or Lye eywnnun MunmqIunnrssu Dorris Eruption Not Than 10 on Copy isrm WEATHER NIL mostly sunny loudly WU winds In which to 10 mm lligh Saturday III For details see pm this EXAMINER TELEPHONE armsinn mm muted Anrsniilas mus rut other Deplnmll noasn old Yur No as DIHII Onllrl ChnIdI Friday i=qu 11 11 nee In NI or AUI he MN rxt lII Need littleld by Princess Chan or our ninth risers rennin Don and Joan daliord oI Judy who placed tlh in No tor Olympic Gaines here lo oronlo hiss their diugtler ineorsutnrnslthl Itlh wtn day AP Pholol BANGKOK icri Ons oi rt eIephlnI vu iod nun lhliisods sacred Ihlts sle phlnts threw tlnitoin on Its wly to lppelrbelon Queen when 1w when riltl It It all pdico ear and mished And the Queen denied the iviicgo oi tuning the me curse clot sits rotor letters It csloid dl Ier oi her hosts ng Bhunsl and Queen strltli Tho princess me piano to siisL hers and tallied slim It OUT 1W Queen now in the second dry ot stilt assured her hosts that hrltlins entry Into the Europeln Common itisrtet will not writers Ils ties with tho Soulhottt Asian tinrdoni STUDENT RILCOIII Ialllig almost the entire til riadly ceremony hack in Its oulrtsrs at sold spot IN esinln oi the IhlI household who polIlel porters the bust hl rsuldcd to return boots ltld been lephant Crushes Car Way To See Queen Mtnlmbsr student body sI Ihllilndl Chitlllon torn Uhi veriity turned out ly in wet some the Queen to the rumpus It took the Queen surly it ethnth lowstk through with at students tront her err in bid lunch iscuity oI ntllllndl min where she with truest university omits Earlier In the dry the Queen visited the Thai and Cross ob In with Olsen SirltitPriocl Philip visited Buddhist moors tery and their dsu bter Prim ress Anne Iuocbsd is th students lnd Ileuiiy It Ihlnstttssll Unit OTTAWA iCPi Executive oi the striking electrics techni cians union wortln around the cinch hld msplx only today to hrep lernl technicians work In in every Clnlditn airport bu Montreal Wsrs on winning streak In trepirx the men It wort sold hill Andree president ol the lotsroldonsl brdhcrhood oi Bloom Workers Iiirr It horses to strike beedoulrters here mostly ni in keeping desig nated ier nlrllns en ihl lob Deslpsltedworherrmro IDNDON AP It was cold homes cold inrsis lnd Clhdlpu light or Driionl lodsy or power stltlons across the country turnad oil the electricity ior up to algal hours dry Wt ortloowide cost links In It liilb west and hill lup plies lt power stations dwln dilng blackout by rotation bogus Ihortly stirr nudrilght Thursday The power wls rut Ior three or Iour boorrvio one srel then turns on sin so other distch At any UK 1Coal Strike Causes Blackouts who by lgrrement or lav All rll log on the lots to do estro tll wortlbrrllrned Thundly idght to tests tbrlr lob lt Rail in hiottcton NB Gender NM Toronto and hionlrral But only blontseli was out early todny mi tir Andreril slid union oiiicinls iroin errors the country were trlrph tiontml to urge that tho drslg natsd employees return to work The men It Glndnr went out midnight but were persuaded to work by no Three lrcholcllol IIIDIL reduce when and switch oil shoot one In 20 consumers Buchtsghsnt PIIIcI wls with out electricity tor three hours queen El tlboih Prince Ph tip and Princess Anne are In the Far East Scotland Yard was busy so littering questions about tatturl oi the tralth signals when its own ttrhts went out The Rouse oi lords wu blurted out II It debated the power crisiIfIhe lights IIhrniIosting Bi lien the Union Officials Try To Keep Airports Open log by It hlontresl to dent with emergency riiurtioos his An dreeii laid And drsIgnslrd technician It Toronto airport hld given the urcutltl ium undertaking to music It Work only until lolnI ir Andrccil lrld he hoped lonnuldt them to con tinue on lob and 1500 British troops rrtlns Thursday night rirnr told penle InsIde Its berrih elorl escaping SET FIRE to tour buildings rod shallot windows in the vicinity isth lire engine yrers oi bloody lending wort BELFAST IAPI Bomb blasts ureched Iuntilurl store ad alike In downtown Bri lsst lodly as the Irish Republi rIn Arrny rnsinlsioed its har assment oI Northrrn Ireland This Missed the tilting nI two British soldiers by tend Gunwielding ruerrCllr riruch titst ll the tumiture slorl lnd piloted griirnite rhrrgo liter xhoutlng in the stall to get in simIilr noun islrr three torn hunt into nearby it trance compnny others dumped tsrtln hlg on the oor lnd Anolttce sorter laid the men grlbbed buodIo oi bIoknoles No one It hurt to either Incl deni but the blasts set all tires rd IIONT JOLN Ll In the llrdony sepubltcln County Iondoodcrry topmrnd rellrnits bomb bsdly dsnrsgcd Ilro ltltlort rt Dunglvrn sod Tho lolenrlby the IRA In Its attempt to units Northern Ire land with Romsn Cathode Irish IIrpuinc lo the tooth has llkhh the lives st to persons In In Dublin Premier dark much me htprockthoiic shot on pm north In discuss the crisis and mm IM lIiI spending oi sis esLtrnlted IRON thI the Irish govern nicot Intends gluing tor toilet The cash also will be used loam percent and pntltnII triumphbe lsnird by the IRA blew up ntnh IImy teen our the bor dcr Thursday ht Two Iot dirrs were III mm rounded to Deitlst tight Wninesdly died In hntpitlL Booths aso exploded Thin day night in downtown Delillt rod In the centre or Armagh British troops ltimsished with bonds at youths In OuIIIsIlnd Rs essunllieslenrrpoeted The tirilislt cabinet Ill ro pnrtrd weighing proposal Int new prune tuliu between lcld ers oI Northern trrlinds Prot rstnnt msloriiy end the lionslss Clthotle rninoriw but the tltulsr leader ol the Protestants Uuirr Prime slin IsIrr Brian IliiILnrr toot hlrd lino toward the only thing ihst Inlpbi bring the Catholics to the tnblcroiaxnlion oI the Ltlernrneol without trill oi sus pend lliA guerrillas too CnIltoIIu and their repro srniutites In the Ulster paritr merit the Social Democrlis Ind Lnbor party hsvo vowed not to lerninenl Ls riihl Thl British cabinet Is reported In lrrec iblt internment rnust ontInuI IA torso but we think we no tinter with it bit by Iliowln the release or trill oi minor iticll nllendrrs one OIIICIAI London said hxitltner did not ntrto ricer rgm to sin to told silty 01 Li governing Unionist pletyt It will be utterly wrong to Isl tho Intrnsrnrnt Issue become politiesi bugsinlhug II IM gerous men In circumsllncel pnrticlpsll In any Inlh until In LawYei Says TORONTO lCPi Few III tin recipients to 0stqu ere getting her Iioanclli rides trout tits government the head oi government sppolotsd commit iro utd tedy lnwyer harry Swldrom st Toronto held ot the committee which studied employment op portunities or welIlro reclpl ents slid It pews cooirreneo to committee iound little evi dence ol persons being on wet lm beclusl they dont not to work Tho Iouroiso commIItII nude public mom report which eontstortl is common ostioos Ineludlng one urging the province to deveio so into mm why pan mm mm dcmm to any on the government next nln rirurluro tor more eliee no yy my my my liver mutter We Ind Io Icoeiub nirlpsltles Ithooi bolrds proprllie IrIIqu In emrioy Iieesuso tor tho lest tour or Crown corporation lid power merit wwriuuu Iivo yerrl what In hs netted utilities totalled Iurlher suits the report notes thlt siosis ls thin the them rd nlsirI million persons Ire going on weiisre rolls It bi her rate thus are heads at to lies Committee members Iouod tlilt is per cent oi genrrll ls ristsnco recipients were under too lgs oi and that terns gisnt DYstow lrlismrnt wrildul Ansstlnistod to per cent at BritIinI II million households use electricity Iur some or III oI tbrlr heltlnl hilny others do or Northern Irish WW most road shine presumth AccuSes Army TOIIOND lCIi Protesldly as prirciui except Ins where they nouldslniply ro Iurno terrorist activity CAPSULE new WIssimmmmm givro tluie lIilTthlI the count mmvtthnutpom hlsrtouts were the roost severe lines the Second World War tinny pools got so enrly ndon onllwhichlsunsvstla Irsts Thurs up when cold to Ovrroigbt temperatures soap Iorrsd power rtslions to were In the low the lit london Up To Enemy Ilixon Says WASHINGTON IAPI Pred dcnt Nixon has drown tho tins sgolnsl lurtitcr concessions to the North Vlotnsnicse untrl they oegctllls on his eirhtpoini poses proposal Iiso next stop It up to the cherry Nixon teid news con lcrenco Thursday Our pro pose Is on the table sod It Is going to stand there until we get reply Irom them At the some time tho pini dent lppenred to hit soincnhsl border at Democratic Whlts Itnuso bopeIuLs who spumod his slrticr plel Ior caution in their criticism oi his Vlelonm policy The responsibility tor the riv emys InIIin to orgollaio msy hire to its too by those who encourlgs ths roomy lo writ unlit alter tbs election Nixon Ship BtmsrIlground In IlntarcIIc ohm Norury llteuteriIhl Norwegian no no Uodbisd Explorer wids abort the Arncetchn lourhstl aboard went aground In the Antarctic Iodly Its when sold The passengers and tho crew oi so were being put Bison on smell isllnd they oidcd Sew Way Out For Prison Escape CLEVELAND Ohio IAPiNineleen inen raised their wry out oi the Wrnenutiio wortbouso Ind escaped tson oiticiils sold today Tho men out through bars in gymnss urn climbed onto tool dropped II test to the giound sod mndo witst authorities believe us the Inrgcst roost cops to the trsiitiittons history Lashes Out III Federal Govl VICIOIIIA tCPiInbor Minister lenses chsbot lubed out lt tho Iederoi goventrnent ior hiring Pierre VsIIicrcs described II one limo Is Iuder oi the Hunt do Operation du Quebec to work on winter works protect ln Ochcc To Continue Zoning Opposition TORONTO CPITho Centennial Community AuocIsiIonol subutbln Elobicoh hororris cowrd today to continue its opposb tion to toning obsogs that would permit controctors to build that townhouses Ind 771 apartment units within 3000 ieet oi so airport runwly Says Police Faced Personal Danger ronotrnt iCPiPoilreinen attempting merit II III antl Sovch rstty last October Itcrd personal danger until titer mounted police moved in to quell the mud on Intelligence oiticoe tenth lied Thursdny tell they would get me so got out sold Detective Donnld Brsdhury oi tho Metropolitan Toronto police tint member oi tho Northern iotno youngsters throwing Ireland Parliament accused the stories at the soidioruln every British Army Ihursdly oi pro tiay allow in Derry ho slid mutilated murder intheshoot ltio munhers lrrtvrsl It buriicndc onii Ilrttish troopl used git rubber bulich and writer curinnn to IIIle them Sle IIIIINII ORIGIN the marchers ltsd Itllrn back about too ynrds he slid when without warning the troops opsltrd Iire saw tiritbh parrtroopors on one Itnro shooting the eeing people In tho bscIr no my was taking pot shots Mr Cooper told he pulled shout Iii yaids lnd uw boy and trirl south or it runs ning bind in hind The boy was ls it has beceml known tout shot rind killed lndths iIlWDO piles knelt beside him was shot twice IIs described tho inlrcb titst but IIIIVIILtI False Estimates Presented By Smallwood Govt Crosbie tlon has presented Illll rstl units In the house ol essernbly knowing thst tho estimates presented would not rlrry the government through II months Ilr Crushio slid Newfound lands titst public debt Doe ll IWI Including gulnn leod loans wss 111 billion The direct debt oi tits prov toca Is sons edition hir Cros iiIs sold In speech to the Baird at Trade teens gulrsn teed by the government to mu tng deaths at propil to Don dondcrry ho to Iron Cooper the member or Derry South told no ludieoco at 1300 thnt claims by the Brllhh Arnty that they were shot at turn not true No shots wrro lirrd ll the British Arnt Ii wns cold cul cuinied mur rr oI innocent poo pie This wls premedilslcd murder They drcldrd to shoot Iew people In hope or ushing out the IRA IIII Cooper was In London deiry tho duy Bloody Sunday ST JOHNS Hill It p1 osnco Minister John hostile slid Thursday the lorroer Lib rrsl goycrnmcnt ol Joseph Smnllwood granted tliso ertimriies to legisltlorr and he pmnlsrd the new Frngm rivo Conservative government will tell the ilnrnetsl torts We will present you not isiso estimates the Irutesll Trudeau Plans To Replace III Candidates Spokesman Planes Pound Vietnam frontier SAIGON tAiilluoiireds oi United Stiles lnd South Vleb mitotic stretch oi the wootertt ltlghlsnds ln hthIeII intrts oi the Indochina wor Idornttnu llld harness planes have pounded Ironiier Item the demllitsrirod so some ol the IOIIIY or to the central its lowest ebb away mum vrmwtuorttrscsuw cause the report ilys lug tenerltlon oi youth LI pouring Into the inbortnsrlret It time when employment Is It II II usrceiy neecsssry to spectdlto whether lioness or work avoidincl It so Important OTTAWA lCPi the Tru duu government Is Ironing to repioee about to One LihcrII MRI with other csodidnlos to give the plrty new Image in the flbtllw belore the Indus elecioh expeelsd this year my spotermsn slid ihurl Ilo slid the MRI occupy to cure Liberll rests mostly to the Montreal lrea but ldd little or notblng to the Quebec preo once to Ottsz He sold tho Liberlis would tits to gel crndidllcs who would he min In the irderrl chorus and would eliertiveiy represent their ridings the lpotesmln slid the group ol undesireth hlPs would to tire by choice his ollered civil service lobs bo olinod lo the Seotle or be lorced out corn pleleiy Lucien Sdulnier Resigns Montreal City Executive lished and its time tor the post to be lined by so eieetrd out till The community council Ls scheduled to meet next Wednes day to choose successor The Gazette quotes unnamed sources ls shylttl iir Ssuinlsr will become president at Its on nler Quebec Inc rubsi up at ltierhltloosl Telephone lnd Telegraph IthI ON REPORT hIr SIuInlrr rriused to con IIrrn or deity the report lisyoruiier It currently build Ing tilt mIIIlun pulp mill at Port Chiller In the SrpIIlcs to too to convert wood pulp into rsyon top erecnt lump In the communl on his totl whoppingJ l1ootllli0 partly to meet on as toisrrotion costs his been the target oI conceded criticism Irom suburbln insy on The on budget wls ltd nstIIioit Petition Seeks Bounty Rsmoval TORONTO CPI Inm Ilughes peoerlt msnsger at tho Ontario IIumsns Society slid today the Ontario Well Lrlgup hosobtained 13000 times on petition lo lst tho provlnelll Interment to remove the III bounty on wolves The rest Is It lust some tunes Mr Hughes said woitrs lro on the endangered list In the United Slater and lie run In Europe neurosis ICPI Lucien hauinier tough ldmiolstrstor whose name has been synony mous with hiontrcsl cltlc pot tics lor more thsn decide to Ilgood Thursds Is chairmen oi the Montreal rbsn Community executive cornmllicc hir Ssuhtier it told newt rootrreoco he will he IlItIII position In privlts industry not wlnts to spend more limo with his Ilmlly oI six children For to years hisyrr Jean Drlprlul thtbsnd man is claimed ol the eilyl oxrcuiirs committee and tor the IIIIIO months overseer ol the edgling Itrntreli Urban Common IIr Ssuinler iirst entered Ilontr erls ottoo tumultuous clvlc entities to tilt It councillor with III Drspclus Cltlc Action League Ill told tits new rooierenes yIIIIIinco howsslp Ill to olI ourctr er Ileltmln Ilecyonirriunllll whlrhgrounsto including the Cllkgllseltllll NOINHIJIIIDG municipalities structures hero stlsb Boxcars Hurled By Explosion NORRISBURG Obi iCPI Sevcrsi CRII hottean were buried quarter at mils Into the bush Iodsyodwlien three pro prosirrseso rdthorlLvrIler socor dcrIlInreoI then were no Injuries It though CNII oItthlIs ll Ilrit Irorrd lent ol toxic rhiortno for rrilsht spring test No its visro reported Iho derxltrnrnt occurred It miles southwest ol Cornwall st litsm snd otIIrIsts still the that propane csr exploded six minutes later sending Illmel more than to test into the sin tIlbiIlItI then yrs to elthouaito slid Aice English who liirl six miles Irom tho tcrne Ihs rlrlit shoot eight miles away Party Roluses Election Demand IRISHi IAIi The Christian Drmecrltie party reluscd today to endorse the widespread do rnsnd Ior In early general cloc Iion lnd Insterd ultrd Giulio Aodreoitl to try again to term Itriyr tsrd ptNlWII govern intent The decision ol the dominant putty come at theirnd or stormy cighlhour meeting oi Its directors PM counters potions TESTIMONY It Onassis tor IIAIoiilloo eisimlng tbs Interiorsd with NI PW pretrial testimony ls do IeavesIlanhotisttirdrrllrouil Irndmt in photo rspherr Tnursdayulthtvrounidentllled civil llvitolt Phougrspber cmeuculep in men liter tho complelcd her Rootid hydride In such hits Jlrourline Onlstls