Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1972, p. 15

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be as days SIII Itu tolrl est Mt sun In tha rt altar mor OI Whil ts Er It tsr The tight want all Isle at genu will tools as rat In drill as ret OII 32 IIEIIns Ton ruse TIME Onlva ssrundahstl told Chrlsilae Chlotllo oi hitdr erd let old loud shriek at surprise at hearing tor the first tints Christine had liv FSIMCOE COUNT NEWS 0F ay Inns It rr CAMPBELL DUO VISIT Itrs Ana Le DDGII oi Dis triet psi hrr uiilrlnl visit io lanlsid Chapter No In ES and along with many do itars and members was given hearty welrumob Wll Ilrl lssbelle Webb WP Fraser ECcmpbell Hrs My complimen led the oliieera on their work and lril an Interesting message on one It the heroines oi the Order llirv llarlon Tutti mveaer oi Erick and visiting had lrh list ol those who are lit and had en rerrrembercd also rd and lmweddiag anniversary lira IGraro Drowning banquet con tentt have report oi dinner served to WI members and mcntlonrd others to be run vened later Ilrs Janet Madden rtsral Wntcllll announecd andraising protect with an al chop lablmlolh and other prim donslrd Yliliurs were pment irom Colllagwood Cre smors Elsyher Shelburae Allltton Cookstvwa Belle llatcn barrio ond Yak Chapter Toronto Nrs Itsr Lowery and eommll tea rerv delirious reireshments and social hour was spent over the ten cups RETIREMENT Tlte road department at Innis Ill township along with some aeounell members and their wives met at Knock Communll Hall to honor Chris Strenhol who altar 23 ms at istlbiul Irrlrco has rel Ni Road Super intendent John Cuwarl spoke OI Iir Slecnhoits good publie re lations with takpnyurs Ibtl lnith iulhess to duty Harry Sqtdhb on behsll oi the road deoartr menl presented Chris with welltilted wallet in espretslhl his thanks Hr Sieenholt remissi sud about his experiences and the many changes In roads and machinery he has seen to the It years No are sure we express tho wishes ol launlsill talk that to retiremcnt Mr Steehholt has health and an opportunity to en on some travel CHURCH ANNUAL The annual meeting oi Stroud Ptcsbyierihh Church members was held Sunday evening at the horns ot tit and Mrs Campbell Rev PattsIaa opened the meeting with prayer and acted as chairman Sails Ian Iory reports were rerelvod irons all departments Andrew Cowsn took over trensvrera duties ior tlt Campbell who had serv td to years Hrs IirEaehrm is new recording secretary ltoard oi hianaaers are Hurray Amos and Iielvlllo AyrrsiNelson Wal son and William Wallace had set allocation was accepted and same activities tor mt dumb Following the riots oi the meet ina social hour was enjoyed IYJILS MEETING Mrs John Cowan president ol the Presbyterian WA web corned 11 members who despite inclement weather gathered at homo ni Ilrs Campbell or the February mettin Iirs Illnrman Hayes conduct the lirvoilnnnl parlorl and Mrs lland read splendid paper on Faith and love tho theme at the nicotine Easter thshkoller trip will or held lttesday April ill pm In the churrh with It ioeas ot Stnynor or speak orld DAV oi lroycr ls Fri Iarrh 10 III the Presbytet lurch with all local contra rations participating and Hrs ltrtltavon as speaker Mrs can inmpholt and Airs III IV llllIIIR Alll JOY Ie hopt it you have built Iced ed in world oi silence until the was taken to the times than School In Raxbury tor what tamed out to be the ex perlenu oi her young lite STROUD lag the birdr you have been re varied with many detiy guests At our home Ietderws bate iour pairs oi cardinals Juakos msa Embeds donor hairyde Iiiedwoodpsekersuuey lays and many chiesdees also some tulstiu oi sparrows who are toy to watch These cold winter days Ii you have pro tected spot why not hang out some auet and scatter some seeds You will be well repsld by ieothered iriends IVY say has JENNETI llr and tin lloyls Campbell and Air and Rita Robert Kerr lsit by car on Thursday ior trip to Florida him Kerrs mother and lather are keeping house and Bill is at tho miiL large crowd attended the tie monstratinn party at the home ot lira lltli Shswetl on lrsdnes day night Proceeds will be used to buy curtains tor the bait basement Ilrs George Davis attended Conservative meeting It On sngevlilc on Wednesday altar noon HOCKEY Ivy Juveniles playod Cooko town at Boston this week Score lar Ivy WALD IEETINO The Presbyterlca Womens Iittsloasry Society met at the horns oi llrs torus Csrruthers on lussdar Feb Ilrs llsrold Gibson pm in sham oi the de ration and Airs Cleve Patton had arranged the program Plans were made ior World Day at Prayer to be held in the Pros byterian Church on Friday itsreh IirI ll Gibson Key Woman this year The has less assisted by the committee served delirious lunch and the usual social time was spent over the ten cups lira it Arnold relunaod horas Sunday Feb liter spending week with lrleads In Itlrrir Itaay thaahs to lleary Davis ior blowing out the village drive my on Saturday Mr and lira Lyell IieLean were dinner guests at strs Allen sod Ellwood Miller Utopia on Ssturdt night and were with lllr as Mrs Howard Coohrsnt Barrie Sunday night Air and Ilrs Jack Hiruns and daughter Scarborough visited Ills Irene lllrons an the week Ilirl John linmnioad returned horns Intro Royal Victoria ltos pllsl Feb alter being there since betore Christmas lisr many iriends wish her speedy recovery ltrs Elwood Jennett Is routin ed to the horns with shingles Tho Ilelsesn sisters spent Sun day with their grandparents lit and Airs Bert Iieirenn iterate lllr and Airs John Watson spent Sunday with Mr and tits James tIeDsrmolt Ills Marlon tieVahel tell on Saturday by ear with Mr and lies Keith DICVIMI llsrrle III months holiday In Piorhta WilSllGll BEACH liy HELEN OILLIER Fr William Senator and his parishoacrs who attend the Sat urday earning mass at St Noel Otnbanrt Church appreciate the tourlesy oi the works depart hearing her our Tales The school has laatttaled program especially ior talents who rui ier bearinglou tAP Photh NEWS Ier As there are close in too per sons at each Saturday mass parting is well used Sympathy ls extended to our road superintendent in the to seat loss at hLI mother Bruce bloGIw so in town its test days last week to consul with th eontraelor on the pro areas at the new home in la building lllr and lrs Art liulehisaa Ire heme treat their trip to Arts iralaiull oi enthusiasm lor the sunshine the traits and the iriends they met down under lllrInd itirs Harry Iepplat Ind lira Freda Lewis bavn re tained irorn months vacation in the mill While It was nice to be home tantra they could have done without the storm which arrived aaoa altar they We extend sympathy is listed Dickson on the rereat loss other husband Ssm ANGUS DylllRS III DUCKWORTR Sympathy goes to Mr and bin George Phillips loudly and relatives In the passing ol NH Pbllllpa lather Harry Gardner oi Duhnvlllo tilt and Airs Pbtle lips and John tell an luesday allerrtoon tor Dunnvllls to attend the iunerol also to hits Prank lilggiasan and iamlty in the death oi loving husband iothor Ind grandiother Prank lilggla whoa no lln Dorrie how our Reta Neodligb sham st is visiting her son sad daugh leplIalsw Hr and It Albert hirihtlllgb Shelburae Altar and lira Frank Stymlesta North Bay spenttho weelen with htr and lira Ron Sensor and the iormer was spoahr Sun day rmrnus on the variant charge Mr and Airs Robert birthri lisb sad isrnlly tendon visited lhs iorntera mother Hrs It hisOIlllgh reeently Mr and Mrs Robert Guile Pollawaws spent the weekend of Feb with lhs tatters grand parents llr and hire it Sleeper curtla Sh Shun as band Probably not yet it youve Just moved in Perhaps your Weir some Wagon hostess can help to ease the confusion Call her today liliii ltiiitRitlu lhoaa 71M 01 LEFIIOY nystassoazso Mr and blast Roam Kelly ltd toe Girls have rrturotd borne aher tvoweeh van has to Tampa Florida tin time Netty remained the MIR lodlu bridge club Feb Prises rent to Itrs Rein Allan and tire toes Rur LEG BROKEN 5wa to mart that llarahi Stephens Is patient in Outer soa Memorial Hospihi Harald bad In leg brains in via ohm in but aeeldeat caused by snowmobile eruhiog him gainst house tin Eagle Perrier la pa tieai In Royal Inth Hospital having bad slam Congratulations or Air and Mrs Brad PM no the birth at son David Bradley on Satan day Feb David Is brother tor Stephanie and Judas and tbs ilith grandchild the Air led him Gm up on Tour To All no in the United unto while tlrs ltarnld She rd is taking so cation In dn Glad to report that Harvey King ts Improving rdeely Air and tin William Stuart and daughters and Mn belles Smart Guelph at the week end Illh big It Roland Onmcr Sr bin llo Watts is home alter months visit in St Petenbtrrg Flortds TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mutt Ono Slao Pantyhose tools strateh nylon tns Sd 95450 lbs pinperoeigunnsniee taupe super Buy JOY AngoraroILam bswooi Long Raplan sleeves are Orange Elbwn Whit ttnvy Stratus Model 202 ment The snarvpiuwlng has made parking great deal sai vroRLa unites State Joins Gull Union ABU BilAttI titeutert lte lrurlsi state ni Itas at numb uid the Gull Ler oi Arab emirates lbvssday seem the seventh member oi the led eralln termed sitar Britain wahd miranatbamalnlie ashes IPIL PLANNER hi2 FILE GUASAYE Iieatcu tAPI wealthy Iieairaa raneher ltd snapped reel ago was ireed thunder in urban tor mono ransom er daughter said Guilebaido Liana Itera dta was exhausted aral had stomach trouble but Ipparrntly had sluimd no other Iahsries 3L1 IUTJZD OUT CAsiPLYA GRANDE limit tlteutert The city uuneii turned down suggestion by one at its members Thursday to nuts Jesus Grist an hooonry eltiree The council Member propued the motion on the around at bs terriers reo dered to the people at the rity In northeast Bule ll CAMELS DID IT PRAGUE lReuterl Alma goliact telentists hare pinpointed cameis milk the reason no mats in the Gobi desert never aulirr lrem aserrds Prague newspaperrepord Womans Cardigans Torcan GulkFry Coeltor Fully nutomsuo Noo wall estrod etement Long hanv died trying basket heal rHIIlIrIl plats revI STORE HOURS Marnie Frl l0amlo 10pm Sat 730 tam to ID pun LNTERRICIAL BANDS 0K ATLANTA GI AP indent Mn LII mod that Georgias laws egalut artery srsttes mursgu are mound tsiiosal U5 Dutrtet that Judge Albert Undersea nr desed the state not is ean the has and to see dumbi naisn against raeislIyrruaed twplea ab east to get mar sled BUSH FTLDLVT LILLY uuh tReutect Polls um water random and trsr gas in hreaa up drertenstratitn by stud so studeets la streets FOOD Womans Stretch loco Blouses Oolourlui IOOI Nylon blouses long and short sleeves Piaauat trout or scoop neck Sltu All nylon tllttttl coloured rrlels with itlnpad ands Silo lFth So handy buy tor ail your sunspot Trove Alarm Clocks ina Smart Style with loathontike Cosos out be raupht napping tromondous value with silver calendar gold and mod coloured Buy tor youtsrti or tor gills super buyl 33 Too Towels Eslrn tarps sits 2t so in gay mull oeiouradsltipostonp wearing and absor bard cotton mm mums nmhr mum as use mandthoreatralllaukldlyl pummel mm IiutL lbarsisy us I54 PIN restate Ia rsleasira at Romal tlil rsItisL the arrests were susny antral licensing the reinstate oi roile es erprisd by Lu awn LT uea oi San Harco Lnztersaty my pmg Esp gag pinion duh4 rartet Irotri WISH LN DRY HELL mm rpm mm rtqu IRratrrt may Ilgroruai let which lshorattxl the world Inrncu Matias In lhursday billing as Limit so the eras ti Rome rt dry edit Samehing not wrong Ihsrutsy night and Idl besrl the shale thing not up IIOseLt aster ter the test titan Imulute spotrsmaa said TOTAL CANADIAN IEGION BRANCH WEEKLY DANCE FOR MEMBERS AND GUESTS TONIGHT 900 PM TO l00 AM AT THE NEW AUDITORIUIII LIVEORCHESTRA PRICE $300 PER COUPLE AND REFRESHMENIS AVAILABLE Wabosso Marvel Pross Nelson Willie Sheets and Pillow Cases woturanium mommaI mules gums assset aresrt ail 339 299 I49 my eramus ansInna Easy em all omit rw Stock urns Up HOW SIVO up Braided Scatter Mats lo 3th 2t Floor Cushions Largo ducarsilvl loam IIIIIO rushlans Ilordt drapery pattern savers and sewn Cotton Hall Aprons Usoial little aprons with sail to handy poeket Various eoloura and prints out at ORR soled itsle out even heattnp without salatv pyessuto eontrol Corning Wuro Poteololor cup liltl An ideal Vattn lirloa Day pdt ll Tremen dous ssvrrlos Comes oom pleln in put boa zoos eontros beauttlul buy Twin Coblnol Spoeo Saver Avocado or while DJIth onsmot lltlttit Chrome sprmp poles to shell Stool Mesh Ironing Board Four legs at seem loss tubingh adjustable to 36 his Avorade Ironing Pad and Cover Sol Unipsd ansltuetion some blues lotion eosled eover insuialltlg use and cushion loto one contour lillllO null 99 non 266 the right to limit aulnlillu Sate prices In eitocl one day only Saturday Fob ta HAROIX All PARKING TIMI PAYMENT iAVAWAi IAIY IONUS CHIOIIES CAIKlDFOOD HY IAYiIEiD Rib HWYS It IAIRIE ONT Wt

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