Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1972, p. 3

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Wtiilnniaiiis iiiedicai Centre BePart OlCommerciaiCompiex ve dev Dila it undeniable tor it to enter mil tbolcaalrtghutioul mmmitioernooauoatdd Mlhaddorllmrl mhtiityiar attitudinal bohtttitiheouhmi commercial Theproepectlra developers pranks have requested additional Iitm to eouidermthe proposal eeting are rlaed the prolpertive detrioperl ratigeatiattha demarxilldi each that the line oi the lmntiiclimmertillrampicx achrrat to rnatt from businusea la the area Mild Sunny Weather Torecast Tor Barrie Winter Carnival Hilder weather and mainly near it above liigh Saturday may ables are tnrooaat tor the tent to Kampenieil Day part at toator OXDTIDC neataganti Today rowI till InnuIi Barrie ilin nvyuent cloudy periods with oc ler Carnivtl oaal light arrow to lea loc Tba weather oiilee in calling tithes lilnde northerly It in ii tor ralurre Saturday lobe Saturday rloudy windy and in the ow the in overnight mild Vaindr westerly to 30 between 10 and 01 dtgrrea iiith today 1010 ionirht Toronto Sunny with cloud to to it ltlgh Saturdayth is tndIyIndSIturdIy liontml Ind Ottawa Sunny der blindly with Iouthtrly today iIturdIy lair and roll iiilit today to 25 the tool ht unir wtnda is to more today at Low tonight to nth Saturday mo in thorn lllrh Sat rush Law lilgh IT Windsor tendon Hamilton iala St Clair Lata Erie Late Today Tonight Sat liarm Niagara Lake Onitria Windsor ii southern Georgian lily llIii Strait it St Thomas 15 button Sunny with cloudy period to lerated 15 day and ttIturdty icvllur Kitchener it at ries our the Great Later to Mom Met IS to day Mlider Saturday with south wmmm arty winda it in 00 High today owe sound It to 13 Log tonight 10 to mm Dig Saturd S0 to SI Human all 51 tile North Bay mm MimiM mm Toronto mm Tow rudely runny mm ampt Inowll It in tau loo mum Iltioa WiadI toulherly ii Stt Muwm urday treouent cloudy periods mm and nlid winds Iouthweat no NW to 00 1010 today 20 to Is that am tonight is to to liigh Saturday my 00 to TS White River Todayiregurnt Ml sunburn uuuzssrxasuuuuu runnern Township Polka Commission Thursday night honlcdlmr tawruhipcitirenl Five Awards Of Honor Presented turprtta recipient at not at tendered in his tiara int July and that one tidI at it Its de lonlatil Thunthip Polch Cilr mission predenled award at hair or last nitht to lira township eiiirens who had rope out at their any to BSiSl the polio ta Ip rehending criminals and mist people in distress DEATHS By Tiii CANADIAN PRESS IneoarrnJ Aiira illrria ll proicasnr rmrrilu oi themlt lstry at the Univeniiy oi British Columbia Irvd the recipient oi worldwide minim lor his dlr rovery oi element ii DariaDr Jean lenrgre tl auridrcaounrd irencb heart rpeciIlirl at heart attack Dohllahlay trtlg at one oi the grett actresses oi the iamrd Abbey TbeIlro who playrd lira Tapered to Sean OCueyt June and the Ptycoct tor wh ch he won vridI minim on tlr tcpnrtte ldtlrt bloatowhiarshti Nikolai lirylov as toidirr vho tou ht in the krmmunlat revoiut and rose to command lluatlaI nuclear missile torcer tuiro ho aorrd at litro ol the Soviet Unloa alter hrtel illness for their cooperation with pet lee durlat the you Ititttt urn ltd Tinrnaaeiii Allan the nude was Reeve George Burton the reacth three men who were tlrtndrd overnight on Late Slum dtuinr one at last Iinlert alarms TbI three other Itciplrnla were lea llomanrili oi teiroy John Campbell at PIirtstrch and hit and Airs ilIil ol till iciruy Judgelt iCIr tar presented the oertiiicales which were signed by all innit lii councillon itreve George Tlurtan Judge Caner Ind Wil item it Drown chirl at pp Mr lintnaneiii Ieoelvtd the erd tor tippior olt police that natural colitng near his home had been broken into Illa Iidll nest in nolllyiug the police led to the Inert and conviction at live prrtonr and the rccotcry at tiolcn cIr last Nov It With help turn his grandson Allan Acheson hlr ilumaarlll cloned the live Hoopla Iume dia tInco beiore 00 ca arrived and made the arrest NUNTERFEiT John Campbell proprietor at variety store in TIirtsrvirh was cited or apoliing cuuntrr tell American 010 hill ahirh was Acheson Judie ll Carter Putin thicl William Brown Air anti tiny 101 ileeva At the time he advised the period that it was couairrlrit and related to Irrrpt it liI became auspicioua when the person Tell the store got into car with In other person and drora oil with out any iurther diaruaaion with tile store owner ll Campbell took note at the licence number at the hicie ill color description oi the men and natilicd the police The men were ttopprd thort distance at muted and rhargcd tvlth possession at corm leririt money hlr Cambelit actions were directly rcaporulbit tor the too victim at the two Turn and Judge Carter romrneodrd hiru lor his warrant and observation lud Carter coiled and liilil contribution In good Samaritaniun last June the mole werI re turning borne late at right other they passed vehicle parted on the tide ol the road on Side Nod 20 hit iilii raid that pieces oi the ctr vrrt Ilrcun 0ler the road and closer examination at tho car revealed that it had lust been involved in terlout accident cloudy periodI with Inouilurrlea and local taovtgualis ncIr hie Supertor Winds wrtltrrly it to it Salurdly shortly cloudy an mild thda wrtlrrtyn to blur today 20 in ii vr tonight itapua asing IriI Chapletu Whit ttlver Geraldtbn WORN DEE=3 lie org pleased to rouninconn ax tor you in III the deiIllcd tar requirement my buslaeta tiled my ltnrordr mutt be tept unlit written perntlarlna to destroy them it received from the Tax ation De Irtuteni Thlt would in volve ting to the Diliritt lIx alien omen ruling what records or with to destroy the yeIrI volvad and your reach ior within to destroy theta why cant the income tax elith in my city 1111 out my tax lelllltT The art aaseaatnrnt ryt tern Inquirer that each fervor later the responsibility or re in his laconic torn Iii idurcat with available perton net and limited rptce it would be ttnpouiblo to the IlIli in the district alllcta to prepare to turnt try wile has tmaii income in tha arm at dividend treat Canadian tIthlI corporation At her income it lets thtn 01 100 the door not tilt to income tax return liar claim the 20 per cent tax credit on the rticuiatloh You Idd the dilier eoce between 0950 and tonI net income in the Italian it marked tor tduairncntr and city that tonl id come your Piliieiti llInoictty Ross in your over and thou the trio Illoutace Then on the trout oi the tax term in the are lion marked you Ittinenlcr this route rum in adjustment annauntcihut It PETER WEST lilting it 11001 areorioird ieiiit ournrt or rrsislcrod rrprcsmiotire Corttpnny Limited 20 Owen Street IT 01 money NOW get 23 off theregular mount o1 dividends rrty wile to reivrdi it you bou ht the three tor your wile to are reporting the dlvtdende as your Income you Ira entitled to clIlnt the to per cent dividend in credit it your vile bought the there iron her own earnings or they were inherited by her you will not have to report the dvidend aa your income and will not be allowed the tax credit hiy l0ll is univertiiy tin dent Iad his income last year titer he had dedurtrd hit tuliiou tees came to tide underttand that apply what is rIlied the Notch Prnvltlon by adding the dllierenct between his net in come and 0050 to my income tax return Do Idd this rurn oi money on the detailed lax calculationt Yet it would be necessary $1000 COLD CASH WiniIr Carnlvti Draw Tlaketa IvtllIble It the Carnival TII and trom Itrria MIrehIntI rate every night on DialDirect Long Distance caiiswithin Ontario and ThaLate Nighll ratemakes dlaldlrect Lo Distance cells betweenitzoo pm and 000 am allowcost way of keepinglnlouchbocause you 99123 oil the regulorraie It the regular rate is $150 vou play only 50cents lowcostcailing alinightfromllpm wilhtheLate NighiRate afterll pm Thu new Late Night ilIIa applies to calla within Bell IImtery to Ontario Quebec Labrador and NWT dlIidlrntl ttrvrce not IvarlthlI ohm you ilil or in communtiyyouIII cIIlIoolhIe tlotwvllplate your lot IilltI ume dialdirect ratel Beilonado mow143 Assault Charge Dismissed Started In Parking Lot An astral chum laid what ey tit tlr itinJ lo the lace ituo Allan Curly at Mr limit testied LhtLde by Albert norm poLtely Iatrd Ii newly to not his as part rdthaler alone K101 Cea incident mutant reamed Lb hid to which Carputi Conway Iiirk idiom Merritt 02wa testied that INTI Impaired Drilling in mine later made on Martin lindxilt It esth Lowell III lined li00 in Provtn in rial Cart no noraday rhea he pleaded guilty to charge at tau 0min palrod Air liodrttl was rharlrd art to tpral to hit item that hir Nov 11 liter he had been in umupuhcdhlmmdthlthad volted in an Icrldeot in Anetta prorated the Inuit chom torroam heabewaa Ailroortaom gthapdrithliot sttcrtcurtr SIt Fab lltit BarriI Arena +0LYMPIC MEDALIST DON lACKSON SPARKLING NEW FIGURE SKATING ROUTINE GIRLS GYMNASTICS DISPLAY RAMESES PRECISION PATROL COLOR GUARD AND BAND TNE DIAMONDS FUNTASTIC SKATING COMEDY LEGION MINOR HOCKEY PM PLUS OTHER SKATING STARS ACTIVITIES GeoIgI Burton llr and dirt John Campbell lilsamin er Photnr rnolhhed lie and hir wiia taund one boy in the bark Irat tullrring item In inttrrd bark and two othtrt lying in the ditch Ono oi the boys in the ditch wu ptrtlaily tuhmergrd in water and the netr Judge Ctr lrr raid thIt their actions were mm ll Ml oar roun TICKETS new row THE ncsr lilng rtcr also presented ARENA SHOW the surprise award to the Icere BARRIE Thursday iOlh a0o pat legion Carnival llionatrr hinge New legion llIii St Vincent SL 00 01300 in pritea 100 pan Darrin Collegiate Bard Carnival Tinned Cerirai Collegiate Auditerhun Friday iith one pm Tron Queen is Optimist Club aw Collegiate Advance Ticket 0200 It the door 0250 each 030 pm CIrItivIl Ball Rotary Club Barrie Armoury lioh liualert sand llrircehtrrenta and min Bullet Carnival Dress Saturday and Sunday Mornings 000 am to 1100 in Start your day vlth Carnival Dreotlast at the Army lieiI Sigma Phi 0100 tontlntms lrom Inn lorldt Champiouahip Etuombaii tatnpotrtiona 11 trtrm Rinsetla School Winona Emmillil School consortium 1000 IntRegister on ice Total Prizes 015000 1000 InthioloruycloeRuhbtr to ice and ttuddrd Ilrr rare Cami 01 1100 tan0n the icelonnoat Bravery Smwntohile TLIcrs 0501 close llrxiilltd Ind tiock events Ladies Errata tt00 potParade and oiiilcni Ceremony Boylicid Int taulop Sit It 100 pm 1100 noonlire tiardmDeianey BIdgAt the Dina 100 pmSococr 0n icIitolessionti TNTTI 200 pmDog Team Racesii rnliI couraem iNtm 100 pmSity DivingDill Coin and Li Thundrrbirtir Around Town lte Sculpture Judging Danie Schools Saturday Night his to naeArm SAoWSduirt iiotleynhirbonaidt Restaurantlily AT 130 nanitcyuiar Arrnn SltonhirDonhidI llrslturard llwy TiFigure skating Band hlualo and Gym Club Demonstratiqu Carnival Queen Clown and Contrdy ltouttnet Headliner Don Jactaon 0175 Adults 0100 Childrna 000 pmBevarian Garden Party Itrrmury iterator hand and luncheon M00 gab hclrrta Ind lnionnation at Carnitai Trailer on Duniop at Memorial uare 000 patBavarian JamboreeContinental innDance and Ballet Sunday i3th hlost oi the Events shown tor Daytime Saturday are repeated on Sunday except at marlrd phat the lollovtng 1100 Irn4murnobiie Novice item or trophies 1100 IntMotorcycle llIch Studded and retinal event Awarda and trophies presented llzbtIiiii Orin Sky Diving 100 pro Wrechlirn item Stock Car item are pinSty Diving 0111 Colt 000 COLD llAitD casn Draw TichiI available It the Carnival haiirr Ind Carnival ttrpr In the ire Soutrain oi Tiarrie lTinlrr CIrolval IrI IiniabiI It the Trailer and ninth litrriI merchants COME 10 Till CARNWAL lta New ltI Dttiorent itI Exciting intermatlon Tiritatt at Carnival Trailer

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