rotithttnbeotretnret new mind that rrtInIIye bed Iturl lI tethetun inlet nut momentumva mentionhtotlaemlmo who Wontt Advice About Genetics III ttorrotnr or that the mtuuhhehiehlleyetopped madden NIIhItImMuthlni letvame It hertnl ddldm with the use blemmlfeho mmeeithemloetnmy new mm the doctor did little mehtol tor route Inner thIl would let iely you wrote It the tlrno We rrrttthly daft to It the weer todey either on II tool moth more then we the lthlthood II the route meterut teeter equd your do Id Your moth rney here the route lg eulty tenths WM Ioroe mutation the eluted troubli lhIII Irhy we meet Io tomme that den thet meld women rhodd on no retire Imph on rpedtte TELEVISION proteins of Ionro JULIET JON an ii 53 =53 EC REI AGENT it egg re re 55 ID thme JAN PU lull 355 Egg at 15 IvI pete VIIt HM rah Shiite IM Hnlh If It Egg DONALD DUCK MY IECKER dam pm to thin eeoueoee but mutte am pun trdiule whether you eon mmtlttnlooll petelleee rider We tell bld tordnx Not lord Doe hem hy toorrtprllluiyw Itlolutely to South would be toreto Ind Io bld enter or more per would two heIrtI II try mtttlox you to pm It pert betorrtnhutthmheemiu IerI iIIt bld merely urea you horse at very dtltereoe rotor lo bld ruin treat it mo lltIIpreerhptvebldptueIod torrid Itmpte Iodrhmromethlol lthe rem berm lo IN K41 end her little else North mey thereto pm qu rrttttlmum eItueI loretnt North tr pmbtnr tor nme poutbty Item Int we mutt bld IutI Porcine OneI South htde over threI elubI which in not HggggmmLsmnl lorelnrt hie ride ie oommllted CHECK Mmmyyylmyy prs to were South my be Ilrnp MOBIM portuylor hlI diemood ten gtlh not or IIIIIII tn lllldihzf ome mereyrrur or Dr to etleIt turthrrintontetton tronr partner to In em North to not permitted to pm Mr did he would be htowlnr hot Ind rotd BLONDIE RE or iWAawonoeomo IFLOOULD ootva IIIIIM he now the Hallway wtntev qv with momma no IO Answers Crttlcr It Southroe heveemIntmumreo TORONTO CF GerItd poneee lt thereto would not leDeln chelrtnen ot the report mIlI rent to hen the epeele on the nonvmodtrel ule oi drutr bld II loretny It North wonted Inrwerl erltle by eellhtu hlm to he eertolh ot Inolher rerponru nutve irom south he would have to Mr LeDItn IlItI tn Itl Inter htdtooeodee Ittrmrrhlttl vtow Weldry the eweeptny overono tort reneretltlllonr ot Toronto pey loretnr Whenever the ehtelrtet Dr Andrew tleteotm odor tor dirttnrutthed trom ottholtddtetlon tteeeerrhloun Iopenlopblddertnemrrrnew dotton were not rurtetnrd by lull thIt bld le Iortlnt Thur hle crttloterrr Southr lnlitul rode rerpunre on lot per cent oretnr IlltI hit two dlemond bld Ie eourtly tore overt Hreetyovteur tNtu Nu emM Itr eonergo humor II in Hmer Httlbtttteo Hole week II who MTUDDAY VIIIIUMW ll EVENING Ihlert Ito rIrtwery vow We hide Not torelnl North the the minimum opentn nd antenna nootwtuttt Idltudhy there IIMll him leverth ttre trm New remit for all IMIII ILllm Wltl rentum WIIMI 5M IodellltPtevtretet Attettl Itll Hilly Weltth lwtr In Ituwltw men one remrmy Wt Hiem try lemme amt mm Mn euumu iMovte Hem Mlttlenlteetel Hie on Hm the 1m lmoantll mtw ut the tech tem ml mutt LIE to In elm Immhtte IMM EH 1915 mo Kneelountt IHMII them were Mm MM rm eurtwu Klrdt heron eIte Jeremie ltMteetop Llnl nm tr ire We whovte 011 Who Wu The my It more rt turnout we II Not lorrlntt lump rulre whleh onerhtrr In at eoutIlIteI hy reeoonder II toretnr but roleett more then ttot mttllon tn ump rIIIo by opener II not torr tell hottercent IncreIII over It true thIt South wttt IeI mo DllILY CROSSWOIID ICIOII AM It LNootloItI lunoo Hntlredtsm tGIndto rerhulh III thhtopptny huttm tthml lErprIned 110 It It in HM tnprorde Itom Merrhltt whom rmmte rum comm AI Lu rrmn um ovmnn lhltlmehot 10 eretle II wuonmrnnurnr tenorturuo AND Inrnnoou llttlIIIor Mm IIt IIWIIIIlll wound IJIom em 0th gm mow mm mm 0W let genera mu high In In um on Whom ll Wood tor Ilgwreetttrq medetut Vivid It tmtrteohl teem me How It unmue lurniture Hymn IIII lD recttmte Hnrl rem ore ll letten In Mlmtel HzIy It nezuvuy Me In Qt me till wrm llvtnu WoM em tIII uvmowe errowl eer tru Ir mm llOry It Dttuwy me erm Ina Jltly rcIotIIn Noon Heel IM Noel tIOIII Inherit Intl In Item I93 um month then fitWar VII IIIHVI Ivtlvlnhte Ill humour lOICA Itrrr Irhtr II It the Home Lomoml evil the NIIIM 14M won Ammo Meme 14 rotten bMevnln All Ltd In rule My III low the ne lm lthet IIMt lute tttttttt IO trutuoeeenloetvm IIIlurka IImtoItt IMll The eIItI materiel nutter Hm It boltmot emu rLItI rue mtI Mum AM Anlwlll Irun IIeIt IMullrDellmd Cor etn memori eIt Indie tlr Junior drrtt II lInttlI potot ullltll it qulItl ilrlloumlut Jolene ortrll Illtlntt olrelt lLloln IIttuI trr NHttbrri urn tideoeneee nlIhte III rtrnrtve IIllortItor oi Arte llmuthll me ll tlmveeer thva dealt rutvu me More come In Will our ENIIMMIW 5m In met ytnoutvy ItllGym Olmu IIJ Olymote thIev VIIlIII II lrnlneute in the em to ltehrew MAYBEJIIS MOTHERS IXFECIING MM rum 3t morv that runs Dhtld htMtt IMW IIII tIthWllIltl AtYIKfDF MIRMN 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met Mir vet to INowe Home ltno Hmqu rIreuoent wan llFldtoh or the IIWoltd ll Dllh Mt toe 14swwulmv Dhll The tool It mtrtt wltren humor uo woe ItT cttotn rnncrtre NNIUNT oonr HhRKtIoovrtunn tttmtttth rum concurrent WW rttonesumnwr It Home Item Iueermn Mllth me rNewr WIIIhIt INII ttlu Numbul Ill lreuueeue EM Htewe toeelet th Hldll metre IOn IN MI your mag NIVlI It It northi mt reunite Inviterlon We end PI the At More