Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1972, p. 5

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murmur news lull mauve AMY mauaar ii in Study Of Dark Needs Is Urged In Vesprca MIDWEST Rail WI thorily aimed Internal in 11 the Oatarto department ei lab Ihuratahadr tor future are tor luv Deck and deralcpmcl ct and lorrau emit lilrhaay II recreation land to pcevrdc lac park iadilin AI nae time lathe largml pub to the Term in prim with which it cue properal II nude to develop area It deer and ether arumai tall to come to thia am raid put near Iilgbvay 11 by the la nodded areas picnic tardtiea Mahatma Lambert heel creek but lbir Ira Iheivcd ice and bird the Lu amt lhl mated Vuprcummgoi the uma being popular part IIIIIIgI Iy co Irpra Iey pail mm mm AdANDONED PIT nation iy 07mm MM mm Sim iaicy all bats Pcmga Councillor Lambert tau ly Um mm my Trad snowmobile part and till WW Md WW Rm aidered Iuitahlo rccrealieaai Swim Egg Knight way up byg mm ml an II merit licnboard ym on Ibrth It Nroeaag on The Nottaluaga Valley are Sprtegaaier park operated by wmmml be Id toad oi Alina Ia Lulaii roll curb not ratb buia ma ch uul lhil ct Dayna Ilrrei ahead the reed la reinstated orle It by the am road Inpch lenient Stan Tcrrpcronrhl Road mount tor the month el laeuary the amount vi urea SI were paaud Essa Will Sock More For Roads IAXIIJT Stall ruopiemen trey budget oi roam or Iorh no road and brtirea ha been uled by Ba council irom the Ontario department at tramptr ultra and communication moiutlda Irlting lbta Ibo eIlioa na moved by Macmillan Ron breath and Ilaurire Ilil lcr and passed It meeting pro ridcd over by Reeve Team ma lEETLVG Atmit iSiIiil Encoun rd will meet at the municipal bullng here on limday ere ning no It rlartng at HO Irhooi grouadn and llleeruig bowling are acrna oi the ciberl ed ce oar it men no par way min thla Athv be Al then wit where ab II New trorn not aub brltatn wu or it in ru waa Tvced nutcrlrta oi people oi door oi yiving ghl lion larorabla beryl back and becaure place can be WABKIN Michigan iaiInd ll and varlcr in width yucca More rupulable trainer COUNTY DELEGATE lNSPECTS BEAD WORK Vch preridenl oi the Sim roohluakake rha lcr oi the Crnldlm tile ndarwrilcra Aarociatlon John tell at harrie inrpicl latch Gliterd and Iturdock Cary ricrIaI timberland liouae Saab Ihile attendin centra lloo in Thronto Cll ord Murdock were apecial guesta Ind enlrrialned the delegate with bird rail and nativI dan cing New prerldcnt at tho Canadian arsorialioo llaydea Smith oi Call it rhoIo inlbaekgrouhtl til lelau Pho lo can head work or lunch at Queens Park quped Otter Commuter Delay The Ontario government war blamed by Domld Ii Deacon blPP tor all Centre Iordaah big hope at the Go North Oom muler Aaloclatloh who have been lighting tor rIgular rIb corn rnutrr Irrvicr lrorn barrio to Toronto Union Station No member at th tie North group but applied ice icdcral grant oi mm to operate trial threomholh commuter ra atrvlcc Irony thumb Th would have ulab no cart to the province whether web commuter Irrvlce wa neceraary and whether it could attract aulllcltnt number paaacngeil to male lt worl while the Liberal MP augrul ed Ilr Deacon rerrcltcd that thla ambition roircl head by lawyer John odcol ha been rrirctcd due to what hI termed the apparition oi the Comcrvlr Ilva Ontario government Ilr llcicui haa bccn advixcd by thI icdcral Iulitortticr that aim at the ohtrcllonartar by the Ontario department oi trampurtallon and communch llana they do not irel robbed at thla line in Idvanr the propored ammo grant rcpcrt ed the Liberal member at the larlrialure Thla grant would have been applied to porrihiI opcrattng lorrv ea In running the thin month Drivers Support ProRace Testing TORONTO CPI The On tario Ilarnrta ilorarmenr Aaao elation voiod It mccling mica day in iavor oi orerace lextlrr ol bone at Ontario Ilro dardhred inch The meeting at about It borremeo It Greenwood bace way er called alter lTllIiiii driver bill ietlwood waa Iur II In real that hI Mb pro thia rercarch by ordering trial commuter rcrvica through lba all people oi Ontario Ind then the dormitory rorridor Ilrrr tag harlh lrom Toronto to bar rie hI added That there II raced lor Inch all commuter aervlce ha hcc amply demonrtralcd iii Due on lrll recalng that Ilr licdcoi Id lot out till orgaalred and pa own pocket In experimental re turn commuter IcrvlrI lrom bar ll lie to Toronto The rcrponra uu lit in in lbtr province hie Now we ilnd that it not to Ottawa but the Ontario govern Ga meat which alumbting block Irom hi venture Ind we to apply the money acquire iullher promotion oi the North concept liIP tor York Centre am very concerned that com thI naturI Ihouid be provided and have In Iacl lurala in about or the Ontario tavern muleraervica oi to both the II ed cut and provincial governincn comprchcauive ruearch Iludie at the need ier luch mix co the liork centre member IIld in prepared numeral 111 icdcral department traaaport reacted tavrrably er provirion oi morning and ning nice to Slouiivilie which ha provod rucreaxiul ho alri dllihlbLlNO ILOCK crlitcixin the Ontario aorrrn ment hir recon charged 1hr Ontario government IppcIra FIRST SHOW the have been raring one thing to doing exact oppoilla behind their barbs For the part aererai yeah be added both the minlllrr and deputy mlnlalcrx oi hillbilly have repeatedly expressed their determination to improve public transportation In iha area In deed they have blamed Ottawa lor the deterioration oi rail rerv Ihelr op oallton to the Co North irial prolert alter all the alato mebll they have made abowa one ol two thinga lillher they didnt know rhrt they were trik ta meat knew what it wI talking about but would not act upon It Take our choice alupldity rr hypocr yt Either way the ordinary citi pi rrna auiirra TLAN ATPTIDIEII DAXTlill lblaili iaaa roun rli ha ivan ll approval to town oi lialonI plan to inrlalt roll curbs and er ch brain on the earl ride at boynr Itreel when the raid it re ntlaled ll outiinid by the town road an en lo lntcndcnl Stan Trmporaw TONIGHT AT EM acrootomvaumromtonnownt DAVlD LEANS Flmlumwu women or aoaoeuv awaroa OTOR Zli Vt Wtiiitltliit IIIIWOA Tonight Show pna arid lilo pan null it DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT to by track tudgca alter par tivI urine teat thawed lrIceI oi cailciaI in the trailer Eli liarcr winner at tha third racI Jan to Weiiwood la appealing thI penalty and bar eartng with the Ontario itacing Commilalou Ihuraday The hammer are concerned that Veiiwood It the victim at circumatIhce rince the ludgra raid they did not aurpcct the potltivI test or kill DIrea war the remit at any mum at hand Cailalaa bu not been avail Ibie in inloolablc lorm ior rav Iral yrarr but could really get lain horaea Iyatem by are dent ll he ate chocolIle or entire wII apiiicd or hit hay Le Ehrlick preaident the horramena Iaroclalion told the meeting lllova Iat blck too long IhI time now here to have ruler tn rateruard our righla Tna rcaron were ukin Ior prerace telling to try an eliminate there Ihingx don think bill Wellwood or any other going to five barre omething Ilka cal cine Fluted Ior to day Ind lined Irv Dullmillet MIRAMAR ADVENTURE Variety pl chime lruriu vxrnt ourutwicr llbbllll Itnlu1ue iratrirllb Niliihliiiiil alarms lAleII lbw SPECIAL CHILDRENS MATINEES SAT li30 PM SUN PM All Soot 50o iiiliitEiiiiilE liliiiEliSEli ADVENTURES iiiii ilil Ilium EMIIlOIl 31M lQJP JD iiiiihiiii HELD OVER 3rd WEEil luwriu na tannin IW Mancunian tiliiilidiillli innle NOW PLAYING 1PM it Drill PM hiiitlliltiilllilliiil nilillllbliiliill mu Sean aliii ill tilliill Diamonds PNQI varanclea tee the entire Essa Tax Requ Given Attention tsulit LuI roam ne clerk Erin ell bu been Idrlacd that ha Tr ell toe reopenlay am grant or bu in lieu oi IIaea ilom PliQ aeetlon at Bare harden la being given lilmllott Till counciL in motion roan ed by Oounciiihra lieu Whilealdr and blaurtca Iliiier acknowledg ed letter Irorn the lcdrrIi do meat at balance dealing with IIriiIr communication or cr grant not entering Irma meat on home which were term porartly mottled Iupsiementary Irll ngnI II to be ruIalId Ia Iona con Ilrmalloo is received rcapctllng tat him ier hla year IXRSSVB OT LIIIIIALE ELIIVALE lstalll Council lor Alex lIcAuin uIa iormer limvala ram lor at year and county warden In late Ilr Ito Auiay war iiral elected man it can Igo when he rurcc high Ritchie at head oi the vil lale council The Incumbent reItI cacti ncnrh now Iclve lng hr lourth year It council larder FLORAL EMILE The non emblem oi Nova Scollr II the mayiiowrr or trIlilng arbulua oi Weston wt everyone Sat FUTURE NEEDS Iucrgla pm II II mm by lria authorircd to write Bruce Deer NP liberal member the Peel Dullerin Sirocco ridtnr Iaaialaore We are going to coed more recreational part ion the INI Iroaal peoola Ibo are certain to be coming la thia am told Councillor Lambert rinsing the reed tor action Slihuing lemp hurling land IIo Ihouid be riren aludy iron the but at future mutational poutbllitlrt Ihl Ml rur really being given attention by the Ontario dcpIrtmeni oi land and twin est auiey II HYMN SING Special Guests NAYLOR FAMILY th musical Instruments and my Favorite hymns ol all denomination sung by loyal True blue Roll Feb 12 at pm COME EARLY FREE ADMISSION In r97r Toyota bccamc Canadar top telling Imnll car Getting there vnent only We dircovcred that book in r965 when we brought our tint Toyotaa to Canada We aimed learning what Canadian wantcd in mall car Since then the Toyota Itory baa been one of conriatent improvcmcnt and ruccccr Take look back over the ycarr till From the Coroliac lo aw Crownr Coionnr and Li Ml Carria rat the newest Ccllcas livery Toyota now liar better lookr more horrepowcr and more crime that are alandnrd equipment We dont bciievc that rtnying the came for twenty ycura ll avirtuc And we dont bclicvc in adding the Iupcrtluoua jurt for the lake of change i961 CoraII Prrmtsaioa Ia granted lba AGuiryrlrrh It1 In you 97 Cum DIIInIIre lmalmenr Irllilcalaa Imaanabirtntcrortmbelna hiunldplla benlurelnrulanthertlhtntu lobatpayableaemiannoailyorlaitto Imuhta IIIIa OIIIIM WIND ruled rm linking Bird In Inna outn troll mraoca the municipal savings loan mtporalion whlbmhmh bniIISSTI CANADA WWW OObNMTiON Toyota now have and thing at front dlrc brakes Overhead cam cnginca The only atandard crorr Row engine in the indultry Unit body conrlruction Rear window deirottcn and long litt of other improvc mm and icaturer which are urually extra curt extras on other can of courac improving 0o our Cltll irnt all we lcnrnerlWevc vLl kept our dealer network and parts and rervicc organization growing at the ram pace at our tales Con Iialcnt improvement conrtnnt development ltr the kind of thinking which baa made in what we are in Canada today Firit I97 CIIItI if We make the extra ordinary

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