWA Ctl The rovcrnrncul should act immediately to tip Cnnadlarsilaz merchant marine tho CIhIdlert labor Chostess maritime committee said today In brch to the led srrl cabinet Explosion In Manllla Kills 15 MANILA tAPl powcrIul explosion belicstsi Irom Sccond World War as areas bomb blow up section or thicklypopulated reridenllel arepa In this Phltipplncs tuyilkl today krillnr about to persons RCMP Confer 0n Drug Charges KINGSTON tCPl llClIl were portioning with ioyccttliu lu slltutlon pillclalt today to determine what shartts should laid itliuwiuz the tclrure oi drugs irorn the cells at pruoncrs last week WIIdtn Arthur Trono laid today their lit PM Iind lrprrI three prlsopers will dilemma in part tho chattel hutch llas Positive Future Primate NIAGARA anus out rm llhllo attendance ls lattice to ruportlon to tailor Increases the Anglican Chulmh at Canada very pItoamltivo tuture Arcllblihtl Wald Scott said Sunday Archbishop Scott primate pi tho Auditor llyl All DIOVERICOL WW Church laid the chums to enjoying much hither hurt or cumrrulmcnt ironI tubers than it has bclore yd Sunday when they LellIln nl Csppodo tiIll Law School Toronto war Isthtlshed by the IederIi rpvcrament The association recommended that the labels report with correction or spine errors be distributed to all membcrI ol the medical prolession hospital emerrruuy departments street clinics and othcr tscilltlcs Iad heultbcuse personnel The IlIIemcut by Dr Roberts at St Johns NULL CNAprerldenl was accompa nlrd by tormal poUcy state ment on nonmedical use It ngI The policy statement noted II Ilsrmtnn rise In the test yeer uI drupreleted hepatitis and re bereel disease cues said her oin and methadone use appears to be rlslny especially in border cities and expressed couccm It apparent permissive Ind ox cessvn prescribinp uI meIhI done by some physicians Peaco Ollioors Stow Trellis MONTREAL lCP Three ctr load pt strikin Quebec peace ottlcers brou lloul reIlhound IrIIilo to rrle drove their cars at live miles In hour on the males eastwest hlxhwsy The demonstration by mem bers ol the Quebec Poice OII curt Association which Includes automate Hermes clIoIa ruerda so am we can no curred near toll booth ueIr Chambg sud corned lineup more In mils and but tour on the Eastern Townships Iutoroute SThde men on strike Ill latst uaa over pay spun Itoppcll the blockade when so perilson Iutoruute police olit ecrs Irr led Alberta Tories Look For Win CASTOR Alta CPI The Practical Cunartvallve you emmeut ot Alberta wes lookins tor pIt on the back In todays Stettler byclectloa while Social Crodit Ioumt In Indication what it can expect In the future The provincial byelectiou the that since the Consecutive knocked Social Credit trorn power last Aurust III two way Ilyht between Conservative Graham Rule to Stctllcr lawyer llltl GIlen North or us litany eaknowletlttd thetrnbl astute motor labor contract in recent rats had one to when tary Ir itratlou there hId born strikes in many big and vital Industries But he said his orranlsation hId appointed committee to see II we cant tlod some way to evolve larmula where thIt lbtuttina arbitration will be come more or Icss the accepted practice The 17 Mid labor leader Irving Branded By Magazine As Can Man 0i TheYear NEW YORK AP Time maxeane rIllon author Iorsl lrvtur Con lion ol the Year rays much at his Iqu biography oI ltowerd ltughes Pakistan Leader To Meet Gandhi KARACHI IAPI President Lulilltar All Bhutto at Pakistan announced today thatho plans to meet prime ministers Indus Gandhi ol India Ipd ltuhbur Rahqu shortly PlIrss are beinr worked out or the mcetlny Bhutto told reporters at Lahore airport tle added that he would one nounce date or tho tilting oI mIrIIIl law Iltcr the meeting Diplomats sIld they believe tlta ale turtho mcclln will be Iunouncod alter the Dr tlsh lute clsu necIeIIry Sir Alec Doug illume Visits Pakistan next week Sir Alec new on lair the Far East stopped in New Delhi on his way out hire Gandhi has sold the II prepared to meet Rhulto but tinaatea eluted at up to 3000 om trams rmddrkhbmmh med potboher natal II the crowd mmmmmhm Ilndcrinlhatblbnckuymd mum rsusuna mm and Dnukt luau tiered PIrklsay ammo ms pro and there were must VI mils roodIproII ome lttblnL cut house the hoax In so Host to when Irv was wwwmw Barrie Ontario CIIIIdI Monday Februery It Strikes Interviewed by the ruatszlue aid Mdcut Nixons do mesa record was bed and lbs bullet that he to not nearly at his pm but lormcr Teemster boss Door laoase ltottI1rcicnsed months Ira Irklta lslerisust Interview Sunday Nisan Ll tho best ouatttlcd mun lh mens moment tor the prest Itottn reacted educations he was treed Itrrasthtn Nixons post Imoux the Teamsters ti on which Halls lormcsly headed Rolls It served nearly live years In Iederel prison at yeIr lerm tor misuslnr Iralon Nchords Ind ucklnr to tottuence III pirated and that trying out IpIre bls vita from lsll Publish ehlebysshln cs cerpta from lrvlnpa book and In earlier unpubth arson script by writer James lhrlau Tlmo concludes thIt the In slrnccs oI duplicated material are uumcmus No one however yet claimed to know how trvlnr rolnrd IC cess to the manuscript which Phelrn wrote lur tormer ltusboa Iido Noah Dietrlch lrtlnzI lIwyer called the Time article ploattnr prInclnr distorting piece that is irrespon Iiblelln the extreme Time erI Irvin told lateral Investigators that ho was willing to accept prison term tor iraud and pertury in exchange Iar lculcacy by Swiss Iuthprlllcs on torcery Ind bInkIrIud chutes acuimt his wile Edith The taxi IILun also says that contrasted with the new Ividcnco oI taunti Iertpt Ilmlloritlcs be com rrtenttd ItI more cpmpltk than you ever think You ha vent area the bottom that yet only to dhcuse issues relIllnr directly to Indie Ind Pakisten not those tnvelvlay ltanrlndaah British BELFAST AP Four bombs exploded in the Bellut am today Is the oulilwcd lrtstt Republican Army pressed on with its battle to and Nurth era Irelands links with hrltain No one was reported tutored tn the blasts Tho bombs wrecked beak In ottch buildlup and turni turI Iture Tat Iourth terrct was paint store which wee extensively demand the doorwa ol the hottest Sav lnxs Bank on Rina Street Wsuxxawuusuww livestock teeter trout linky busy ehopyinl and oltlce tho am routhlara block train the the stall cleared the buildinr centre at the city The bank utttckly sudsrout was one bed broushl doesnt end stud Iscr opuratiax There is suing to be some bl news breaths So be cerctuL IRA Wrecks Bank mane er ted the bag Ind raised an Illlm Police quickly cleared hundreds oI shoppers and allies workers trons the street The bomb exploded within to man utcs wrecklus the bank build tar It blow out windows orcr wide area but no one was hurt bccruso oi the quick clearing ol tho street second bomb wrecked the Northern trelead bend uIrterI ol Rankvltem the ilrl is oil shoot oi tho American Xerox The lirst bomb on lett to come and Nike equipment lirm Police Iatd two Irmed men broke lqu the building It rsd pleated bomb but Ipltutd amass bombs were up can ed over the weekend when smelt disturbances were brok lhe present rate at virtually Ill domestic and to lSIDtldllhll Operation oI the My beer prdas ln Delaneyr boat kea said never yard dtscorercdtbalpcoplnere wItkiucotlriihcueaolbeer unyme Then they discovered that some In there were altar Lair his own roll upalnyetserredheron ed to stop were at contusion on the ice nature Oi Shutdown LONDON tAPl Drillsh in duslry begun threeday week today sad the Iovernment warned II total SDINCOWI In two wrcks it the total strike Up to oncthhvt oi the coun Irys tt million workers threatened with luslnf tabs It least Ismporarly Tor Ill it In dry at dark cold homes cold meals Ind delays or camllallous ut electric com mutcr trains or the puer was cut all In rotation tor myan periods IruurId Mo nation Trude Ind Industry Minister John DIvics said that the miners were holding tho coun Iry to atom and werncd the country could come to Within two necks or so It undowa more or less the whole time he said We would be moving into situation where we could not be sure ol maintaLul essential services However Britain has It oil nuclear natural pas Ind hy droelaclrin power stations that run mttt approximately It per cent oi the countrys demand and kcup most essential serv were thclr thlt nath snow on msosnIuydlpI eruaddtucthal It the Amory mod son custom Use these two we no tenets captyirr the polls and retroIluy the bay WEATHER Ponrbrhty oI wet snow or rate soul It Low mint lo 50 Aortic Examiner dctItLa please turn to page two tourism near For Hot Man Than lOc Per Copy Iiursdreds oI passcncers IIrcd mIlor delays in lms today Is CIrrudaI two terrest airports reduced servics becsusl at strike by airport technicians Ind overcast weather that lino itcd visihiuty Toronto tuternsllonrl Airport Imposed limitation of Inbound trsliic to six IlrcrIIt In hour compared with the normal to Arid kesmau Ield passen fen step do not It rest li miniaea tor epIrILul lrom the Iophlstiutrd tho Icctmiclans tor today mass that the proposal turncddowu nuanced Sunday and likely turn it down COUNTING TAKES TIME ilancca winnlo minor published soon in Cans plus magazine Plowman Hittite Three sinus were cancelled thin ermine tttootreel tasters harry overcast over bub str rls Alrtlnu were unable to Ind and take all trader shunt night rules and needed help elec tronic equipment maintained by the Hull workers members at the International Brotherhood oI Electrical Workers were vot Ihe country on new yovemmcnt settlement otter but carty indicIirons were would be Technicians In British Colum hia Ind Edmonton both retested the utter Is rcsults wrrel oc spokesman In Gander said llflk era in his rcrlon would Ilso TORONTO CPI New Lnlor smaller on the myItery sur rounding the 1311 death by drowning of Canadian Irtlst duatrlal supplies will be cut oil Tom 0mm Mum have taken his own lllu brcaustr ol the deapcrIte Iltuatiou In which he Iound hlmsell with his In copyrighted Irtlcie to ho Canadian VI Charch PILlDlllll It Thomson backwoods tu ncrnl It Canoe Lake In Alyso ouln Park tells oI conversations tly Till CANADth PRESS all would probIny be late th dry before the mull could in totrthd tor the true union members in t00 wotkin totes tlonr The principal lsllio is The true eatery ol the log nleians is about Item no they went itinerant Increase In Montreal Smelly likAl Coasts spokesman IIld open tions bad Illpped below Irsirtimam Iater It which we seek we can continue to oper kl mum at uncut scholasaullugmu Tthllc as velnchaot arrow was expected starts the MN Itt Loom app orm ysIe are Illth mutemeuta on Sunday night but it looks like only about Sit Lonishl said the ALI Canada spokesman man FAIL In Toronto supervuor In th Iirpprt control lover raid smtaru oI rItJIIe electronic equipment total IIiturI oi radar and the slowdown lla said planes duriaa one time In tho moon were stacked roost In ele vation end that more plIacs bed to rirci above the airport tor two boa thout radar Ito stressol however that there was Ibsolutrly no Iaicty this man llunmr union oliiclIII said May Have Taken Own Lite ArticleSaysllhoutThomson with one at thoerttsls closest Irlcods Shannon Fruer Thwch we present Ind Icted Is pallbearer It his ht have retrained up to data Irom makinx any state ment pays air PlowmIn pastpresident at the cInIdIIn Complat Association and recre tIry oi the Toronto Red crpse Society during the Second World If already have one loot In tho crave the nyeaMld hlr Plowman sold in an Interview So lhouxht should throw more tltht you the situation um ondrry the alter near St Bum church el iAP mini can be seen at people wait to bill It the bmtop

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