Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1972, p. 9

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nz tertce deru Rm had no IattIrnleI School Ibere lbeyhedntndlpnItenIndtbey ermhrAI BrIlilIIlphehet on the well said Norm tit dlrtrtet Idmlnlltntor ter CNIB tlucll It the neele Iellrttlre eentredaround tItItt to Iehoote and twice elnhe he nut and hereon ot winter eIrnltIl the Chi trend nteny pee up too My to help out Ih While tene Itentt Ml rottld IIy Wit mo rett are In here In her rle chem to around to ml to lot at It children Ind to the ldeI that pro perly Ilned blind perton rennorlrtootndbuprodu the part It Iodety The them It the leek II that belnr In no hIndchp toe tom tom Xer then em In to one exanxle pt Ember done by tau Inytrey and more than too blind pennnr have entered lhlt tleld Itnee the Cilia tuned trIlnInI promrn In DIetl In It InotherIreI tor which rd pcrIonI an be lrIlned Ind be the that no man tobe emplo In thle rap telly ed II In Ineurence Ms In ltol all know that bllttdneet OBINW to the dltllrtllty Involved there ItudealI at St tlIryI reboot eernlvtl yester Sl Marys MiniCarnival IIne mlber end the EIIIIIIII entbueIum el eatidren reIeeIed treat the eIIIrroorn lot whale dry to retry In the Iron led to the threes at St Meryt tehoolI that annual Illtltl eIrnlel yen lerdty For the entlra reboot dIy more then Ilutenlt thre rnowhellt competed In downhlll Iobomn rIceI erou Iounlry racer pucll Ihoollnl competitions and lhreolrrred rem day prepIrI to betln In it than threeleucd nee pee ondI alter lhIplcturI III the Iludenln were grouped in II teIIru oI II rtudenlI etch Ind poan urI mnled uln nrrr ol erentr The winning learnellh told polnl Ieore It too var cap ttlned by Therese Shelly II TeIm mmherr were Cathy tiIhnm tirde ItctntIuIrt INIIIIII Nelly Donald Itoan thy Grel Whehli LetIle Noll Ind Ilodney Scott herein Stan eotte Ind Doux Ilereler iglltihlli French Language GroupsRoIe Ire touch tater over IlI hairdch IIIII lIrI ler Avery pretldent It Clubeta eluh or the hilnd In pulled blind IIce meotoltleerelor ilndlnl tor the hilnd Well trained In placement mile the employment attlcer than tile rarity ot his blind ptchnlWI titdtl hlndleap tell he Imps the IIrnltItIat oI htIndneIs Ind doe not expert cheat to work In IItuIl wry When he commend Iomecne tor too he hm lhI perton out do it by touch she lIId Irene employer Inlnlt thlnh hilnd worker Ire In Iecldent hill but IlItlrtlrI Ihow hlnh percenin oI tree dorn Iront IceldenB IllDay Sentence Included In tilehiat Co It In Ienlencod IEurIdIy to to dIyI In tell Ittee pIeIdInl guilty In trnvlncltl Om thtnIdly to drlvloI vehicle Ith bin Ito enee VIII under IqunuIen The May eentence will run concurr ally with thdey Ian it now Icrvinl tor the other charm at drtvlnl while hln IItencI IIII under turpentine Under Fire III the role It IrenchJInxum Idvtnary eorttmlltee cIrnI under the thin week It ttteetlnt at the Slrncoe Comly Board ot Ed cuItlnn In report to the hoard the committee teld It planned to tile rose the emeritlon at Its role Ind IIId pI ct Interested In the promotion at French IInIueIe Ind cullurn In the titrrio Iran Irlll be Invited to Itlrnd meet In Thelma coctbun htrrte Inte tee ottetllrned the pint tor roIo expansion She IIId Ihe IIII lhI eomrnltleel role hid down by the prntlnctet III II they not to In outIldI ot they mid to Io but not under lhbicomrnlllre IhI teid Bodrd Meeting An tlctity lctln dlrtelnr at uettloo tupcr tendent rt Ieedende peaonnel raid ItIII thlnh ItIIhould worn terns tnllteer nt lhlt bond that they Vere to act Iccordlr to guide Ilner Iet down by prevlnrlrt law Alvin tirnrelir Irnetatuul IhenI tnttiro said he thoarht the romtnlttee IhouId Iii the board to III In turn tor In In tension ot the ennunltleee role under government law the board Irretd however to the em IIIiIlIllon Ire counell at French tannin lhlt Adultery Commlltres ol Ontnr that eornmltlce will meet In limit In North Bay halogenssanctioning the Slmcoe county heardI II Educallort he releetcd tenderI tubtellted tor the nddIlIon to Bullet puhlle reboot In hIldIInd directed the IdmlnlrtrIlIon to InIlrlxt tho Ircbltectn to ro vtte the drthnu and lpthIIrt IioetI thndcrr will be edtertletd tor the end It Iebntuy the board received two tend erI tor the Iddltlon It LII Oomtrttrllon Ltd Concord bid ttlmo Ind Iiesll tslrncool Ltdl OrIIIII bld tittm the curl per equate toot II these rates wet mm The prlrI wits hI her than the Iilweble InuIro oot cost then to the Ir chllecle taken the Itulentt relapsed In help strurdlnr restart both their rloIert rumpelllorn em team nipped by John Sluear et It wiLh more It on At the eonlpetltlonn look ptIre Itudenu roamed Irnund tho Iroundt butlnn In the warm Iun or Ilood around wumlnr III llon reeenUydlIcardod tun pace Art eIllne IlIiIorI III rel up In one ol the clmroonu Ihero par ents Ind ttpllmembcn Ierved Fisher coordinator ol mule III the Steam wt Band II Mullen It metre It hmnry Doctor eI Ltn do me It tho rprtnt rotttocnlten at Queenl BeckettII Gotten Ind Teeny ol Etheeatioa on tiny II In Kinnlen htr sher Ihe her taught II Ceatnl relleAItI Iur 3t yesn plmeerod InrlrumlIl rnurlc In OntIrla hen betorn the ear III Illlt teacher mettle It CenttIL direct the Butte tollerIIII lined and nnlrl three yeIn Irv III heed ot the hittnry depert meat III puhlohhtx boot at Index on the hlrlory It lhlt am lhlch II expected to he themelre Ind mine the cloth tEIIntlner Photo bot don Ind bot rhocolIte In leery eentpettlort Ioo Bunetn pdnclpIL nld lhnl the entire day III rues cur Ind the only dildcuily en rotlntered III with rent etrnlr whleh ran over the time Ilrrtlt ltr DuncIn Isld that the day thd never have been the trio rest it In without the Iupport ol the patrol Ind the leechere ilhr ideal Examiner WW3 FRIDAY FEBRUARY ll rm Harold Graham ReElected President Of IIE Local 545 Iterohl Graham has been re elected II president at local Ml United Eeetrleet tIIdlo Ind Ileehltte Worker at America III ttIrtI Inothee twoyeer term on Feb It Alto meet ed were VIII reIldenl thou lth Brewster In eecretIry htrI Evelyn IJnrnn Ind llnnn nnnprotn Irherr An Ireldrnt It tilt prn Thurs dry on Bradford Street It Etta lined cIuIId eethmlrd image It $3 to two are The mishap occurred when tar driven by Joan tborornod oI thler Street war In rollltlon with car driven by Dorothy Btnllnp ol Anne Street SNOWMOBILE STOLEN Inowmnblle owned by It Jensen oi Feel Street VIII reported Ilolen term bonthourn on IAItehore Drive on lhurI day Mr Jensen had put the Inowmoblle In norm on Wed needey nlxbl at pm Ind when he returned Thtlrltlay tnnrnlnr the Inowmohlle In pone Ito told police there were Ireth toolprlhl mod the boat RESIDENTIAL ICE SCULPTURE wrnnrn ltrt Itncty StepuIIItLt end her daughter Mary Anne In front oi their top Icquture nit hairline mm It It Henry 81 nhicb won lirIt prlro In the re Iterrle Winter Carnival th lCllIDIIltItll conIeIt other wlnnerr Icrc VIynn Itttl Shelley ltnrcttont zit Ernie vlew Ditto third The toilet Ield lhtt all men ptrtlc penis in tho yctrI eonlcet deserve honorable mention Examin OAN STREET An accident on 0th Street It Welllnrlon Street Tburrdsy It 315 noted In estlmatcd em mm to two em The Iceidenl occurred when to hlcla driven by Julia To llolt oi Btedlord Street coltld ed with mend vehicle driven by Judy Hutchinson at Newton Sltttl CHARGED titvld Cllllord ltclxun 11 ot North Street nu charged Irl day with breItlny and enterlnr with Intent to commit In Indln ttbio oilenee III was char rd alter youth wt Icen writing team the tiltYWCA bulldlnt on Grove Street COINS JEWELLENV CoInI Ind Jewellery wind It tiltt were reported ttelen lrottl ueen Street apartment Ihuet night my held 19 Queen on told pollra that he returned home It Itrlday to tInil that hII door hId bccn prlcd open the lock lVIiIIIK Ind the wine Ind towellery tttltslnp 0M HONORS the Royal Onmerulory II Itu Itc IlII Innounced that three Barrie younr reopte rerelved honor in mute extntlneilont held In Janunry Eileen Smith eIaI Icrretlry trler lletrrolt the new treseurrr LI Ilo llloore the union represent warren It the CInIdlIn Genertl Elecs trk plant In Barrie and In the protest at he otlnlInI new mind The ol tontrurt with the tlrrn etplreit Dee 2t LOCAL IIIID GENERAL end no Nlthlnn rerelrrd Mo on rnntlnl tar GrIdI III pltnit Hunt ltulrt Sttott The tuuro ot the Barrie An and Ilorne Show Ill be decldlt ed at mrellnp oi the heme thaw committee on Ill 15 The committee eontpoted uterine In exhibitort nucetlun antic BIG BAY PUINI demero to III drlven hy Grornn llcltny ot Itnodbrldre The ear Iltd all the road Into dtlrh GOLNG UP the January value ol building permlls Lieued In InnIIIlI towns Ihlp exceeded Iny pretlous In my value the Intel value It permit to mod we storm The previous January record last year wen HAW $1600 DAMAGE Damage wnt eetlmtled Il tz 000 In lworer lollltlon thleh occurred lhurttley It It It the corner oi Bunion Street EIII ltttI Sampson Street ThI ctr driven by IIIlIlIIm loner at 01th Court rollhled with In printed thin Iprlnx Itr sher Iesrncd the loo or In letter tram the uJtershy tart lee Ill letter IIII In cliean on Item to me the Skull In cognate Iilh crtdr the db tlnrnrhnl whom one It tar one ton to meld re Ieueh on the routine II III nnln In early median ltlrtrry and to the mouthan and de velopment llluicln the Schootr It the PrnrtncI It Ontario Sir Fisher melted In honnn depree In theory from Qteent Ind did tnroe postgrde Iorh hetero bulimia leschinr tI part no DJueaLun Iuperlalenteol Isrk Rantin Inaouneed the let that llr sher Ipuld be hooorrd It hand merit tut nlrhl The audience lit hither Ind the hand Iiendlar ovation FISHER Waves OI Applause Martel mess Collegiate Band Concert tty htltllll LIEIER the nine el CentrII Colleylaln Auditorium II In Imprcsrlre lIntlh ll lnrtn rulttrlent dr th but it In In ellectlte Ilrhl Ital nlthl to are the many Iludeltlt Ibo mete up the rrlrhrlled BIL rIe Collulnte Ittnd their white Ihpes AMI Itirte Ind trourrrr were Immaculate Ind IIlh theIr rolotlut red tee tetI the presented Irene In hrInI In Item III tho proud parent and trlende the concert Int alphl III the third oi tour concerts IhIt compote the Barrie CnlIei tale Conrert Serlet Il lotions the Fettlvnl Sinner under me teeter and Bolt Brut under the direction oi Iloh tie tunnel The rvnrludinx conrert will brlnr the hetlooal Art 0r cheetrl to Barrie IIlL One ot the lrttetrnt on It Ichool bends orchestru Ind eholrr LI thsl II the Itudentn rrIrh een ilsln More with their music they must tttoln on either to col tapes untrerrlllet or In the bush II ncee world The In renttnrtt ow Last night route II III tlsh rre III were nnIlrublI by Lacie absence 01hr Ire rlrlnl yet hate not rearhtd the ability Ind technlrnl dexterin nt Iorna oi the bent mdunter WWDWIND 600D group III tiring murlrlnne nere leetured In IpodIIneI quintet by Iron AIlhouIb tense ot complete unlly vu tart Inr lnnumerehle reheth would be neeeuet to mate thin IrrInxernenL orlx IIIy ed tor Itlmrtrlo Intn nor ot frt II the composer ronrrlltd Yet the pawn rnuslclnrn play ed Irll Ind IIIII root Irate Ei oI Undo and Iurenese Ind they lined rneny benetlle ttotrt th In Itndied Ind pertormed this Ivrk They displayed certIn erase et nuulelent Ip that nude the audience Item that these rounr eludentn isle their mettle Isrinuely The openlnr Ceremonial IIn ttre by Allied Ilred III the molt exciting Ind one ol the mot rettrdlnz wort en the proernI The lnrtruntcntrllun but tend bringing Into play III the IlIeI It the bsnd there III poIItII tn the nine that made thin perlvrmtnce oulntendlnc memorial ltLle Other thIn In Orrrture by den dln rmlly IlllttttI lur hendn hy tovnrrnd the rut ot tbes pro in leslurrd eoniernportry nor the trio tlnII relecttene the presently amour than lront Love Story by Fruit Int Ind Gershwin medley IIII well presented Iteren Webb It the pereuort notion played the plane with the hand tor the Lou Story the In IrrInrement thtt In th trtetllttl Ind din land In It cureteptanotech tonne corn binItlon brou ht men It to planet trom SIISIEIIIII Guest on the premier loam Inldlew Music or hand pIIIId Warren ItarlleyI Cnnror to or Saxophone and End AI thouph the turtle III certelnly not memorable ltr LtldlIII telephone II noth IIIerIltl Iv No time beaulltut tone Irorn nd ha rere SATURDAY TIMETABLE There Is In event tor ntrryone IIIIIII the ma Barrie Winter in gt vIl Saturdnyl errata tol ow Carnival hrepltut It the Amtoury until lhlt Int Beer Garden the liquor LIttILIIIIK Board at Ontario has IIIen the othead tor the rm Ilerrte Ithtler Cer Itcnr CIuh nienrbcrr will be re prim our ynmen to be located In the Ihow room at the Delaney Bulldin It the not ot Ilaytleld Street on bolh StlurrlIy end DIINII Iteldcnt on County hood to near Bin hey tolnt It It pm Monday rattled moo Itiercsl There will be lIlttttIltp her only on Saturday between noon and pm On Sunday between noon and pm tables IIld ehslrI will be Ict up Ind patrqu will be rerted chill with their beer thlllurd Everton wlnier ear nlvel commlllee atrmnn tstrl umluy this It the ltrst year or the beer garden and early Indiu tloru are that It will he rent ANAF brettltot It the AN AI Hell on Dunlap Street until it III World mmplon hroomheh Competition tuna ton ttnuour teem ItIIt armour new mom Iion lo Motorcycle Ilecee to Fonstorn Inowntoblle ct OStlFh elnts II IIn lurude Noon otllclnl opeul In erronlony It Dunlop and Beyttehl street pm Solerr on Ice Illnnttte Mill eontpeti Ilune put tirootnhhll reboot eompc titiont tiny tram lures IStttItn roune ll tealrlt put Sky dltlne Bill Cole end his lhunderblrdr it III Arena Show Iquirt hockey ttl in 130 pm Ilenuler Arena Show tln pm tlrure Ittlinn hnnd muslt etm eluh thaw rnrnlt eI queen eloun lomitty arts headliner Don Jnrtron Ito pm he hoped the titer rurdwuvuil Barrio Arntoury pm become regular IealurI It Iuturo winter cnrnlelI other till tIlIITtI by Dougie Long ol Grove Street COLUMN PotNtZ An necldent at no one than day It the corner at Collier Ind Ioyntt ItreelI retired etIImnIetI dnmtgo oi tllo to two cm The Itcldent ocrurred when ctr driven by Roderick Dickson at 0th Street was III collision with wound ear driten by Donne York It SlIyncr EMERGENCY NUMBERS EIrI Dept mdthl City tIIleI ltdhm untnrltn lImlmrr Contin ental Inn pm Bavarian beer pardon party It yuu mid Isle on party Itert III the toil Brrrie Iinler CtrnI tIt lily panrnhe hrenhleet has been Irranctd by the rerrtlvetc rummlltre and the member ot the Xi Gamma Ill rhnptrr ot IlctI Sigma lhl torurily It the tinrrlc Armoury on Satindey and Sunday between end ilzlo Inn At lllhl ot only It hthiit will he served hrrnttut ol panruket returner and hot rots Ire lint Corrlrell NBIIII Artos nuul deletulto end will be pret ent tor breulllltt both morning Ind ltnyor Lee Cool there on Sunday hi 1i Irrouil Indlrlry er Ihetri pulsed Guile vocal exnnt AmanInII tietvlee 7mm mat with honorlend MEDICINIIWIA Olt WINS SPEEDSKIITING TITLE AblIJEY Not Only Factor In Beoomrng World Champion Ipetdillrtlnl chImpIonIhlp hoyI Iwolep cvrnl Hill the Iteterr charter it have chance the record year ndlenr Ira dolnf In poorly lhlt Ihln to do it so Ipprrcleird tIrure statinn Chtntplon It It Ind prod Itetlng boots Ilut that that nicht et IIIOIIIttIo Irena thee Johnston II AlltndIlI no be tor three or tour wiihttottlrcore ot llpolntr llelghlrwon the Statue Girl thIO IcI do not defend In It halted donehell the anl year yen in the ntpirt II that my tronsend worked IIhIrd III then decided to turn pro in tirelyult It or the hill ity Don theyre buy It could he lhItI Irstional and entered the tie yenrt beenqu Jnetsnn IIId he tiummrup in in toummmi in and my events 111mm Jeelttott loll World Film Skitt Mmmc III Ihinkourriulertoorkhtrd IoIIIeI In the trimmer at 1061 wanlr to my ncllte II tone or rim Allandnlo llclrhts with It pctllione were attended by llll Champlnn and headliner It 1Itltli Milli It hit in mrmltiuyhtieununy WW nun with the loillet he met heron prinLr Codernun Street rroutl In excel of who she the 1m Barrie winter Carnival lhlt WWW tihtr limit lit till and merited Iketer in tin At the arena IIva on Satur moyt pith la Prttlce oI dent Ind parents Examiner MKS mm Vim nI Wk WY II Wm eherun llno Ind they had my nlnht leettott will the Iulet it Steele Street SehMl Iholo Irene Ihow IIId lhurIdIy JIchon Ielttlheretedetlnlto raid So It It ImWIIiII til have to do to get to theitop mellntlltothetllwiwhlrt my Wm mourned JIck IdemnnatrntionIndIIpIenttlolI gt Iy Iotne politth Involved In any HI Ill II to raid mm M4 ton to etrllt out on hlI own It dllterent Itetinn Iethrthtletr III told he door no that Is tmroiitnt Witt 711 t1 We not Impossible to trsvcl hieraran with him on the MmeSmg chimlonshi IleexlIlnedtIiIt veil Ilrlnt lituro titlint rhtmrirns the third It tool tvtihitt with lnnllybo Ield buttthuwwtllbc Ilnanlnhtlnpnlex Ildcntt dlvlelon ot the Itll Jones and trlrnde II Downt it It Ilrrwtt Impuethle III Somellmte you can win ludrotorememborwhohaddone chem lonthlp It not feel you rhouldbe tlvcn everylhlny on lla raid that about are it so didnt have to It tell the IiiIICInaditnlunirrtndles Audio to remember 2o IIrItrrt Ihpu me well hn IaId liut Illvrr platter hccnuee they perIonIhould declde hhether or NW ym in an th mu Champion herbarI tIcrIIIWIllI nrrurrntncct tor mmglo Ilut on the other hund you my pet have to territlce the WIN Ip not he unit to mate Ikntllit bmulhmlhwbmu and David Porter who placed Ir uhn you Iiiuuhl httewon and one prerIItI thlnr more hIIcIreeeIndellerthetJhould mm my hp yam record In the Itll Cenndlun Iunl done well the your hetero he did loel that Karen Ilan Jtclnonn isoIttribulIt Irt date It Ieent IourItourI dry Tmon dam psln commute um Sketch lulu tor the million be Iubtnittcd lo the depertrrnnt iIrlnon culled II the humerl nusrendererved to lure Ierond It hit moon lo the leather five day week and tecp Taster and All onrru who to the It In Puth Schoollor htrther Ipprovsi tIrIor in OlymploNtlpurn Slei hII parent mtde loi him then more all the lee rencttrxn yIlppd mini intuit ml com hate been Ipproved by the be waiting drevtnct ter the For lhlt resign he said it in hnmpldrlsltliph he we Ittrtltt IIclrIon who wss born In 0th lone rInce plant Include petition the Ilnstonetlea Gyms pIrtment ot liducttlon Letitia Street AtrnnI Bernhard thy turdtor Iluter It win Jaehtonettea with chr lIrd ttnowevrryllment tttotIl IwIrtIrirdIletinzetttenite teechinz Inhteur lhlltrlyllld nettle Attoclatlon ml the DII The time County Board at Ftttone hotel Iehoolt will the erIIIlIt lIttt III wII the Canadian Junior eetllnwlo the menuleclureol mode prolcestonal comedy qutllloii his WM 01 Iibiitlllldliim Will the tint year he enlenl Iny dots Globe and tlnll sports will ercevemett It lhmpomhlp But In mid that put It the reason Can ton met the htdto pileup tomI Champion It It ted the World good alt or at least endorh elation Ict uorldnz drtvlnptur ehuIIl not or approval the Met nould mom in

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